REVEALED: The Manali Plot of Colors' Ishq Mein Marjawan!

One more shocker for Aarohi in Ishq Mein Marjawan!

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Colors' Ishq Mein Marjawan is all set to reveal yet another of their plot turners in their upcoming episodes.

It is already out in the media that the main cast - Aalisha Panwar, Arjun Bijlani and Vineet Raina who plays Arohi/Tara, Deep and Lakshya respectively, have flown down to Manali to shoot a plot turner.

Well, that plot turner is...

Inspector Lakshya, whom Arohi had confided and trusted immensely, when she found out about Deep and his true intentions of marrying her, is actually Virat, Tara's brother.

Yes, you read that right. Just when you thought that out of all the scheming characters in Arohi's life, Inspector Lakshya was her true support, turns out that he had been conning Arohi right from the very start.

And now, with Roma (Suchita Trivedi) instructing Deep to get Virat from Manali, Arohi under the guise of Tara, will go with Deep to meet Virat and will uncover this truth. While she will obviously know that Tara has a brother named Virat, she would get the shock of her life on learning that Lakshya is infact, Virat.

But at the same time, Arohi will also be on the lookout for her missing Bhabhi and nephew Niku, whom she suspects Deep has kidnapped and kept them captive under Virat's watch.

Are you excited for the track ahead? Leave your comments below.

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Arjun Bijlani Thumbnail

Arjun Bijlani

Suchita Trivedi Thumbnail

Suchita Trivedi

Vineet Raina Thumbnail

Vineet Raina

Aalisha Panwar Thumbnail

Aalisha Panwar

Ishq Mein Marjawan poster

Ishq Mein Marjawan

Colors thumbnail


Comments (9)

manali track is exciting
Ishq Mein Marjawan rocks
Arjun bijlani and Alisha Panwar are doing awsume

6 years ago

Many fans have already speculated that! I'm expecting much more from the Manali Track! ;)
The storyline along with the strong lead characters and actors (Arjun and Aalisha are brilliant in their respective roles) are the main USP of this show!!

6 years ago

Really? That is no plot revelation. It is speculation that is most likely true and was made by many fans already.

Aalisha Panwar and Arjun Bijlani are doing a terrific job.

6 years ago

Aalisha Panwar is doing a great job as Tara and Arohi

6 years ago

definitely this is not happening for tara there is some other secret hidden which will be revealed later

6 years ago

This is just dumb. It's quite obvious the post leap story was not conceived of by the cvs from the beginning. Too many things don't add up - the behaviours and actions of the characters initially, and how now they are different people from what was shown. Like, did Roma, Deep and co REALLY put THAT much forethought into their plan to trap Arohi? All to protect a crazy woman?!
I wouldn't be surprised if the next show that Arohi's bhabhi is married to Virat and she was a part of the "plan" too!
The weakest part of this show, for me, is : what the hell is it about Tara that causes people to lose their intelligence?

6 years ago

Waiting to see Deep side of story in this track

6 years ago

Wll although we were having doubt but really this serial is completly full of shocks

6 years ago

Excited for manali track
Ishq Mein Marjawan rocks
Arjun bijlani and Alisha Panwar are doing awsume

6 years ago

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