Analysis - Rajeev N vikas Rock !!!!!

Daebak thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 16 years ago

Welcome to another mind-blowing episode of lrl…….👏

Highlights of the Day :😛

1)The cadets are waiting for rajveer in their class………..huda says rajveer sir already 10mins late hain.………geet gaata banjara, huda's favorite teacher enters…..and says rajveer is busy so im taking this class…….so its gonna be a music class…..he writes on the board……huda says to yudi, abey isse kitni baar batana padega ki hame gawaiyya nahi banna……hahahaha😆……huda u r too much……hehe😆

2)Abhi says I'll hum a song and u have to tell which raag it is ……he sings some song(man my memory is like really screwed up big time, I forgot that song….😳) hehe😆 ali grins like a tubelight……lolzzz really I kid u not……he was smiling insanely……like I do when I get chocolate truffle for desert …..hahaha…..plz ask harshad what he was imagining while smiling like that……..hehehehehe……….Ok pooja n ali gleefully start singing along n a few other voices, yeah voices coz their faces r never shown….lolzz I mean the crowd yaar….in 6 cadets ko chod ke baaki cadets to crowd hi hain na….hehe,…..!!!!😆

3)Huda n yudi look as if they have been sent on a world tour with tulsi n parvati🤢……..hehehe😆…….lol……they were looking soo bored……haha😆 ,…….huda says ….ye kitna pakata hai yaar……..hehehehe!!!Huda says to yudi ki our examz are like formula races…….you choose three coz only the first three winners of every round are given points…….oh plzz huda, yaar kam se kam examz ko to compare na kar formula race se…..hayeeeee😳………I wanted to be a formula one racer at one time…….lolzz I still would love to be one…….hehehe😆……just love the speed n unpredictablity of it all😳……..u know its insane…….u may crash yourself……..such a huge risk but still soo thrilling,that you may win too…..……but when examz come u know that u r soooo surely gonna have head-on-collison with them…….hahahaha😆…….it's a direct crash !!!! gag!!!! Dead!!!……😉😆

4)Ok abhi comes n interupts the conversation n says they are divided into 4 parts ……umm what???😕 I dunno if he was talking about the examz or the race……plzz explain !!!……nd then he says something which I am sooooo not interested in listening……..the last thing I want is to hear a sermon from someone who's himself being soo kiddish n silly…….u know earlier I thought he was boring but still, I thought wow….he actually practices what he preaches…..but now im like plain sick of it🤢……….im rather angry at him………..hey mr, U go around crying about being a loser n being jealous of your friendz and u advise other ppl…….woah !!! that's a first…….move it, u r no more qualified for rendering advice…..😡!!!……abhi says I think u have a gr8 general knowledge, which you are sooooo genourous to share n that too in a music class…….. nd you are sooo outstanding , then why not go out of the class n share your knowledge with the nature……….oh gosh ….nooooo😕…..i hope he doesnt start off on nature again,………plzz *hides under the bed cover*😕,……..huda stand up n says sure……sir………hahaha….that was a well meaning n deliberate pause and a "sir " which sounded so apologetic as if it took too much effort to come out,……..hahahaha😆……I love huda……I just love this guy😳……..i mean that's the way to walk out of a class man……….that inspite of the fact that a lecturer has vented out his anger on u…..u walk out in such a way that it enthuses respect , wonder n amazement………cooooooool !!!! he cool-ly walks away…….hahahahaha……..*one salute*😉…..i loved it !!!!…….yudi maskes a cute face n waves at him…..hehe choo cute…..hehe!!!😆

5)We see huda hanging upside down…….hehehe😆…..talking on the phone ………he sees 3 pars of legs approching him……..hahaha😆…..he says on the phone that I won the bet 10,000 ki bet I think………man !!! 10,000 or was it ek 1000…..umm im confused I didn't hear it properly……coz my bro choose that moment to break into a tribal dance to my utmost disgustl……..bah !! that idiot……oh forget him !!!😡…….the three ppl are pooja, ali n yudi…….yudi asks huda how he's feeling…….huda says amazing….im enjoying it……lol….he apparently is……yudi says to pooja, gimme 100 bucks , I won the bet……huda asks what?? Yudi says I said u wont shut up even after hanging upside down….and I was right…..pooja says I knew it was wrong bettiing on u…..huda says oye sorry punjaban, take 100 bucks from me , I won a hazaar rupees ki bet coz of u guys!! ……he had a bet on the phone that within 5 minutes these guys would come n they did……lol😆…….huda huda huda…….u rock man !!!! u rule……in your words bhains kid "main sadke jaawan"….hehe,……I hope that's what they say, all u jats out there don't beat me up if im wrong…..lolzz😆

6)Alekh comes n says yudi gimme 200 bucks coz I told u huda will do "saza me bhi maza"……hehe…..awesome one liner alekh……yudi says shit man….will I ever win a profitable bet……huda scream yudi….sorrry but "NOOOO"…..Hehehe….me agree with huda, I don't think yudi boy will ever win a profitable bet…..poor thing !! *sigh*….haha !!!😆

7)Naina comes with ali nd he says , I don't think this is right…….naina convinces him to go ahead with the plan……..ali is to write rajveer's name on the board…….aha our handwriting expert gets down to job……nd chupte chupate they right the entire name…..ohh raj such a long name yaar……cudnt u go in for something short……like….umm "Rumplestiltskin"😆,……err ok I think the u guys didn't like the name !!!!…….umm ok I was kidding !!!……but still I mean u can name an entire family with that name "Rajveer Singh Shekhawat" – Raj , Veer , Singh and Shekhawat….gosh that like two names n 2 surname…..lemme not even begin breaking up - Naina n abhi's names…….otherwise u'll never get the analysis !!!! coz I wont be able to finish it….hehe…!!!!

8)Raj sees ali writing the name…..he looks all angry n choo cute,……ever seen anyone look all angry n yet choo cute…..look at raj in this one…..hehe 😆!!!……he comes stomping……says he'll throw ali outta the academy if he does this again……hey don't start off at that poor guy… just beginning to draw out similarities between ali n me……like todays insane smile…..hehe 😆!! ….scold that nut cracker standing there😕…….poor ali , looks all scared as if he's being made to watch evil dead all alone in a theatre …….for all those who arent aware….evil dead is supposed to be the scariest movie ever……umm I refute that statement……..that movie is plain yucky , I tell u…..with multi-coloured liquid popping out instead of blood ….yuck !!!🤢

Raj rubs off his name from the board n leaves…….ugh……its useless doing anything for him…….so stubborn , very like me……….😳

9)Its about to be 4…..still raj hasn't put down his name…….the three musketeers arrive😆 n look at the board…….see rajveer's name missing , nod at each other n walk off……..making me wonder if they are robot's……two episodes into the show not one of them spoke….." two of them it seems are under ekta kapoor's contract , says the soap queen - ….if u talk to rajeev khandelwal ,or even talk in his show, I shall throw you out of my shows n ban u from balaji….but the one sole taklu….shortest of the lot……also doesn't talk…….khabru says he wants to impress ekta by not talking to rajeev" 😆😆

10)Pooja comes down n says that so sir didn't write his name….naina says no…….pooja says its coz of u…….naina says me….pooja says yeah whatever he doesn't or even doesn't do is coz of u…….pooja I'll tell u what , your signal catching antennae has broken , same problem that's caught my cell phone, u replace your battery n I'll buy a new phone (any suggestion which model I should go 4, plzz I need some suggestions A.S.A.P)……😉

11)Naina goes to meet rajveer…..he's playing dart……ughh……don't u get bored of it……..u can see the location n know that it's a set…….coz when u place a dart board on a wall….the whole wall has dart marks…….like mine has……….that dart wall of mine looks like I've been trying to climb the wall in my spare time, and as if I have claws, to make all those marks………!!! But his wall doesn't have any marks…… ……………….does his dart hit the board everytime. Is he soo good…… day I tell u, they will all be caught n beaten up when ppl will realize they are not as good n perfect as they look on screen !!!!😆

12)In the cafetaria, alekh comes n says its 4 …….huda says so…..4 to roz bajte hain…..ali says forget it, giving him a "u r useless "kind of look…..hee hee😆…..they say rajveer sir ne ab tak nam nahi likha…alekh says no, naina has gone to meet him , yudi says but what if those 3 reach there to check the board before sir writes his name……huda says kuch karna padega…….and looking really intelligent he stand up placing both his hands on the table……..all the others crowd around interested…….huda looks around, all thhe conviction vanishes n is replaced by confusion , he says " hey what are u ppl looking at…….what the plan????……hahahahaha!!!😆 I knew it……I suspected the moment he looked all intelligent……hahahahahaahahaha……gosh me n my dad were laughing soo much😆……..vikas rocked in this scene👏….the others really get disgusted n say , means u don't have one….huda says sari planning ka theka maine hi le rakha hai kya…….

By the way…….when they showed those 3 inspectors salute at the fire in front of kma , my dad very innocently asked me " hey who died"………hahahahahahaha!!!! It really looked that way, I mean those three had their caps in their hands , standing infront of the fire….hahaha!!!!😆

Ok huda says now there's only one way…….alekh says first remember, if your plan goes awry…..then along with us, even rajveer sir will be thrown out……..alekh darling , u fear for yourself, coz raj will be thrown out anywhich way…….lolzzzz….it's a loose loose situation for him…..write the name n loose a friend…only if u could call him a friend…..dosti my foot !!!! And if the cadets plan fail , still rajveer gets thrown out !!!…..aage kuan, peeche khai !!!😆😆

13)She says sorry so arrogantly……huh !!! looks like she's ordering not being apologetic……she beats huda in this too man…..even huda behaves better with abhi…….lolzz……..😆ok now she seems a bit apologetic, comes in and says…."I am sorry sir "😆……raj says oh shukr hai u started calling me sir…….." then naina says, I know we have had differences in the past n all but don't refrain from taking part in apraisal coz of me…..i did all for naveen bhaiya……raj turns around her throws something, which hits the mirror n smashes it……..more work for spot boys!!😕……raj blasts her off saying she doesn't deserve to be naveen's sister n all that jazz about naveen being a "parampara"….i hope after hearing all this , that ghost's aatma gets shanti n he stops that voice-over at every inappropriate time !!!😆😆 Raj says im not taking part coz I don't wanna loose another friend……then he says "but I'll do as u say if u promise me to be a good soldier"…….by the way he again repeated that dialogue abt proving naveen innocent even if he dies doing that…..why do they repeat their dialogues again and again…..that's like the 110th time he's saying that dialogue……arghh !!!! plz change the dialogue writer… this one A.S.A.P !!!




Performer of the Day👏


Vikas Mankatla 👏: He's rocking……Muaah!!! Loved him today……..too go0od…….supercool……..just wow!!!!! Fantastic performance…….. U can take a bow Mr. Mankatla, u truly surpassed all previous performances of your……..U deserve the pay raise n the make-up van…..congratulations !!!!👏👏

Rajeev Khandelwal 👏: Mr . Khandelwal………all my adjectives are exhauted on you……."tumhe koi haq nahi ki tum itne ache laga n itni achi performance do"……….U were bombastic , mind-blowing , excellent…..i too was really scared…..hehe…….u deserve another best actor award , and from all three award functions this time aound…………….i had to really jog my memory to remember all this stuff…..i forgot the song that abhi sang , only coz of u……..and also I forgot what yudi called those 3 bandar's………. …….ahh that glass breaking was a direct lift off from kth's sujal……..theer's bit of sujal in everyone, that's what u say haan… justified , that bit of sujal in rajveer came out today , nd mine would come out too , only if I wasn't scared of me mom……..she'll break me if I break the mirror……hehe !!!👏

Priyanka Well ,she hardly had any dialogues in that scene……but ya her expression was really good….looking shocked, scred , hurt n all…….good !!!👏



Scenes of the Day :👏

  1. All huda scenes……..loved them….epecially that plan thing in the cafetaria n that hanging upside down thingy…….too good !!!!! And also huda walking off abhi's class….it was amazinnggg…..i just loved him today !!!!!👏
  2. Raj's temper blast was another fabulous scene…….awesome !!!!Loved it…..naina ki watt lagi……….yahooooooo…….yipeeeeeee…….it was long due……..finally meri wish puri ho gayi…..kash ek thappad bhi pad jata usse……kaaaash !!!!!!👏
  3. It was fun to watch yudi-pooja n yudi –alekh place bets on the betting champ huda himself…….hehehe….loved it…….😆

What the heck :🤢

Abhi asked huda to get out of the class………who punished him…..????? he was tied up upside down….it certainly wasn't by choice…….abhi didn't give any punishments !!!!🤢



Rating :👏

8/10……….loved it👏……..excellent…….watch it for huda n raj , if not for anything else…….these guys rocked the show !!!!!

Preview :👏

The best preview ever on lrl👏……….the competition looks amazing…..we saw huda n lolita doing a tribal ritual……poor huda…… for the whole week, keep the 9:30 slot free of commitment n squat down to watch lrl……why , even my dad's gonna do that after he saw the preview……..hehe……my lrl crazy family….haha!!!!😆

U don't wanna miss the rain n those oh-so lovely stunts by raj……ahh…….bliss……my my…….raj n rains are a don't miss alert for me !!!!😳😳😳


Conclusion :😃

Huda was rocking😉………Rajeev was superb👏……….Naina was good😳……..Abhi looked seemed different😛 , he's going the nair way slowly…….he's reached the lolita stage……..first he was in suriji stage being funny n cool….now he's is in the lolita stage….giving out punishments(if he gave the punishments , that is)………err…..what happened to this violence hating prani in him…….its died or what… he wants to kill n bite off rajveer n his 6 cadets……….sounds like snow-white n her seven dwarfs………cant imagine rajeev as snow-white….lol…….bet he'd look cute even like that………he really has this zing in him,too look sooooo hawt !!!! …… come out of every stinky situation smelling like roses….hehe…..i soooo adore him !!!!😆

By the way watch SBS this week 😛, they are having rajeev for their monsoon special…….they havnt given any date…… maybe be tomorrow or any day till Sunday… catch all episodes….u don't wanna miss him singing "aati kya khandala "😳……!!!



Gosh that's the longest update I've ever written😳……now u know why I was late in posting it !!!!😆😆







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Nazrin thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
#2 frst 😆

oye vandu...yeh tu hi hai na?  😕  😆  😆 me just a lil confused 😕😉 

yaar....ur right...even i got soo scared of Raj today 😳😆 when Ali wrote his name n he stood frm behind....gosh...i got freezed  😆 😆 😆 haaaaaaailaaa.....jaaaaaaaaaanu gussey mai bhi kiiitnaa cute lag raha tha 😳 mashaAllah 😳 i loved when he said..." band karo yeh naveen ki raat lagana " 😆 😆 just loved him he looked soooo hawwtttttttt screen was on fire........😳 koi aur yaad hi nahi raha 😳


Edited by nazrinkhan - 16 years ago
gktrina thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
its excellent buddy.thanx a lot.
amail1601 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Di, awesome analysis!!!!!! 👏 👏 👏

Hmmmmm...Huda ki kuch zyaada hi taareef ho rahi hai....di, control mein rehna 😉 😆

Huda.....awesome, rocking Huda 😳

asavari009 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Hi I am new to watching it regularly from season 2.

gr8 analysis....

but i feel , Capt Rajveer will die, as this is the third time that he said ke "I will prove Naveen's innocense, even if i have to pay my life for it"..... 😭

That's is the reason why took a promise from naina that she will turn out 2 b a good soldier......
after watching today's episode..i do't feel RN jodi is possible...... 😭

what say ppl
Daebak thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: gktrina

its excellent buddy.thanx a lot.

thank u !!!


friskysam thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
yeah,todays episode was splendourful 😆 (for those who have seen the ad)

i loved huda today 😳 (ammu,plz dont mind..waise love nahin hai 😆 )

all the cadets were cho chweet today 😳 😳

and hey vandu,even i like speed 😃 though not a formula one 😳 .i preger motor gp 😉
-Divyaa- thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
awesome analysis i can just say this 👏 and 😆 😆 😆 i cant point out to you where i laughed because if i start il not be able to complete coz there were so many funny comments you rock [:D/] as usual vandu 😳 and haan i have started liking huda hes too cool yaa that atitude in which he talked to abhi and the way he gave it back to abhi by just being cool 😎   👍🏼 me loved it hes awesome 😳 now il just wait huda taking badla abhi beware aur hudas here ,me loving this new huda funny noty yet no flirting good going abh tho phoolan bhi maan jaayegi 😆 😉 and that song which abhi sang was- kiya tune mere mann ko ishara badla mausam lage pyara jag saara 😕 🤢 ise aur koi gana nahin mila kyaa 😆 ,i tell you vadu this abhi guy is sick and me tired of him
sunaina02 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Vandu dear , you are superb.   👏 👏 Please never ever leave this forum and be always there where Rajeev will be.
nidhi2013 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
gr8 analysis di 👏

raj rocks 2day 😳