Avoid Playing Like A Novice

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Posted: 5 years ago

Before sitting down to play poker game, it's worth giving yourself a lesson in protocol. Poker is a tough game, but this isn't an excuse to play in a way that could cause offence to others. 

Here are a few essential things to know before you even consider playing poker. 

Don't do the following: 

Disregard the dealer 

As in any other game, expressing anger at the game, shouting, and normally being abusive or unruly isn't tolerable. A few displeased players aim this bad mood at the dealer, blaming them for their bad luck. But, the dealer has totally no control over the cards they hand out; therefore don't blame anyone else for your loss! 

Go on tilt 

Believe it or not, even the pros still discover themselves going on tilt. This engages in playing more aggressively and, consequently, much worse than you would usually, as your emotions have gotten the better of you. A few players will try and put you on tilt from the very instant you start playing, and it's your job to put it off from occurrence  or at least conceal how you're actually feeling.  

Slow roll 

Slow rolling is seen as the biggest violation of poker online etiquette you could make. 

All bets have over and it's time to divulge your cards. You know, just know, that you have the winning hand. You are matchless, struggling to hold your thrill, and yet, you hold-up tabling your hand, forcing your challengers to reveal their cards first. After a spectacular, film-style pause, you ultimately reveal your cards to be confirmed the winner. 

Unluckily, this isn't a movie, and holding play merely to feel superior will only turn the table against you. If you believe you have the best hand then reveal it, win the pot, and don't jeopardize earning yourself a less than pungent status. 

Discuss your hand with the table 

A little - but major - regulation: while the hand is in play, don't begin chatting to other players about your cards, their cards or even the community cards, as what you disclose can affect play. For instance, telling another player which cards you folded can change mathematical calculations and other players' tactics. 

Once you have folded, give up any right to the pot, the value that other players are still in the game. 

Feign your hand 

In contrast to bluffing, feigning your hand involves verbally telling players that you have a winning hand at showdown when, in reality, you don't. So, say you tell your challenger that you have the winning hand, causing him to mess his cards as he thinks you're about to take the pot, and then you reveal a different hand this is falsification. 

Feigning your hand is an utter no-no in poker games, and will never be endured. 

Play out of turn 

You should always concentrate on when it is your turn to play. When playing poker live you will at times see players playing out of turn; betting, calling, folding or raising. Playing out of turn can disturb the flow of the table, but more essentially, it can illustrate your intentions to your challengers and let them know what you are going to do beforehand. 

Also, there can be penalties for playing out of turn, like only being permitted to call or losing the right to raise. If you do discover that you have acted out of turn by fault, just say sorry and clarify with the dealer in charge what your alternatives now are, from playing perspective. 

Do the following: 

Focus to the game 

When you are playing a hand, focus! There is nothing worse than an unfocused player losing track of the game and having to be continuously reminded when it's their turn to play. But there is another motive for focusing to a game one that could benefit you personally. 

Focus throughout the whole game, rather than playing on your mobile phone between hands, and you could pick up essential tells you might otherwise have missed.