Smiley demon turns wilful!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

IKRS Saturday 18th June 2016 ep 281 My Take ~ Smiley demon turns wilful.

 A de facto separation is an agreement to all intent and purposes of not to live together as husband and wife whilst remaining married. it may also be a formal agreement to do so,  especially  one made in the court of law. With regards to the demon king and the flower queen  it seems to have   erected by a misunderstanding that neither of them   wish to tackle.  An effective separation    prevails between the two based  upon  two children. With  Dhani it's about his assumed  male child by his second wife  Kamini. with Viplav  its  the faith  that Vidha is their child about which  he was not informed.  Dhani too fights from her corner with the stance he makes her look like the guilty  party   wherein he too is at fault of not coming clean with her about his  second marriage and his son. Both  pretend issues will iron out without them having to talk.  Matters seem to turn nasty  as Viplav too  demands  to punish  Dhani for not supplying him with the information of the past five years. This they both remain at logger heads, not really taking into account how it is likely to effect  the impressionable  five year old Vidha.

Walking away is never easy  Dhani cries   as she leaves the hospital. Letting go to is not easy stares Viplav as he lies on his side in he hospital bed his eyes stone cold as his manner when he said to kamini let her go.. well she needed to see he was well.. as can be and she can see he's got all that mean to  him around,if  I am missing  what then?  I am only a dysfunctional spare part meant for the scrap yard, sobs Dhani silently as she exits the hospital and heads home.. for the heart is her Vidha!her Vidha! #Parsiya and Dulari raid her with questions about Viplav.. bachwa ji.. Dhani  puts up a cold front too wards off their questions and puts Viplav on the back boiler,there were other pressing issues that have kept her going the past five years  like her flower supplies business. Viplav ,his life ,his family were stale flowers completely wilted and needed to be hurled out of her life! but both Parsiya and her mother can  see she puts up a front. Viplav's cold face and un equivocal threats he knows Vidha is his daughter! and no one can stop him from taking her! seal Dhani's lips from saying much. She herself has to first come to terms with his intimidation! Still the least she can do is tell them , Viplav is fine, he'll survive , and ever why not his whole family is here in Mumbai from Banaras to ensure he recuperates and most of all his wife! both Parsiya and Dulari can ascess what might have happened.Yet Dhani  keep her head stiff above her head  on her shoulders indicates. This flower queen  too is not for turning! she moves on! As much as  she can , but along side  are other day to day issues  related not to her but her child,Vidha too! A  reminder call from Vidha's school expects both of Vidha's parents to be present at Vidha's parents evening!  Dhani  takes it in and  groans with a degree of bitterness  the more she wants to reduce Viplav's significance in their life , the more Viplav's role in Vidha's life is given the same  credence as hers!

Seems a father reduced to the role of the other man! the uncle!  does a runner from his hospital room to make his point! his so called  lumbered  on him wife finds him missing from his room and  throws a wobbler  at the nurse!  charges her with negligence of duty for not keeping an eye on the patient. But Kamini has a fair idea of where the hunger lion  might have gone for a prowl!  Sure enough Viplav turns up  in the area where his flower fairy resides,  he will use his prerogative  as a father today! checks the selfie with Vidha on his phone and smiles, yes his mind was made  she is  his cub! his flower fairy! the sugar ,spice and flavour in his life! .. his joy is curbed as  Dhani charges out of the house  towards the fresh flower  supplier! Viplav reverses into a vantage point where he  can watch  her .she  is highly strung!  He can see she is not the take it lying down Dhani of five years ago . Mind you he always knew she had it in her , not to give into  that which is not fair!  Viplav hears and sees as she lays it into the florist  who delivered  her flowers late   plus they lack freshness and thus she refuses to pay the part payment for substandard goods!  Viplav  gets a rough idea of the hoops  Dhani has to jump through! suddenly    the calming balm in his life  arrives Vidha  comes running out of the house  to her mother dealing with the florist! Viplav face beams as she butts in her mother's conversation with a demand! Viplav accepts with a smile all children are demanding but  Dhani  middle of a conversation  thinks otherwise ,to the flowery fairy's demand.  Vidha with big excited eyes that melt Viplav's heart  from the side of the  kiosk,   wants her mother to buy her this pretty English doll seen on telly!  Dhani asks her to wait!  Tells the florist firmly to return with  fresh flowers only then she will pay  him his dues. But Vidha carries on her demands   about buying her the dolly.. hassled  Dhani  snaps quite rightly and asks her to wait! or go and play! Viplav cannot see  Dhani juggles  balls in the air! he only sees his flower fairy's demands being turned! Down!.He is visibly upset as he sees the child being deprived! Viplav possibly compares  his well to do upbringing where all his demands were fulfilled at the drop of a hat! that's it he will..he is about to calm the child ,i.e interfere in the child's lesson of learning to be patient..but Viplav emotionally charged move,  is interrupted as Parshiya butts in calls  Vidha over and promises to buy doll next month. Dhani now free to speak , reminds Parsiya  no need to spoil her! , which Viplav hears too.. that she  bought Vidha a  doll last month!  points out  imported dolls are very costly! Besides we can't buy whatever she asks for, give into her demands, Vidha  has to understand that she cannot always have her way! here Dhani is trying to teach her child the values, that one cannot  and does not need to do as others do, besides one cannot have their way all their  life one has to make adjustments and give value  to things that matter in life, secure relationships, right to a good education, but Parsiya consoles  Vidha and overrides  what  is trying to teach the child , when he tells the spoilt Vidha  he will buy  it for  her  wants a smile in return from the flower fairy! Viplav hears and dabs his tears.. his  own flesh and blood has to bed  consoled by  another! What an unlucky father he is that he can't even  console his sweet child. Once  Dhani gives money to the florist, he leaves. then  Dhani  reminds Vidha by talking it over with her child, that she brought doll for her last month, didn't she?  she  cant  buy  her a new doll every month ,so she will have t to play with it.  As a parent   Dhani sets the rules with her child by talking to her.  Dhani outlines the boundaries  for her child rather then appear  unclear about  standards of behaviour. As such Vidha too understands and thus  says sorry, and says she doesn't  need a  new doll, she will play with old doll. Viplav smiles through his tears at his gorgeous flower fairy and her lovable  actions! Dhani too in turn wants to show her daughter she too is sorry for not being able to buy her a new doll. Mother and daughter hug as Viplav's eyes  well up more! this blessed child to whom  both  him and  Dhani run  for hugs! wish his flower fairy  can  hide  both  him and  Dhani  in her a heart! away from the world safe in her hug!  But  Viplav misses the point in this scene.. for him his money  matters,  he  crunches up his credit card! To hell with them! if he can't spend them on what his child wants! Dhani though is teaching Vidha to differentiate  between wants and needs! wants can be differed to better times , needs are prioritized and have to be met usually! But viplv finds all this penny pinching useless! , decides  his daughter is brought up in poverty,  and he  won't let this happen! Dhani offers her darling flower a reward for being  understanding,awards good behaviour offers her laddoos!! Inside the house Dhani continues  with her motherly  duties of  teaching Vidha. Dulari asks if they  are ready to eat? Vidha mostly certainly isn't!  says no! she wants  her to tell her the demon s story.Dhani  raises her  voice! No!  enough! the demons's story is over! Viplav   strolls into the house with a grim face  and declares,  already? this demon's story cannot end so soon! . Dhani looks across  at him in horror! dumbfounded!  The flower smiles !  Dulari too greets him happily  seeing him. Viplav greets her. Vidha  runs to hug him happily! Ohhh.. Viplav needed that  hug so  badly! Her mother   too had hugged  her earlier. Let him sense his beloved  Dhani  on his precious flower fairy now.. muses Viplav  Dulari  smiles as a proud nanny at the father-daughter union ,wide eyed  Dhani can only see the demon king will take her baby from her! beaming Vidha has the sense to introduce her family to her guest demon uncle! Viplav loves her every move and lovingly call her  hisbox of complaints as tongue in cheek he gives Dhani a sided look, and teasingly comments to his flower fairy, seems to him his mum is in a bad mood..he adds under his breath' its an old illness! Dulari wants to give  Dhani some time with Viplav so she coerces, is she not to serve her demon uncle with some sweets?

Dhani gears up for him like a militant mother, gathers vidhu's books from the  bed , mutters unable to face his imposing   frame,why has he come here? If he thinks he'll leave this place with her Vidha then he is mistaken. Put off by her back to him he pulls her arm and makes her face him, growls at her, why is she doing all this? what did she achieve  from  keeping his daughter away from him for five years?  Dhani evades his threatening quiet  disposition and retorts, he needs to leave for Vidha is not his daughter! she only belongs to her. Viplav peers into her face as he pins her  to the post, oh  is that so?then why has she called her Vidha? And she is not his daughter ,then whose daughter is Vidha? He challenges  Dhani. she dithers and   retorts she is not going to give him any answers and moves him aside and slips away from the post but he grips her arm and brings her right back and  growls dangerously down her face, This demon is not for leaving ,he is very stubborn..and he will get answers from her.. she kept his daughter away from him what did she get,he gives her folded arms a shake!dhani stays calm and warns him unable to meet his piercing eyes, let her go ,before she raises alarm  by calling every one!they'll here everything. disgusted by her, he furrows his brows ,that is all that remains to be done with him, go ahead call who ever, but he will surely take Vidha with him!  Dhani yells at last! fights fire! Now she demands answers from him, what of  her? her life?Viplav pokes  his finger tips into his temples head controls his rage but still snaps into her face , you tell me Dhani ? answer me!!. She   does,   that nothing will change even if she tells him.. why act as if doesn't know her answers? Dhani moans he just needs to   to go to his wife. Viplav winces somewhat confused, what do you mean? But refrains to probe the innuendoes, fed up Dhani asks him to leave, she's had enough! Viplav threatens , looks down at her  icily , yes he will leave but with his daughter. Dhani shakes her head terror stricken  no..can he be so cruel? Vidha comes back   runs to her demon uncle wants to know   why he are weeps? Viplav like always crouches comes down to her level, listens to her as she  asks him  innocently did  her mum  scold him too? or not doing his homework? Viplav replies yes... he didn't  do his homework, he needs to finish his home Vidha appeals to him not to cry, else she will cry too. Overcome Viplav hugs his  flower fairy,he knows it breaks her heart to see him cry. Heartbroken Dhani weeps silently as she realizes now her child's father's presence as a threat between them! Dhani asks Vidha to come and have food. Vidha refuses she is talking to demon uncle!  Dhani takes her away to eat,  Dhani  gives Viplav  look  and he exits  out,  with quit discipline like he sailed in.. for today  Dhani had wards him off for leaving  her child with her..till the next time.  Outside the house, Viplav  appeals to  Dulari to tell the truth if  Vidha  is his daughter? as  Dhani  wont  give way anything... he begs  her, what really happened in the past five years. But Dulari  remain  silent.As a mother  she has to support her daughter  Dhani..who is not a child anymore but mother herself ,the decision to tell Viplav  about the past five years has to  Dhani's alone!  Fed up Viplav says okay, don't tell...but just remember the pair of them, he will take his daughter with him. Nobody can separate Vidha from him now! and walks off leaving behind a shocked, Dulari.

The tables sure have changed! Since dhani has showed up ! kamini worries at hospital   about Viplav's sudden disappearance. Kanak  now has the  license to  rub this  kamini's jinxed face  in dirt ! Kanak taunts,  who knows  Viplav might have gone to Dhani, to meet her. She  rubs in, after all Dhani is his love! his heart is connected with her. He couldn't forget her even after 5 years! Kamini fumes. Viplav calls her finally, she wants to know where was ? Viplav ignores her ranting, calmly orders  her to pack her and everyone bags and leave for Banaras! He tells her will stay here for few days. Kamini  screams, she has booked the tickets as her told her too! anyway what work is has he work now? she can't cancel the tickets. Viplav turns a deaf ear! asks her to do as he said. Kanak asks where is Viplav? what did he say? Kamini reports, Viplav asked them to return and says he will stay here for some work. Kanak says she can't leave her son here! Kamini says she  can't leave him here alone! so she decides to stay. Kanak muses,no way will she leave Viplav with this witch, never! She too will stay right here!

 Little red riding hood off to grandma's  to deliver apples!Vidha thinks she promised demon  uncle that she will give him laddoos made by Dhani ! breaking a  promise is not good!  Leaves home with informing her mom  off to Viplav's place!she comes on road and tries to hire taxi! A lady helps her cross the road. Unaware that she is missing Dulari asks Dhani, what she is doing? why she is hiding the truth from Viplav that Vidha is his daughter? Dhani blames her mother! she didn't agree when she told her that they should  leave this city!now  Viplav has  threatened her, that he will take his daughter with him!  Suddenly, Dhani asks where is Vidha? Dulari replies she was playing outside! Suddenly both calls her name! but  little Red Riding Hood Vidha!  is walking down the road ! jaywalking!  while crossing it, she sees fast speedy car coming towards her!!! will this be seen as a case of neglecting a five year old??

Some fine scenes between Mishal and Sangeeda out an out a mother, and viplav the imposing  flower  fairy's father..  parenting philosophies .. is there  any  chance of agreement or do they differ.? Hamlet53 19.6.16

Sorry  draft copy.. the take  was doing my head in.. ab tumhara kya bune ga  my pretty maids.. waise  mishal aj gharja!    me loved it  !roarrr!  its long  Nus, swat.. barbs my baji i know will read..  ummm..     love hammie 

Precap:Dhani, Dulari and others search for Vidha. Parsiya  comes and tells that she is not here. Dhani says Viplav must have taken her...she  gets worried. 



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Silverrmoon thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Res...Hammie was just thinking of you πŸ˜† you are soo late yaar aaj πŸ˜†
Main kaha baat karti hi aap log aake baachon ki tarah bak bak karte ho πŸ˜† aab apne res post mai hi reply karo πŸ˜†

Hammie will update my reply tom...sry yaar need to take rest. Till then take care.

Dear Hammie here I am are you dear ...Loved your take brilliant as always ... your takes are always a breath of fresh air for me πŸ˜ƒ...assumptions can be soo much different from the reality ...the truth will never instead of assuming things people need what is really required communication which is what lacking bet vip n dhani.

So vip and dhani continue to hurt themselves n each other ...kitna der chalge dekhenge πŸ˜† she informs dulari n parshiya that he is fine with his family n wife she wanted to there or what πŸ˜† yeh school wale remind her of the significance of fathers role in a child's life...Love love love this scene Mishal is sooo good during emotional scenes...I loved what you have written Hammie you are right dhani wanted to teach vidha about the diff between need and want.

Need is what is important for them at present and in this way she will know the value of things...while on the other hand vip wants to give his best to his child n is soo helpless at present and watches parshiya console the child n he just had to watch him do. Generally fathers do love to pamper their daughters πŸ˜† esp during their younger days did viplav n parshiya does want to spoil vidha as well...both love vidha n are trying their best to keep the child happy.

This kid Vidha is very sensible n understands her mothers issue n tries to adjust with her old dolls n vip lovingly watches her to do so ...the scene was beautiful n very touching he enters their home n as soon as he does vidha hugs him πŸ˜† their bond is getting much stronger n dul was really happy to see vip...reminded me of old times here ... okay so they want to tell who is vidha's child πŸ˜† accha scene tha esp when vidha asks him why does he cry πŸ˜†this is the 2nd time she is asking him actually ...the way they shot by dhani looking at the mirror was brilliant actually

So vip asks dul about vidha n she prefers to keep quite but vip wont give up ...n what is this vidha is on her own going to her demon uncle how dangerous can this be yaar n this dhani is in her own worry wonder children need to observed a lot kab kaha jate hai pata nahi ...bilkul titli ki tarah hote hai..

Enjoyed reading your brilliant take Hammie ...Thank you for writing for us without fail...Till then take care. 
Edited by pearl100 - 7 years ago
NusiSg thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
res,,,πŸ˜† swati ji plzz dun punish her teacher,,, she's late but she s  regular,,,😳
n plz dun talk here,, at least not on her thread's first pg,,πŸ˜›

UnRes,,,😳 Hammie,,,😳 Bhao u seems in a chirpy mood nowadays,,*touchwood* actually we all are,,!! 😳

hammie great great great!!title as well as the take,,!! the Damon king is bac with a bang,, n the driving force is his lil angel ,,, magical indeed,,⭐️

n yea the initial para as usual magnificent dear,, somewhere Viplov seems in some sort of denial,, he s in denial of km's existence so much so dat he has forgotten his relationship with km altogether,, appalling naievity by our viplov baba,, n extreme arrogance by dhani madam as she s hell bent on covering fr the witch n trying to fascilitate her in every which way...🀣 okk that's fine bt I'm eagerly waiting fr who will break this wall now as in past I remember how it was always Viplov well most of the times Viplov hav saved his n dhani's relationship,, n ths time also I want him to take the step to bridge ths distance,, afterall its Viplov's impossible Love Tale..😳
the cold ness in both of them aftr the meeting was heart wrenching,, dhani seems scred of Viplov intentions she actually knows how far her rakshasa will go now to take her n his Vidu bac,, she knows his passion dhani n that's wat scary fr her,,, HE WONT STOP NOW!! who else will know him better than Dhani,, she knows him inside out,, n that's y all ths fear..πŸ˜†

viplov watching his heaven from far far away,, cant hav access to his paradise was heart breakening Hammie,,😭😭 (n Mishal was brilliant once again with that right amount of tears n emotion thr,, wese hammie did u saw that color tv MishSan IV he confessed there he can cry on command without Glyc,, 🀣 he was amazing there.. u need to catch dat...πŸ˜†)
I loved Dhani there how she s busy gvng her daughter some golden rules of life,,wen values hav taken backseat in life,, I m sure Dhanis upbringing method wud b exactly like ths even if she was in AN,,, I believe fr Vidu upbringing both her parents need to b with her,, n after watching that vidu dhani convo viplov need to realise not onli Vidu he had to bring bac Dhani in their life too,, 😳

Damon's entry in the paradise was seeti maaro moment hammie,,, n Vidu's excitmnt on finally watching both of them together face to face was unbelieveable,, loved the chatter patter intro part,,she was mazingly cute there..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

vipu dhani heated convo was fruitless as nobody ready to break that  wall as of now..πŸ˜• bt man its getting intense,,his helplessness in the end was unbearable..

thnk God they keeping vamps away frm our protagonists,, a sigh of relief,, caz while rewatching u cn FF their scenes araam se,,🀣 bt yea Kanky making fun of witch was a bit relieving,, I want them to fight like cats n dogs,,πŸ˜†
ohh god Vidu's attraction towards her father can b dangerous,, dhani need to sort ths out on permanent basis,, thnk god Mumbat taxi drivers are compassionateπŸ˜†,, I cant say same about other cab drivers,,πŸ˜† chalo at last she reached there whr she belonged,,[;$] it was relieving,,πŸ˜›

u liked my siggy,, thanx re bt the credit to maker,, I searched whole FB n IF n then I got ths one only,, its fabulous bt ppl are not making much creations on papa-beti our VV bt I'm cent percent confident their cuteness will bring us bac  the lost glory of IKRS  inshaAllah,,😳

thnks Hammie fr that Datta VM in prev take while replying me,, wat was the song,,havnt heard bt too apt,,, his scenes wer hot in thre,,πŸ˜†,,it was simply spectacular dear,, viplov kal wese hee Dhaaraa,,, the ROAARRR,,, was Dattai-ish,, dhani was scared,,πŸ˜† she has no idea was that real or fake,,πŸ˜› the NEW VIPLOV fr u Dhani..πŸ˜›
n thnk u so much fr writing ths beautiful take fr us,,😳 Luv u take care
Edited by NusiSg - 7 years ago
zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Thank Hamiee ... Each subsequent episode is better than the previous. This only confirms that they have done a wonderful thing with this jump. I only hope that will retain the attention of the viewer and to continue in this direction. A lot of mysteries, especially around Viplav and his family that we have not yet proved. Viplav is misbehaving to everyone so I think it is something big happened in the previous period.
simpleAnna thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hammie hammie hammie,
Again a nice take on d episode.
Demon turned wilfull,yes he did.for last five years in his garden spring never came,it was always winter when d little flower fairy enters his garden,he becomes wilfull,everything turned out to b colorful,d color of ishq os again vibrant...demon now doesnt want spring to leave his garden.n he will do whatever it takes,even if it means capturing d flower fairy forever in his castle.
Another brilliant episode.loved d VV scenes.heart touching.i m thinking about d expression mishal must have given in each scene.
Thanks for giving me d opportunity to know what is happening in d show,that too in details.
Take care.Edited by simple2joy - 7 years ago
premparbat thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hammie ... Me too read everyday .. Thx for unfailingly writing a post.

I feel a bit let down by the show that is why keep away from giving my opinion in what I think I saw ...

The makers want you to see , ignore and forget and that is what I am doing .

Living Mish with Vidha and the new boy today.
bunny_LeoLan thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hey ur DP, I loved it.. its from the episode after dutta slapped Naku, then naku fed him and tore her sari and bandaged his wound.. heroine ki saari aur duppatta toh hoti hi isiliye hai so that she can bandage hero's woundsπŸ˜†πŸ˜† especially naku used to wear salwar and saree only to bandage dutta's palm or fingersπŸ˜† But they were so cute... Oh I again started thinking about Laagi..πŸ˜³πŸ˜†

Ok so coming to ur Saturday Episode Take.. ab kya bolun? its beautiful as usual with a nice introduction.. Seriously I dont understand why is not viplav interested in clearing away the MUs between him and dhani.. He should go and tell her that Kamini is his wife just for namesake and he loves only Dhani and no one else.. Dhani should also become a more sensible lady.. But jo bhi ho hammie, I love IKRS.. I am in love with IKRS post leap.. This is the viplav I want to see.. A gentle, serious, sober man.. Though i used to love viplav's carefree attitude too but no I prefer this viplav more.. I love the cvs for the way they changed this character... I just hope Mishal creates another epic show with IKRS.. I am finding new interest in this show..

Oh I loved it hammie.. what did u write? Vidha is Viplav's calming balm😳.. aww thats chweett😳
and that scene was so touching where vidha was demanding for a new doll and viplav was overhearing the mother-daughter convo.. Such a beautiful scene.. especially the moment when Viplav crushed his cards for they are useless for him if he cant spend his money fulfilling his daughters wishes and give her a luxurious life.. And u described it beautifully Hammie..

Ur lines are simple awesome.. Viplav sensed his dhani in this precious flower Vidha.. 

Oyee bhao.. Baji will never get tired of ur long takes.. write them.. we will read.. 
dil se takes likegi nah to hamesha dil se laga ke rakhegi.. matlab dil se padhungi...😳
The episode was good.. I am loving Mishsan (Mishal+Sanjeeda... naya naam diya hai hum logoneπŸ˜†).. They are portraying the roles of vidha's parents perfectly... especially Mishal.. We saw him as a college lover boy, the epic love story of a Don, as an Inspector, as a villain, as a happy-go-lucky guy of Benaras.. and not to forget his MTV film... But mishal playing the role of a father is really appreciable.. loved the Demon uncle and his flower scenes.. ajkal flower ki maa bhi achchi lagti hai.. Viplav's princess fairy Dhani.. I am loving everything about IKRS.. just waiting eagerly to see how MR-SS enacts the romantic scenes... 

Thanks for an awesome take.. hey hammie I came to know that u refer to Sudha as Suds.. mujhe yaad hai hamara Suds.. 32 teeth out wala sudsπŸ˜†πŸ˜†  
ok i will be back tomorrow.. u take care.. byee πŸ€—
Edited by Barbie_KK9629 - 7 years ago
bunny_LeoLan thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
joya didi.. tumi rag korecho?? sorry.. ami na bhebe bole diyechilam.. sorry.. r bolbo na ... na bhebe chinte r faltu bokbo na... tumi please rag koro na
simpleAnna thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Barbie_KK9629

joya didi.. tumi rag korecho?? sorry.. ami na bhebe bole diyechilam.. sorry.. r bolbo na ... na bhebe chinte r faltu bokbo na... tumi please rag koro na

Nahreee pagli bon.toke bolechi j rag korechi? Kotto dhong j korte parish.sun khobordar bhebe chinte amar sathe kotha bolte ashbina.ja mone ashe tai bolbi.nahole mar khabi.
simpleAnna thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Btw hammie my like button isnt working.soo,those people who didnt get my like must not think i didnt like d comment.i always like people commenting on ur takes.a writer like u always deserves d readers appriciation.