AsYa FF - The Intern #4: Ch 62 & 63 Pg 122 COMPLETED

Posted: 8 years ago
Salaam All

Am back with Thread Four of this story, something that started off as a short story just seems to be getting. longer and longer. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have supported me so much through this.

Annie, I just hope I have been able to do this justice so far.

Lots of love to you All

Edited by Saima-Syed - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago

Chapter 39 & 40 - pg 1
Chapter 41 - pg 11
Chapter 42 - pg 19
Chapter 43 - pg 24
Chapter 44 & 45 - pg 30
Chapter 46 - pg 38
Chapter 47 & 48 - pg 44
Chapter 49 - pg 51
Chapter 50 - pg 58
Chapter 51 - pg 63
Chapter 52 & 53 - pg 91
Chapter 54 & 55 - pg 100
Chapter 56 & 57 - pg 106
Chapter 58 & 59 - pg 111
Chapter 60 & 61 - pg 116
Edited by Saima-Syed - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
Banner by Aroo - My Beautiful Little Api

Chapter 39

Another day had passed and there was still no change, Annie tried to convince him to go and rest for a few hours but he didn't budge. 

Zack hugged his wife who was finding it hard to keep her emotions under wraps 'he is going to make himself ill Zack, please tell him' 'I can't Annie, you know what he is like...' As they continued talking Huma approached them ' mum called, she is extremely worried and upset...she has...' Huma hesitated but Annie knew exactly what she wanted to say 'its ok Huma, we totally understand...Zack wanted you to go too...' 'it doesn't feel right, Zoya in there...' 'I know, but she will be ok...and she will totally understand...please don't think too much, I will get Zack to book your return flight for tomorrow' 'thank you'.

Having finally changed Asad was forced to eat something, Annie stood over him until he finished his sandwich and drank his coffee, just as he was about to take his last sip they saw a team of doctors rushing into Zoya's room. Asad and Annie ran to the door but were stopped by a nurse, pulling the curtain forward she blocked their view. 

Asad started panicking 'what's going on...why have they closed the curtains' Annie placed her hand over his shoulder 'Bhaijaan, everything will be ok...please come away from the door' Annie quickly called Zack, she didn't know how much she could handle Asad on her own. 

It didn't take long for Zack to arrive back with Rahul and Huma 'have they said anything?' Annie shook her head 'since they have gone in no one has come out...' As Annie continued talking the doctor came out making her stop. Within a micro second all five of them surrounded the doctor 'what is wrong doctor...please tell me she is ok' Asad almost pleaded. 

The doctor took in a deep sigh 'the good news is that she has started to regain consciousness, she has opened her eyes and tried to communicate...her vitals are stable...' 'but...what's the bad news' Asad asked seeing him hesitate 'I will need you to come with me...I can only allow two of you' ' Bhaijaan you and Annie go...we will wait here' Zack quickly said.

Annie and Asad held on to each other and followed the doctor inside. The pain that they both felt was evident on their faces, as they walked closer to her the medical staff moved back. 

The doctor walked to her side and placed his hand on her shoulder 'Zoya...look who is here to see you' Zoya opened her eyes slowly, she looked at the two people standing before her expressionless. As Asad and Annie smiled through their tears Zoa continued to look at them in confusion, she slowly turned towards the doctor 'wh...who are they doctor?' as soon as they heard what she had just said they felt as if the ground beneath them had shook violently, Asad grabbed hold of the bed frame as he looked towards the doctor in utter shock.

'Zoya, do you not recognize your friends' the doctor said in a soft friendly voice 'friends...I don't have any must be mistaken' the doctor patted her head 'nurse, please continue with the medication'

Asad who was too stunned to move was pulled out by Annie and the doctor. As soon as Annie saw Zack she screamed out painfully 'Annie...Bhaijaan, what happened?' he askled looking extremely worried 'Sh...she doesn't remember...she doesn't remember a thing...she didn't recognise me at all...' 'What?'.

'Mr Khan, the bullet that hit her at the back didn't damage her brain...I mean in a way where she would have been disabled in anyway but it caused enough damage to...Zoya has no memory of the last two year, whatever memory she does have of the time before then is very sketchy, all she remembers is that she lives in a hostel and goes to college, she couldn't recall any names at all'

Asad fell to the floor 'Zoya has no memory...of me, of us...' As he continued to talk to himself in his shaken state Zack approached the doctor 'but she will get better wont she...I mean her memory will come back' 'it is hard to say, in some cases it filters through coming back bit by bit, sometimes certain events can trigger a recall and sometimes it never comes back...I am sorry I really can't say, she has just woken up and is still a little disorientated, she will need to be here for at least another week...I will consult our psychiatric team, they will be in a better position to tell you'.

The five of them sat there unable to talk, where Zack, Annie, Rahul and Huma had started to process and digest what the doctor had said Asad sat there in denial. 

Unable to continue seeing him in a state of despair Zack called his mum 'Ammi please, I can't see him like this anymore, can you and Khala come...he needs her' 'we will be taking the next flight out, don't worry Allah will help us' In'Sha'Allah'

Huma couldn't stop crying, her and Rahul were due to leave any minute. She had gone in to see Zoya who was asleep, the doctor had advised against too many people seeing her as her state of mind was still fragile.

'Thank you for everything...and please don't feel guilty in anyway, we will keep you informed every step of the way...Zack will contact the university and ask if they can defer her masters'. Not being able to respond verbally Huma just nodded, taking Rahul's hand into hers she walked out, leaving the girl who had become her best friend and who brought her and Rahul to this beautiful country.

Standing at the door Asad flinched as he saw her wince in pain, the doctor was injecting her with some more medication. As he came out Asad approached him 'can I go in and see her?' I don't think...' 'Please doctor...I won't pressure her...or make anything obvious, please just for a few minutes' 'ok, just for a little while' 

Asad stepped inside to see her staring at the ceiling 'Hi' he called out in a voice that was just about audible. Zoya looked towards him 'hi...are you a new doctor?' Asad fisted his hand as he tried to control himself 'no...I just came to see how you are' ' work with patients in here...' 'Not all you mind if I sit' 'sure...what is your name?' 'Asad...and you are?' 'Zoya...Zoya Farooqui' 'nice meeting you Zoya are you feeling?' ' you know what happened to me?' 'You can't remember?' 'No...and the doctor...well he didn't say much, only that I fell and hurt myself'. 

Asad's body shuddered as he mentally recalled how she fell before him 'I am not sure...where is your family?' he asked with hesitation 'I don't have one from my hostel came?...Can you call them, let them know I am here...the number...the number...' Zoya stopped as she tried to remember 'I can't remember...but it's on Iqbal Road...near the's not far from here' the more she spoke the more his insides tightened 'Zoya, Iqbal Road is in Delhi' 'Yes...' ' are in Mumbai, not Delhi' Zoya looked at him wide eyed 'no...I am in Delhi...I have never been to Mumbai...Ya Allah...are you a patient, are you ill...maybe you should go and see the doctor' she started saying looking at Asad with concern.

'Mr Khan, I think you should let the patient rest' Asad turned around slightly and nodded his head. 

'You need to tell her that she has lost her memory, tell her that she didn't fall, she was shot she needs to know' 'and I agree with you...but this is not my case anymore, Dr Atul has taken over, he will be joining us soon, he is the head of the psychiatric ward in the hospital'

Asad, Annie and Zack sat down with Dr Atul. 'I have not met with Zoya, nor had a chance to assess her; I won't be doing that until she has recovered from her physical injuries, which I know will take a few more days. I can only ask you to keep a hold of your patience a little longer'. 

Zack placed his hand over Asad's, he could see him becoming agitated and the last thing he wanted him to do was to lash out at the doctor. 'Doctor...we live in Delhi, is it possible to have her case transferred there; Zoya thinks she is Delhi itself' Zack said 'yes, that is possible, I can have my counterparts there informed and the case transferred but only after I have assessed her and she is physically able to be moved'

Annie waited with Asad whilst Zack went to the airport to pick up both their mums.

Edited by Saima-Syed - 7 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
Chapter 40

Zack hugged his Ammi trying not to break down and then his Khala, Asad's mum 'I am so glad you came...I don't think we could have coped any longer on our own' 'How is she?' 'Physically she is recovering but...Ammi she has no memory of us, the last two years of her life have been wiped out' Nasima placed her hand over her sons shoulder and hugged her.

As soon as Asad saw Maheen he ran towards her 'Ammi' he called out letting her envelope him in her arms.Hugging his Khala he sat down with both of them, he felt a little relief knowing that his two walls of strength were also here with him. 

'Asad, please take us to her, we want to meet her' Maheen said 'Ammi, with her memory gone I don't know...I mean what will we say' 'Baji, I think Asad is right, we don't want to confuse her just yet' 'Can I see her from afar?' 'Of course Ammi, come...Khala you too' 

Maheen and Nasima stood outside looking in through the glass window, both of them looked on with moist eyes 'she is beautiful...Ya Allah, please...please let her be ok...please don't take her away from my Asad' Nasima placed her hand around Maheen's shoulder 'Don't worry Baji, she will be ok, we all have to be strong for one another, we just need to wait until we can take her back home, to Delhi and then we will work out what to do' Zack and Annie took Nasima back to their hotel whilst Maheen stayed with her son 'you have not left since she came are more than just exhausted Asad, why don't you go and get some proper rest 'I can't Ammi...I can't leave her...and Dr Atul is going to be assessing her, I want to be here when he finishes, to talk to him' Maheen smiled through her tears 'I have never seen you like this before Asad' Asad looked at his Ammi, he gave her a faint smile 'I have never been in love before...I love her very much Ammi, just the thought of her...I wouldn't be able to live without her' Maheen cupped his face and kissed his forehead 'nothing will happen to her...your Zoya will come back to you, it's just a matter of time Asad' 

Asad and Maheen waited outside Dr Atul's office waiting for him to finish his deliberation with his team, he had spent over two hours with Zoya.

As soon as his door opened Maheen and Asad stood up Mr Khan, sorry to keep you so long, please come in'

Asad and Maheen sat down opposite him 'I spent a long time with Zoya this morning, after carrying out a number of test I am inclined to say that as a result of her injuries Zoya is suffering from Retrograde Amnesia, with this the patient cannot remember events that occurred before his/her trauma, but remembers things that happened after it normally' Asad looked towards Maheen 'what does that mean doctor...will Zoya ever get her memory back?' 'Retrograde amnesia is often temporally graded, meaning that remote memories are more easily accessible than events occurring just prior to the other words there is a chance that she may recover if encouraged and exposed to past events...but there is also a chance that she will never remember anything'  Asad inhaled a breath that painfully pricked every part of his airway, Maheen closed her eyes letting the tears she was holding escape 'I am sorry Mr Khan, things as complex as this take time, the complexity with Zoya's case is that she has lost two years of her life' 'D...Dr, will you tell her, that she has lost her memory...I mean we want to take her home after she has been discharged and...if we are strangers to her' 'yes we will tell her, and we will release her into your care, like you said Mr Khan you will be strangers to her, you will need to rebuild every part of your relationships with her, she will understand and accept some and others she will walk away from, I will be talking to Zoya tomorrow and by next Monday we will transfer her to Delhi'

Maheen forced Asad to come back to the hotel, after a much needed shower and change of clothes she sat him down and fed him 'Ammi, I am nearly thirty, I can eat by myself' he said as he tried to dodge the spoon for the third time 'Asad, open your mouth' she said looking at him in a no nonsense manner.

'Bhaijaan, you should try and get some sleep, you haven't slept at all...there is little we can do until tomorrow, once Dr Atul has told Zoya about her memory...then...' Asad looked at Annie as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat, placing his hand over hers he pulled her down to make her sit next to him 'I love you are the world's best sister' kissing the top of her head he let her rest her head against his chest and cry silently. 

Maheen and Nasima sat back admiring their children, their bond, their relationship was so strong and no matter what they faced they always stood together as one.

The whole Khan family sat in the waiting room, Dr Atul was in with Zoya talking to her. The wait, the anticipation was killing him; he couldn't keep his thought or emotions at bay 'what if she totally freaks out...what if she refuses to come anywhere near us' Maheen walked up to her son 'Asad, nothing of the sort will happen, I am not saying she will happily waltz into our arms and accept us, it will be a very testing time for all of us but we have to keep strong, keep faith in Allah, everything will be ok' Asad wished he could hold on to those words but he couldn't, the thought of losing Zoya was eating him up.

Dr Atul finally came out of the room, Asad ran up to him 'how is she...did you tell her...what did she say?' Dr Atul looked up at him 'as bad as any other patient would have taken it. She is very confused and feels very lost, she broke down a number of times. We managed to get her to see what day and year it is, we went through the motions of explaining to what had happened and how the injuries she sustained have affected her. She is extremely emotional and on edge, and I wouldn't be wrong in saying she is absolutely petrified. She is aware of you as I told her but has no memory of you in any shape or form. Mr Khan, you and your family are going to have to tread very carefully, for as long as she can bring herself to trust you, I would strongly advise that you to keep a safe and respectable distance especially seeing you were engaged' Asad couldn't bring himself to respond 'does she know Asad is her fianc?' Maheen asked 'no, I did not tell her that, how you define your relationships is entirely up to you' 'can we see her?' 'Yes, she has asked to meet you already'.

'Asad, you three should go in first, Nasima and I will come in later' Maheen said.

Asad held on to his breath and walked in with Annie and Zack. They saw Zoya sitting up a little; her eyes were red and swollen. Asad's insides twisted uncontrollably as their eyes met Zoya, this is Annie, Zack and Asad your family' Zoya looked at all three faces searching but found absolutely nothing.

Zack stepped forwards smiling at her nervously 'I'm Zack, Annie is my wife and Asad is my brother' 

Zoya tried to breathe but found it hard to, she blinked a few times to clear the blur her tears had caused 'I...I don't have a family...I orphan, how do I know you?' She asked in her very tired voice

Asad fisted his hands, he wanted to scream out, he never knew life would test him in such a cruel way. Zack cautiously took a step closer to him can I sit down?' he asked in a soft voice, Zoya nodded.

'It's true, you didn't have one, over a year and a half ago you became a part of us, our family, I know you don't remember, and that's ok...I know it will be hard but together we will make it easier...Zoya, you are going to be taken to Delhi in a few days' time...after that we want you to come home, your home'. Zoya looked up at Annie and Asad and then towards Dr Atul 'remember what we discussed Zoya' Zoya looked back down at Zack; she felt a warmth that radiated from him 'my with you all?' 'Yes, it is...will you not come home with your brother' Zoya felt her heart dip, her eyes moistened 'br...Brother?' trying to keep himself from breaking down Zack nodded.

'And Annie is...?' 'Annie is my wife ' bhabhi?' Annie started to smile through her tears, she stepped forward 'your bhabhi, your sister, your best friend' 'friend...I don't have friends...everyone thinks I am a geek' Annie raised her hand to cup the side of her face, she immediately stopped as she saw Zoya flinch, she was just about to withdraw her hand when Zoya slowly reached out for it 'I am's just that' 'please don't apologise Zoya, and never call yourself a geek, you are far from it'. 

Zoya started to feel overwhelmed, he eyes looked up to see Asad still standing there 'you came to see didn't tell me who you were...' 'I...I didn't know what to say?' Zoya started smiling 'I thought you were a patient who had lost his mind...and all this time it was me...I am the one who has lost her mind' Asad closed his eyes as he felt his insides rip 'you are Zack's brother?' 'Cousin Brother' he whispered 'so I am not your sister?' Asad's eyes popped whilst Zack and Annie just chocked on the air they had just inhaled 'No Zoya...Asad is not your...he is...' Annie started to hesitate 'he is your best friend' Zack said quickly Zoya gave him a faint smile 'my best friend...' Zoya took in a deep breath, she felt a sharp pain travel through the side of her head, as she winced in pain Asad hurried to her side 'Zoya...Zoya are you ok...Zack call the doctor' he said in a panicked voice. Dr Atul was by her side within seconds 'Mr Khan, I will need to look over Zoya, can you please wait outside'.

Dr Atul came out to see all of them standing 'she is ok, it was a lot for her to take in and try and process...I have given her an injection she will probably be asleep for a few hours now...I would suggest for all of you to go soon as she is awake I will get someone to call you'

Edited by Saima-Syed - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
Res for me
U made me cry api😭
My poor asad...he is so broken and zoya thank God Zack stepped in otherwise she would had imagined otherwise😲

I m in tears nw...u need to update nxt asap😭
Edited by asyaarshilover - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
Res for IBP ..

AAPI congrats on the new thread..
That's awesome...
Well update...tooo bad..why u did what u did Aapi?
Itna pain...memory loss...

Again Asad all sad sad..

I liked the care n love each one held for Zoya...even Rahul n huma..

Am I your sister?🤣

Sorry but even in this serious situation I couldn't help laughing...😆
Edited by sweet_tehs - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
Res for IBP, kadoo, jas, sukhi our gang n every reader
Posted: 8 years ago

Please make things fine for them soon...
I have a feeling that maybe Zoya is acting of memory loss.
Or maybe not its all so confusing...

Want next part soon.
Edited by sweet_tehs - 8 years ago
Posted: 8 years ago
Congratulations for the new thread di
Eagerly waiting for the update😊

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