the posioned chalice of revenge!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

IKRS Friday 18th December 2015 ep 113 My Take

It is generally accepted that faiths, philosophies , were founded to  govern societies with some social structure and order. Without them generally it's thought, there would be chaos ,anarchy and  total lawlessness in our world. All world faiths ,regardless of which umbrella  or name they come under promote ,tolerance, mercy ,humility , and respect  for other human beings.  Within faiths we are made aware that as humans we need each other and have the quality of interdependence. Faiths teach us to stand up for our rights. Alongside faith also teaches to fulfill duties and responsibilities. The virtue of sharing is  also encouraged. Within faiths we learn to uphold social and  moral values. We learn to look out for the needy and offer compassion and support .Unfortunately , we never tire of tweaking the real message of faiths as inspired  scriptures,  to suit our own unworthy and unholy vices..

This episode  is meant to shock   and most certainly  it delivers  jolts and judders   through the medium of distressing  visuals and alarming  dialogues.

In the name of faith militantly marches onwards the disguised fiend of vengeance! Phool Chand !  as he leads on the  mislaid , wayward  duped devotees.. at each step the frenzied  rabble  take towards  Dhani.. they leave behind the teachings of the deities.. Shiva watches, Krishna watches, Ram himself watches.. and weep how their teachings are completely misread , misinterpreted  and  misconstrued to pander to the needs of personalized demons of the self! .. The demon of revenge  against Dhani cascades down  from Dashrant whom Dhani displeased by  robbing him of his heir  Viplav, enlightening his dark world with the real woes of life..  revenge trickles down and becomes Tripurari's  revenge upon Dhani for taking him to  task  about what an animal he is.. revenge then pewters down to Phool Chand who's sanctimonious  hypocrisy  Dhani challenged and stood up against. Dasharant , Tripurari ,Phool Chand all wished to see the consequences before their very eyes  of what they wanted to be  to Dhani..  being executed  now and even more in the name of faith  on the  outside! but really for the sake of their sweet revenge! This Dhani will get what she deserves!

The leader of the devotees , demonizes  them into a  hungry pack of wolves.. with great authority   from the devil he demands where is this  husband devoted  wife? what is all this you characterless woman? he mocks  Dhani who stands frightened by supported by Suvarna..this mad frenzied   crowd  was a sight not new for  Dhani  ,she confronted it before the Ashram , at the dance competition ..her messiah had come to save her ,would he come today? asks Dhani's heart.. hush my heart.. have hope.  Phool Chand proclaims brothers! this then is the  same  sinful woman who has defiled the name of the widows  look how she dresses up  to    out class the married woman her self! remember  that day in the police   station how you   out the challenged the difference  between a believer and non believer!  What is right and wrong according to faith? devotee and non devotee! Listen you morally corrupt woman.. brothers she insulted our society ! she has attempted to sabotage  our set in stone traditional values!  what did you think you'd get away? no you will be punished  today.. death penalty! decrees Phool Chand and the blinded rabble  back his  decision of  giving a death sentence by public trial..  amid roars , brandishing sticks verdict by the people death!  Tripurari   smiles.. his and Guru dev's jobs will be done with out getting blood on their hands..

Who will challenge Phool Chand's revenge  propelled decision,  ungodly  unjust decision.? the  lord  will! Ram decides! and sends Viplav to speak through him,  to act on his behalf.. for the gods  come down from the heavens when  human  suffering goes beyond the mark of pain!.. Suvarna and Dhani cower under the militant mob mentality and run for cover ,  this makes the predators more hungry for  the prey..  Tripurari  stops Suvarna..why should she run and become victim of the   frenzied armed mob ?she blames him and no surpise he denies , blames the crowd.. Dhani flees, like a terrified deer,  her feet leap and she heads for the temple  for sanctuary but is  stopped by the demon   Phool Chand.. and yet again he whips up  the devotees armed with naked swords ready to strike mercilessly this woman  in the name of dharam as  propagated  by Phool Chand  not by the gods! He repeats she will be punished by death! drag her to the peepal tree[ Bhudda tree] and tie her against it like a sitting target ready to be smitten.. let her see today the true difference  between  dharam and adhram .. practicing faith and defying faith means.. Phool Chand decrees.. and so it's  done Dhani , manhandled, pushed forced   and tied to the tree.. as her heart beats calls out for the lord Ram to save her the  countless  Ravans around her!

 Krishna the  god whose flute  plays loves tunes comes to her rescue! not even the hurdles  of transport  deter him.. he carries on with the song of love in his heart and  struggles on.. to save the one his heart makes musical notes for.. Dhani is reminded again of her crime of ridiculing the set traditions of this place. Dhani tries to plead her defence.. before ravan but he is drunk from the poisoned chalice of revenge  and now is inebriated  with the demonic feel of being avenged against this squirming  worm of a  widow before his feet.. each plead of hers for life  feeds his revenge! I wanted to kill you .. but now I decide to  give you a death  by fire!.. a baptism of fire  to teach Dhani the lesson between dhram and dharam!  and Dhani despite her pleas is tied to the tree as  logs and fire wood are propped up  around her to give special effects of a  witch being burnt at the stakes!

Her cries reach his heart as Viplav races not with  horses but racing with  evil men! he leaps onwards! like the lion of righteousness!  Dhani's cries of horror are scolded down as the demonic Phool Chand reminds her of the sin she committed against him! Dhani digs her feet and tells him she still maintains what she said about him a bully and  hypocrite.. that earns her the punishment of  tarnishing her virtue publically by multiple  men!.. goddess Sita being  abused and scorned ! her honour ripped to bits for standing up for the truth!.. Phool Chand abuses and degrades her by using scathing words, brothers  let us then, fulfil this widows desire with the joys of being a wife! this then will be the captive widow's last desire! A host of random men will  fulfil the requirements of qualifying  for the  rights of posing to be her husbands  complete with the sacred sindoor and mangal sutra!

 Phool Chand argues, this witch  of an inauspicious  widow! first killed  her own husband by  marrying, then she picked on Tripurari! where she was defeated! Now she has trapped   the  maha pandit's  grandson Viplav! all because she thirsts for the pleasures of a let her thrist be quenched! So one at a time come and colour this immoral  woman!  Tripurari's smiles as his words he used against Dhani when she refused  his advances come true... ahhh sweet revenge.. disguised under religious time!

Word spreads  about the incident , Suvarna informs, the widows decide  to  go and help . Inderani  fears the crowd, decides to take the biggest  hypocrite  Dashrant as their allies  .. their phone  gives him the good news that Lanka  action is in full swing.. he ravishes his kheer in  delight such news qualifies in lining his mouth   with the sweet taste of revenge against Dhani!

Phool Chand makes a mockery of the sacred  rites of marriage ,instructs the suitors what steps they need to take to eventually bring colour in the life of this  widow. Dhani struggles tied to the tree of tradition! .. and so begin  unholy steps towards Dhani ,her cries against inhuman traditions of attacking  the vulnerable and weak ones in society . he cries out  for her rights to live ,  right for honour and respect!.. her heart cries out for her protector and runs to her!  Dhani criesout to her deity .. bhole Nath! you know I am without sin save me!.. the widows arrive ,but are held back from saving Dhani they become  part of the spectators .. only the majority calls for her dishonour and death! and her family  cries for her life  and the safety of Dhani's virtue.. who will save both Dhani's virtue and her life?

Fighting through the crowd Viplav  leaps  and springs forward like the arrow that  shoots through  space.. I come Dhani! no foul hand will touch you! sticks ,stones, swords will not stop me today ,not even the warped faith teachings  of this Banaras city ! which stands being abused by all! The city cries in shame my Dhani! for you it sheds tears I come today to avenge my Dhani! and my city of Benaras against these defenders  of our  faith! The gods teach  us one thing! and these  so called hypocritical devotees another! god help me! how they defile and disgrace the true teachings of lord Ram, lord Krishna! ...respect and honor woman kind!

If they want a declaration I give it to them today Dhani! by this sword that is meant to smite you down.. I put my hand under it! to draw my blood! which embellishes the parting of your hair and trickles down to your nose to tell you and this mad rabble! how much I love you! and by my blood hear this all! Dhani here is Viplav Tirpathi's wife to be! the gods have decreed me to  be her lord and protector!  in this  holy city of Banaras..  mine and Dhani's city! The city where we met...

Friends forgive me for not covering every bit of the episode. chose the sections which spoke of good things to me. Evil  like Dashrant  I put on the back boiler and only chose to celebrate the  episode as I saw it. Epic proportions  and  great performances by Eisha and  Mishal  both.. thanks colours.. Hamlet53  19.12.15




Edited by Hamlet53 - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Guruvishva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Hello dear πŸ€—
How's you πŸ˜³

BBSS11 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Thanks Hamlet for the wonderful analysis on a power packed episode.
Guruvishva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Well said Hammie dear πŸ‘πŸ‘
These customs and faiths were to discipline man but it all went wrong ..some people don't know what is the real dharm πŸ˜‘😑
Dhani the poor deer caught in the hands of these predators πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
Viplav always reminded me if Lord Kanhaiya who taught the world what us Dharm πŸ˜³πŸ˜³
Well said Hammie dear πŸ‘πŸ‘
Viplav - Lion of righteousness 
Wonderful tag for Viplav πŸ‘πŸ‘
Wonderfully said πŸ‘πŸ‘
CarpediemRose thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
So this is my last post ,I am going to sleepπŸ˜†
Always ,I start my day with ur's now I am ending my day with ur post dear
Wonderful analysis,loved reading it hammie πŸ‘πŸ‘
A title apt to Viplav ,I loved it a lot dear
cocoatree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi Hammie!! πŸ˜³
Loved your lines so pleasing to read your take..  What a amazing take!! πŸ‘VIPLAV -indeed he is a sharp righteous arrow which strike a wrong actions at a perfect time..!! 
NusiSg thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Thnku so much dear Hammie for writing for us...😳
Fabulous voicing of Viplov's thoughts... n wat an incredible episode it was... wud remain in our hearts for long...!! I was spellbound n mesmerised with the outcome in the end...!! The whole concept,,everyone's acting..everything was spot on...!!

Yess indeed we r celebrating every moment of y'day episode. ..once again a big thnk u from my side cor writing for this particular episode..!!!😳
rama_2010 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
 πŸ€— Hammie.. beautiful  insights,,,,   the titles and the introductions are always Killer dear ...
what a way to discribe Viplav... Lion of Righteousness...   AND 

for the gods  come down from the heavens when  human  suffering goes beyond the mark of pain!.πŸ‘

the so called righteous people forget - The world is here for a purpose " God's purpose"

waiting for your take on today's episode ...  as they played a different version of the title song... which has lyrics  -  the color of almighty is white ...  great work from IKRS team.

peachesandcream thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Wonderful post, Hamlet, and for an episode that was difficult to view and must have been even more difficult to write about.
premparbat thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hello Hammie, Thanks for such an eloquent write-up of an episode that really touched me .

As you say it was meant to jolt , shock and awaken the masses of injustices happening in our society. Very often we need a mirror to reflect our own images , of what we have become . In any society where a women cannot be respected its future is bleak and questionable . Salut to men , if they indeed exist . who like Viplav stand up against such atrocities whatever be the motivation.

Do not have a lot to say about any particular scene as each was impressive. The thing that struck me was not very long ago this was the very Viplav who threw color at Dhaani to insult her publicly and today he stood protecting her from similar disgrace .

Mishal & Eisha have done such a tremendous job in recent episodes.

Truly looking forward to how this story proceeds.

( hammie will come back again to chat . just caught up with asli duniya )