BigBoss - After Party pg 64 COMPLETED - Page 39


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arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: littleman

Hey im sooo sorry im late

can i still vote??
If yes...I would vote Taani she wants to go
because i can't choose from either of the two

Update was Brilliant!!
I wish Nandini was not HOH
then she would definitely be on the block
and OUT!! πŸ˜‘😑
she reminds me of Sia!
Love the Freeze game as usual
nice to see Sam back...he was positive this time
warning Mukti and all but im happy she took it the right way
and talked to the guys first before Abhi
she really is great
and yay REY!! so nice to see him back
and the sweetest...he came to bring his friends back together
that was awesome!
so glad things are back to normal for the now
but sad that they are both up πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
awesome part!

Hey thanks so much...Yes your vote will be considered as we haven't started writing as yet and it's thanks to readers like yourself who has this story a success! so thanks sooo much...happy to know that you enjoyed the part and i also wish that Nandini was not she reminds you of Sia...yep Sam was positive this time and Mukti also played well with speaking to the guys...Rey was the sweetheart and he made his friends patch up...which was super cool...but they both are up...lets see what happens!
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: taarey_ria

Most scariest player would be Nandini after today πŸ˜‰
And best friendship either swayam and taani or mukti and taani πŸ˜ƒ

Thanks for voting!!
putti_taarey thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
I hate nandini
I'm not gonna evict anyone...
No eviction this week..
A humble request
Scariest player-nandini
Best friends-swayan
putti_taarey thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
I hate nandini
I'm not gonna evict anyone...
No eviction this week..
A humble request
Scariest player-nandini
Best friends-mukti taanu
putti_taarey thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Today no eviction...
I dont want anyone to go
Let nandini go
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey Guys Thank You all for your votes 
I am sorry this week is the last week so there will be an eviction tomorrow SorryπŸ˜”

Voting Lines Are Now Close!!!

Writing for Tomorrows Evictions currently in progress...
Edited by arsafar - 8 years ago
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Part 14

The audience cheered as Armaan came onto the stage, his brightening appearance made the stage even more magnificent...


"Welcome to Big Brother India... and also to our mid week evictions... at the moment the houseguests are unaware that one of them will be leaving the house today... so let's go into the house to meet them..." Armaan said.


Inside the house the houseguest was busy doing their normal routines...


Mukti and Taani were in the kitchen... Nandini was in the HOH room and Swayam and Arnav was out in the garden...


Abhi had just walked in to living room... he was heading to the garden when Armaan's face appeared on the screen...


"Hello Houseguests..." Armaan's voice echoed through the house...


"Can everyone please make their way to the living room...?" Armaan called.


Everyone was super shocked and they all stopped what they were doing.


"Come on everyone Armaan is on the screen..." Abhi called out.


Everyone hurriedly made their way into the living room; everyone surprised but pleased to see Armaan...


"Hey Armaan..." Mukti called when she entered the living room...


Everyone else entered and settled down...


"Surprise!" Armaan shouted excitedly...


Everyone laughed.


"Well I bet you are all surprised at what I am doing here mid week..." Armaan started.


"I don't think we are surprised anymore you keep springing surprises on us..." Swayam said cheekily...


Armaan laughed along with the others...


"True... but it's all part of the game..." Armaan continued...


"Unfortunately this time I only come with bad news..." Armaan said seriously.


The houseguests shared uneasy looks... Nandani continued to look at Armaan...


"Swayam and Taani one of you will be evicted today... right now..." Armaan broke the news to the houseguests...


"No way..." Mukti said.


"Why Armaan..." Swayam said.


"Sorry guys it's the game..." Armaan continued.


"We haven't finished packing..." Taani said worriedly.


"Don't worry whoever is evicted their possessions will be sent to them..." Armaan continued...


The houseguests were quiet...


"I'll give you guys a moment and I will be right back to evict one contestant..." Armaan informed them...


The screen went blank...


"This is soo unfair..." Mukti said slowly.


"Yeh but I bet one person in this room is happy..." Swayam said referring to Nandini.


"Please do not involve me... Swayam... I was completely surprised just like you are... And as for this mid week eviction it could have been anyone..." Nandini said.



Back on Stage


"Well the houseguests were totally blind sided... for now let's have a look at what happened after the veto ceremony..." Armaan informed the audience.



After POV Ceremony


Everyone stood up to meet Swayam and Taani...


"Wow I can't believe that we were even friends... Nandini... I never knew you were like this..." Mukti said to Nandini.


"Well I am sorry I didn't live up to expectations and be that quiet little girl I was at the beginning... but sometimes people have to fight... and I am glad I did..." Nandini replied...


"Leave it Mukti there is no point in arguing with her..." Abhi said.


"I can't believe you guys... On Friday you guys put me and Manik up together... That time no one felt sorry or bad that we were put up together... infact you guys planned for it to be like that... and now that I did the exact same thing... And put Taani and Swayam up together... I am wrong... you guys are messed up and you need to sort your priorities out..." Nandini said...


She glared at all of them but no one said anything so she walked away...


"She has a point you know..." Arnav said slowly.


They all turned to look at him...


"Chill ok... all I am saying is we did put Manik and Nandini up together... and now that she put Swayam and Taani up together... we are turning on her... but we did do the same thing..." Arnav said matter of factly.


"True... But we did not say that we are putting Nandini up for that propose we put both Mukti and Nandini up as pawns... Our target was never Nandini it was Manik..." Abhi said...


"That's true as well..." Arnav said.


"But that is how she sees it..." Taani said...


"Well I don't care what our plan was... but I do know who the next person to get thrown out the house will be..." Mukti said flopping back down on the sofa...



Back on stage


"It is now time to evict one houseguest from the house... let's head back into the house..." Armaan said.


Nandini had returned and sat at the edge of the sofa... they were all waiting quietly...


"Hello Houseguests..." Armaan said.


They all replied slowly as they knew what was coming...


"It is now time for evictions..." Armaan said.


Swayam held Taani's hand as Armaan said the results...


"The name I am about to call is evicted from the house..." Armaan said slowly...


Everyone held their breath.


"Taani you have been evicted from the Big Brother house..." Armaan said.


Taani smiled and stood up she hugged Swayam and then made her way around to the others...


"Mukti are you crying?" Taani asked... She hugged Mukti the longest... she then hugged Swayam again before picking up her bag...


"Good Luck guys..." Taani said before exiting the house...


Abhi hugged Mukti who had tears in her eyes... and they all went over to the screen where everyone's photos were... they waited until Taani's picture went grey...


Nandini kept her distance... Arnav had one hand on Swayam's shoulder and Abhi hugged Mukti...



On Stage...


Taani came on to the stage... The crowd applauded as Taani met Armaan... he then offered Taani a place to sit...


Taani was a little overwhelmed... but she had a smile on her face...


"Wow I think you did the impossible... Mukti was actually crying..." Armaan said cheekily...


"Yeah I know... I feel soo bad..." Taani said sadly.


"How was your experience in the house?" Armaan asked.


"It was amazing... I mean there was some really crazy moments especially when everyone was fighting... but mostly I made some great friends like Mukti and the other girls... and of course Swayam..." Taani said.


"It was a little rocky with Swayam in the house... was he different from how he normally is?" Armaan asked


"I think this game is made in such a way that it brings out the best and worst sides of a person... and as for Swayam... I did see a different side of him... but hopefully it was only for the game and nothing else..." Taani answered...


"Ok Taani in the event that you were evicted tonight the houseguests taped some goodbye messages... let's have a look..." Armaan said.


Swayam - "Hey Taani... I don't know what to say... it feels like we just made up and now you're gone... but I will definitely see you soon... So you better be there on Finale night I'll see you... if I make it there... Miss you!"


Mukti - "Hey Taani... You were my best girl friend in the house... I always kind of thought you will stay till the end... I never thought you would of left... this game is totally crazy... But I am still here and I will promise I won't rest until Nandini walks out of that door... just for you...take care ok!!"


Abhi - "Hi Taani... I know we didn't have much time to get to know each other but you are really sweet and you did not deserve to leave... don't worry we are going to take Nandini down..."


The End


"Everyone give a huge round of applause for Taani..." Armaan said Taani met Armaan before leaving... she waved at the audience and exited the stage...


Armaan turned back to the audience...


"Only five houseguests left in the house... Let's head to the activity area to see who will become the final HOH for the season..." Armaan said.


The activity area was set up like space... there was a huge sun on the floor and Abhi, Arnav, Mukti and Swayam hung from the ceiling on ropes on disks...


"Houseguests the power is back up for grabs... for the final HOH of the season...Nandini as outgoing head of househol you are not eligible to compete... This competition is called Soak up the Sun'... and all I can say houseguests is hold on tight...The last houseguest standing on their disk will be the new HOH...Hold on tight everyone because this competition starts now..." Armaan said.


As soon as Armaan had finished talking the houseguests started moving around the sun...


"Woah I like this task..." Swayam shouted out.


The others laughed until the sun started spitting yellow water at them.


"Ahhh what is that..." Mukti said.


"It's disgusting..." Abhi said.


"This is fun..." Arnav said.


"Ok Houseguests keep holding on I will see you on the next eviction day... Goodnight" Armaan called.


"Byeee!!" They all shouted... As they kept going around the sun...


Back on Stage...


"Only a few more days left now... till the Finale... stay tuned to find out who will become the next HOH and who will they put up on the block... but for now Take care and Goodnight" Armaan said.

Hey Guys I hope you enjoyed the part... please Like and Commment Thanks!

Edited by arsafar - 8 years ago
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Hey guys the next two awards are here please remeber to vote Thank You :) 


Best Group

- Girls Rule

- Silent Assassins

- Samrath and Manik


Best Couple

- Abhi and Mukti

- Manik and Nandini

-  Arnav and Roshni

Edited by arsafar - 8 years ago
A.Green thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
so sad that taani has to go..
best group-silent assassins
best couple-abhi n mukti
mukti cried😭 so sad!
i think nandini had a point when she said what she did..
but anyone becomes HOH nandini is surely gonna go because both audience n house-guests want her to goπŸ˜†
yay i m 1st again n tht too w/o pm
Edited by Starsfireflies - 8 years ago
Peda thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Best group :
Silent assassins
Best couple:
Abhi and Mukti
I really hope Arnav wins the HOH
I would like to see Mukti going out and Nandini staying even though I don't like her attitude at the moment but she has shown her mettle so it would be nice to see how she moves forward.
Thanks for the pm