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Posted: 10 years ago
A kada sam  vec spomenula knjige,da ubacim i naseg Mesu Selimovica,koji je jako mudro pisao ,ko se razume shvatice😉
Drya thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
Originally posted by: Bikica

A kada sam  vec spomenula knjige,da ubacim i naseg Mesu Selimovica,koji je jako mudro pisao ,ko se razume shvatice😉

Razumela ðŸ˜‰
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Posted: 10 years ago

Mane horoskopskih znakova

izvor: | etvrtak 22.08.2013. | 16:19 Zodijak | 29 komentara

Kako je to divno kada o vaem znaku priaju €" hrabar je, zavodljiv, sposoban... i tako redom. Lepe rei o znaku u kome smo ro'eni prijaju, i te kako... Da li ste ikada razmislili ili uopte hteli da ujete ta je to to ne valja, to je loe, kakvi smo kada smo u svom najgorem izdanju?

Hajde da malo zagrebemo onu nau finu povrinu, pa da vidimo kakve zlo‡e moemo da budemo...Oni koji se lako vre'aju, neka ne itaju dalje, a oni koji ele malo da se nasmeju, na svoj ili tu' raun, neka uivaju u ovom tekstu...


Pa naravno, on je prvi, on uvek mora da bude prvi u svemu. I nije ga briga to drugi kolutaju oima kada krene sa svojim priama €" ja pa ja, pa jedino ja i samo ja...sebe smatraju neustraivima, a okolina ih uglavnom gleda kao osobe koje jure kao muva bez glave da bi dobili ono to ho‡e. Nametljivci bez imalo manira i ugla'enosti, agresivci otrog jezika koji planu za svaku sitnicu, ako im kaete "um caruje, snaga klade valja" gleda‡e vas bez imalo razumevanja i kao da ste pali sa kruke, jer, Boe moj, naravno da je snaga i sila najvanija i najbitnija na ovom svetu. Neosetljivi, sebini, alavi, jure za osobom koja im se dopada dok je ne smore najstranije i dok ne pristane da bude sa njima...a onda se naravno brzo zasite i odlaze u nova osvajanja. Od njih ne vredi beati, jer ‡e vas juriti, niti se boriti sa njima, jer oni za borbu i dokazivanje ive, najbolja varijanta je ponaati se prema njima kao da ne postoje, oni to ne vole, nikako.


Napo*ni, napo*ni do zla boga, i ponovi‡u jo jednom €" napo*ni, uz to i tvrdoglavi i ube'eni da su popili svu pamet ovog sveta, dok je prosto i jednostavno injenica da su njihovi mentalni kapaciteti vrlo ogranieni, to im naravno ne smeta da se uputaju u diskusije i samozadovoljno se smekaju to su uspeli da potuku sagovornika, dok je mnogo verovatnije da je sagovornik odustao od rasprave kada je shvatio da pred sobom ima osobu koja je NApo*nA. Opsednuti su materijalnim stvarima, guranjem novca u slamaricu, konzumiranjem ogromnih koliina hrane i pi‡a, i seksom, to ih ini jednim od najnevernijih horoskopskih znakova. Œak im ni tu nije bitan kvalitet, ve‡ samo kvantitet, pa ukoliko nije zadovoljan koliinom koju dobija od strane partnera, ak i ova lenuga je u stanju da se pokrene i potrai neto sa strane. Ako ho‡ete da ih oterate od sebe, ponite da kuvate loe...ili uklonite sve zalihe alkohola iz ku‡e i objavite da ste reili da vrlo brzo krenete sa praktikovanjem celibata. Nesta‡e...


Ko je rekao "dvolini"? Ma, ovo je blag izraz za ove beskarakterne osobe, koje misle jedno, drugo i tre‡e, a rade neto stodvadeseto. Povrni, odueve se neim u prepodnevnim asovima, a ve‡ popodne pljuju po tome, dok su uvee u stanju da se zakunu da nikada, nikada, nikada nisu o tome uli ba ni jednu re. Pokuavaju da izigravaju manipulatore, dok je prava istina da se toliko upetljaju u svoje manipulacije i lai da ni sami posle vie ne znaju ni ta su hteli ni gde su poli. Mnogo hteo, mnogo zapoeo, nita ne zavrio €" eto prave istine o ovim osobama koje iritiraju do maksimuma svojom neprestanom priom i ogovaranjem koga god stignu. Ako su vam obe‡ali neto sigurno je da se dabe nadate, jer su bez ikakvog ose‡aja odgovornosti. Perverzijo, ime ti je Blizanac, ali to ne rade iz prave strasti, ve‡ prosto zato to im je dosadno i to ak i tu mora non stop neto da se menja i deava. Ako elite da ih oterate od sebe, recite im da elite brak, decu i miran porodini ivot, nesta‡e u treptaju oka.


Lenji preko svake mere, samozadovoljni i oholi, a ispod te njihove fasade kriju se slabi‡i koji ili ne mogu ili ne smeju da se pokrenu i urade neto konkretno za sebe. Zavise od majinske figure, bar mukarci, i ta god da se desi loe ili ne ide po njihovom, tre kod mame u krilo da ih utei. ene, sa druge strane postaju opsednute decom i porodicom i ne daju im da diu svojom brino‡u i opsesivnim strahovima. Zavidljivci, dosadni preko svake mere, kukavice koje ne smeju da odgovore na provokaciju ili neku uvredu, ali to zato pamte godinama i u tiini grcaju nad svojom tunom sudbinom i nad tim kako su neshva‡eni i nesre‡ni. Mlitavi, seka Perse, bez trunke ivota u sebi, veito im je potreban neko da ih vodi i pokazuje im put. Nesposobni da ive i funkcioniu sami, pa kada uhvate nekog muenog partnera ili partnerku, okae im se kao balast oko vrata i ne dozvoljavaju bekstvo. Kako se iupati iz ovih kljeta? Pljujte po njihovoj porodici, to je isto kao da ste im zabili prst u oko.


Arogantni hvalisavci, nabe'ene aristokrate i despoti u pokuaju. Veito glume veliinu i svima oko sebe daju nazovi pametne i mudre savete. Misle da je samo njihovo miljenje ispravno i bitno i sa visine i oholo ‡e gledati na one koji pokuavaju da im dokau suprotno. Ube'eni da su osobe od stila i ukusa, dok je prava istina da ljate kao novogodinje jelke i da okolinu boli mozak od njihovih modnih kombinacija. Uasno ‡e vam zavideti ako imate neto lepe i bolje od njih, i trudi‡e se da vas zbog toga spuste i unize. U krevetu misle samo i iskljuivo na svoje potrebe, pa Boe moj, dovoljno je to su tu i to postoje, vae je da se angaujete i zadovoljite Kralja ili Kraljicu. Ukoliko niste reprezentativni partner, koga mogu da pokazuju i da se hvale vama, vrlo brzo ‡ete pasti u nemilost i biti odbaeni. Zar je mogu‡e da bi neko poeleo da pobegne od ovih divnih persona? Ukoliko je takav sluaj, potrudite se da od Kralja ili Kraljice pravite Dvorsku budalu, dostojanstveno ‡e se okrenuti od vas i oti‡i da vladaju nekim drugim.


Hladni, lukavi, proraunati manipulatori koji ‡e uiniti da mislite da ste im najvanija osoba na svetu, a onda ‡e se okrenuti od vas, i izdati vas na najgori mogu‡i nain. I u glavi i u srcu imaju kompjuter, i stalno kalkuliu i mislima i emocijama. Ukoliko se ne uklapate u ono to im je cilj, dra‡e vas kraj sebe neko vreme dok vas ne iskoriste, a onda odbaciti i okrenuti se prilikama koje vie obe‡avaju. Perfidni laljivci i sitniari, zvocava zanovetala, kritiari svega to postoji, oni se ne sva'aju i ne podiu ton, ve‡ vas cinizmom tuku tano tamo gde vas boli, jer su vas, naravno, pre toga izanalizirali i prouili. Opsednuti svojim zdravljem, veito vuku bar tuce raznoraznih leki‡a, to iz apoteke, to po receptu koji su proitali u novinama. Prave se fini dok ne do'e do krevetskih akcija, a onda se pretvaraju u razbludnike koji poznaju sve mogu‡e i nemogu‡e tehnike, za koje vi do tada niste ni uli. Naravno, posle seksa se peru kao sumanuti, jer su radili neto prljavo, pa im je sada potrebna dezinfekcija. Ako ho‡ete da ih oterate od sebe, tucite ih po njihovim kompleksima, jer su u sutini uasno nesigurni.


Oholi snobovi, koji se trude da se okrue najluksuznijim i najskupljim stvarima, misle‡i da to prikazuje njihov ose‡aj za ukus i eleganciju, dok je prava istina da to vie lii na ki i preterivanje. Najradije bi, da mogu, okaili cenu na sve ono to poseduju, da bi svi oko njih videli koliko su puni para. Laljivi su i neiskreni, ali ‡e klimati glavom na sve ono to kaete, jer ne ele da se zameraju, a usput i kontaju da ‡ete im verovatno kad tad zatrebati, pa ele da vas dre u rezervi. Pravi su spletkaroi, ali na takav podmukao nain, da su u stanju da igraju na vie strana jer od svih pokuavaju da izvuku neku linu korist. Vole da budu okrueni ljudima koji su bitni i mo‡ni i uvlai‡e im se na svaki mogu‡i nain, bi‡e snishodljivi i trudi‡e se da im podilaze, jer vole da budu vi'eni u poznatom drutvu. Biraju partnere koji im dobro stoje, koji su materijalno situirani i koje koriste kao modni dodatak. Ne znaju da kau "ne" tako da na njihovu vernost nemojte raunati ni jednog trenutka. Ponite loe da se oblaite i prestanite da im ispunjavate elje, brzo ‡e oti‡i od vas.


Ironini mranjaci, arogantni i oholi, ono to oni misle i smatraju treba da bude bespogovorni zakon za sve, nesnosni u svojim zabludama u koje pokuavaju da ubede druge. Uasno ponosni i isto toliko osvetoljubivi, ne zanosite se ako vam kau da su vam oprostili, nisu i nikada ne‡e, samo ekaju pravi trenutak da vas zgaze i naplate vam sve dugove. Veito su opsednuti teorijama zavere, misle da je ceo svet protiv njih i skloni su da vide neprijatelje svuda oko sebe. Okrutni su i agresivni, a ljubomora i posesivnost im je neverovatna, pa se trude da partnera u potpunosti potine i zatvore u kavez. Psihopate, koje kada se namere na neto ili nekoga, srljaju sa neverovatnom upo*no‡u, ne obra‡aju‡i panju da li na tom putu gaze preko leeva ili unitavaju same sebe. Perverznost, sadizam, lanci i katanci, lisice i seksualna pomagala €" naviknite se na to ako vam je sre‡a okrenula le'a pa vam je partner korpija. Od njih je nemogu‡e pobe‡i, moete samo da se molite da ‡e njihova zainteresovanost prestati.


Stalno gnjavi svojom hvalisavo‡u, die sebe u visine, uobraen do neverovatnih razmera, voli da pria, a ne voli da slua, pa su pokuaji da ovoj osobi neto objasnite ili je ubedite, unapred osu'eni na propast. Alavi su na hranu, a pare bez imalo razmiljanja rasipaju oko sebe, da bi posle kukali i bili nesre‡ni kada sve potroe. Totalno su povrni, budalasti i nikada ne naue, tako da iste greke ponavljaju iznova i iznova u ivotu. Na prvi pogleda izgledaju naivno, dok je prava istina da jednostavno nemaju dovoljno sposobnosti da koriste sopstveni mozak, pa upadaju u kojekakve rune situacije. Skloni su svim porocima, kla'enju, kocki, a i vole da lutaju od partnera do partnera, pa je njihova vernost prosto reeno misaona imenica. Strelac eli da vas osvoji, i on ‡e nasrtati, jer ne zna ta je to romantika i prefinjenost, vode se iskljuivo poudom. Nije potrebno da se trudite da ga oterate od sebe, on ‡e oti‡i sam, jer za njega predstavljate samo jo jednu recku. Vezuju se samo kada se umore od lutanja.


Bezose‡ajne i mrzovoljne gromade, kamene face, kamenog srca. Ube'eni su u svoju veliinu i nezamenljivost, prikriveni despoti ukoliko to ne mogu otvoreno da pokau, a javni tirani ukoliko im se da bilo kakav oblik vlasti, bilo da je u pitanju posao ili partnerski odnos. Mrzitelji i kritiari svih, smatraju da samo njihova re treba da se potuje i bespogovorno slua, a kada su u podre'enom poloaju nemilice se ulizuju onima koji su iznad njih, jer ele da uspeju, a za taj uspeh im nije bitno ta treba da urade. U sutini su uasno nesigurni, boje se sebe, boje se drugih, boje se neuspeha, boje se da se otvore emotivno, pa iz tih strahova pokazuju najgore osobine svoje linosti. Kada se razbesne, nemogu‡e ih je kontrolisati, mogu da budu uasno agresivni i neverovatno okrutni. krtice i za materijalne i za emotivne stvari, ukoliko smatraju da ste nepodobni da im budete partner mogu vas drati kraj sebe neko vreme, dok ne na'u nekog pogodnijeg koji ispunjava sve uslove za brak i porodicu. Ukoliko elite da pobegnete iz ovog odnosa, budite samo svoji, slobodni i ekscentrini, oni to ne podnose.


Nepredvidljivi, ponekad ni oni sami ne znaju ta im je u glavi, misli su im neuhvatljive, lako zaboravljaju, pa ih je nemogu‡e uhvatiti il za glavu il za rep. Ipak, ube'eni su da su u pravu za sve to kau, pa mogu biti jako oholi, samozadovoljni, bez ikakvog pravog razloga za to. Poto su im nervi slaba strana, jako su nervozni i razdraljivi, spremni da eksplodiraju u svakom trenutku i oduvaju sagovornika. to na umu, to na drumu €" ovo su zaista takve osobe koje ne znaju i ne umeju da mere svoje rei i dela, pa se ponaaju totalno neshvatljivo drugima, idu‡i iz krajnosti u krajnost. Uopte ne znaju sa novcem, u stanju su da potroe sve do poslednjeg dinara, da se zadue i da potroe ponovo. Pozajmite im pare i oprostite se od njih. Malo je re‡i da su razbludni i perverzni, jer je seks mesto za istraivanja, za svakojake sadistike i mazohistike igrarije, njihova bolesna mata tu dolazi do punog izraaja. Partnera as ho‡e, as ne‡e, as su verni, as neverni, ako budete pokuavali da ih provalite, samo ‡ete se najgore smoriti. Najbolji nain da ih oterate od sebe jeste da traite normalnu, solidnu i vrstu vezu...


Muenici, ali ona vrsta muenika koja najvie mui sve oko sebe, jer kada padaju u depresiju i crne misli, najvie vole da povuku to vie ljudi za sobom. Hajmo sada malo da patimo €" ovo se kod Riba na'e na meniju makar jednom dnevno, jer su nesposobni za suoavanje sa pravim ivotom i njegovim problemima, pa je najlake da se malo tuguje nad sopstvenom sudbinom. Me'u njihovim znakom je najvie alkoholiara i stalnih posetilaca psihijatrijskih ustanova. Uasno su nesigurni, bez ikakve inicijative i pokreta, preputaju se da ih talasi ivota nose, ak ni ne pokuavaju‡i da urade neto za sebe ili promene neto. To su veita deca, ali ne u smislu veselosti i sklonosti igri, ve‡ na taj nain to su im stalno potrebni ljudi koji ‡e da ih usmeravaju i vode kroz ivot, jer su mekani i pasivni pa je njima potrebna vrsta ruka da se za nju dre, da ne bi potonuli totalno. Poudni su za hranu, za pi‡e, i naravno za seks €" jer su ovo prikriveni bludnici i razvratnici. Kritikujte ih i ubi‡ete ih u pojam, sa suzama u oima ‡e oti‡i od vas.

Disadvantages horoscope signs
| Thursday, 8/22/2013. | 16:19 zodiac | 29 comments

How wonderful it is when you talk about your character - bold, seductive, capable ... and so on. Nice words on the sign in which we were born before, and that's how ... Have you ever thought about or even want to hear what it is that's wrong, what's wrong, what we are when we are in your worst?

Let's scratches that our fine surface, and let's see what we can be evil ... Those who are easily offend, do not read any further, and those who want a little laugh at his own or someone else's, let them enjoy the this text ...


So of course, he was the first, it must always be first in everything. And he does not care what others roll their eyes when they go with their stories - I am so, so only me and only me ... consider themselves to be fearless, and the environment they are usually seen as people chasing a fly without a head to get what they want . Intruders with no manners and politeness, bullies sharp tongue who plan for every little thing, when they say "um rules, power stocks should" look upon you with no understanding as to have fallen from the pears, because, my God, of course, that the power and most important and the most important force in the world. Insensitive, selfish, greedy, chasing after someone who they like until you smore and the worst until he agrees to be with them ... and then of course quickly saturate and leave for new conquests. None of them are worth running away, they will chase you, nor fight with them because they fight for and prove they live, the best option is for them to act like they do not exist, they do not like it at all.


An intense, drawn to the evil god, and I will repeat once again - annoying, besides being stubborn and convinced that they drank all the wit of the world, and the plain and simple fact that their mental capacities are very limited, which of course they do not bother to engage in discussions and are smiling smugly as they managed to beat the respondents, while much more likely that the caller has abandoned the discussion when he realized that before you have a person who is working hard. Are obsessed with material things, pushing money in the mattress, consuming huge amounts of food and drink, and sex, which makes them one of najnevernijih horoscope signs. Im not even that is not an essential quality, just quantity, and if not satisfied with the amount they receive from their partners, even this lazybones is able to run and look for something on the side. If you want to get them out of themselves, start to cook badly ... or remove all supplies of alcohol from the house and publish that you decided to go very fast with the practice of celibacy. It will disappear ...


Who said "two-faced"? Well, this is a mild term for these spineless people who think one thing, second and third, and doing something one hundred and twenty. Shallow, delights with something in the morning and in the afternoon spit on it, and the night unable to swear to never, never, never heard about it just a word. They are trying to circumvent the manipulator, and the truth is that so entangled in his manipulation and lies that not even after you no longer even know what they want where they were going. Much like, many started, nothing finished - that's the real truth about these people that irritate the maximum his constant talking and gossiping whomever they can. If you promise something for sure is that nothing is hope, because without any sense of responsibility. Perversion, you name twin, but it's not out of genuine passion, but simply because they are bored and they even there must not stop something that is changing and happening. If you want to get them out of themselves, tell them you want marriage, kids and a quiet family life vanish in the blink of an eye.


Lazy beyond measure, smug and arrogant, but underneath that facade hides their weaklings who either can not or are not allowed to move on and do something specifically for you. Depend on maternal figure, bar men, and whatever bad happens or does not go up to them, run to mom's lap to console them. Women, on the other hand are becoming obsessed with children and family and do not let them breathe his solicitude and obsessive fears. Envious, wasteful beyond measure, cowards who must respond to provocation or an insult, but it's so memorable for years and quietly sobbing over his sad fate and over how misunderstood and unhappy. Limp, sissy, without any life in it, forever they need someone to guide them and show them the way. Unable to live and work alone, so when you catch someone being tortured or her partner, hang them around your neck as a burden and not allow escape. How to pull out of these pliers? Spit for their family, it is as if they have scored a finger in the eye.


Arrogant braggarts, would-be aristocrats and despots in the attempt. Size eternally acting and everyone around you give you call a smart and wise advice. They think that only their opinion is right and important, and the height and haughtily will look at those who are trying to prove them otherwise. Convinced that the people of style and taste, while the truth is that ljate as Christmas trees and the environment hurts the brain of their fashion combinations. Terrible will envy you if you have something even better and more of them, and will attempt to flee and therefore degrade. In bed thinking only and exclusively on their needs, and my God, just as there as there are, your to engage and meet the King or Queen. If you are a representative partner who can show you the praise you, you will quickly fall from grace and be rejected. Is it possible that someone wanted to get away from these wonderful persona? If that is the case, make sure that the King or Queen of Dvorska making a fool with dignity will turn on you and go to some other rule.


Cold, cunning, calculating manipulators that will make them think you're the most important person in the world, and then they will turn away from you, and issue you the worst possible way. And in my mind and heart have a computer, and constantly calculating and thoughts and emotions. If you do not fit into what the goal is, he will keep you by my side for a while as long as you do not use and then throw away and turn to more promising opportunities. Perfidious liars and nitpick, nag nagging critics of everything, they do not argue and do not raise the tone, but you beat cynicism exactly where the pain is, as you, of course, before that, and analyzed the study. Obsessed with their health, forever pulling at least a dozen various Lekic, as the pharmacy, which the recipe that they read in the paper. They make fine until it comes to the actions of bed, and then converted into libertine who know all the possible and impossible techniques, which you previously have not even heard of. Of course, after sex to wash like crazy, because they were doing something dirty, and they now require disinfection. If you want to get them out of themselves, beat them at their complexes, because they essentially terribly insecure.


The arrogant snobs who try to surround themselves with the most luxurious and expensive things, thinking that it shows their sense of taste and elegance, while the truth is that it is more like kitsch and overstatement. Would prefer to be, hung a price on everything they own, so that everyone around them saw how full of money. Are lying and dishonest, but the nod to everything you say, because I do not want to complain, and along the way, and I reckon they'll probably eventually need, so they want to hold in reserve. The real schemers, but in such a cruel manner, they are able to play on the higher side because of all try to squeeze any personal benefit. They like to be surrounded by people who are important and powerful and uvlai‡e them in every possible way, being condescending and will attempt to pander to them, because they like to be seen in the famous society. Choose partners that they are doing well, who are materially well situated and used as a fashion accessory. I do not know how to say "no" to their faithful do not count any moment. Start bad to dress and stop them realize the dream will soon leave you.


Ironic reactionaries, arrogant and proud, what they think and believe to be undisputed law for all of its horrible blunders in trying to persuade others. Terribly proud and equally vindictive, do not get carried away if you say that you are forgiven, are not and never will, just waiting for the right moment to run over and charge you all the debts. Eternally obsessed with conspiracy theories, they think the whole world is against them and they tend to see enemies all around him. They are cruel and aggressive, jealousy and possessiveness them is amazing, and strive to partner fully subordinate and close to the cage. Psychopaths, which when intent on something or someone, rush with incredible persistence, ignoring whether on the road trampled over the bodies or destroy themselves. Perversion, sadism, chains and padlocks, handcuffs and sex toys - get used to it if you luck turned her back and a partner Scorpio. Of them can not escape, you can only pray that their interest to stop.


I keep bugging my hvalisavo‡u, lifting him up high, puffed up to extraordinary proportions, loves to talk and does not like to listen to, so this person attempts to explain something or convince, doomed to failure. Allawi on food and money without any thoughts scatter around, and after hip and were unhappy when all expended. It's totally superficial, silly and never learn, so that the same mistakes are repeated over and over again in my life. At first glance it seems naive, and the truth is that you simply do not have the ability to use their own brains, and get into all sorts of bad situations. They tend to all the vices, betting, gambling, and love to wander from partner to partner, and their zeal to put it plainly thought noun. Sagittarius wants to win, and he will infest, because I do not know what the romance and sophistication, the water is only lust. There is no need to try to throw him out of himself, he would go alone, because it is merely another notch. Bind only when they get tired of wandering.


Heartless and sullen boulders, stone face, a heart of stone. They are convinced of its size and immutability, disguised despots if it can not open the show, and the public tyrants if they are to have any form of government, whether it's a business or partnership. Haters and critics of all, they believe that only their word should be respected and listened obediently, and when at a disadvantage relentlessly suck up to those above them, because they want to succeed, and that success does not matter to them what to do. Essentially are terribly insecure, afraid of myself, afraid of others, fear of failure, afraid to open up emotionally, and from those fears, showing the worst traits of his personality. When you get angry, it is impossible to control, can be terribly aggressive and incredibly cruel. Hoarders and for material and emotional things, if they feel that you are unfit to be their partner can keep you by my side for a while, until they find a suitable one that fulfills all the requirements for marriage and family. If you want to get away from this relationship, just be yourself, free and eccentric, they do not tolerate.


Unpredictable, sometimes even they do not know what's in their head, they thought unattainable, easily forgotten, so it is impossible to catch il il head to tail. However, they are convinced that they are right about everything they say, and can be very proud, self-satisfied, without any real reason for it. Since their nerves weakness, they are very nervous and irritable, ready to explode at any moment and blow the speaker. What the mind, that on the road - these are really such people who do not know and do not know how to measure their words and actions, and behave totally incomprehensible to others, going from one extreme to another. Do not know about money, they are able to spend every last dinars to borrow and spend again. Lend them the money and say goodbye to them. To say that the sensuous and perverted, because sex is a place for research, for all manner of sadistic and masochistic power play, their sick imagination that comes to the fore. Partners hour will, sometimes not, sometimes the faithful, sometimes unfaithful, if you try to figure out, you'll be the worst bores. The best way to get them out of yourself is to look normal, solid and strong relationship ...

Martyrs, but the kind of martyrs who troubles the all around, because when you fall into a depression and dark thoughts, prefer to draw more people to you. Let us do a little now - this is found in fish on the menu at least once a day, because they are unable to deal with real life and its problems, and the easiest way to get a little grief over their own destiny. Among their character is most alcoholics and regular visitors to psychiatric institutions. Terribly insecure, without any initiative and movement are left to them to carry the waves of life, not even trying to do something for themselves or change something. These are the eternal children, but not in the sense of exhilaration and game preferences, but in a way that they always need people who will direct and lead them through life, because they are soft and passive and they need a firm hand to keep it in that would not be totally submerged. Lusting for food, water, and of course the sex - because these are hidden and immoral perverts. Criticize them, and kill them in concept, with tears in her eyes will go away from you.
Daltoni thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Spisak namirnica koje ubrzavaju starenje organizma

22. avgust 2013

Izbegavajte meso

Ovde se nalazi popis od 5 najvanijih namirnica koje znatno ubrzavaju proces starenja. Dakle, proces starenja moemo delimino usporiti njihovim izbacivanjem ili smanjenjem koliina u ishrani. Svakako je dobro znati da tajna zdrave ishrane lei u uravnoteenosti unosa vitamina, minerala, vlakana, belanevina i ugljenih hidrata.

1. E†ER

Velika je razlika izme'u jednostavnih e‡era €" onih koji se uobiajeno dodaju hrani €" i sporo osloba'aju‡ih ugljenih hidrata koje telo pretvara u glukozu i koristi kao gorivo. Prvi nas ubrzano stari, drugi nam je potreban. Ishrana sa previe e‡era usporava sposobnost tela da se regenerie.

U svakodnevnom ivotu, to uzrokuje bol u zglobovima, slabljenje mii‡a, promene raspoloenja, podonjake, pege i bore. Brojna istraivanja su potvrdila da preterano konzumiranje e‡era skra‡uje ivot, zbog je ega ga nazivaju €œbeli ubica€œ. Od sve hrane, on najvie ubrzava starenje.


Prebacite se na integralne itarice, vo‡e i povr‡e €" na sporo osloba'aju‡e ugljene hidrate €" koji su puno prihvatljiviji od rafiniranog e‡era. Kada vam se jede neto slatko, grickajte argarepu, bademe ili pista‡i.

2. SO

Natrijum i hlor €" dva sastojka soli €" vani su minerali koji odravaju mii‡ni i nervni sistem. Ona je jednostavan zain jelu i prisutna je u prera'evinama: konzerviranom povr‡u, siru, suvomesnatim proizvodima, supama€

Ako je koristimo u preteranim koliinama, tetna za nau mladolikost, jer u prevelikim koliinama ubrzava starenje.


Nije preporuljivo da uzimate vie od tri grama soli dnevno. Najlaki nain da to postignete jeste da izbegavate prera'evine koje u sebi imaju vie od 0,2 grama natrijuma na 100 grama mase.


Iako je kravlje mleko bogato kalcijumom, vitaminima i proteinima, ono tako'e aktivira etiri procesa starenja €" usporavanje probave (uzrokuje nadutost, zatvor ili proliv), upale (ukoeni zglobovi), hormonsku neravnoteu (koji utiu na nivo e‡era u krvi i nivo estrogena) i formiranje kiseline. Treba paziti i na mlene derivate (kazein i laktozu) u hlebu, kolaima, keksu, mesnim prera'evinama i grickalicama.


Ponite da pijete kozje ili ovije mleko jer su bogatija mnogim vitaminima i mineralima, kao i feta sir i mocarelu. Potreban kalcijum uzimajte iz tamnozelenog lisnatog povr‡a, oraastih plodova, semenki i itarica.


Proteini iz mesa potrebni su za izgradnju mii‡a, ligamenata i koe, ali ova namirnica aktivira svih pet procesa starenja, jer je bogata zasi‡enim mastima i vrlo je kalorina.

Meso je jedna od najvanijih namirnica koja proizvodi kiseline, ima visok nivo zasi‡enih masti.

Prera'eno meso ima visok nivo kancerogenih sulfita i nitrita, jer prenje uzrokuje promene u DNK, pojavu slobodnih radikala i dovodi do oksidativnog stresa.


Neka se na vaem jelovniku e‡e na'e riba, koja je dobar izvor proteina. Ostali poeljni izvori proteina su jaja, itarice, mahunarke, oraasti plodovi i semenke. Ako jedete meso, birajte nemasnu piletinu, ‡uretinu ili jagnjetinu. Izbegavajte kobasice, unku, hamburgere, kao i preno i pohovano meso.


Masti su bitne za odravanje strukture ‡elija, pomau telu da apsorbuje vitamine topive u masti, utiu na zdrav izgled koe, hrane mozak, podiu raspoloenje i daju energiju.

Svaka ‡elija u naem telu ima zatitni sloj masti i belanevina. Ako se taj spoljanji sloj sastoji od dobrih masti, to moe pomo‡i ‡elijama da apsorbuju hranjive materije i vodu. Me'utim, ako je re o sloju koji nije fluidan zbog ishrane s velikom koliinom loih masti, taj proces je oslabljen.

Smatra se da je to okida za mnoge simptome starenja, ukljuuju‡i pad kvaliteta koe, upale, alergije.

Me'u mastima najgore su trans-masti, koje se mogu na‡i u industrijski prera'enoj hrani, kao to su kolai, fast food, sladoled, te ulja za duboko prenje. One ometaju rad ‡elija i uzrokuju upale, vode do oksidacije i hormonske neravnotee.

Trans-masti su tako'e povezane s depresijom, bolestima srca, povienim nivoom loeg holesterola, a nose i pove‡ani rizik od degenerativnih bolesti.


Konzumirajte masti od neprera'enih proizvoda, plavu ribu, avokado, kozje i ovije proizvode, soju i orahe. Ne zaboravite da je kokosovo ulje, iako vrlo kalorino, zdravo te ak pomae kod mravljenja.

List of foods that speed up the aging process

22, August 2013
Avoid meat
Here is a list of the 5 most important foods that significantly accelerates the aging process. Thus, the aging process can slow down their partially removing or reducing the amount of food. It is certainly good to know that the secret of a healthy diet is in balance intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and carbohydrates.


There is a great difference between simple sugars - those that are commonly added to food - and slowly liberating carbohydrates that the body converts into glucose and used as fuel. Our first is aging rapidly, others we need. Diet with too much sugar slows down the body's ability to regenerate.

In everyday life, it causes joint pain, muscle weakness and wasting, mood swings, dark circles, freckles and wrinkles. Numerous studies have demonstrated that excessive sugar consumption shortens life, due to what it called a "white assassin." Of all the food, it speeds up aging.


Switch to whole grains, fruits and vegetables - the slow-releasing carbohydrates - which are much more acceptable than refined sugar. When you eat something sweet nibble carrots, almonds or pistachios.

2 SO

Sodium and chlorine - two ingredients of salt - are important minerals that keep the muscular and nervous systems. It is simple condiment dish and is present in processed products: canned vegetables, cheese, smoked meat products, soups ...

If used in excessive amounts, is harmful to our youthfulness, because too much of accelerated aging.


It is not advisable to take more than three grams of salt per day. The easiest way to do this is to avoid products which themselves have more than 0.2 grams of sodium per 100 grams of weight.

3 Cow's milk

Although cow's milk is rich in calcium, vitamins and protein, it also activates four of the aging process - slowing digestion (causing bloating, constipation or diarrhea), inflammation (stiff joints), hormonal imbalance (which affect blood sugar and estrogen levels) and the formation of acid. You need to look at dairy products (casein and lactose) in bread, cakes, biscuits, meat products and snacks.


Start to drink goat's or sheep's milk because many are richer in vitamins and minerals, as well as feta cheese and mozzarella. You need take calcium from dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains.


Meat protein is required to build muscle, ligaments and skin, but these foods triggers all five of the aging process, because it is rich in saturated fats and highly caloric.

Meat is one of the most important foods that produce acids, has high levels of saturated fat.

Processed meat has high levels of cancer-causing sulphite and nitrite as frying causes changes in DNA, the occurrence of free radicals and oxidative stress.


Keep your menu to find more fish, which is a good source of protein. Other preferred sources of protein are eggs, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. If you eat meat, choose lean chicken, turkey or lamb. Avoid sausages, bacon, burgers, and fried and fried meat.


Fats are essential for maintaining the structure of cells, help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, affect the healthy appearance of the skin, brain food, uplifting and give you energy.

Every cell in our body has a protective layer of fat and protein. If the outer layer consists of good fats, it can help the cells to absorb nutrients and water. However, if it is a layer that is not due to fluid diet with large amounts of bad fats, this process is impaired.

It is considered to be the trigger for many symptoms of aging, including a decrease in the quality of the skin, inflammation, allergies.

Among the worst fats are trans fats, which are found in industrially processed foods, such as cakes, fast food, ice cream, and oil for deep frying. They disrupt the cells and cause inflammation, leading to oxidation and hormonal imbalances.

Trans-fats are also linked to depression, heart disease, elevated levels of bad cholesterol, and carry an increased risk of degenerative diseases.


Consume fat of raw products, oily fish, avocados, goat and sheep products, soy and nuts. Remember that coconut oil, though very caloric, healthy, and even helps with weight loss.

Edited by Daltoni - 10 years ago
Daltoni thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

U moru recepata koje za vas svakodnevno istraujemo, dolo je vreme i da vas nauimo kako da napravite indijski kari od povr‡a, a sve to uz pomo‡ sajta.

Ako ste mislili da je kari neko jako komplikovano jelo koje se ne moe napraviti u sopstvenom domu, mi ‡emo vas danas pokuati razuveriti. Za vas smo odabrali kari bez mesa, da bi bolje pasao uz leto, a izbor sveih namirnica ovo jelo uini‡e neodoljivim.

Potrebni sastojci:

  • Kaika suncokretovog ulja
  • 2 kaike semenki goruice
  • 2 crvena luka, naseckana
  • Zelena ljuta papriica
  • 500g karfiola
  • Jedan batat ili obini krompir
  • Patlidan
  • 2 argarepe iseene na kockice
  • 400g iseckanog paradajza iz konzerve
  • 2 ena belog luka
  • Kaika 'umbira u prahu
  • Kaika karija u prahu
  • Kaika kurkume u prahu
  • 600 ml povrtnog bujona
  • 100g zelenih mahuna
  • Kaiica garam masale ( indijskog zainskog miksa)
  • 2 svea paradajza sitno iseckana
  • 2 kaike tostiranih, grubo iseckanih oraha
  • 2 kaike sveeg lista korijandera

U dubljoj, velikoj posudi (tavi) zagrejte ulje na srednje jakoj temperaturi, dodajte semenke goruice i prite 1-2 minuta, dodajte luk i ljutu papriicu pa sve dinstajte oko 5 minuta. Nakon to je luk omekao polako dodavajte povr‡e, karfiol, krompir, patlidan, argarepu, paradajz iz konzerve, beli luk, kurkumu, 'umbir, sve zalijte bujonom, dodajte pola kaiice soli, posudu napola poklopite i ostavite da se krka oko pola sata.

Pred sami kraj kuvanja dodajte mahune, garam masalu i polovinu sveeg paradajza i kuvajte jo pet minuta.

Pri serviranju kari pospite orasima i sveim korijanderom. Jelo ovoliko bogato sveim i zdravim namirnicama ne moe biti loe. Ukoliko imate problema sa pronalaenjem zaina i zainskih meavina, napravite svoju, pustite mati na volju i uivajte.

In a sea of €‹€‹recipes for you to explore every day, it is time that you learn how to make Indian vegetable curry, all with the help of site.

If you thought it was too complicated for a curry dish that can not be done in your own home, we will now try to reassure. We have selected curry without meat, it would be better with summer grazing and range of fresh foods will make this dish irresistible.

     Tbsp sunflower oil
     2 tablespoons mustard seeds
     2 onions, chopped
     Green chili peppers
     500g cauliflower
     One sweetpotato or plain potatoes
     2 carrots cut into cubes
     400g canned chopped tomatoes
     2 cloves of garlic
     Tablespoon powdered ginger
     Tablespoon curry powder
     Spoon of turmeric powder
     600 ml vegetable broth
     100g green beans
     Teaspoon garam masala (Indian spice mix)
     2 fresh tomatoes finely chopped
     2 tablespoons toasted, coarsely chopped walnuts
     2 tablespoons fresh coriander leaf


In a deep, large bowl (pan) heat the oil over medium temperature, add the mustard seeds and fry for 1-2 minutes, add the garlic and hot pepper and saut all for 5 minutes. Once the onions soften slowly add vegetables, cauliflower, potatoes, eggplant, carrots, canned tomatoes, garlic, turmeric, ginger, pour all the broth, add half a teaspoon of salt, half a container lid and allow to simmer for about half an hour.

Before the end of cooking, add the green beans, garam masala and half fresh tomatoes and cook for another five minutes.

When serving sprinkle with curry nuts and fresh coriander. Much rich food fresh and healthy food can not be bad. If you have trouble finding the spices and seasoning mix, make your own, be creative and enjoy.

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Originally posted by: Bikica

A kada sam  vec spomenula knjige,da ubacim i naseg Mesu Selimovica,koji je jako mudro pisao ,ko se razume shvatice😉

Tesko Biki da ce neki ikada razumeti a i shvatiti. Izgleda da neki ljudi zive u paralelnim univerzumima.  Tu su pored nas a zapravo su toliko daleko da se sa njima nikada ne mozemo sresti.
It's hard to be a Biki ever understand and comprehend. It seems that some people live in parallel universes. There are around us and actually so far to deal with them we can never meet.

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Originally posted by: Daltoni

U moru recepata koje za vas svakodnevno istraujemo, dolo je vreme i da vas nauimo kako da napravite indijski kari od povra, a sve to uz pomo sajta.

Ako ste mislili da je kari neko jako komplikovano jelo koje se ne moe napraviti u sopstvenom domu, mi emo vas danas pokuati razuveriti. Za vas smo odabrali kari bez mesa, da bi bolje pasao uz leto, a izbor sveih namirnica ovo jelo uinie neodoljivim.

Potrebni sastojci:

  • Kaika suncokretovog ulja
  • 2 kaike semenki goruice
  • 2 crvena luka, naseckana
  • Zelena ljuta papriica
  • 500g karfiola
  • Jedan batat ili obini krompir
  • Patlidan
  • 2 argarepe iseene na kockice
  • 400g iseckanog paradajza iz konzerve
  • 2 ena belog luka
  • Kaika 'umbira u prahu
  • Kaika karija u prahu
  • Kaika kurkume u prahu
  • 600 ml povrtnog bujona
  • 100g zelenih mahuna
  • Kaiica garam masale ( indijskog zainskog miksa)
  • 2 svea paradajza sitno iseckana
  • 2 kaike tostiranih, grubo iseckanih oraha
  • 2 kaike sveeg lista korijandera

U dubljoj, velikoj posudi (tavi) zagrejte ulje na srednje jakoj temperaturi, dodajte semenke goruice i prite 1-2 minuta, dodajte luk i ljutu papriicu pa sve dinstajte oko 5 minuta. Nakon to je luk omekao polako dodavajte povre, karfiol, krompir, patlidan, argarepu, paradajz iz konzerve, beli luk, kurkumu, 'umbir, sve zalijte bujonom, dodajte pola kaiice soli, posudu napola poklopite i ostavite da se krka oko pola sata.

Pred sami kraj kuvanja dodajte mahune, garam masalu i polovinu sveeg paradajza i kuvajte jo pet minuta.

Pri serviranju kari pospite orasima i sveim korijanderom. Jelo ovoliko bogato sveim i zdravim namirnicama ne moe biti loe. Ukoliko imate problema sa pronalaenjem zaina i zainskih meavina, napravite svoju, pustite mati na volju i uivajte.

In a sea of recipes for you to explore every day, it is time that you learn how to make Indian vegetable curry, all with the help of site.

If you thought it was too complicated for a curry dish that can not be done in your own home, we will now try to reassure. We have selected curry without meat, it would be better with summer grazing and range of fresh foods will make this dish irresistible.

     Tbsp sunflower oil
     2 tablespoons mustard seeds
     2 onions, chopped
     Green chili peppers
     500g cauliflower
     One sweetpotato or plain potatoes
     2 carrots cut into cubes
     400g canned chopped tomatoes
     2 cloves of garlic
     Tablespoon powdered ginger
     Tablespoon curry powder
     Spoon of turmeric powder
     600 ml vegetable broth
     100g green beans
     Teaspoon garam masala (Indian spice mix)
     2 fresh tomatoes finely chopped
     2 tablespoons toasted, coarsely chopped walnuts
     2 tablespoons fresh coriander leaf


In a deep, large bowl (pan) heat the oil over medium temperature, add the mustard seeds and fry for 1-2 minutes, add the garlic and hot pepper and saut all for 5 minutes. Once the onions soften slowly add vegetables, cauliflower, potatoes, eggplant, carrots, canned tomatoes, garlic, turmeric, ginger, pour all the broth, add half a teaspoon of salt, half a container lid and allow to simmer for about half an hour.

Before the end of cooking, add the green beans, garam masala and half fresh tomatoes and cook for another five minutes.

When serving sprinkle with curry nuts and fresh coriander. Much rich food fresh and healthy food can not be bad. If you have trouble finding the spices and seasoning mix, make your own, be creative and enjoy.

Dal pa za ovaj kari je potrebno 20 namirnica ðŸ˜•
Ja sam pre za neku jednostavniju varijantu, kao na primer... ðŸ˜ƒ
And for the Dal curry need 20 ingredients Confused
I am more of a simpler variant, such as ... Big smile

Edited by nn027 - 10 years ago
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Vjerujem u ruzicasto.

Vjerujem da smijeh najbolje izgara kalorije.

Vjerujem u ljubljenje, u mnogo ljubljenja.

Vjerujem da treba biti snazan kada sve krene naopako.

Vjerujem da su sretne djevojke najljepse djevojke.

Vjerujem da je sutra novi dan i

Vjerujem u cuda.

- Odri Hepbern -

I believe in pink.

I believe that laughter is the best calorie burning.

I believe in kissing, kissing a lot of.

I believe that we should be strong when things go wrong.

I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.

I believe that tomorrow is another day and

I believe in miracles.

- Audrey Hepburn -

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Spora da sumnja €" brza da vjeruje;

Spora da osudi €" brza da opravda;

Spora da uvrijedi €" brza da pohvali;

Spora da otkrije €" brza da pokrije;

Spora da ukori €" brza da podnosi;

Spora da potcijeni €" brza da cijeni;

Spora da zahtijeva €" brza da pruzi;

Spora da izaziva €" brza da izmiri;

Spora da oteza €" brza da pomogne;

Spora da zlopamti €" brza da oprosti;


Slow to suspect - quick to believe;

Slow to condemn - quick to justify;

Slow to offend - quick to praise;

The slow reveal - quick to cover;

Slow to reprimand - quick to file;

Slow to underestimate - quick to appreciate;

Slow to demand - quick to give;

Slow to provoke - quick to pay;

Slow hinder - quick to help;

Slow to zlopamti - quick to forgive;