Mysterious McCrone's Box of Fright

lct1981 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Jim's Tattoo's

Somewhere in a very small town...
Ned reached into the icebox. When his hand emerged he was holding a can
of beer. He cracked it open and downed half of its contents on his way into the
living room.
He parked his wide behind on the couch.
On tv, a busty brunette was on all fours, being ridden hard, doggy style. Ned
imagined that he was the muscular stud behind her as his right hand
disappeared into the front of his sweatpants.
As the action on the tube heated up, Ned's hand began to pick up speed. A
sharp pain shot up his arm as the tail of his fresh snake tattoo rubbed against
the waistband.
"Ow! Shit!" Ned yelled, yanking his hand out of his pants. He pulled his
hand out so suddenly that some beer spilled on the couch.
"Double shit!" he said, putting the can on the floor.
He looked at his new tattoo on his arm. He had gotten it finished this
afternoon. It was a bad ass Python. The head of the snake decorated his bicep.
Its body twisted around his entire right arm with the tail ending by his wrist.
The tattoo had made his entire arm very sore and tender despite the clear
ointment that was on it.
Ned grabbed the can of beer from the floor. After pounding it down, he
crushed the can and tossed it on the floor. A loud burp followed.
On tv, the brunette's big tits were frozen on the screen. The dvd player was
making a repeating hissing noise.
"Triple shit!" he shouted, getting off the couch
He pressed the stop button and ejected the disc from the player. Holding the
disc up to the light he saw that it was heavily soiled with fingerprints.
Ned used his shirt and began wiping it, unaware that he was making the
fingerprints worse, smearing them.
Ned dropped the xxxtasyxxx dvd on the floor as he felt an extreme
squeezing sensation spread up his right arm. Staring at his tattoo, the snake's
skin looked real-alive!
"What the hell?" he said, out loud.
He watched in disbelief as the snake's body began to wrap itself more tightly
around his arm. His skin began to fold and wrinkle.
Ned gazed at the snake's head in awe. The serpent's golden eyes were real,
unblinking. Its head was pulsating.

Ned fell to his knees as the snake squeezed into his skin so tightly that his
fingers began to tingle and turn bright red. The pain was so intense he could
not stop the tears that were now forming in both corners of his eyes. Within
seconds, the tightening became unbearable.
Ned got to his feet and ran into the kitchen. He opened the drawer next to the
sink and pulled out a knife.
It now felt as if his entire right arm was going to explode like a hot dog left
in the microwave for too long.
Through the tears in his eyes, he sliced at the Python with the blade. He felt
no pain but watched bug eyed as the skin of the snake separated on his flesh,
exposing blood and severed fat tissue inside the gash.
The squeezing intensified ten-fold.
Ned placed his arm on the counter and stabbed the tattoo three times. On the
third stab he felt pain as the point of the blade missed its target and penetrated
into his unmarked flesh.
He was now stabbing at the tattoo savagely. Blood was spraying into the air
from severed veins and arteries. When he saw the snake's head begin to burrow
deeper into his upper arm, Ned attempted to cut its head off. As he was cutting
deeper into his arm he began to feel dizzy and weak. His blurry eyesight was
making it hard to concentrate. The snake tattoo now looked three dimensional.
Blood was dripping from the counter and onto the floor. Moments later,
Ned's body was laying in this blood...dead.