And he finally breaks down and tells her...

Strawberry_pie thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
Hello everyone!

Now since the moment has arrived that Dr. Ashu will confess his love for Dr.Nidhi to Armaan and to himself, the next big moment will be when he will finally tell it to Nidhi herself... I know that moment is still very far, but I just felt the creative vibe to try and imagine how that scene will be.

So in my version of the progress of the story, a lot will still happen...Nidhi will be called back to the hospital by Mallika (her conscience begging her to right her wrong doing), but she will start hating Dr. Ashu for doing what he did and being unfair to her...she will become best friends with Rohan (not love, mind you!), who will help her nurse her heartbreak like a true friend and after having doubts about Dr. Ashu's confusing behavious with Nidhi, Rohan will set out to explore the reality behind Dr. Hardstone's expressionless demeanour by trying to make him jealous by portraying himself as getting closer to Nidhi (albeit not really so)... 

Meanwhile the whole house issue will crop up too, and Dr. Nidhi will blame Dr. Ashu thinking he had been doing all of it deliberately and hurting her on purpose all along as he hated her coz of the house issue (yes, just like in DK)... 

Dr. Ashu in the mean time would have gotten his beloved house back, but would still be feeling the void of not having Dr. Nidhi in his life, and would be feeling hurt by her hatred and jealous by her "apparent" closeness to Rohan (as he percieves it, not in reality)...

So thats the backdrop so far, and one fine day, something will happen at the hospital and Dr. Ashu will again call her to the cabin for disciplinary action and scolding her for being wreckless ... and thats when my scene begins...

here goes! enjoy! it is from Ashu's and Nidhi's POV simultaneously... Finally finished!

Scene 1:
In the cabin. 

She had again broken a disciplinary code of the hospital, something which she had taken to do a lot often nowadays as if she is trying to anger me deliberately... I understand her anger towards me for hurting her so much in the past, but how can she hate me like that when she had (in the past) had so much love for me! Every time she spats angry accusations at me it pierces my heart like a knife... Does she really believe I have done all this to her for the sake of Baba's house? 

No Nidhi, how can I tell you that despite having the one thing I had wanted all my life, I am feeling lonely and incomplete because I can't have you in my life... But no, I shall never let you know my real feelings for you... coz I am not the right guy for your good future... I can never give you what you deserve... your future would be more happier with someone like Rohan, whom you seem to have fallen in love with... But yes, the pain I have is that even though you have moved on in life with someone else now, I will never ever be able to love anyone else but you Nidhi...

I love you and will always love you, and will always want the best for you... even if it means not having you in my life... 

But please, please stop doing this to me... You may not be aware of it coz I appear as Hardstone to you, but it really hurts me Nidhi... What has happened to us? You used to be the one to see beyond my hardstone exterior... you used to be the one who could sense my feelings even before I would realize them myself... and now, can't you even slightly feel the pain and hurt you are causing me by blaming me like this? Don't you know in your heart that I can never hurt you, no matter what? But I don't blame you... coz you really wouldn't know that coz you have no idea how much I love you Nidhi... and you never will...

Scene 2:

In the children's ward.

(Nurse Janki tells Nidhi that Dr. Ashutosh has called her in his cabin.)

There he goes again, another excuse to hurt me, to yell at me, to take out his anger and hatred on me... To humiliate me... But I don't care... He means nothing to me anymore... He doesn't deserve my attention...

After all, what he has done to me and my family, to my Baba, I shall never be able to forgive him for it... How could he be so ruthless and insensitive? How could he have been so selfish? All this for a house? How could I have fallen in love with a man like that?

No, the man I had loved is no more there... he was a different soul... He was righteous, honest, kind and beneath the stone face was a kind of warmth that could light up anyone's life... he was not the man who cut me off like a ruthless butcher... he was not someone who would manipulate and hurt people just so he can have his dream house back... no, that wasn't my Dr. Ashutosh... 

What had I dont wrong Dr. Ashutosh? Was it my fault that your Baba gave me that house in his will? Was it my fault that I fell in love with you? How could you do this to me? 

But alas, why am I thinking all this anyways? It makes no difference to him anyways... he is Hardstone and he has never loved me even for a second... and that is the reality... But somehow my heart still can never accept this...

Maybe its because I love him just the same still, despite what he has done... And I guess somewhere, I will never be able to let go...

I wish you would know how much I still love you Dr. Ashutosh... But you never will know... and I will never tell you... 

Scene 3:

In Ashu's cabin.

I heard her knock on the door and ask permission to come in, so I had to quickly compose all my thoughts and remind myself not to let my emotions reach my eyes... It was hard to hide the love I felt for her, it was so very intense I have never felt anything like it before... But I have to somehow manage it... for her sake...for her good...

So I said, "Come in Dr. Nidhi", trying to sound as curt and emotionless as possible, though hiding a whirlpool of feelings that erupt within me as soon as I hear her voice...

When she came in front of my eyes, I almost forgot my promise to myself not to let my emotions out by staring at her beautiful face... Her hair was so lovely, her blue salwar kameez which I loved so much fit her just perfectly... her eyes had the slightest hint of Kajal, just the way I loved it, simple and elegant.. And her earrings, long and dangling, setting off her jawline perfectly, her skin radiant and soft.. Stop Ashutosh! Stop yourself! This is not what you are supposed to think right now...

I came back to my senses and said to her curtly, "Dr. Nidhi, I have once again gotten a complaint that you have broken the rules of the hospital... Do you have any explanation for this action of yours?"

She looked right into my eyes with piercing hatred and said, "How about you again fire me Sir? Or maybe humiliate me in front of the whole hosiptal? why here in the cabin? You anyways just want to hurt me right? Thats why you keep finding excuses to just get back to me... Dont you? Say na Sir? Today why don't you just tell me how much you hate me right on my face and save us both this trouble of doing this over and over again?"

I was struggling not to break down... How much I hate you Nidhi? Really? You think I hate you? For God's sake, please stop accusing me when you have no idea how madly I am in love with you!

I replied," Dr. Nidhi, there is no such thing in my mind... I am a thorough professional and I have summonned you for disciplinary actions, so please donot refer to any other matters that may be on your mind."

She was angry and tears of hatred welled up in her beautiful eyes as she said," Why shouldn't I say whats in my mind to you Sir? What kind of a professional are you? You sacked me from the hospital without reason, you cheated my family and me to get your house back, and you hate me coz your Baba didn't give you the house but gave it to me instead... and you call yourself a professional? You are a liar and a cheater Sir... you stole my house from me..."

I could not take this accusation and the hatred welling in her eyes that once had only love for me in them... I shouted at once," I did no such thing Dr. Nidhi Verma! I did not steal your house from you! You have no right to accuse me like this without knowing anything about me..."

"What do I not know Sir? Who are you trying to fool? I know how much you hate me... everyone knows it, coz no one can act as insensitively as you did with me Sir... No human would treat another human the way you did! And I like a fool had fallen so head over heels in love with you that I was blinded to see what a jerk you are... Truth is, you have hated me all along... you had wanted to hurt me ever since you learnt about the house... You deliberately hurt me sir... you ruined my life! It was my misconception that you cared for me... Truth is, you never have! I didn't mean anything to you ever, Did I? I was only a means for you to get back your beloved house... You tricked me, manipulated my trust and love, and hurt me Sir... You have hurt me deliberately!"

"No Nidhi No! How can you think I hurt you on purpose? You think I would do something like this and stoop so low Nidhi? how can you blame me for hurting you without even having the slightest idea that I..."

I stopped... I realised what I had done... She looked up at me and I knew I shouldn't have said what I did... I knew she would never give up now... 

she was quiet, waiting for me to speak, but I looked down as I couldn't meet her gaze now, else she would see right into my soul... 

She asked me again," That you what Sir? Say it...".. And saying this she stepped closer to me... All the hatred from her eyes had vanished suddenly and I saw that intense love I had seen so long ago back in her eyes... It was overwhelming to see her love for me...I realised how much I had missed seeing it... Oh Nidhi, I had waited to see this love for so long... But No, this is not right... I am not right for her... No, I cannot do this...

As if she knew what was going through my head, she stepped closer and took my hand in hers and looked striaight into my eyes and asked me reassuringly, "Its ok Ashutosh, just say whats in your heart for once... I deserve to know it... You have no idea how much I have waited to hear this..."

It was magic, her touch... When her skin touched mine, it was electric... I had never been so close to her... I had never been able to stare into her eyes and be honest and let my guards down before...And her voice was reassuring me that this was the right thing to do...

I finally said it out loud," I Love You Nidhi... I love you so much! Oh God Nidhi, I have loved you so much all this while... but its wrong Nidhi, thats why I dismissed you from the hospital coz I din't want to ruin your future!... But I have lived each day as if I were dead Nidhi... My heart has been aching so much, my nights have been sleepless, and the pain of hurting you has killed me over and over Nidhi..."

She was crying now... tears rolling down her soft cheeks... I wiped them, I could not see her in pain... I din't realize that there were tears in my eyes as well... She wiped my tears and I started to say "I'm sorry Nidhi, I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you..." She put a finger on my lips to stop me from saying anything further and then, suddenly, she hugged me... For the first time I felt her warmth... I felt her embrace, the unspoken words, the pain, the anguish, the love... everything trancending through this new sensation...

I couldn't  hold back now... I wrapped my arms around her and let go of every hesitation, every boundary, every thought that kept me from expressing myself to her... I hugged her tightly, kissed her forehead, and said to her out loud... "I love you Nidhi... I really love you, and I will never leave you again!"

Edited by janki13 - 12 years ago


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Frequent Posters

meravigiliso thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
That was lovely and very touchy . plz do continue and ashu ki  naiyya ko par lagana waiting 😍
rabzonedge thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
awww...such a gr8 piece of writing..i am feeling ashu's pain..plzz dear post next segment ASAP...👍🏼
..Roopal.. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
its so beautiful and touching
loved it
Strawberry_pie thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: roopalgupta

its so beautiful and touching
loved it

Thanks everyone... I feel the last scene would be best described from Ashu's POV, so I'm leaving it at that... Maybe sometime in the future I will write it from Nidhi's pov.. for now I just connect better with Ashu! :)
crazyff-fan thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Too Good!!!!! now hoping that this scene to be real!!!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊
rima001 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
fabulous and vry nicely written .It really touched my heart . I hope the CVs follow ur script n MB playing the role as Ashu is amazing !!!!
KunwaariDaayan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Lovely job...had me on the edge of my seat, the confession had me in goose bumps...the warmth and the close proximity of the hug could be felt from just the words you have written.Do hope the actual confession does go along these lines...well done and keep them coming.
Strawberry_pie thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: shaz2009

Lovely job...had me on the edge of my seat, the confession had me in goose bumps...the warmth and the close proximity of the hug could be felt from just the words you have written.Do hope the actual confession does go along these lines...well done and keep them coming.

Thanks shaz2009... i personally feel MB can really pull off a scene with just as much sensitivity... though I doubt our CVs will be able to write a scene with such detailing... but I guess thats why we write such Fan fics! To live our dreams through our own imaginary version of the story!!! :) 
Strawberry_pie thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: babburibnr

Too Good!!!!! now hoping that this scene to be real!!!!!!!!!😊

I hope so too!! 😊 I know MB will do a great job!