Mistis thought 21st March 2011 - Page 3


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Annamarie thumbnail
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Posted: 13 years ago
Thanks Misti for sharing ur thoughts .
rajsri thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Misti ... thanks for your wonderfully funny updates both for ME and today ...was laughing as I remembered some of your comments

Regarding the ME and today, I am glad i could FF most of the dance and comedy show scenes ... except for radev and rads singing the song both of which were very good of course  😳  if i had not read the updates and had been watching i would not have been surprised to see dadaji jumping up and doing an item number on the side  😆

I thought Rubina did an excellent job portraying the anguish of someone who is feeling attracted to a person when she should not be ... 👏  ... yes, she had one bad dialogue regarding gulaal but overall she was very good.    Dev did a very good job too ... though i prefer to not see him around BB.  I got the feeling that he behaves the same way with BB as he does with Viraat ... but i may be reading more into it than is there

Rads family was very good as usual ... i am going to ignore all their dance numbers ...  Shantha as a character is sketched very well, grey but very interesting.  I really like the rads-chenu interaction ... PB, as you said before does not make sense ... esp Daima and BB and as a result Dev .  Rohan is a lot like Vishaka ... will be a friend to Dev but will use him as needed

Have nothing more to add ... i think between you, why3, and others you have covered it all

I do hope chunnu munnu that when you bring things like caste, child marriage etc on the table, that you show the other side of the picture as the story progresses... in CB 1 we had a strong Dev and dadi who provided the balance ...  

Edited by rajsri - 13 years ago
misti73 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: chalhov

Misti liked ur thoughts

Thanks Chalhov

 Today looked like a filler episode completing what was left over from friday and then continuing the story of Bumbum putting the colors  and then Puljaris dilemma and agony that some stranger has put colors on her and she is angry with her friend Kanha why he let it happen and not recognizing the broad signals kanha gave her😕

Well she might soon become Abhay.

Did not like Bumbum standing at his regular place at the back and nodding his head and the way he is being handled probably this is to show that he will not protest and go back to his shell when he finds that Chirkut is getting married to his Phuljari . Or we have a case of groom swapping as the groom may run away or Phuljaris mother may indulge in bride swapping anf Chanda may marry Chirkut. I want to see what twist the CMs will bring now.

Well Bumbum might also become Abhay,...........a smiling one this time.............so this time we might see how a female Abhay and male Abhay romance with each other.😆 😆......Chalhov whatever twist Chunnu Munnu brings.......there are high chances that it will be a circular one.😉

Edited by misti73 - 13 years ago
misti73 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: why3

Yup, that chunnu munnu do.  I would rather see it as Radhika's choice to reject or accept any groom.  But it won't happen that way.  So it is better if badi bahu causes Dev and Radhika to be publicly married.  No ghungats or sehras or mistaken identities of one's spouse anymore.  Show something refreshing.

It would be preferable that Dev meeting with Radhika and retreating when he realizes that Radhika is selected for Rohan.  But they show a friendship where both continue to meet either in Rawal or Mathura and find out about their childhood together.  Then since Dev is unaware of the marriage, he can still be backing away from Radhika  but now Radhika is feeling guilt free and would pursue him and eventually they marry publicly with Maheswari having no choice.  I am sure that chunnu munnu would go to the most illogical and irritating way in order for TRPs to go up.  In their opinion, that happens when leads are dumbed down.

Well they can always show ME.......every alternating weekend maybe?😉.......I mean their favourite TRP grabbing trick. 

Radhikas choice of accepting or rejecting groom,,,.....well that will be if they have actually done research and found out who the real Radha was.........but since I have doubts about that, so guessing it might be the most melodramatic way possible with "kyon kanha kyon" from both ends. Your second option has the circle of Dev pursuing Radhika.....😉  
PutijaChalhov thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 13 years ago
Edited by chalhov - 13 years ago
misti73 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: radhika5

"Are, Are--itna sochiyye mat"---In matters such as this, critical thinking is not a virtue---
Just enjoy the smile, while it lasts (I mean Dev's smile)....it might change from Sob Sob kumari to sob sob kumar---

Areh Radhika five jee........aap bhi zara itna maat sochiyee ki Misti ko kabh sochna chaheeye aur kabh nahi........vaise virtue and Misti.......ek saath....tauba tauba......Since I have never watched CB for Dev so whether he smiles or not smiles does not make any difference to me.
Edited by misti73 - 13 years ago
Neerjaa thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
   Misti very interesting comments and so are the Jai Veeru ,s cartoons....This week is going to unfold the story, atleast some hints  in which direction its going to move....Angie do not stop analyzing  the show, yes mute the scene or characters which becomes irritating, but give a chance to show .....Yours and Misti ,s thoughts  and counter discussion  and as well as others who express their views, are interesting to read and also good for the show......For me Mohini is intolerable to watch or hear, she looks artificial.....Previously Deepika was shown dumb but she never appeared artificial,was lovable....One thing i want to mention Puja that was shown as going around the fire before Holi is done by married couple is not correct ...Its done in the evening about 3  or 4 pm and all the family members or say any one can  go around  that wood  assembled to light. and do the puja...Holika Dahan is done at  night.....  Here i am talking about north india....Why they bend the rituals according to their convenience...As for Radhika,s Unhappiness about color , that is her individual thinking...I read your last comments about Dev , for me too it was the whole package. not anyone special , but no doubt about that Dev Radhika,s chemistry was also one of the reasons......
Edited by neerjashingla - 13 years ago
misti73 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: why3

Misti, I finally saw the episode by fast forwarding the first part.  Talk about another irritating episode though it was less than last Friday's. 

If you bring in the comparison this episode is better than Fridays one…infact to me it is also better than what they showed last week …..Devs quandary regarding how to approach a girl is there and also Radhikas confusion which I will come to later…..so if I take yesterdays episode as a continuation from Monday last week then it somehow makes sense (keeping some bits from lst weeks episode regarding Devs realization that this face fits his image) .   

I fast forwarded the song sequence as nothing went with the story and I can't stand Mohini's character. 

Oh that was entirely fast forwarded by me too. 

The most irritating scene in my book belonged to Radhika and not Dev.  I guess I am getting used to seeing Dev as a smiling nodding puppet in front of Kabutarni.  They were trying to impose Radhika of CB1 on this Radhika when she is not that way.  First they showed her clueless about the business.  The original Radhika was clueless about money because she never had any and never had to deal with it either.  She was removed from it.  Here this Radhika is aware of the money.  She gives it to Chenu to bribe him periodically and usually to protect her from Shanti's wrath.  So she doesn't mind white lies.  She was given equal money by Mansaram from the childhood and they never showed Shanti taking it from her.  She works with her father and so how can she be clueless about prices etc.

Ahh so you have been hooked by Devs smile again well he does have a nice colgate smile. 😉On Friday Radhikas main thought was to escape from Dev………..she was running like a headless chicken…….one could even see her clucking to herself all the time……….so I am for the time being putting it down to her being headless.

misti73 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: why3

The second irritating scene was shown today when she wailed endlessly about the gulaal.  I can understand about the guilt feelings but that was too much.  You play Holi with friends too and Dev had invited her as a friend.  Of course she knows about his intentions and is feeling weak about her own attraction.  But they are making her dumb.  The older Radhika cried in front of Kanha as she was helpless in preventing her family from betraying her.  Initially she cried when she found out about Dev's proposal for Vishaka because she had sensed that that guy was interested in her.  She wanted to tell her mother but her low self-esteem prevented her.  Then when she was forced to sit in wedding with Dev, she cried as she was helpless and also according to her belief Dev was getting someone else in marriage.  Later on she cried to Kanha because her own family betrayed her so badly by snatching her husband.

Here Radhika can have guilt feelings but not at the expense of becoming dumb.  If they had shown her confusion about her feelings and then wanting to ask Dev about his identity and yet hesitating because if he is not KK, then her heart would definitely break and so she is trying avoidance.  That would be more acceptable than those dialogues of "Paap-punya" when she doesn't know who KK is.  So why not consider the possibility that maybe Dev was KK sent by Kanha.  Her sitting morosely when her family came was more realistic than what showed before.

What I am getting from Radhika now is just plain fear, guilt and confusion. She is continuously harping about paap…….which she thinks she has done by thinking about some other man……….somehow I am getting this image of a pandit telling a little girl that she should not think about anyone else and it will be a paap if she does that………….so for me it is all linked to that. What you have said regarding thinking and realizing that since she has this pull towards this man will it be possible that he is that kishnakanhayeea is true and that should be the logical step but if a mind is so full of fear and guilt, I don't think that she herself will realize that by herself. It is similar to Abhay not thinking about anything other than his loyalty to MR and thats why I said about Stockholm Syndrome because to me that explained his behavior. In the same way here too Radhikas fear and guilt are controlling her and even if her subconscious tells her something she will not listen to it………either something will happen that will give her the jolt and make her think or someone has to sit down with her and tell her calmly without shouting at her……….that can be someone in authority whom she respects (the same pandit) or someone who she trusts and values a lot (her father)…..or it can also be that Shanti might take advantage of Radhikas confusion, fear and guilt and take her in the wrong way………if Radhika listens to that when her subconscious is telling her something and knowing what her mother is….then she will have to deal with the consequences….

As for the gulal dialogue……..I think the writers have read about Radha playing holi only with Kanha and they cut and pasted that here without any thought regarding how silly that dialogue sounded here.

Then I also got irritated with Dev's inconsistencies in telling Rohan about Radhika in one episode but hesitating in another.  Similarly, Padma knew that Maheswari had chosen Radhika and yet expressed surprise.  Amma keeping silent and Dev nodding as puppet were bad at least.  At this rate, I only want Dev to mingle with Rohan from his family and then with Radhika.  His family interaction should be forbidden until Radhika becomes his wife.
Devs inconsistencies are to do with the next twist……..as for the Purohits other than Virath and Rohan they are a bunch of zombies

I think they are trying to make Dev innocent and child like where he has taken Amma's lesson to heart and treats everyone with love.  But again innocence and dumbness don't go hand in hand.  Show at least Amma's doubts when she disliked Maheswari so much in the beginning.

Ammas doubts or a monologue from her will take care of the confusion here……..that will also show that amma has not been dumbed down but she is just waiting……regarding Dev that what I am thinking that he has taken ammas talk regarding love to heart……..when we are in for a tough ride then……..


Finally that Mohini is just plain irritating.  Maybe they are trying to show that Mohini is so sweet that nobody knows her viciousness.  But it is not flying as her artificiality is obvious and so is  her underlying meanness.  By not noticing these things, Dev , Amba and Padma are made to look like fools.  At least let Padma or Amma roll their eyes or something.

Mohini is plain irritating……..

misti73 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Annamarie

Thanks Misti for sharing ur thoughts .

You are welcome Annamarie.