desigrl05 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Hey everyone!

Alright if you were to meet one God for a day, who would it be? and explain why?
*hahah..sounds like a midterm question..khair..yahi samaj ke answer do*
of course since im a laalchi bacchi I will answer first: :O)
I would want to meet Meerabai *my current fav*
reason? she has been through e v e r y type of disaster she could think of.  Loosing her mother, getting married off when she didn't want to be..not being able to love her husband because she was already krishna's...her mean sasuma ..her conspiring chotisasuma... her psycho broinlaw.. and then to make matters worse no one wanted her to continue on w/ her bhakti..
I admire meerabai for her undying spirit of her matter what came in the way she always proved that nothing was bigger than her bhakti towards bhagvaan krishna
oh and another point i liked about her was that she always mentioned how everyone near and dear to her have been snatched away and that reinforces the fact that in life nothing stays with you forever and one should always be with bhagvaan because that is one thing that will never leave...


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MagadhSundari thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Lovely topic Jhanz πŸ‘ But you mean one spiritual figure na, because Meera was a saint... I got it πŸ˜‰ My answer baad mein - lemme first say yours was beautifully expressed, especially the last part. God certainly is with us forever πŸ˜ I would even extend that to mean that since everything will come and go, nothing worth holding grudges about or hating on people for... Meera knew exactly who was plotting against her and torturing her, but she never wished ill on them. Too mast in Krishna to be bothered.

For me, that spiritual figure would have to be Shri Krishna's mother Devaki. One reason is the same you gave for Meera - she endured tremendous tragedies (kids getting snatched away and butchered at birth, yucky dark prison to live in for 20-something years when you add the 7+ leading up to Krishna and the 12+ until his return, and separation from Krishna during the funnest and best known parts of his life), and despite all of that she neither cursed her fate nor gave up her faith - she was full of nothing but selfless love, and that's what made it possible for her to bear all those sorrows because love gives you hope to keep going... like a battery... and selflessness keeps you from expecting anything in return. She exemplified both - it's no wonder that she was Shri Krishna's chosen one from whom he took his Prem Avtaar 😍

apothecary thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

I really have to go, but will come back and edit it soon. SO wanted to reserve a spot on the first page!
Great topics jhanvi!

aww, I wanna pick so many characters, can't choose one, but I think I'll go with Arjun. will come back and write my essay on itπŸ˜†
Edited by anchal2 - 13 years ago
.anishaa. thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: desigrl05

Hey everyone!

Alright if you were to meet one God for a day, who would it be? and explain why?
*hahah..sounds like a midterm question..khair..yahi samaj ke answer do*
of course since im a laalchi bacchi I will answer first: :O)
I would want to meet Meerabai *my current fav*
reason? she has been through e v e r y type of disaster she could think of.  Loosing her mother, getting married off when she didn't want to be..not being able to love her husband because she was already krishna's...her mean sasuma ..her conspiring chotisasuma... her psycho broinlaw.. and then to make matters worse no one wanted her to continue on w/ her bhakti..
I admire meerabai for her undying spirit of her matter what came in the way she always proved that nothing was bigger than her bhakti towards bhagvaan krishna
oh and another point i liked about her was that she always mentioned how everyone near and dear to her have been snatched away and that reinforces the fact that in life nothing stays with you forever and one should always be with bhagvaan because that is one thing that will never leave...

Nice topic!
Reserved :)
muffins2waffles thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Another amazing post :)

I loved your explanation, esp at the end Jhanvi, when you said you shouldn't form attachments for anything because they will come and go, but God never leaves. It was beautifully put :) 
And Lola, loved yours as well. I agree with you, it's so hard to choose!
For me, (it's already an extremely hard choice) it would be Sai Baba. I've always been a huge devotee of him, and he seems like such a nice fatherly figure. Of course, he is God himself, and that's another reason why. Mainly it's because I would love to listen to him speak and he helped everyone who asked for it. He loved animals and had a heart of gold. My most favorite line of his is "If you look at me, I will look at you." I just think that's an extremely important lesson for people, esp nowadays. He was the perfect example of how a human being should be and everything every human needed in their lives. He loved you no matter who you were and forgave your for all your evil deeds. He also taught you everything you needed to reach moksh, including getting rid of all materialistic desires.
Edited by aishi.muffin - 13 years ago
...PARiNA... thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
i will never able to anything to Him!!
these is nothing He doesnt know about us, our feelings and our wishes...