Blast from the Past Thread #16, pg 128, epi 180 - Page 106


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cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52


absolutely agree, exactly my feelings. but first a big hello hi hug for the "smokin' hot." that's the word for ze man. wish i could say it with a sexy amriki drawl.

and those are the reasons he is not a manhandler.

yes he did a couple of things he should not have... dori, drop from office, drag up mandir steps and force a wedding without asking a thing... but that and his other mistakes make him human. what makes him breathtaking is his clear absolute no condition apolgising... his conscience. and also his ability to understand that he does things at times without thought, only to regret it later.


my husband said, of course he manhandled her, i said, when. he sited temple wedding. i said, yeah, but which one of us has had this sweet quiet wonderful marriage without any rage rave spot of violence, when two people are in love and have this thing for each other all sorts of things happen he said, i know... the way we used to fight. i said, used to? just the other day, right here, we were so bad that we had to finally start laughing because it would have gone to the stratosphere or the cop station otherwise. he tried not to remember.

i too felt her anger during resignation was a bit extreme, she was accusing him of something he hadn't done, ie sent her to a dangerous place knowingly. but while i felt for him i also realised it was his anger, his abrupt banishing of her that had skewed her judgment, you couldn't blame her for thinking the worst of him. how he suffered and then in typical style got furious about that. a zany understanding of character there.

even more lovely, her saying "hum theek nahin hain," after giving yelling at him to her heart's content.

nice writing.

oh asr's contours are the most believable of all. there's plenty of him in me and those around me. even the good fortunately.

i do wish he hadn't snapped her dori, or dropped her, or dragged her... but he did... he was who he was and he never tried to justify it. his anger was a huge issue. he was often in its thrall... this would have been great to explore, but with his interpretation i think barun conveyed it... his helplessness before this thing, his remorse, and that's why it was impossible for me to judge him.

most people have a minus side... how they deal with it matters.

cynthia: i see you up there. will disagree, sir 🤗. he pulled and dragged her... not others. this was a crazy attraction thing between the two, made both do all sorts of things. not right, not laudable, but there it was, and khsuhi sort of got it... when he gripped her hard, it wasn't to hurt her, it was usually because he was anguished, couldn't guage his strength, always regretted those marks he left behind... and she did bruise easily...

he would get angry and slap people... both times, men. with women, always quite gentle and respectful... oh the opening scene with la. only once a huge screaming session with la.

Girls,  you are truly smitten by this man, for you stand up for him and his rights!!! He only manhandled Khushi (my POV) and gave others what they rightfully deserved (i.e.. the goon who hurt Khushi in Nainital, the guy disrepectful in his realty business, Shyam, even when NK lewdly gazed upon Khushi's back he responded).  
I am saying his intentions in the beginning were not so nice and he treated her as such; they did change as he did.
But I love that we can agree to disagree and still have the same love for this character and the show.  We are all crazy!!!😉👏

Edited by cinthiann1758 - 10 years ago
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: IssPKaur


Hello! Just read this...i love the man but cannot agree. Abuse is abuse. He probably hurled verbal much more than physical...but still.
A lot of women we know who go through abuse try and justify it to themselves for the longest time citing the fact that the man at heart is a good one. It's classic victim behavior...till it hits the wall.

We value ASR, of course we do, we know who he really is, and love him for that. But that cannot justify the character when he's in the wrong...especially pre guest house..and post forced marriage. It doesn't matter that he was doing it ONLY to her. Most men do it only to their wives or girlfriends. They seem perfectly nice to all other women. I know i'm talking not ASR here but SERIOUSLY abusive men...but any portrayal that's even bordering on those traits has the potential to be problematic and dangerous when looked at objectively.
I for one do not think Khushi's anger during resignation was extreme. All that talk of "aukaat", for instance, i found unacceptable to say the least. I was mighty pleased actually that she felt the anger and expressed it. So glad they didn't make her apologize to him for it later...

This chat is an essential one. Glad we''re having it! Big hug to you all, by the way. Missing you like crazy!

👏👏👏 I am so thankful that you wrote that.  I guess that is why I feel so passionately about this conversation!  Abuse is abuse, even the smallest infraction in any harmful way.  It can happen once and it can happen a zillion times, it doesn't make a difference.  I actually felt guilty for liking this character after seeing how he treated her in the beginning but I did know that there was going to be a change of his heart but to tell you the truth that shouldn't have made a difference.  It really is not acceptable behavior.  I thought many times of the young teenage girls watching this soap opera and falling in love with the handsome and sexy ASR.  The idea of them thinking that what he was doing was okay made me upset.  It was and is NOT ACCEPTABLE behavior! 
 Yes , it pulled us to him, his strength, arrogance, extreme sexuality, intense behavior, grabbing, holding, catching of breath, heart beating faster...oh my!  I really hate the fact that this character attracted me.  Thank G-d he changed into a man with a heart, but always became breathless with the sexual tension between these two characters.
Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara

Thanks ArshiH for reading and commenting.

I really ponder your comments.
I can understand Khushi's ambiguity, as she is very young and a bit crazy as well. But why the Harvard brain is taking too much time to accept his feelings of love. Though he came a long way. 
Sigh when he completely broke the wall of hate and came to the light of love, the cvs put him in the dark world of hate again.

I agree what you said about Anjali. I would love it, if Arnav would make her independent. There are so many FFs have been written where the writers showed Anjali as an independent woman. i wish if it be will shown in sequel-2. but sequel-2 is not a distant dream, but an impossible dream right now.😔


In red you think that was hate from my side that was the extreme of HIS love...he has crossed all barriers for this girl...and she knows and what you think she just said for her Di way that is what you see's her extreme side of Love ...

Ppl called it hate marriage ...i call it forced...not because what it's because they are forced in love to make that hasty decision...and forced by no one but by each other's love...extreme side of love...who couldn't stop him to make her his and her side for not to say no as she takes it  as her RIGHT any way just like him and you know the only time she shattered when on terrace he tells her why did he marry her...and she tells him after coming RM ...yeh haq humain kissi ne bhi nahi diys [no one gave me this right...] and she doesn't stop ...and I found it today...
That day she broke but HOPE comes back and flicker a new angle in her when he gives her that right making her sleep on the bed and he himself on the recliner...

He didn't throw her out as the night of their SR...he showed the concern with anger , tum jab chaho badal nahi saktin..[ you can't change whever you feel like it] ...He tells her openly you can't geny my right on you and your on me...
He is referring to this night when she accepted to marry him 

He showed her the way to him and that's why he couldn't leave her from the airport...he comes back where she assures him she trusts him comes back to epi 174 where she said and accept first time..."yes it matters "...when he comes back and no one knows where he was...

On Airport she repeats it again ...and that right of her on him didn't let him leave...yeah he needed to be  kidnapped so desperately for his movies...😊

Edited by ArshiHamesha - 10 years ago
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: samin6

So here I come and am watching people trying to judge our manhandling of Arnav and I was thinking if it was justified. Now manhandling is not justified but our Khushi always had a sweet revenge, and that was her jelebi like sweet revenge that made IPKKND so endearing. Let us start Arnav thew her from the top of the stairs thinking of embarrassing her in his office and she did the same to him by gaining more points in office and giving the resignation. He drops her off in the middle of the road and she changed his ring tone,and made him again embarrased in front on his family. Now Arnav hurt Khushi in her heart because ourKhushi was one with all hearts and Khushi hurt Arnav and his image because our Arnav bitwa was all about image. So why should we bother, they just  very well complemented each other and the fact was they loved each other even though they lacked the very thing of utmost importance to the other . According to Khushi Arnav had no heart and according to Arnav Khushi lacked brains. However their love was not stopped for that flaw and so that had a beauty on itself.

Bravo! and true she did have her revenge!
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: wiwy

The way I see this, if ASR did not himself think that he had manhandled Khushi, then why did he repent? Why did he give her those pearls, which he had torn on their first meeting? And hugged her and apologised? Because he knew he had done wrong. He should not have done it under any circumstances. He realized just because he had had a bad past he could not justify hurting others. Say, if a boy had an abusive past is it alright for him to abuse others? Or a boy is poor is it alright if he grows up to be a thief? We must empathize with such a character, help him to get over his past but allow him to abuse others or cheat because he had a horrid past? Why? Howcome? In fact can you even physically abuse a woman just because she is of loose morals? 
We identify with ASR coz he is so real, true.We all have our dark sides like him. But if what man seeks is nirvana, then what we all need is a DM disciple like Khushi!
As ASR's saviour she pumped out all the poison within him. It was this poison that had made him do things he regretted later by his own admittance.So by the end of the serial, ASR was not pulling, pushing, hurting Khushi. He emerged as the man he really was, kind, generous, compassionate, caring, loving and above all liberal and progressive. No more dori tearing for this man, however sexy you might find it! Sorry girls!

cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ArshiHamesha

Hey Durga 

Welcome back... you know you've been missed a lot...your little presence has deeper impact...woh kehtain hain na door rehne se pyar padhta hai...

Good to see you...😊

Durga welcome back!!! Missed you but glad you had a good time!
Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago


This is awesome ...looks like you really drop Holi colors on her...Taza Taza...👏
Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Thnx for the TOI article and the PICS...yummilicious...really fresh...😊

She looks fine with him...look this is showbiz he is going to be seen with so many ...I want skills more than skin...
Edited by ArshiHamesha - 10 years ago
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Ladies, I propose that we conclude the conversations of our sexy man's manhandling or non-manhandling.  We all agree to disagree and we all can agree that we love him as ASR and Arnav!  What say?
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: wiwy

The way I see this, if ASR did not himself think that he had manhandled Khushi, then why did he repent? Why did he give her those pearls, which he had torn on their first meeting? And hugged her and apologised? Because he knew he had done wrong. He should not have done it under any circumstances. He realized just because he had had a bad past he could not justify hurting others. Say, if a boy had an abusive past is it alright for him to abuse others? Or a boy is poor is it alright if he grows up to be a thief? We must empathize with such a character, help him to get over his past but allow him to abuse others or cheat because he had a horrid past? Why? Howcome? In fact can you even physically abuse a woman just because she is of loose morals? 
We identify with ASR coz he is so real, true.We all have our dark sides like him. But if what man seeks is nirvana, then what we all need is a DM disciple like Khushi!
As ASR's saviour she pumped out all the poison within him. It was this poison that had made him do things he regretted later by his own admittance.So by the end of the serial, ASR was not pulling, pushing, hurting Khushi. He emerged as the man he really was, kind, generous, compassionate, caring, loving and above all liberal and progressive. No more dori tearing for this man, however sexy you might find it! Sorry girls!

Well said Wiwy! 👏 I do feel that he did manhandled Khushi and that's why he always felt so awful afterwards!  I love all the discussions here ladies!  Great job!  I think the whole IPK experience is to see the transformation of this man!  And that love can reduce anyone to anything.  BTW, manhandling a woman is also very common in Thai drama.