The girl next door - Ch 103 - pg 108; note pg 109 - Page 12


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Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: jdots

hey just read about 5 chps in a row...amazing as usual...'s written...

more rookie...plz...

Look who's back...yay!!!
I thought I almost lost you :(
Posted: 12 years ago

Chapter 34

There are so many things we take for granted in our lives...from the smallest thing like cellphone to the more important ones like our family and friends...and of course between these two there are a myriad of things that we should be thankful for...but somewhere in the run of life they have disappeared from our thoughts while our mind is busy trying to be more engaged in the materialistic and competitive world. She remembered the story she had once that time she thought it was only a junk e-mail forwarded to her by her friend...but it was now that she truly understood the meaning and depth behind it...she immediately pulled out her phone and searched for that e-mail. After a couple tries she did find it and read it again...

An old man was sitting with his 25 year old son in the train waiting for it to start. All other passengers were settling down in their seats. As the train started, the young man was filled with lot of joy and curiosity...he was sitting on the window side and put his hand out of the window to feel the passing wind.  He exclaimed, "Papa see all trees are going behind". The old man smiled and admired his sons feelings. A couple was sitting across the young man and listing to the conversion between the father and son. They were a little awkward and uncomfortable with the attitude of the 25 year old behaving like a small child.

Suddenly the
young man exclaimed again, "Papa see the pond and animals...clouds are moving with the train". The couple was watching the young man in embarrassment. Just then it started raining and some of the water droplets touched the young man's hand. He was filled with joy and he closed his eyes...he shouted again,"Papa its raining, water is touching me, see papa". The couple couldn't help themselves and asked old man "Why don't you visit the Doctor and get your son treated."

Old man said," Yes, We are just returning from the hospital. Today is the first time my son is able to see."

Tears blurred her vision and she closed her eyes to let a drop fall out of them...she thought of all the things in life she had that others didn't and thanked Babaji for his grace...she thanked him for having parents of her own, for them to be alive, for them to love her, for all that she possessed, for having such nice and kind hearted people around her...

And then one line kept coming to her mind as it drifted to what brought the emotional outburst on...she had just recently read in the book The Alchemist - "One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving." Her mind kept relating that to Mira and her family...they had followed it in every way...they had the love that only gave...never expected anything in return.

She lay in bed tossing and turning not being able to fall asleep. Sleep had officially abandoned her that night...and with all that was running through her mind she didn't realize dawn was upon her until she heard a knock on the door...she sat up in bed, straightened her top and pushed back her hair neatly before saying "Hmm.." The door opened and Sharan was standing there all ready to go for a run. She had asked him the previous night to wake her up when he went for a run...that she would accompany him if he didn't mind. Noticing her red eyes he asked if everything was okay and if she was still up for going for a run with him...she only nodded as she got off the bed to freshen up...but didn't forget to thank Babaji for another day of life...

She was awfully quite and looked deep in thought...he wondered if she was uncomfortable staying back at their house so just out of concern he asked her "Is everything alright? Are you...uncomfortable around here?"

She quickly replied "No no...I just couldn't sleep...may be due to change of place. I'll be fine." After a brief pause she said "hey...thanks for waking me up for the run..."

He smiled and said "No problem...glad to have company..." but what he really wanted to say was the pleasure is all mine...because he was slowly developing a crush on her only from a day's interaction...

She couldn't cope with his speed and stopped suddenly to catch her breath...he had gone a little ahead but came back to ask if she was ok. "I'm sorry I'm a little can go ahead if you..." he didn't let her complete the sentence "no no...I should have slowed down. I'm sorry..." They started running again and this time he made sure he ran slower...more like he jogged to stay just behind her for which she could only smile...

Edited by dolphinUSA - 12 years ago
-BeingAppy- thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago
it took a hell lot of time for me to understand about relationships, thanx to my papa who had every time explained me and made me realize that blood connections aren't the only reasons to cherish. its because of his guidance today i have the bestest of people around me, irrespective of any blood relationship. what keerti felt was the feeling i had once felt , the title The Girl Next Door is truly representing the ups and downs one faces being around different people.
best wishes
Edited by apeksha_gupta - 12 years ago
_Invincible_ thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

i m in love wid it dol...d story part was amazing and holds a deep emotional value...👍🏼
we usually get too engrossed in our big ambitions dat we forget to cherish d small joy's

KITS is so sweet and realization hits her instantly ...she thanx god 4 every single thing in her life...i hope she realises her feelings for ROHAN too asap...😛

sharan developing a crush r we going to see jealous ROHAN at any point or dis crush is going to b a stepping stone for KITS realization regarding ROHAN...Interesting..

jdots thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Hey nice part...
.Liked the little story in between...
Anyways what is with this new guy...
(I am not going to remember his name even...)
No Rohan today... :(

Originally posted by: dolphinUSA

Look who's back...yay!!!
I thought I almost lost you :(

P.S: No No u have not lost me...  <3...<3,,<3...

Posted: 12 years ago

Chapter 35

She slowed down a bit to come by his side but since they were running at the same pace...her deceleration took him ahead of her. He thought she got tired but when he turned back to look at her she picked up pace again and went ahead of him...when he caught up with her she slowed down again and then it was a deliberate attempt on both their parts to have a little fun. But this continued only till she tripped on a small pebble causing her ankle to twist and before she knew it...she was on the ground. It happened so quick that she didn't even get a chance to control her speed...

Apart from the twisted ankle, she had hurt her elbow and knee as well. Sharan immediately bent down to hold her by her shoulders to steady her...when he turned her by the shoulders to make her face him she gave a grimace of pain...she couldn't help it. Her eyes were shut tight, her brows furrowed and she bit on her lower lip with force. He could see she was in much pain...

He stroked the skin on her elbow just above the scratch and asked in a soft voice "where else are you hurt?" She brought her bent ankle forward and placed her hand on it...she tried to put some pressure on it but not being able to withstand the pain she cried out "Babaji..."

He made her let go of her hand from her ankle and stroked it gently...she let out a painful breath when he removed her shoe and  sock...he was as gentle as he could be but the pain was excruciating... He examined her ankle was beginning to swell...he pulled out his phone from the pocket and called Kabir right then...he gave Kabir their location and asked him to come and pick them up.

"It will be alright..don't worry. Kabir is on his way...Are you hurt elsewhere?" he asked as he looked at her still stroking her ankle trying to alleviate her pain. She opened her eyes and he saw they were wet...she was very much in pain. She forced several breathes out her mouth to prevent from crying when the pain became unbearable...she pulled her pants up to her knee and he saw it was badly wasn't bleeding a lot but there were a lot of scratches letting out small droplets of blood...

He went closer and blew on prickled her...she couldn't help the hiss that escaped. He immediately pulled back...he held her leg by her calf very tightly and stroked the skin under his grip with his other hand...he thought it would divert her attention and offer some rest. It certainly did...until they both realized her was holding her naked leg...they both looked at each other a little surprised...she pulled down her pants carefully so as not to brush it over the wound while Sharan looked away ... it was awkward only for a moment because Kabir came right then.

Sharan helped her to get up on her she tried to walk she lost her balance and clenched his t-shirt for support...and he caught her by her waist right in time. Kabir came to her side then and she balanced herself by holding Kabir's hand on one side while still clenching Sharan's t-shirt on the other...Sharan held her by her arm which helped provide additional support. They managed to seat her in the car and drove her home...

They all laughed a little when they saw Mira with a cotton pad in her hand waiting for her at the door...she looked like a tiger waiting to pounce on her prey. She cleaned her up and bandaged her...while Mira was bandaging her ankle with a scrap band Keerti broke into a cry "I'm sorry aunty. I'm so much trouble..." Mira took her in a hug and shushed her..."Kids are never a trouble for are like a daughter to me...disregard such thoughts from your mind..." and once again she was reminded..."One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving"...
_Invincible_ thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

so sharan and kits bonding well...😕
myra aunty is such a sweetheart and obviously wen she is so good to adopted kids den same wid kits...she treats her as her own child...she is an amazing lady...

missing ROHAN....😔
Sigma thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Are you making this a love triangle now, I prefer Rohan so far but looks like Kits has an instant connection with Sharan
JayaR thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
hhhmmm so Kits and Sharan...huh???  😍

After a lot of thinking...I think I would prefer Rohan over Sharan...not that Sharan is not a good guy...but still ...IDK...but i want Rohan...

and Mira...aww she is so adorable...I actually loved the last segment a lot...Mira consoling Keerti...and their bonding...
Posted: 12 years ago
Truth is...likhte likte meri neeyat bigad gayi and I fell in love with Rohan. So I decided lets try Sharan-Keerti and reserve Rohan for me 😈