Who likes theTop ten reasons ??

WillSmith456 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Here they are! The Top Ten Reasons evolution could not have occurred!😆😛

#10- If evolution where true, dinosaurs should have re-evolved after Noah's global flood.

#9- H. sapiens are the only species that 'evolved' speech, therefore evolution cannot explain the talking snakes.

#8- Cows would have drowned before they could have evolved into dolphins and whales.

#7- There are no transitional fossils, just different species. And evolutionist can't show any current animal in transition.

#6- In-animate, man made objects, make great analogies for debunking biological evolution.

#5- Dogs don't produce non-dogs.

#4- Irreducible complexity hasn't and can't be debunked by the established scientific community.

#3- AiG and others are the only sources without vested interests, and will always be true to the scientific method.

#2- The peppered moth experiment has been debunked.

*drumrolls* And the number 1 reason is...

#1- 6,000 years isn't enough time!
