The Strange Path AK SEE PG 31!! IMP LINK!! - Page 2


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Posted: 16 years ago


Edited by ania_91 - 16 years ago
Posted: 16 years ago


Chapter: 2 

          The day departed, bringing the cold night once again. The moon was shining as if there is no tomorrow. The moon light was so bright that it almost felt as if its day time unless you look up at the dark sky which makes you realize that its still night time. All the sparkling stars added in the beauty of the night. The clock had just struck 10 o' clock. Today went very busy for Aarzo as she had to hassle to the University to submit in her application form. Her dream of becoming a Lawyer has just taken its first step in the world of reality. She will fulfill this dream so that her dad can be proud of her wherever he is. Aarzo was lost in her thoughts about her career and studies that were about to start. Suddenly, somebody banged at the door of her house loudly as if she didn't open it quickly, that person will break the door. She hurried to reach the door, but the person on the other side of the door wouldn't stop banging as if his/her life was depending on it. Aarzo has never faced this kind of situation. She just didn't know that who wants to show up at this hour. It was just very … unpredictable. Most of her relatives were settled abroad and the ones present here were the far relatives whom she hardly have ever met.

     Aarzo stopped as she reached the door and then shouted from inside,

"Who is there?" and yet no one answered back as the banging also stopped all of a sudden. Cold drops of sweat appeared on her forehead. She repeated her question again asking who it was. But there was no prevail.

    "Please if somebody is there then answer", Aarzo asked very firmly trying hard to maintain herself from getting scared of this. But there was still no answer. What should she do? Call the police? Her heart wished that someone just come and rescue her. However, to her courageous nature, she began to open the door. Aarzo had just placed her hand on the door knob that the banging started once again and this time it was louder than before. She jerked away involuntarily.

     It was enough now. Whoever was it outside sure doesn't possess any manners. She will open the door now no matter how dangerous that person can be. She would have to teach him/her a lesson. She shouted once again. "Stop banging! And if you are that impatient than I am sure that the police can take good care of it and teach you some manners." After this warning, the person outside stopped banging. After a few seconds, she heard the person giggling and then laughing hysterically. Now she was assured that whoever it was, that person is surely some kind of a maniac. She slowly began to open the door but was shocked to see the sight in front of her. It was her cousins from London laughing their heads off. Seeing that, tears formed in her eyes and she ran inside hurriedly after telling them to come inside.

     "Where is Minhal uncle?", asked one of them as they entered in Aarzo's room, at the same time wondering what could be wrong that Aarzo rushed off like this. They gave each other glances if the other had an idea that what could be wrong. Was it the prank they played on her? But she has never minded these kinds of things than what happened today? Aarzo, on the other hand, wasn't talking to anyone but her tears were continuing to flow like anything.

     "Aarzo, tell us what happened? Why are you crying?" one of the girls sat next to Aarzo and asked her very softly. Then Aarzo explained all of them about her father's death and that she is living here alone. Aarzo broke down as soon as she finished updating them about all the events. All of the four cousins were shocked to hear about Mr. Minhal after all he was their uncle. None of them was ready to believe this bitter truth. One of them even started shouting at Aarzo, "Aarzo! What rubbish are you talking about? Stop all of this nonsense. How can you say anything like this about your own father." Now it was not bearable for Aarzo. Can't they understand that she would never say or even think anything like this even in her dreams? "Zohaib, neither am I talking nonsense and nor would I tolerate that you insult my emotions saying that I don't care about my dad. Do you even know that how am I living here alone, without my parents. How can you even think that I will lie to you all?" Aarzo took all her outburst on Zohaib, however she, herself didn't know what she had just said. But she realized it as soon as she saw everybody else's amazed faces, staring at her. Aarzo had never shouted and reacted like this before, neither has she ever talked to Zohaib by taking his name like she did now. She has always called him 'Zohaib bhai'. Silence fell upon the room, and each of the cousins sat in a corner taking in the truth that they have lost their dearest uncle. Aarzo began to console both the girls; Shiza and Afia. After a few hours, all of the four cousins calmed down.

It was 2 o' clock in the night. All the four cousins; Shiza, Afia, Zohaib and Ali were sitting with Aarzo in the dining hall. Nobody spoke anything. All of them were lost in their thinking. "I am sorry Zohaib bhai." Aarzo said feeling very guilty of her behaviour with him. "No Aarzo, it's not your fault. You were already so disturbed and we not only played a prank on you but also blamed you for no reason. I am sorry Aarzo", Zohaib exclaimed feeling sad about Aarzo's state. Both, Shiza and Afia hugged Aarzo as they knew they all have hurt Aarzo unknowingly.


So, there are four new entries in this story. To know more about these cousins, wait for the next part. Why these cousins didn't know the truth about Mr. Minhal? Why were they unknown of the truth? These untold stories will be unfolded in the next part. Keep waiting and commenting as I need them to encourage myself.


Edited by ania_91 - 16 years ago
Rimsie. thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 16 years ago
i choose AK sorry to SK fans 😳 continue soon 😳
Posted: 16 years ago


i m just going to post the next part.but i feel disappointed  that nobody is replying. i just need to know if u like it or not. plz comment. even the silent readers if you like this story even one bit then comment 😳 and criticism is always welcome. 😛 😉



Edited by ania_91 - 16 years ago
damilola thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
awesome story

just read it now and it is fantastic

il imagine its sk

ctn soon

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: damilola

awesome story

just read it now and it is fantastic

il imagine its sk

ctn soon


thanks dammy for the wonderful comments. i  am just going to post the next part in a while.


Posted: 16 years ago


Chapter: 3 

The four cousins; Shiza, Ali, Zohaib and Afia, who have just arrived from London, atlast came to know about the tragedy that took place in Aarzo's home. Shiza and Zohaib are siblings like Ali and Afia. Aarzo's, Zohaib and Shiza's and Ali and Afia's fathers, all were brothers, from whom one is no more. Both of Mr. Minhal's brothers have been living in London for decades. Even after so much insistence from his brothers, Mr. Minhal still preferred to live in his country instead of shifting to a land across seven seas to his own brothers. It was just because he wanted to serve his nation in whatever manner he can by using his skills as a Lawyer.

Zohaib: he is completing his MBA and wants to study further in business. He can be quite strict at times. He is seem to be serious all the times. However, only the people very close to him know that how much fun is it to hang out with Zohaib. All the cousins know that whenever they need any advice, Zohaib is the person to go to. He is a sweetheart of his parents and his sister, Shiza.

Shiza: the nonstop chatter in her house. She is a girl who wants to see everyone smiling, when she is around. She can't bare to see someone in pain. Everybody has seen the playful side of Shiza, but only some people are aware of the fact that how sensitive Shiza is. She is of the same age as Aarzo and Afia and wants to become a psychiatrist.

Ali: he is a prankster, always wants to have fun. Ali is currently completing his MBA just like Zohaib, in the same university as him. Both Ali and Zohaib are of the same age, but totally opposite of one another. One of the interesting things about Ali is that he understands people very well and maybe that is the reason that anyone can become friends with him easily.

Afia: you can call her a 'book worm' as most of the times she is lost in her books. She has chosen to go to medicine. However, she still devotes time to her family, especially her cousins. She can be quite funny at times so that others don't get bored in her company. Most of the times, she remains silent and listen to what others say. It is one of the things that others admire about Afia. Afia is a very understanding and calm person. She is very close to her brother; Ali and the four cousins, especially Aarzo.

     These four cousins are very close to Aarzo. Even after living in London for so many years, they have remained in contact with Aarzo, either through the internet, letters or telephone. They came for visits after every 2 to 3 years. But this visit was a surprise for Aarzo. Zohaib's and Ali's family live very close to each other in London. Aarzo couldn't inform them about Mr. Minhal. It was just impossible for her. She didn't have the courage to tell them about this. But, atlast she convinced herself and called to Zohaib's home but there was no response from there. Then she tried calling Ali's home and told them about the incident. They were very miserable but they couldn't reveal it to either their children or Zohaib and his family. It was because Zohaib's father who is Mr. Minhal's brother is a heart patient and couldn't digest this news. It was very dangerous for him as the doctors have advised them to keep him away from things that can give him a shock. Secondly, all the four cousins, Shiza, Ali, Zohaib, and Afia were on a tour to Dubai accompanying Shiza and Zohaib's parents, after which they have decided to visit Aarzo as well. So, that's how they landed up at Aarzo's house that day. Therefore, that was the cause because of which all the cousins were unaware about Mr. Minhal. Zohaib and Shiza's parents were still in Dubai due to some work, but these four cousins couldn't wait anymore and that's how they came a little earlier than they were supposed to, surprising Aarzo.

     The clock struck 9 in the morning. None of them could get a sleep. Only they knew how hard was it to spend that night. Nobody spoke a word the whole night, but their tears that were flowing silently said it all. Both Shiza and Afia were lying down with their heads on Aarzo's lap. Aarzo looked down at them and saw that they have just slept. Seeing them sleeping like this, a small smile flashed on Aarzo's face as she remembered her childhood. She used to come to her dad like this and sleep in his lap whenever she felt lonely. Aarzo glanced at Ali and Zohaib to check if they have slept as well. They were all sitting around on the carpeted floor, in the hall beside the dining room. Seeing Ali and Zohaib have their eyes closed, she assumed that they were asleep as well and decided not to wake them up. Aarzo has just closed her eyes, feeling very tired now, just then she heard a whisper, "Aarzo" she opened her eyes and looked on to see who was whispering when they all are asleep. She saw Ali wave his hand signaling that he was the one calling her.

"I thought you were sleeping", Aarzo said looking confused.

"Nope. I couldn't sleep. Anyways, I was just saying that you should be tired with these two sleeping on your lap. Should I wake Afia up?", Ali asked concerned about Aarzo.

"No. It's okay. They haven't slept through the night. I don't want to ruin their sleep. You should go and sleep…………… '', Aarzo stopped in the midway and thought that she hasn't even showed them the rooms they are going to live in. It was all because of her, she thought because yesterday as they saw her crying, they had just dumped their bags inside the house and went to her.

"You know what go and sleep in my room as I can't get up at this moment. I will show you your room when I am free. Is that okay with you?" Aarzo asked him wandering if he liked that idea or not.

"Aarzo buddy, why are you acting all formal? Just relax. I will be fine and anyways, I am not sleepy so I can survive.", he joked around to lighten Aarzo's mood. But, Aarzo just passed a sad smile, closing her eyes but all of a sudden she realized that Zohaib bhai wasn't here.

"Where did Zohaib bhai go?", she asked worriedly to Ali.

"I think he went to freshen up." Ali answered, coming close to Aarzo. Aarzo looked confused as to why he is heading in her direction. Then, she saw him sitting beside her as he started to wake up Afia.

"What are you doing? Let them sleep. I am okay like this." Aarzo whispered so that both the girls don't get up.

"Yeah right. I know how comfortable you are here. Look at your eyes! They are red which means you need some sleep. So, go and sleep in your room" Ali told her like a doctor advising his patient. Then, he began to continue waking Afia up.

"Afi. Afi. Wake up! Wake up!" Ali whispered in his sweet sister's ear. Afia woke up and saw where was she sleeping. Now it all came back to her.

"I am sorry Aarzo; I don't know when I slept. You must be tired", Afia


"It's okay. You can go to my room and sleep there comfortably."

"No, friend. I am not sleepy anymore. I will just go and fresh up." "But let me wake Shiza too", added Afia as she started to wake Shiza up.

"Shiza wake up and look where are you sleeping. Chotu, c'mon now wake up" Afia called Shiza with her nick name "chotu", which was used by the four cousins only. Afterall, all her four cousins have given her this name because some of her acts were still like a little kid for example the way she laughs hysterically even on silly jokes just like a cute little kid. Shiza still carried some of her childhood habits with her. All the childish acts in Shiza comes to her naturally and that is what showed her innocence.

    Shiza woke up all of a sudden as if she has had a bad dream. Aarzo asked if she is okay? To which she replied still half asleep, "Anybody would wake up if Ms. Afia shouts like this."  After which she realized where was she sleeping and said 'sorry' to Aarzo in her own manner by hugging Aarzo and saying, " I m sorry but the fact is that I really enjoyed sleeping on your lap." She grinned and then she ran to Aarzo's bathroom to freshen up, but only Aarzo saw the tears in her eyes and knew that Shiza wanted to prevent herself from crying and therefore ran away like that.

After sometime all of them were freshened up. Aarzo had just come from a cold shower and changed into a white & black coloured decent shalwar kameez. She dried her rich black hair. She was used to take a shower daily no matter what the weather is outside. She rubbed the lotion on her face and arms, tying her hairs in a loose bun as they were still wet. Aarzo had a natural beauty as she always had a glow on her face that makes her look more attractive.

Aarzo entered the kitchen to prepare the breakfast, feeling sorry that her cousins haven't eaten anything from last night and neither was she in a condition to think about it. But to her surprise, all the four were present in the kitchen already making something.

"Good Morning!", Zohaib wished her.

"Pardon Me?", Aarzo said as she wanted to confirm what she heard. She couldn't believe what she heard. This wasn't like Zohaib. He never behaved so formally, atleast with her.

"Where are you lost?  I just said Good Morning", Zohaib said knowing exactly what Aarzo was wandering about.

"Why are you behaving so formally with me, like you don't even know me." Aarzo inquired.

"Aarzo, my dear it is because you are also behaving with us the same way since morning.", Shiza told her.

"As in?", she questioned, lifting up one of her eyebrows.

"For example feeling sorry for us and treating us like your guests. Ms. Aarzo we are friends more than cousins. Okay?" Ali also joined in with Shiza.

"I am sorry if you guys feel that way. I didn't realize that. I thought it was my responsibility to take care of you guys as you all are my gues…" Aarzo stopped as all four of them cocked their eyebrows at the word she was going to say.

"All right. I confess that I have been treating you guys like guests but I had no intentions to do so. It's just that I wanted you guys to be comfortable so that you don't feel that papa is not here." Aarzo apologized, trying to hold back her tears. After listening to this both Shiza and Afia hugged Aarzo and all these five cousins/friends went to eat the breakfast.

What will happen when Shiza and Zohaib's parents arrive at Sara's place. Who will break the news about Mr. Minhal to them? And How? You will get to see a very interesting and unexpected turn in this story in the next part. So watch out. And please comment guys if you like this story even a tiny bit. I really need your comments/suggestion and even criticism is welcome😉.

Thanks 😊


Edited by ania_91 - 16 years ago
Posted: 16 years ago
hi ppl!!

i just came to check the story and saw that nobody replied back but many ppl have viewed it. is the story that bad. if you all don't like it, then i guess i won't post the next part😒. please comment readers!! i really need them. 😛   

Edited by ania_91 - 16 years ago
tanasha1993 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
hey dont feel sad ur story is awesome cant wait for the next part
jassiee. thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
hey nice story but whoes playing sara...i wich Kripa and angad as the not say'n it shudnt be SK but i prefer AK!!!!


no offence to SK fansz!!!