My story What ASR barun sobti has done to me..

SaimaN thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
What ASR..barun sobti has done to me

hi guys iv decided to write this short story based on me and tell you all what i have and am going through its a true story..i would first like to say i dont want to make anyone feel bad or sorry for me its the last thing i need. And i wont be sharing my name for personal reasons some of u will already know me but i trust u to keep quiet..

In june 2005 i went to pakistan to attend my sisters wedding from uk my family went a few weeks before me i got there a week before the wedding i was only 22 at the time and was so excited etc my sis was getting married and things were going so well lots of people around lots of entertainment as it was a wedding (we lived in islamabad in pakistan where my parents were from i was born and bred in uk) one morning i was up on the roof with a few cousins and i noticed that a young man was on the neighbours roof and i asked the girls who is this they said he lives there etc and he was on his phone dressed very smart and shouting over the phone. obviously iss pyaar ko kya naam doon didnt exist back then but there he was ASR as my story will go on it will unfold and you will understand an angry young man with his suit on sunglasses on that english exact image of ASR i said to the girls who is he they said they are a very rich family who hav factorys all over pakistan i said to them why is he shouting they go hes always like that i was amazed that i came across a guy who looked different then most of the men there and i then realised he took his shades off and looked at me i obviously looked the other way and carried on as normal he contd shouting in the phone. We went downstairs and the the girls said they need to do sum last minute shopping and there are no drivers at home so i said id take them as i could drive and there were plenty of cars outside so we went as i pulled out he was coming out and didnt even look jus came straight out and i had to brake really hard so i horned and he stopped the girls go what hav you done i said its his fault he got out the car one of the girls goes oh noo im like u wat, wat are you scared of i got out the car and said hey mr cant you see and drive in urdu obviously cos thats what you do in pakistan as alot dont know english and he came upto me and took his shades off and goes who the hell do you think you are how dare you shout at me.. I was gobsmacked he spoke fluent english i replied in english and said we nearly had an accident and he said you girls that come from the uk dont know how to drive then why do you i was speechless i said whatever he goes dont you dare whatever me i couldnt believe it his fault and look how he is reacting he goes agli baar dek kar gaari ko nikaalna aur soch kar apna muu kolna im like whaaat i go hey mr watch what you say its your fault he goes to me whatever and walks off.. I was so angry i sat bak in the car god i hated him the girls were saying hes like that etc i jus couldnt stop thinking about it... Then that same evening i was on the roof balcony just sat with the girls and we were having a sangeet contest just singing songs and bit of dance here there where we thought no 1 can see us and i noticed him stood there arms folded and staring right at us i told the girls to stop i got up and said hey mr what are you staring at u should be ashamed he goes to me its my roof where im standing and yours where you are i do wat i want on mine u do wat u want on yours im like you what he goes you heard and smirked and walked off god my blood boiled so i went downstairs and stayed in i thought how could he be so arrogant i hated him so much and the next morning i went to his house with my aunt to invite his family for sangeet night and he was on his phone shouting again coming down the stairs they had a lovely house he saw me and cut the phone and said what do u want have you come to complain and his mother said no they hav come to invite us i jus walked away with my aunt and asked her why is he so rude she goes hes always been like that as his father died when he was young and he looks after everything the business home etc i said to her but my fathers died when i was young doesnt mean i take it out on others... a part of me felt sorry for him then but that soon changed when i went into town to get sum cds for the sangeet night i parked my car up and went into the mall had a good shop around and i turn round and there he is so i jus carried on walking as i approached i thought id jus smile cos hes a neighbour and we hav already had a bad start he looked at me and went huh and looked the other way i was like nooo way so i went hey mr... he stopped and turned round and goes what i said i only smiled cause i felt sorry for you your always alone and always on the phone and shouting and he goes oh really in the exact same husky voice as ASR and goes look around you your alone too and walked off im like you wat and thought forget this guy hes jus a arrogant **** i went home and i told the girls and they say to me we think your falling in love i said no way i hate him that same evening i was outside greeting the guests in and was waiting for my sisters 2 friends who were arriving from the uk so i thought id go outside and wait as i got a call they were around the corner and i was all dressed up waiting i saw a car coming from far i thought it was them but wen the car came close i realised it was karoos that was his new name so i jus looked the other way and he parked his car in his drive had the cheek to come back out walking from his drive and say to me so is this what you do in the uk stand around on street corners and walked off i was left struck y would someone say that to someone but decided im not going to let him ruin my evening but i had to go on the roof later on and he was sat ther on his chair looking into the sky lost so i grabbed the oppurtunity to chuck a stone over and hide he got up looked around and sat back down i did it again and he shouted out loud in english i know its you so stop it i did it again he jumped over and came upto me and goes what is your problem i said its you he goes leave me alone i said apologise for all the rude things you have said he goes huh he always said huh he goes are u mad me and apologise to you for what i said all the nasty things you say to me he goes whatever get lost i go you 2 mr... He stopped looked backed and jus carried on looking and i stared at him thats when i first experienced my rabba ve moment the haaaey haaaey moment my heart started to beat fast i ran inside and jus pretended nothing happened next day i went on the roof hoping he was there but why when i hated him so much and i waited 5 minutes he wasnt his bedroom was linked with the balcony so you would see him ther often and as i was going i heard his door open i hid he came out looked over and stopped and thought theres noone here he was definately looking for some one but who was it me???? When he was walking back towards the door i said stop who are you looking for he turned round gosh my heart skipped a beat another rabba ve moment he goes huh not for you im looking for my headphones i had them here last night i said what on our balcony he goes with a smirk yes i did come over when you were playing childish games and chucking stones im like you waaat are you for real he goes y what did you think i came to look for you. he goes if i were you i wouldnt dream of that.. that day a bit of me wanted to hate him more but the other bit said no u dont... u love i just walked off back inside it was my sisters mendhi that day and the girls wer saying i love him etc joking and stuff and i was like whatever so by the evening i had forgotten what he said etc so i went back upstairs waited 25 minutes for him to come out and he came out sat on his chair and he looked angry i said having another bad day are we he goes huh why you can tell your having a good day thats why your waiting for me here rather than enjoying your sisters mendhi and when he turned round and looked at me he wouldnt take his eyes off me just carried on staring got up and started walking towards my direction i was all ready dressed for the mendhi and i started walking his way he goes why are you doing this i said what he goes y do u wait for me on the roof everyday u make me feel bad so i come out and i feel even more bad when i say horrible things to you when i go back y are u doing this and like a filmy idiot i replied hum aapke hai kaun ke aapko buraa lagta hai and he goes i dnt knw i go why are you such a karoos he goes i dont know he wouldnt stop staring at me i said see you tomorow morning here on the roof i felt so good went in kept on having my rabba ve moments enjoyed the evening got up in the morning and went straight on the roof and he came he looked very angry and said why are you doing this... i thought you what but he shouted at me and said stop messing with my head that very moment i felt the meaning of nafrat paas aane na de mohabbat door jaane na de obviously i didnt think of it then but now i know wat it meant. He said i hate you and walked back into his house and i thought how could someone be so different one day and then the opposite the next i just went in it was the day of the wedding and i was busy with guests etc my sister and i saw him walk in to our house he came to congratulate my family on the wedding and to tell them how he wouldnt be joining the dinner function as he had an important meeting and looked at me and smiled i thought to myself is he for real one minute he says he hates me then smiles at me..the wedding went well sister went to her new home most of the guests had gone the house was being cleaned top to bottom but as soon as evening striked id just run upto the roof but today i decided i wouldnt go out onto the balcony i waited inside he didnt come out i waited and waited then decided to go out jus for a minute as soon as i was on the terrace he came out and said oii where were you all this time i said why what difference does it make to u (aapko kya farq parta hai) wich was used in iss pyaar ko kya naam doon but we spoke in english neither did we ever think of it in the asian phrase. He rolled his eyes back and said it makes alot of difference to me i said kyon he said cos i love you my heart sank in joy i tried to stop my tears and he came over and i was going back and back until i touched the wall he grabbed and said you have done this to me i said i havent done or said anything to you he went huh u knw wat you have done and he kissed me on my cheek and i said stop it we will get caught someone will see he said let them i managed to move away and said to him go home il see u here in the morning as i was going back into my house the girls were stood at the door and said to me so this is the reason your always asking questions about him and your always up here i said i dnt knw wat u mean they said we saw everything and said to me what your doing is wrong i said il be the judge of that..there were many more moments but i didnt want to make this story any longer than it already is... I didnt sleep all night thinking is this love or not (obviously in ipkknd the song was ye ishq hai ya kuch aur hai ya bas khali khali shor hai) that morning i ran to the terrace he came and before he said owt i said i hope your not going to shout at me today and he smiled and grabbed me and pulled me towards him and said main aisa hi hoo and said but i love you my heart was locked in this mans hands and i said wat happens now i go bak next week i said lets get married but we knew our families wouldnt agree he arranged a nikaah ceremony for the next day no one knew about this not any member of our families we arranged to meet at a hotel got dressed and had our nikaah done he called his close friends and we did it we read our nikaah and i said what now he goes now your my wife i go we should go home now and tell everyone he said as u wish he was never one to be afraid of anything, just like ASR first we went to his house his mum wasnt to happy but his family accepted it and his mum was angry at the fact y we couldnt tell her and said to us we all need to go to your house now so we went my mum went ballistic so did my uncle and aunts and my husband said its upto you guys we can leave and go but shes your daughter mum finally agreed and so did the rest and said only on one condition that they come bak to take me the next day for my rukhsati as mum didnt want to send me empty handed i was scared but mum stayed with me that night in my room and said you should have told me and not run and got married i would have let you marry him etc next morning mum and uncle took me to the jewellers got me loads of jewellery and sent me off like a proper bride i was so happy everything was so perfect my inlaws were great and i said to my husband right i need to go back and call you over now send your paperwork off he goes you kidding im a british national i studied in the uk and lived there im like you whaaat he goes yes i go so your coming with me he goes yes but after a week cos he had all his work to sort out i didnt know what exactly he had and owned he said when we go to the uk your going to live with me in one of my houses in london i was like ok you even have houses there, i came back to uk the following week and waited for him he had a little delay as he had to sort everything out i was in panic as i tested positive for pregnancy i was thinking where is he, he came and picked me up in his car im like whaat you even have a car here he said yes big deal he joked and said i thought thats y you married me i said no i didnt know i knew you was rich but not in the uk, we went to our london home it was beautiful big. but missed my mum and co so we ended up buying a very nice big country home close to mum he got me everything a woman could wish for but i was still working towards my career and started my job after i gave birth to a beautifull baby boy life went on happy family had 2 more kids and lived it large worked hard as i didnt feel ryt relying on my husband everything was perfect he would be going pakistan alot for his meetings and then came the dark days when he went in january 2010 he was only going for a week he got there fine etc 3 days later he had an car accident wich was caused by the other driver all i was told he was critical and to come to pakistan my world fell apart i got on the next flight with the kids and went.. a driver came to collect us from the airport i begged him to tell me he said i dnt knw anything all iv been told is to bring you home straight away it was a 10 minute journey from the airport when we got there there was loads of cars and the whole street was surrounded by people i knew it he couldnt wait for me to arrive he decided to leave me and go i broke down as i heard the crys by everyone in the house he had passed away i ran inside with my kids and couldnt believe what i saw my husband no more wrapped in his white cloth ready to go to his final destination everything just went numb a blur all i remember is screaming my head off i only got 10 minutes with him cos they had to take him for his funeral he went left me with so many unanswered questions my world ended everything gone in minutes i stayed a month in pakistan my mother in law and i came to the uk with the kids and we started to slowly settle in our routine again though it was horrible but i had to live on for the kids 2 weeks later when i notified the british authorities that he is no more shortly after his sollicitor delivered his will and said your husband left everything to you and your kids and you need to take charge with immediate affect so i did then i found out how hard it was took me time i went back to pakistan made sure things were smooth there and returned i go every few months for business purposes but hav alot of memories and have just recently gone back to my career just to work my notice as i have alot on with the business i couldnt believe how quick my life took a turn and how things ended up but i stayed strong all day for the kids and cry all night sometimes loud just to get rid of the pain for a few seconds it would come back but i couldnt do anything i still have that pain today,, a year passed etc one day i was jus watching tv at home and mum was over she used to love the star plus dramas and i saw a promo of iss pyaar ko kya naam doon i got up mum looked at me i looked at her it was the promo when arnav singh raizada offered money to khushi for havin a bump on her scooter i looked at mum and said are you thinking what im thinking... She replied i think so i was so impatient about this drama to begin i never watched star plus in my life but for this drama i was mad and came june 6th when it started and thats it ASR gets off the helicopter walks and talks like my late husband i ended up beefing and never missed an episode the love hate relationship everything that i had experienced was slowly being portrayed in this drama and the rabba ve song jus took me by suprise reminded me of all our moments on the balcony i used to think has some of my friends wrote my story into starplus and everyone who knew me wer shocked watched the drama and would call me to see how i am it was like i was re living my moments and i cried everyday watching it how could they just do that make something up and it would end up as somones true story... Everything was jus like us...koi farq nai parta.. What the...damn it... Nafrat paas aane na de mohabbat door jaane na de...and rabba ve rabba ve... Kyon dard hai itna tere ishq mein... I loved it and i loved barun sobti for what he was doing... When i found out he was leaving in oct 2012 i felt terrible and i knew he was coming to star parivaar but i didnt know about the meet n greet session they did so i missed out i went to spl event when i saw him make his entrance he had that same walk everything i was starstruck i dont know how i managed to drive home that day but i got home i havent slept properly since that day i had lots of oppurtunitys to tell my story but i didnt want ppl to think im makin it up but i hav had to do this cos i have no choice i went to india a couple of weeks ago to try and see him in person but i couldnt he was away for new years so i came back to the uk... Everyone thinks im mad only i know that and some special ppl close to me who have said to me ASR and barun sobti are 2 different people i know but the truth is i have fallen in love with ASR and he is barun sobti and i know hes married and i cant have him and he probably would think what a joke i mean come on i need to wake up and smell the coffee but all i want to do is to thank him and khushi one day.
No one can replace my husband the love of my life but this is WAT ASR barun sobti has done to ME..iss pyaar ko kya naam doon rabba ve rabba ve and it all sadly ends.. And im living for my kids and i would strongly suggest star plus andrajjan singh if they can bring back arnav and khushi please do..


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Frequent Posters

andy_sydney thumbnail
Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I'm awe stuck! I really dont know if I should be happy or sad. I'm also in love with ASR but if I had the power to sacrifice him I would have done only for you.😭 
lazylad8-FauZi thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Hai heart goes out to you, hope you meet him one day in the flesh!!!!


Do come to USA when they come here!!!
SaimaN thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: andy_sydney

I'm awe stuck! I really dont know if I should be happy or sad. I'm also in love with ASR but if I had the power to sacrifice him I would have done only for you.😭

Much appreciated i felt i needed to share my story as my friends were forcing me
SaimaN thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: lazylad8-FauZi

Hai heart goes out to you, hope you meet him one day in the flesh!!!!


Do come to USA when they come here!!!

When are they going to the us
Fazila~ thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
Hold on my dear...hugsss...i cried again :(((( hugsss
SaimaN thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Fazila~

Hold on my dear...hugsss...i cried again :(((( hugsss

Dnt cry hun i feel so light today getting this of my chest your a star amazing woman
Fazila~ thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: SaimaN

Dnt cry hun i feel so light today getting this of my chest your a star amazing woman

i didnt do glad u took it all out...hugsss
Tamannaus thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Wow!! that's something I have no words to comment! I am totally dumbfounded. 
That's your real life!
Allah (STW) has done so much miracle in peoples life, you never know what will happen in a split of a second. I see life is more cruel and stranger than the drama and fiction, isn't it true? There are so many going on in our own life which we are soo busy to solve but don't realize that could be a huge and so dramatic to others. IPK is the drama and I enjoy because of romance, love and the simplicity of the story, now I know there are others who has a lot to compare and relive with this show.
I pray for you so that you get your all wishes come true. Thank you so much for letting me know and think about me worthy of reading your life story and sharing. ðŸ¤—
CrazzySassy4U thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
😭😭😭 OMG i can imagine what you are going thru , A big hug for you and your kids . In Sha Allah you will meet Barun aka ASR n Sanaya aka Khushi Ameen .