Episode 144 Discussion: 12th Dec 2012

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Posted: 11 years ago
Episode 144  Discussion: 12th Dec 2012

Welcome to the Episode discussion thread which we call as Viewer's and Reader's Respite.  That's very apt, don't you think ? πŸ˜‰. And that proves our objective.

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0-SD-0 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Episode 144 Discussion - EOD summary

The Nagging and Dogging Baggage Needs to be Burned -2

Episode Events
Madhu gets home all upset. Radhaji asks where is RK...Commotion starts where is RK. He is gone missing. The security people employed to monitor the Bhatias reveal that Dips was in RK's room for half an hour when RK left RK Mansion in a Huff. Madhu asks Dips what was it that passed between her and RK and more importantly what was she doing in her room. Unbelievably the best scene of the episode. Rest of the episode was about RK's flashback in some remote place where he thinks on what transpired between him and Dipali. Dipali is remembered by RK as goading that Rishabh Kundra is not lucky in love and he is destined to be loveless. Dipali also asks RK to prove her that Madhu is not after RK persona and is capable of loving Rishabh. RK gets terribly upset and leaves the house with a mental resolve that he needs to win and he cannot fail in his love quest.

All the episode reviews are going to talk about episode events. So let's go to episode reviews.

Episode Reviews
Page 1 - SD, Leela, Manonids, Gurtiluv
Page 2 - Soundarya, himbin
Page 3 - eshasrk, Manonids
Page 4 - anastasia21, nlm4, tanu07, apolloartemis
Page 5 - MarathiMulgi, anastasia21, Charu , kodai
Page 6 - Dovesview, SD, MarathiMulgi, zoya_naziya
Page 7 - pippa, Red_Opium, MarathiMulgi, kitkataha , savz_uniqueblis
Page 8 - dramacrazy12, souhaila, kt25, Bhakti2, Zida, Soundarya
Page 9- zoya_naziya, SD, kt25, manonids
Page 10 - Charu, SD, Dovesview
Page 12 - HopelessLove

Video songs/posts
Page 9 - PreetD
Edited by 0-SD-0 - 11 years ago
0-SD-0 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Disclaimer: Ranty post ...My apologies to all but need to get this out of my system....

Its crappy of RK to even accept Dipali's challenge to prove it to her ? Who is she to him ? God! this man still has Dips higher than Madhu. πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜‘😑 πŸ˜‘  Ugly !!!
Clunk plot or Clunk RK ? πŸ€’ πŸ€’🀒

Now ranting on myself...to give credit to RK and writers that they will keep everything intact. πŸ˜‘😑

And now rationalizing to myself...so RK all these days you were using Madhu as your feather in the cap to get back at Dips ? πŸ˜” Madhu I am so with you, Leave this guy and deal with your agenda first whatever you have... πŸ˜³

Atleast Madhu questioned Dipali. This should be the last thing that Dipali does anything for this couple. Else, I don't know what I am going to do...

Well at least I was right about something. The "RK love confession"  is no confession at all...purely his scheming to elicit the appropriate response from Madhu towards Dips challenge to RK. RK you need to lose. You just need to lose. And let Dipali smirk at you all way to hell  !!!! 

Charu ...That song is so apt...Jaa Chudail...Go to Hell. RK should leave Madhu alone and first let him deal with his Deary Dips Bhatia πŸ€£ πŸ€£

Another ETA:
Gosh! this is so much like 60 and 70's melodrama and misunderstanding between love story. The dancing hero has to misunderstand his cute heroine.under any miserable and ridiculous circumstance.
Edited by 0-SD-0 - 11 years ago
leelaa9 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

God in heaven, after today's ep, I really *really* wish Madhu would confess her feelings first.

Her confession would have been love tainted only with the fear that it might not be reciprocated.

RK's confession is going to be with the *hope* that he is right that she already loves him, but tainted far more in weight than that fragile hope - with the expectation of betrayal and faithlessness.

(If hope were to win out against that fearful expectation, he might well collapse with the second blow to his heart after the first of the bullet - this one would be of joyful shock.πŸ˜³πŸ˜†
So just as well that misunderstanding win out over renunciation.😊 Otherwise the track would be changed from RK being a star already and Madhu *becoming* a star to instead RK and Madhu both withdrawing from stardom.πŸ˜• No, thank you.😊) 
This was *not* a situation of Dips successfully goading RK.
Even a beggar off the street knowing enough to say the exact same words would have ignited RK's insecurities and fears just as successfully.
The love of both Madhu and RK is genuine and beyond the point where they might emotionally draw back from the precipice.
The feelings of both for each other are like the ocean, most of it fathoms deep and out of sight.
Neither would wish to be explaining every wretched vulnerability that they feel in regards to their love for the other.

The depth of Madhu's feelings we have seen in her unconscious decisions and prioritizing of RK above everyone else.

But RK himself has never been privy to any of that.
He did not know - and still does not - how completely Madhu deprioritized Mallick for him. He told Bittuji that Madhu had kept quiet on seeing Mallick's locket to protect her father.
He believes Madhu loves him because she is a nice conservative girl who would find it natural - given growing conducive circumstances - to be devoted and loyal to her husband in order to make the marriage work.
The junooni samarpan of her love he has no idea about.
He told Madhu that he was betrayed by Radha and Dipali, but he understated the case enormously in both instances, and he could therefore not hold Madhu responsible for playing respectful bahu and devrani to the two women.
It was ironically yet more evidence that his sanskaari wife had fostered her relationship and affection for her husband in similar fashion.
After all, pati and sasuraal are two cornerstones that Madhu would like to care for and be cared for by.
Has there ever been a moment that any actions of Madhu's that RK has witnessed - even the tenderness in her eyes - would have appeared independent of her being married to him?
She thinks of him as the Rishabh he used to be, accepts the RK he has become, and loves him in entirety. But when has has he ever had an inkling of that?
He has repeatedly seen the empathy in her eyes, shied away from it as pity and finally accepted it as sympathy.
Had she distanced herself visibly from the four people in the house, it would have obvious as empathy.
But she did not because he was not clear enough in his account to goad her into such a course.
We have seen repeatedly by now that Madhu becomes utterly disregarding of any filial or social bounds in dealing with any person that she believes hurt RK.
It matters little whether RK understands this for the protective encompassing devotion of her love for him, or whether he mistakes it for sympathy with near-similar responses.
Either way, he could use it as a weapon. He has the tune at hand to make Madhu act as he would wish. He has never employed that power.
Had he told Madhu of the importance of the photographs when she first uttered the blackmail threat, he could have ridden her then and there with a shamed guilt that would have lowered her in her own esteem. He chose not to tell Madhu, and instead opted for the humilation of repeatedly apologizing to Padmini.
Even in the matter of the Bhatias and especially Radha, he could sit Madhu down and tell her of a few heart-tugging moments - I do not believe he would need to manufacture such - and Madhu's reaction to Radha whom she has only held in affection for a few months would outstrip even her anger towards Mallick whom she has idolized.
RK has chosen not to, and came to accept her continued association with Radha, even accepting her defending that mother because his only way to stop her would have been to reveal yet more vulnerabilities and childhood hurts to her.
And lastly, in the matter of Dipali. Again, RK was nearly clinical in speaking of Dipali's jilting of him. He never spoke of the extent of the sordid attempts to win him back.
This is rather like going for a pleasant walk with someone without telling them that you have debilitating injuries. If the walk gets painful, you can either tell them that you're hurting and why or you can grit and bear it.
RK opts for the latter as far as possible, and only chooses the former after it's too late to be of use.
His pride does not permit of using a genuine vulnerability of his, not even to win.
So it's almost terrifying that Madhu has finally become dearer to him than his pride.
His hope that she truly loves him as a person - not his stardom or his wealth - is driving him into a test that will try him far worse than Madhu.
The RK who repeatedly apologized to Padmini rather than tell Madhu that the happy photographs with his deceased father were taken a few hours before the latter's death is now willing to leave his heart bare in front of Madhu.
Completely unaware of the quality and exceptional depth of her love, this very proud man is nevertheless staking his pride and heart both on the hope that her loyalty and love as a wife would be content without the material trappings that make him of such worth to his 'family'.
If she fails that hope however inadvertently, he may believe his faith and hope mistaken yet again, and retreat into the harshness that does not leave him vulnerable.
This misunderstanding - if there *is* one - may yet be the making of them both in more ways than one.
Happiness in proven true love - quite apart from totaling the stardom track if RK stuck with the intent to opt for a simple life with Madhu - would have had Madhu lost in a blissful dreamworld and RK setting aside his own defenses to float among the clouds with her.
And the thought of *both* of them being so vulnerable and unwary just in time for Madhu's father Balraj to enter into their lives would be appalling. Terrifying actually.
Madhu has a lifetime to bask in the love of her eccentric husband.
Right now, she needs to start dealing with everyone the way she today dealt with Dipali - with a believably threatening warning, no socially fettering undeserved respect, and withoput backing down.
With RK harsh and cold, it would be a clash between titans, him against Balraj. Not to mention the power of wealth and status. And most importantly, the fact that RK's default mode is defensive aggression.
Having to get *back* into fighting mode after powering down to enjoy the value-additions in life of trust, love and happiness - it would be a nightmare.
Balraj is not the sort of opponent you want to toughen up to face at the last moment. Better to keep harshness at status quo or at least in existence so that it doesn't have to be built up from scratch.
The priority in face of Balraj's upcoming entry should rather better be on preserving Madhu from her psycopathic biological parental unit.
And her husband - unsoftened by positivity and optimism - is the best person around to deal with her father.
Even in the throes of enmity, RK can tolerate no harm to her, and *that* is the need at this point. 
Neither RK nor Madhu know any longer how not to be obsessively in love with each other.😳
They may go to considerable lengths at various points now and later trying to pretend and prove that it is no longer love.πŸ˜• I fully expect that idiocy from each on multiple occassions.πŸ˜†
Nor should we ever expect these two tempestuous, hugely passionate individuals who are absolutely illogical in their emotions to ever be reasonable either in the depths that they will knowingly and unknowingly hurt each other nor in the joy they bring each other with even the most minor of gestures.😳
Madhu and RK will get past whatever misunderstandings and debacles spice up their life now and later.😳
The Lord has been to a considerable amount of overwork first getting these two together, then getting them to fall in love with each other, then getting them to *acknowledge* at least to themselves that they have fallen in love with each other.πŸ˜³πŸ˜† Let's appreciate those three miracles for a while.πŸ˜ƒ
These two devotees brought together under the Lord's aegis are unlikely to ever require less of divine effort, but it beats a storyline somersault from filmworld to the world of mundane.😳
Edited by leelaa9 - 11 years ago
Hansa-Tapori thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
So looks like tomorrow's confession is not going to be a real one after all 

Rishbala KC date - heaven πŸ˜³

Bahon ke darbhiyan... - 9th heaven πŸ˜³

Confession - thud 


As for dipali πŸ˜‘😑🀒
EnchantedForest thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
I dont want to see your grading for this episode I think. πŸ˜† Like I said before it is not RK but his insecurities that listened to Dipali. Else he was ready to choke her for saying a word about Madhu.
Manonidz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Dips played her cards really well hitting him where it hurts him the most. But But But '.how can his emotional insecurity shadows his mental strength in few seconds. Sudden Memory loss I guess ...🀒 Dips provoked him and he closed his mental shutters!!!!!!😲😑 ...Just because Dips challenged him to prove her wrong or prove his love, he is going to test Madhu!!!!😲'Why a third party is so important for RK in this relation? Though RK's pain/future action is understandable, I am feeling bad for Madhu as well. They are going to share the pain, which was uncalled for. Its pretty much clear RK will tell her to leave everything behind, but she will have her genuine reasons of not accompanying him, but RK will take it as his fourth defeat.😑 Just because she addresses him as RK, she  is a gold digger!!!!! wow 😲'.RK's brain on holiday I guess '.🀒   I never excepted that Madhu addressing him RK and not Rishab would be projected and further believed by RK like this!!!!😲

I loved how Madhu's doubted Dips and her involvement in RK's sudden disappearance, and her warning that Dips will repent talking to RK before he left, somehow indicates that Madhu will get back at Dips once she gets to know the whole story. But, its going to hurt her even more that RK tested her bcos Dips said so.  

Just like Dips words are haunting RK, Trishna's curse is disturbing Madhu. What an irony, they are falling victim to third party involvement? 

PS: I tried my level best to put a neutral view but I am kinda disappointed with the track, and confession πŸ₯±'.hell with it '.🀒 

Edited by Manonids - 11 years ago
EnchantedForest thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

But one thing is true this third pary involved has been killed in serials theycant come up with anything new to create conflict.

Sorry Now im gonna go on my rant.

Ekta Kapoor first used it to in Kahi to hoga which she called her television version of devdas. but would she didnt get was it was never a third party thatcame between dev and paro it was class warefar, morals, self-respectand pride that came betweenthem. Paro never shared any kind of relationship with her huspand and Devdas never falls for Chandermuki in the novel he does in the movie somewhat except her.There was no misunderstanding between them about love ever it was just a question of pride.But in Kahi toh hoga it was Piyush, KYPH it was Pritvi, Geet it was Dev, IPKKND it was Shyam. Time to come up with new concepts ppl instead of just misunderstanding and third parties. Edited by Gurtiluv - 11 years ago
Krinya thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 11 years ago
my biggest fear..my hero will go on a self destructive path..he will destroy everything, himself , his star status to find his true love...😭 lot more negativity coming our way..

Sri, i was actually in a good mood today , i'll tell u why in a short while..i'll be giving my take in sometime..i liked a few aspects of today's epi..sabse pehle, 20 mins RK 
hansa22 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Today's episode deserves a rant...raving rant!!!

All along, reading the articles, I thought there is a catch somewhere, RK will not lower himself by believing a word of what Dipali says. But he does, he did... and they try to create a roundabout justification  for his extreme insecurity by saying he will never have love in his life, because he has lost everyone he loved, including Dipali herself😑😑😑.

I kept saying this was a loophole, that he said at the lake scene that he had loved her at some point. I really wish I had been proved wrong. All his affection towards madhu is to prove to Dipali that he has found someone, so she can stay with Sikky??

Yesterday I did say that he needs to get over this whole 'love' thing with Dipali. But not by testing Madhu. That is so unfair. She is being used as a pawn by him, yes, the dark RK is truly back.

Madhu, Radhaji, Bhatias wait around to hear about RK. He is missing, phone switched off and noone including Bittuji knows where he is.
The spy on Dipali reports that Dipali met him for around half an hour before he left. So Madhu walks close to her and warns her...that if RK has gone away hurt at something she said, she will regret it. I loved Madhu's attitude. I wish that spy had written down what she did say to RK.
RK is at his farmhouse, remembers madhu's dhoka question to him that morning. Indeed, this is dhoka , acc to me. Now I realise the significance of that word.
He recollects Dipali's words...everything that you have read in the articles...you have always failed in love, always lost people you loved, your father, your mother and Dipali!! Do you think Madhu loves Rishabh, no she loves all the trappings of your superstar status, which is why she still calls you RK and not Rishabh.
RK reiterates his faith in Madhu...but Dipali throws him a challenge...leave your current life, go to a place where you are anonymous, ask madhu to come with you, let's see if she is willing. Prove it to me, that she loves you and not your superstar status.
And RK accepts the challenge!!! This is what is unbelievable and completely out of character. A person like RK, who people tremble to talk to, cows down to Dipali...what a strong  hold she has on him!!! Why was'nt the story called...Dipali, EK Ishq EK Junoon!!!
RK seemed so flustered and defensive...he says she gave him blood, saved him, therefore she loves him, bunkum!!!
 What happened to the dialogue he gave Bittuji, about how she, being an ordinary girl dragged him to jail, threw his liquor out etc etc. Why could'nt he say, the marriage was a forced one, he made her marry him...in the first place. How could she be after his money and status???

That passionate declaration of love to Madhu is conditional, to prove something to Dipali, that is it. No wonder he will never accept anything Madhu has to say. He does'nt yet love Madhu, in fact , I feel like going as far as saying, somewhere he still loves Dipali!!!

So while Trishna accuses Madhu of dreaming of a happy marriage with RK at the cost of her family, Dipali accuses Madhu of loving RK for his superstar status.

Madhu has to prove that she loves her family and she has to prove to RK that she loves him.  RK can then prove to Dipali that she will leave everything and come with him, and he has his love intact.Obviously, they are going to have a huge conflict and  misunderstanding. He deserves a separation from madhu. 😑

 I really really hope this track is not a long one...it is going to be one agonising track.

Really sorry, guys for the above rant, don't even know if I made sense, but today's episode and the track they're starting, is one of those exasperating ones!!! In one shot, RK's character has become weak and powerless. Why have the CVs done this to him???

Pre-cap: Great dialogues, but I am not excited. This is him testing Madhu, for Dipali, not RK confessing his love for Madhu.