Written Updates-India Episode-NO COMMENTS

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Posted: 18 years ago

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Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago

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OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago


India Update 6 Feb by mistletoe

Log galtiya maaf kar sakte hai, lekin waqt kisi ki galti maaf nahin karta! This gem is from my Werewolf's mouth! Lolz….also, we now know that Jai is 17 years elder to Bani….that's ok…I mean Micheal Douglas is 30 years elder to Zeta Jones!😉😆


Also, Mohan Mithaiwala 🤢is a complete creep, he has been married thrice, is Jai's age and  has a daughter to boost. And he wants to marry Bani and make her his third wife…….and, an excellent news….Jai is shocked and rattled to hear that Mohan wants to marry Bani and becomes very protective for her, but he calls her a Bacchi! And couldn't believe that Pia tells Bani to marry Mithaiwala, but, but, but a huge surprise….read the update for that! Now it is becoming clear that Werewolf & Bani have a huge chance of getting together, I mean falling in love and getting together, not just getting married! How that will happen….Kekta Maayi ki mahima!

Jai's Office (Jai, Bani, Ranveer and Mohan)

The episode commences with Jai Walia (looking so dapper, who says age makes any difference to good looking men!😳) holding a meeting with Mohan Mithaiwala (Rm, think of a nastier name for him please), Khadoos Karela and Bani plus a few other extras. Jai says that  they are going to open a restaurant in Mount Abu and for that they have finalized a place. Bani looks surprised and Jai gives her a sweet smile (aww, he likes her so much!👍🏼) and says that, yes your Mount Abu, Bani! He then tells Ranveer that he wants him to hand over the new project file to Bani as she is the Manager for this new project. Ranveer looks ready to kill Bani with his looks, but quietly does what his Uncle tells him. Jai tells the group before dispersing that they will meet again for the Presentation and tells Ranveer to inform Ms. Sharma to be ready for the presentation.

As everyone goes out, Bani opens the file and is shocked out of her wits to see that the project location for the new restaurant is her house. As she talks to herself (I mean who does that, does any of you speak to yourself loudly when you are alone???😕) about how her house is getting demolished…Ranveer gets a wicked smile on his face as he thinks that he will now make Bani do the presentation about her own house turning into a restaurant!

Jai's Office (Jai, Ranveer, Bani, Mohan and some others)

The meeting proceeds (I dunno why but Hunky Henderson, our Jai Walia looked rather appealing today to me, grey hair, grey eyes and all! 😎But he does have a rather bulky frame...maybe to add to his character's appearance! ) and Ranveer informs Jai that Ms. Sharma couldn't come for the presentation and since Bani is aware of the details, she should be able to do the presentation for them. Bani gives a hateful look at Ranveer who smiles evilly back at her, knowing that she won't be able to control her emotions and flounder in the presentation. Jai asks her if she would be able to do it in such a short notice, Bani gives one hard look at Ranveer and tells Jai that she will do the presentation. During the presentation, Bani says that since she is also from Mount Abu, she knows the house very well and proceeds on to explain the interior of the house. Ranveer keeps prodding her with uncomfortable questions about her house, but Bani doesn't swerve, and does her work very professionally. Mohan Mithaiwala looks completely love-struck (Creepo!), Ranveer looks with hatred and Jai looks at her with a sort of Fatherly affection (Duh…why doesn't he give her some romantic looks!😡) or rather with pride and admiration. Bani completes her presentation and as Ranveer goes off in a huff, Jai congratulates her and says that she did a great job while Mohan tells her that she would be surprised to know that he has recently brought this house and then asks her out for Dinner. Bani gives a very cold stare and says that what she did was her work and Dinner is not a part of her professional commitment and she excuses herself. Mohan looks totally mesmerized!

Walia House (Jai, Mohan and Jigyasa)

Jigs meets up with Mohan and tells him that even after 3 marriages and a child (god, I almost fell of my chair on hearing this!😆) he still looks so young! Jai who is standing nearby makes so joke about Mohan, who tells him that he is 2 years younger to Jai and has married thrice already (yeah, what a wonderful record!) but Jai is still single. Jai laughs and says that tu nahin sudherga. Jigs asks him what gets him here, Mohan says that he is planning on a fourth marriage (Aila…..yeh cheez kya hai!🤢) and he has found a girl already. Jai is taken aback and says that he came just yesterday and how did he find a girl in between. Mohan gets a ridiculous grin on his face and says that he is talking about Bani. Jai's face has a lovely expression of shock, astonishment and he looks totally flabbergasted. Jigs is at first as shocked as Jai but later an evil smiles covers her goop-filled face! Jai tells Mohan is he crazy, does he know what he is talking about. Mohan is nonchalant and says that he found Bani to be the perfect girl to become his wife and a good mother too. Jai says that he might have found Bani perfect, but what about her. He says that Bani must be atleast 15 years younger than Mohan. Mithaiwala says that age doesn't matter to him. Jigs thinks to herself that here is a god-sent opportunity, if Bani is married off to this womanizer, then she and her sister will be out of this house for good. Jai tells Mohan that he doesn't know what is he talking about, he says that, ''Tum ek bacchi ko ek bacchi ki maa banana ki baat kar rahe ho.'' Mohan says that he will give Bani every possible happiness, wealth and all comforts. Jigs too supports Mohan and tells Jai that Bani is a very matured and responsible girl and the fact that she could do the presentation about her own house being razed and made into a restaurant shows her level of maturity. Jai is shocked to hear that this piece of news and he kind of looks very protective about Bani. Jai doesn't say anything more, but looks very upset.

Walia House (Jai, Mohan, Jigyasa, Bani, Pia, Rano, Aditya, Aditya's Mom and Ranveer)

Eveyone is having breakfast at the Walia House, when Jigs mentions (in front of everyone???) to Bani that Mohan in interested in marrying her. Jai looks very embarrassed, while both Rano and Pia are shocked. Bani is furious with rage and her eyes fill up with tears, she gets up and excuses herself and rushes out of the room, followed by Pia and Rano. Everyone looks a little awkard, except ofcourse Mohan Mithaiwala who I think is under the impression that he is God's gift to the Womankind! Jigs gives one her sweet, sugary, fake smiles and tells Mohan that she will speak to Bani.

Outhouse (Bani, Pia, Rano and Jigyasa)

Bani is furious and tells Rano and Pia that who the hell is Jigyasa (hey, she takes her name!) to talk about her marriage. Bani says that she is paying rent for the place where they stay and that she is an employee of Jai Walia, not a relative, so who the hell are they to talk about her marriage. Pia looks thoughtful and then to the shock of Bani (and me too!) tells her that what is wrong with getting married to Mohan Khandelwal. Pia says that he is rich and successful and that he will always keep Bani happy. Bani is completely taken aback by Pia's statement and asks her that is money everything in life and is happiness nothing. Pia tells Bani that she is very impractical and as a sister she doesn't want to see Bani unhappy for the rest of her life, working to make ends meet. Bani says that she will never compromise her ideals for money and there is no question of marrying Mohan Khandelwal because he is the guy to whom their father had mortgaged their house. Bani says that she hates him. Just then Jigs comes in with shaadi ka Shagun and tells Bani that Mohan has sent the same to her as a proposal. Bani is really upset, and tells Jigs that she is not interested in the proposal and that she can take it back from where it came. Jigs makes a face and tells her that she has had a jackpot and that Mohan is loaded with money, her life along with her sisters will be made. Bani gives a cold look at Jigs and tells her to just go away. Jigs walks away furiously, and Pia follows her back.

Walia Garden (Jigyasa and Pia)

Pia meets up with Jigs and tells her that her sister is very impractical and always talks about ideals and principals, but she knows that life cannot be lived on such things. Pia then says (I was really taken aback by this turn of events) that even though Bani has said no to this relationship, she is ready to marry Mohan Khandelwal. Jigs looks shocked and then elated and tells Pia that she is the most sensible one of the trio.

Walia House (Jai, Mohan and Jigyasa)

Jai and Mohan are playing chess, when Jigs comes in and says that Bani has refused the proposal. Jai looks relieved while Mohan looks upset. Jigs then says that although Bani refused the proposal, her younger sister Pia wants to marry Mohan. Jai looks completely thunder-struck (bechare ko pullover pehna ke, shaadi Mithaiwale se kar rahi hai!) while Mohan is pretty offended. Mohan tells Jigs that he is not desperate for marriage and when he had shown interest in Bani, it was because he saw her as a good mother for his daughter and a suitable wife, just because she has refused, doesn't mean he will marry anyone. Jigs tells him that she has just informed him about Bani's decision and Pia's desire, it is upto him to decide. Jigs tells Mohan that he should meet Pia once before deciding on anything. Jai looks very disturbed (Why, you will get your Bani, let Pia go and marry the thrice married creepo!)

Outhouse (Jai and Pia)

Jai goes to meet Pia who asks him how come he is here (Why does she always talk to him so flirtiously?) Jai very coolly answers her that does he need to get her permission to go about in his own house (Lolz…I love his wry sense of humor!)😉 Jai tells Pia that he has come to invite her along with Bani and Rano to a party they are having at the Walia House. Pia doesn't look very excited and when Jai asks her whether she doesn't like going to party (That's like asking a Dog if he doesn't like Bones for Dinner!) she says that she loves partying, but not the kind that Jai has….she likes excitement in parties and Jai's parties look rather boring (The girl has some gall!) Jai gives her a really school-teacherish look and tells her that if her idea of excitement is to agreeing to marry any guy without even meeting him or knowing him first, then she has a very wrong notion of life. Pia is quite offended and tells him that they stay in this house and pay for his rent and he has no authority to interfere. Jai is unaffected and tells her that does she even know that Mohan has been married three times before and that he has a daughter. Pia very coolly says that all she knows is that Mohan has money and power which she needs to get ahead in life (at least the girl is honest; I love this thing about her!). Jai says that man can forgive the mistakes made by other men, but life never forgives those mistakes. Pia answers back that it is her life and she wants to make her own mistakes and learn from them. Jai gives her an exasperated look and goes away.


Three Marriages and A Funeral – Mohan Khandelwal explains his marriage to Jai, by saying that his first marriage was dissolved in a month's time, the second time he got married he was drunk and the third time, his wife died during childbirth….so what stops him from trying a fourth time for what he calls an actual marriage….what I can comment on this, except NO COMMENTS!

Baat kuch Dil mein hai – Jai is concerned for Bani as well as Pia…but his concern for Bani was shown very acutely and in detail….though he refers to her as a Bacchi….that could also mean a fatherly affection, but then again he is 17 years older than her….that's a narrow gap for a Father-daughter relationship!

Baap bada na bhaiya, sabse bada ruppaya – One has to admire Pia's guts and her honesty. She is doing what she believes in and is not at all hypocratic about it. She wants money, she will marry into it, so what if the guy is a complete lost-case! Kudos to Kekta for creating an ambitious, honest and gutsy character without showcasing her as the vamp!

Begaani shaadi mein Abdullah Diwana – Why on Earth is Jigs so concerned about getting Bani married? Does she suspect that Bani might just worm her way to the Walia House or does she just want to ruin her life by getting her hitched to Mithaiwala? Jigs ki baatein who hi jaane!

Naari-Shakti Zindabad – Kudos to Kekta again for making her central character a strong one for a change! Bani not only behaved in a totally professional manner in the Office but also gave a good reply to Jigs and Mohan by refusing the latter's marriage and Dinner invitation.

Jaane kya hoga rama re – Now the proceedings are really spicing up. Mohan proposes to Bani, who completely disposes him. Pia proposes to Mohan, who might just bite the bait. Jai is concerned for both the sisters, so we don't know about his real feelings. Poor Pushkar is left in the cold! The next few episodes will be really garama-garam!

Fast forward – The pre-valentines party is being held at Walia house, where Pushkar tries to talk to Pia who is pretty cold to him. Jigs comes in and tells Pushky that Pia and Mohan's marriage is being worked out. Pushkar looks completely shattered!

Predictions – Pia and Mohan get married….Jai and Bani get married….Pushkar and Anu get married….Rano and Ranveer get married………….and the serial ends.....and Maayi files for Bankruptcy😆


India Update 7 Feb by devashree_h


From today they stopped showing the title song.


Theme of today's episode, round and round we go again.

Well Jai is in his library and Saahil comes in. Jai tells him tht he has seen an improvement in Saahil. He tells Saahil to arrange his pre-valentines party as hot n happening as their parties are. Saahil is amused by this and tells him he will do so. Jai gives him money and Saahil goes. Jai is thinking about Pia's words.

Bani is in her room in front of her mirror when she sees her alter-ego in the  mirror. It asks her why is she so worried? Bani says bcoz Jig thought abt her marriage to khandu, though they live in Jigs house its not fair of her to think abt their marriage. It tells her tht some guy has liked her and made her his choice. Bani ans back and tells, his choice not mine. It asks again, yes u said urs, and ur thinking abt Pushky. Bani denies it. Her alter-ego says she cannot say a lie to herself. Bani blushes and thinks abt Pushky.

[chori chori koi,zindagi mein aaya

 dheere dheere usne hame apna banaya

 dil mein samaya who ikdamse

 kasamhse kasamh se kasamhse]

The Party Hall :

Its decorated with red and white curtains. Awesome decoration. Makhiwala😡 is standing on the balcony and Jiggy comes and tells him tht one he is waiting for is also coming from the direction he is looking at. The three girls arrive. Pia cant believe she at Walia's party(coz she thinks their parties r always boring).

Jai enters the party wearing blazers😆(i thought he looked funny). A guy comes and tells him the party is rocking.He tells him rudely he did not ask and the poor guy goes away frm there. Pia comes from behind and tells him tht the party is really happening, they both look at each other. She asks him why he kept the party before valentine, he tells her he likes to be different. She looks at his clothes, he asks her what, she seems impressed and tells him tht his clothes r rocking.she goes. He gets hold of Tony Butler and tells him to get 10-15 rocking clothes. Tony is confused. Jai says not for u but for me.

 Pushkar comes to the party and sees Pia and she disappears again. He thinks he just dreaming. they enter the party and Pia is introduced to Khandu by Jig. Cheap guy falls for her instantly. They r shown shaking the hands.Pushkar comes there and Pia is disappointed to see him. He gives her hand for shaking but Pia does not accept. Jig tells him tht Pia is getting married to Khandu. Pushkar is disappointed. He is at bar thinking why wld a unkown girl, whose name he jst came to know, getting married to someone else upset him so much. Bani comes there and Pushky asks her if she can see anything in his eyes. He cant understand why a girl wldnt understand his love. Poor Bani😭 thinks he is talking abt her. She tells him to confess abt his love. He moves away frm there. She in her mind tells Pushky to confess and he will get his love. Bani goes after Pushky and meets Sonali on the way. She tells Bani tht if she loves Pushky she shld tell him tht. Bani is surprised how come Sona knows abt it. Sona tells her tht her first love can be seen on her face and tells her the importance of first love for a women. She advices her to tells Pushky abt her love.

Pushky goes over frm there and sees Pia dancing with Khandu. Bani comes next to him and he asks Bani for a dance. While they dancing Pushky is looking at Pia and Bani at him. The song is over and Pia moves away frm there. Bani tells Pushky tht she needs to tell him something. Pushky says later and goes after Pia. Bani goes after him and meets Jai. Jai tells her tht she shld not let Pia do it. Bani cant understand wht. He tells herr she shld not nt let Pia marry Khandu. Bani is shocked. Jai comes to know tht Bani didn't know abt it and apologises and tells him tht Pia told Jig tht she is ready to marry Khandu. And shld stop Pia from doing it.

Pushkar is dragging Pia to the garden and Pia is shouting at him. He tells her tht she cant marry Khandu. Pia tells him he doesn't have any right to tell herr tht. He drags her again and tells her tht he wont let her marry Khandu, she tries to move away. He pulls her back and tells her he loves her and they kiss(😡😕🤢). Bani comes and sees tht😭.

Coming Up: Bani comes and tells Jig and Khandu tht Pia wont marry him.

India Update 8 Feb by devashree_h


Bani sees Pia and Pushkar and goes away from there crying. Sonali stops her and asks herr why is he crying. Bani tells her tht her first will remain unfulfilled forever, her first dream has been broken. Sonali turns and sees Pushkar and Pia and she understands. She tells Bani tht there shld be no expectations from love. If u love someone doesn't mean, he will love u back. She advices her tht always marry a person who loves u, not the one who u love. U'll never regret it. Her and Jai's relationship is without any expectation or bondage. And they r happy. Sonali goes from there. Bani also gives one look at Pia-Pushkar and goes inside.


Pia moves away from Pushkar and Pushkar asks her whether now she is convinced that she loves him. Pia asks him how does he know. He tells her tht she kissed him and  a girl kisses a boy only when she loves him. She turns back and asks him if he loved all the girls he kissed. He says he is talking abt her. She asks him whether he knows anything abt her family? He doesn't know anything abt her thn how can he say he loves her. He tells her even she loves him, she gives him a smile(a wicked one)She walks away when he shouts I love u. she turns back and tells him, then what can I do?


Khandu is sitting on a sofa drinking when Jig comes there and asks him wht happened. He says he feels suffocated in a party. She says its surprising how even Bani finds parties suffocating.thn she says whether he is thinking abt Pia.Bani comes and tells him not to think abt Pia anymore. Jig gets up and is angry. She asks Bani whts her problem. Bani tells her tht  she is Pia's elder sister and she has taken the decision. Jig tells heer to leeet Pia decide abt it. Bani tells her Pia will not get married to Khandu, she will and goes away. Khandu is surprised to hear tht and Jig thinks in her mind whatever happened, happened for good.


Bani is standing outside when Pushkar comes and he sees her. He tells her to come inside. She tells him tht she does not want to go inside. He tells her tht if she wont meet ppl how will they know her. She shld mix with ppl and enjoy. She says she doesn't feels like. He tries to drag her. She is not ready. He tells her to look around and feel the atmosphere as it is so pleasant. He holds her hand and brings her inside when the lights are off. Pushky wonders why the lights r off. An announcement is made tht it is 12 o'clock and the couple who r under the MISTLETOE will kiss. When the lights r on, its Bani and Pushkar. Everyone is cheering them. We see Sonali, Khandu, Jig, Dadi on the balcony. Pushkar tells Bani though they r not lovers, he will give her a peck on account of their friendship(lucky guy gets to kiss two girls in one night). Then Bani moves away and Pushky tries to follow her but is stopped by his friends.Khandu comes there and tells him tht though he dared to do such a thing, he will forgive him today. Pushky cant understand wht he is talking. Khandu says he kissed Khandu's would be wife. Pushky tells him tht he was going to marry Pia? Khandu answers him by saying tht his proposal was for Bani. Pia accepted it but now Banni is ready, so he is ready to marry Bani. Pushky thinks in his mind tht one is his love and one is his friend so he wont let anyone of them be Khandu's 4th wife.


Pia is in the party when Jig comes there and tells her tht her marriage with Khandu is off. Pia is shocked. She tells Pia tht Bani has agreed to marry  Khandu and starts bad-mouthing Bani. She tells heer tht Banni cldnt see heer marrying a rich guy. She was jealous thts why  she agreed to get married. She was shocked to see a sister ruining a sisters life. At this Pia gets really angry and shouts at her and tells her to stop. She tells Jig tht she wont hear a word against her sister. Jig snaps at her for insulting her like tht and reminds her tht they r living under Jai Walia's house and she can snatch the roof from over their heads. Pia tells her tht she knows they r supporting the sisters but they cant separate the sisters at any cost.


At the outhouse:

Bani is sitting on the sofa in a pensive mood when Pia comes next to her and tells her tht Bani should have told her before tht she wanted to marry Khandu. Bani tells her tht its not for love. Pia tells her tht atleast she will have a secure future now and they can get their house back, so what if he is a little older than her. Bani tells her tht they left Mt.Abu but not their values. They are alone but with their morals, values and blessings of their parents. She tells Pia not to ever forget it. Pia asks her if she did it to save Pia. Bani tells heer she did it to save Pia's love. Pia does not understand. Bani says she is talking abt Pushkar. Pia says but it…….Bani interrupts and tells her not to do anything ever tht would hurt her parents when the door bell rings. Pia says she will open the door and its Pushkar. Both r surprised to see each other. Pushkar says wht is she doing here. She says its her house. Pushkar says he is here to talk to Bani and says he is Bani's friend and she says she is Bani' sister. She lets him in. he goes to Banii and asks her why is she marrying Khandu. She tells him bcoz she needs security. He tells her how can she marry someone whom she doesn't love and does not care abt, she says she will still marry him. Pushky tells heer tht he wil make heer change her mind and leaves. Pia goes inside and sleeps. Bani is on her bed next to Pia and thinking abt everything tht happened between her and Pushky. Tears r falling from her eyes. She looks at Pia. She goes near the window and sees Pia and Pushkar laughing and holding hand and she gain looks at sleeping Pia. She says in her mind tht all the happiness in the world is first deserved by Pia and Rano and not by her. She says she wont come in the way of her sister's happiness…………..


Coming Up:

                     Khandu and Bani r in office sitting opposite to each and Bani is feeeeling uncomfortable. Khandu tells her its bcoz she is marrying someone and loves someone else.



India Update 9 Feb by devashree_h

Today we all got a nice surprise, may be for time being, but a pleasant one indeed. To find out what read on…

In Walia House:

Everyone is at the breakfast table and Jig says she is happy tht Bani is ready for marriage. Pia taunts her by saying that Jig is such a nice female, she is happy in other's happiness. Even she is happy about this marriage but atleast she is related. Jig gets angry on this and tells Pia tht nobody asked her opinion. Jai sees Tony is taking breakfast up and asks him abt it. He says after last nights parties Pushky stopped at the house and he is taking the breakfast for him. Pia smiles and tells him she will do it . Sonali looks at her disappointingly. She takes it and Pushky is talking on phone but is aware of Pia's presence. He is telling a girl tht he misses her so much. Pia is just smiling. He gets from his bed and drops his hanky. Pia puts down the plate, picks up the hanky and gives it to him. He says thank u but pretends to ignore. He is talking to the girl about a date and Pia notices disconnected wire and is amused. She shows it to Pushky and Pushky smiles embarrisingly. He tells her bcoz of her he lost out on a date. She tells him ok lets check which girl u were talking to and sees Jai's no. she says so u weree going on date with Jai sir. Both of them smile and Pia goes out when Pushky tells her tht she is his date. Ahe smiles in affirmation.

Both of them r coming down when Jai is coming up. He looks at Pushky, a look at his watch and Pushky says sorry to him. He shakes his head and Pia smiles teasingly at Pushky. Pia runs down the stairs and bumps into Jig when Jig is talking on phone. Jig's phone falls down and breaks. Jig shouts at Pia for walking blindly. Pushky tries to say something when Jig yells and tells him to stop. Jai is also on the stairs. Jig tells Pia tht she doesn't have any manners. Pia picks up the pieces and tells Jig to relax as she thinks Jig needed a new model anyways. She tells her she should buy a mega pixel, camera cell phone when Jig reminds her tht she does even have a simple cell phone. Jig tells her to repair the broken one and use for herself. Pia looks sad. Jai goes from there and Pushky is standing on the stairs.

At Bani's Office:

Bani is doing some work when Khandu knocks the door. He asks for permission to come in but is already in and apologizes Bani for the same. He comes and sits opposite Bani. Bani feels uncomfortable. He tells her tht they know each others decision but don't know each other's choice. He asks her abt her fav color. She says whatever he likes, he asks abt decoration, she says however he feels like. He asks Bani tht every girl has a dream wedding in mind, doesn't she?? Bani is unable to answer that. He tells her it is bcoz though she ready to marry him but she loves someone else. Bani is shocked to hear that. He tells her tht Sonali told him everything. He says she should have told him clearly. He also says tht he Sonali did not tell him who is the guy, but now there is no point in the marriage and goes away from there(thts the surprise……..so Khandu isn't tht bad after all). Bani says in mind tht she misunderstood Khandu and she only wanted to marry him so tht Pia wont marry him and gets her love of life Pushkar.

At Outhouse :

Someone rings the bell and Pia opens the door. There a ppackage for her. She opens it………..it's a brand new cell phone. She starts yelling and jumping up and down. Ranno rushes out with a book in her hand and Pia asks her for a no to call. Rano tells her to call mental asylum since she needs one. Pia tells her to give it anyways coz she has a new cell phn. She falls on the sofa and gets a sms saying a gift from well-wisher and its from a private no. Pia thinks its sweet tht Pushky send it to her and did not even give his name (so now we can safely assume the gift is not frm Pushky since she thinks it is)

At Bani's office:

Pushkar comes in to see Bani. Pushky tells Bani since she is his such a good frnd  they will have dinner together at her place. Bani doesn't want to but Pushky does not let her speak.  Some guy comes in and Pushky stops him and tells him tht Bani is a mngr now and not to bother her with small things and Pushky leaves. Bani stops tht guy frm leaving and asks tht guy wht it is. He says other mngr cant do night shift so Bani tells him she will do it. She says in mind tht she has to stay away frm Pushky at any cost.


Pia opens the door and Pushky has brought flowers and gifts. She says thank u and not now he gives her the thngs and says there r many more surprises to come. Pia is happy at the prospect of receiving more gifts. Pushky says he will give surprise but first let him drag out Bani. Rano tells him she wont come as she got some important work to do. Pushky is little disappointed and asks wht important work it can be………

At Hotel:

We see some woman walking(we cannot see her face). She seems very loud. Bani is at reception and tht woman takes keys frm reception. A waiter bumps into her and she shouts at him and tells him tht she can get him expelled. Bani runs at scene and tht woman has already moved on. She asks the waiter wht happened and waiter tells her to let it be as these kind of women come to hotel only to do shady business. Bani goes after her and tries to stop her but she doesn't stop. Bani holds her hand and stop her. Now we see her face(its shilpa frm kahanii ghar ghar kii). Bani asks her abt her purpose. Tht woman tells her not to interrogate like police bcoz she got connections in the hotels and calls someone and tells tht person abt Bani. We see someone coming down and its Ranveer. Ranver tells tht woman to go ahead but Bani tells him she wont let her go. She tells him abt his hypocrisy, being religious and doing this kind of dealings. He asks her whether she knows anything abt business. She tells him tht business doesn't mean compromising values and she wont let him do this stuff in the hotel. He asks her how can she talk abt values when both the sisters were ready to marry Khandu for money. He further adds tht if she wants he can use all the sisters  in the hotel. This irks her and she slaps him. The woman goes away frm there. He tries to slap her back but she holds his hand. He tells her wht a big mistake she has done and holds her hand very tightly. He tells her tht she will regret it and he will throw her out of job. Someone shouts from behind and tells him to leave her hand. Its Pushky. He tells Ranveer tht is he has power to throw someone out, he has the power to disclaim the dismissal. And Jai will decide who stays. Ranveer tells him tht even he will have to pay along with Bani.

Pushky asks Bani abt the fight and she tells him tht its her problem and she will solve it. She comes out of the office. Pushky comes behind and tells her tht though he loves her sister she is his friend and nothing can change tht. He wont go ahead without Bani;s approval. Bani tells him tht there was no need of him to ask for her permission but she is happy tht he did. And she trusts him completely and wants their love to be converted in marriage(when Bani is saying all this I observed Pushky for once looked at Bani's lips…..hmmmm kekta hidden signals or editing mistake) Pushky is very happy to hear it, kisses Bani's hand and leaves. Bani is left there standing with tears in her eyes and it starts raining and she remembers Tony's words tht unseasonal rain is good omen. She is all drenched………(why ppl still think she is for Jai when today u could clearly see how deep her love is for Pushky)

Coming up:

Pushky Pia sitting in a restaurent aand Pushky tells her tht he has a surprise for her and Pia is excited at prospect of another surprise.

My Take on this: Pushky must have brought a cell for Pia but it wont be as good as earlier one and Pia will understand it was not given by Pushky………..lets find out tomm if im right

India Update 10 Feb by devashree_h

Jai is in his room when doing some work when Pushkar comes there and tells him that Bani and Ranveer had a fight, he doesn't know the reason but knows tht Jai willjudge both sides equally. Jai in his mind thinks tht whatever info he had was right.

In Jai's Office:

Bani and Ranveer are sitting next to each other opposite Jai. Jai asks Bani how much she knows abt business? Whether she knows if Jai haad compromised values to reach these heights? Is it necessary to give up values and morals to be successful? Ranveer is smiling victoriously. Jai calls his accountant. Ranveer thinks in his mind tht Bani madam will now have to go back to Mt.Abu. the accountant comes in and Jai tells him to double Bani's salary as she is from now on handling Ranveer responsibilities. Ranveer is shocked to hear it. Bani says she will. Jai tells Ranveeer tht he needs rest and Sonali's premiere party will be handled by Bani and he wants it to be perfect. He tells Ranveer tht it was his lasst warning.

In a restaurent:

Pushkar and Pia r on a date. Pia is happy tht she is going to the premiere. Pushkar asks her why is it so important. She says she is a small town girl and saw the stars only on screen. They will be lucky to be with Pia. Pushky tells her he is impressed by her confidence. He also tells her tht he has a  lot of surprises lined up for her. Pia is excited abt surprises and cant wait for them. Pushky tells her tht she will get thm one by one.Pushky holds her hand says "I love u". she just smiles.

At outhouse:

Door bell rings and again a package arrives for Pia. This time it's a portable dvd player. Pia is very happy and  tries to call Pushky but stops thinking tht she has a whole day full of surprises. She thinks Pushky is cool.

At the premiere:

Sonali arrives and media is waiting for her.she goes straight to Jig and Ranveer. She asks for Jai and Jig tells her tht its her day today. The sisters arrive and Jig tells Ranveeer annoyingly tht they land up for every other function. Jai also arrives and all the sisters turn to see him. He gets down and Pia smiles looking at him. Jai comes to them and asks why haven't they gone inside. Bani tells thm to move forward as she has Pushkar's pass and Pushkar has yet not arrived so she will wait for him. They go inside. Bani is waiting for Pushkar outside the hall and its quite sometime now. Pushky arrives hurriedly and sees Bani. He asks her why is she not inside and why Pia is not waiting for him. On Bani's mention we can see a sad look in Bani's eyes. She tells him bcoz she had his pass. He tells her thts the difference between girlfriend and a friend. He says lets go iinsidee and asks for her hand. She does not give her hand and says lets go.They go inside. Iin one row we see Jai sitting between Sonali and Pia(a funny sight) and Pushkar Bani choose other row next to Aditya and his mom. They sit and the movie gets over. everyone get up and they clap. Pushkar puts his hand on Bani's shoulder and apologises for his coming late bcoz of which she missed the movie. She says its o.k.

At the party, we see Bani moving around in busuness suit and Pia asks her why she changed. Bani tells her she is on duty and her duty is most important. Pia goes. Bani is moving in the party when she bumps into Ranveer and they both give each other angry looks. Bani moves on and Ranveer keeps looking at her thinking tht none of the staff members will help Bani today.

Pushkar is at the bar when he sees Pia talking to a guy on first floor who is telling her abt dancing and rehearsing . Pushkar thinks wht is she doing with tht Casanova calls Pia. She tells the guy to excuse her and she comes down. Pushky asks her why  was she flirting with the guy, he doesn't like tht. She tells him its none of his business and he has nno right to ask tht and goes away. Bani sees this and comes to Pushkar. Pushkar asks her why is Pia so rude? Bani tells him tht she is like tht since childhood and always says whts in her mind which is a good thing. She says tht its not difficult to make Pia understand if u r right. He says its his fault but he doesn't know where Pia is? She tells him its not difficult to find her coz whenever she is angry she either goes to the garden or the washroom. We see Pushky going to the ladies washroom and saying to himself tht she wasn't iin the garden. He sees oone after other ladies going inside and coming out looking at him suspiciously. He is embarrassed. But barges iiinside and all the ladies shout. He tells him tht he is there for his girlfriend and wants to talk to her. He calls Pia's name and Pia tells him to go away. He says he has to give her something and puts down a small jewellery box and pushes it outside. Pia  pushes it outside again. Pushky is disappointed, picks up the box and starts to leave. He opens the box and its empty. He looks back and Pia is standing there with tears in her eyes. She smiles at him he gets down on his knees and asks her if she will be his love, she says if u r saying so much then…….and wears the ring and they hug. All women standing there clap.

At the party Aaditya's mom is seriously boring Rano by telling her story of Rajnikant's movie. Rano is making faces and Grandma calls her Priety Zinta. A guest asks for water but the waiter ignores. Bani calls the waiter but he does not hear. She tells another waitress but she says she has to go to kitchen. Ranveer looks at Bani smiling wickedly. Bani picks up the tray and starts giving water herself. Aaditya sees this and jokingly asks Jai whether he demoted Bani. Jai calls Bani and asks her if he needs help and if something is wrong. She says no, if someone does not want to help her she does it herself and goes. Jai tells Aaditya tht he had once told him tht he saw a fire in Bani and its still there this girl will never disappoint me.

Pushky brings Pia to a hotel suit. Pia is impressed with all roses and candles. Pushky tells her he did it for her. Pia asks him whts on his mind. He holds her hand and is making her wear a bangle. She says she does like someone forcing her.he says if she doesn't like she remove it and goes near the door. She says why would she not like such a nice gift. he holds her against the wall and she tells him to let her go. He says go, she asks again and again he says go. She gets a little angry and moves toward the door when she turns back Pushky is on his knees again with his arms spread. She runs to him, he again says 'I love u' and they hug. They get all romantic and mushy and they hug tightly when we see a camera on the wall……

Coming Up: Ranveer holding the camera and telling someone he wants the cd made.

Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago
OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago


India Update 13 Feb by mistletoe

    Pia and Pushkar do not go ''All the Way'' in the Hotel room. They just kiss (I think they do, not too sure) and Pushkar proposes marriage to Pia, who does not give a clear answer, but looks elated. Ranveer is performing a pooja, when a guy comes behind him and tells him that he has a CD in which Pushkar and Pia are there. Ranveer sees the tape and tells the guy to edit some portions and make it into a CD. He tells the guy that no one should see the original video. Ranveer thinks to himself that now Bani will have to pay for the slap she gave him. Bani meets the Call-girl whom she had got thrown out of the Hotel. The Call-girl and Bani have a rather boring, moralistic conversation, the gist of which is that the Call-girl accuses Jai of having some hidden intention and that is why he has helped out Bani and her sisters and that whatever and wherever Bani is, it is because of Jai's protection and support to her. Bani looks quite shaken by the scene with the Call-girl. Bani tells Jai (very politely and nicely) that she wants to leave his Outhouse and live in some other house with her sister. Jai is surprised but tells her to go ahead with whatever she feels best. Jigs overhears this and is elated. Bani gets a house on rent with great difficutly, but the area is shown to be very down-market (Its a chawl) but Bani makes the down-payment on it and informs Jai about the same. Jai asks her about the details of the house, to which Bani replies that she took the house because it suited the budget. Bani and Jai go to the location, where Jai tells Bani that the house she had just given the deposit for falls under an illegally occupied government land and all sort of illegal activities happen there. Also, the property dealer who gave her the house is a fraud. Bani is devastated. Jai comforts her and tells her that she does not need to worry, he will get her money back from the property dealer. Jai tells Bani that all she wants is to leave the Outhouse, then he will he knows of a place where she can live from now onwards. Bani looks surprised and is unable to say anything to Jai.
  • There is a Shiv Pooja going on at the Walia house and Jigs is busy organizing it and tells the servants that she wants everything in perfect order as Jai Bhaiya would be coming anytime with his special guests. Just then Jai arrives and behind him come Bani, Pia and Rano. Jigs is shocked out of her wits while Ranveer looks at Bani with hatred and thinks that he will give such a warm welcome to her that she will remember it for the rest of her life.

Summary and Comments:

    Jai and Bani absoultely sparkled today, in both the two scenes they had together! In the scene where Bani comes to tell Jai about the house she has found, Jai is shown engrossed in his laptop, and when Bani comes inside and takes his name, the Camera only focuses on his eyes....his expression was marvelous! Jai and Bani's scene in the house location was also very good! The way their relationship is shown is both beautiful yet confusing. They both seem to have immense respect and liking for one another, yet there is no inkling of any romance...yet, Jai's constant concern for Bani leaves one confused. Also, Bani's shock at hearing what the Call-girl insuiates about her and Jai was also quite well shot! Now that the three sisters will be living in the same house as Jai, Ranveer and Jigs, there is going to be a fire! Though it leaves me in utter confusion as to why Jai offers his house to Bani....is it because he doesn't want to let go of Bani or is it because he doesn't want to let go of Pia?😕
  • If in the future Jai and Bani do get married, one reason might be what the Call-girl suggest to Bani today. Ranveer might spread a rumor of a relationship between Jai and Bani, and Jai being the kind of man is, will think that the only way to save Bani and his honour would be to marry her! What say?

India Update 14 Feb by mistletoe

Jai gets Bani, Pia and Rano to the house, much to the shock of Jigyasa. Aditya and his mother make fun of Jigs and tell her to perform Aarti for the three sisters. Jigs has no option and she has to perform the traditional welcome to the three sisters. Jai then tells Bani that he will not take no for an answer from her to live in his house. He says that he still remembers when she first came to his house with her sisters and had commented that Jai's house was just a building and not a home, he says he believes that, and since she has come in the house with her sisters, the house has finally become a home and he wants it to remain one. Bani is very touched and tells him that they will stay at his house. Jai smiles and looks pointedly at Jigyasa and says that he will still continue taking rent from her, as nothing comes free in Mumbai. Jigs is so shaken up that she can only manage a very fake smile!

The Shiv Pooja commences where all the family members are sitting in a circle, everyone performs the pooja one by one, when it is Bani's turn to do the Aarti, Ranveer also holds the lamp with her and whispers into her ear that she should start remembering her God, now that she will be living in this house. Bani answers him that he need not fear on that account and that she has full trust in herself and in her God.

The girls are settling down in their room, when Aaditya's mother comes and makes them comfortable. Pia pulls Rano's leg and makes her leave with Aaditya's mother, just then the mobile rings and Bani picks it up. The caller is Pushkar who says ''I love you''....Bani is shocked and suddenly all her past meetings and interactions with Pushkar flashes back in front of her eyes, she comes back to reality and tells Pushkar that she is Bani. Pushkar very cheerfully says that she is his best friend and he loves her too. Bani just hands over the phone to Pia, who tells Pushkar that she will meet him in some time. Pia takes permission from Bani to meet Pushkar and leaves. As she is going out, she bumps with Ranveer, who gives her a sneer and comes inside the room. He tells Bani that he wants to show her the CD of Pia's latest movie. Bani is kind of taken aback and before she can say anything, Ranveer puts on the CD and Bani is shocked out of wits to see Pushkar and Pia romancing. Ranveer takes out the CD and says that he has the remaining part on another CD and just imagine what Jai Uncle's reaction would be when he sees this. Bani pleads with him to not show the CD to Jai, Ranveer sneers and tells that the Project CD she had just handed over to Jai was the copy of this CD.

Bani rushes downstairs to stop Jai from watching the CD, after a rather long journey, she reaches the living room, where Jai has just finished putting the CD into the player. Bani tells him to stop, Jai is surprised and tells her what is it. Just then the CD starts playing and Bani relaizes that it is actually the presentation CD. Bani composes herself and tells Jai that she thought she had mistakenly given him another CD. Jai is surprised at Bani's behaviour and looks at her strangely.

As Bani is going back upstairs, Ranveer meets her and says that if the shock of just knowing that Jai would watch the CD has scared her so much, just imagine her reacton when he actually sees it. Bani is unable to say anything, Ranveer comes and stands near her and says that he has not forgotten the slap she gave him in the Office, he never forgets insults. He says that the slap she gave him was a phyiscal one, but the one he is about to give her will resound for the rest of her life. Ranveer says that unless she wants her sister to be damned for the rest of her life, she will do as Ranveer tells her from now onwards. Bani is just left standing stunned on the spot.

The next scene shows Bani thinking to herself that what would be Jai's reaction if he found out about the CD. Just then Jai comes inside the room fuming with anger and tells Bani that he had never imagined she and her sister to put their parents name to shame. Jai insults her parents also, when Bani asks him to not bring her parents into it. Jai tells her to shut up and puts on the CD and everyone is shocked to see it. Jai further insults the three sisters and tells them that for the first time in his life he has made the mistake of recognizing someone and he wants the three of them to leave Bombay within the next 24 hrs. Pia is unable to withstand Jai's insults and temper and rushes out of the room, Bani also runs behind her to stop her. Pia is running in the middle of the road wit Bani behind her when a Car hits Pia and Bani shouts her name.

Bani wakes up from her nightmare all sweating. She looks at Pia who is sleeping besides her and strokes her hair thinking why did you do this Pia. Bani thinks to herself that before Ranveer goes public with the CD, she has to legalize Pia and Pushkar's relationship somehow. Bani thinks to herself that she has to get Pia and Pushkar married immediately.


Jai looks terrible in a Kurta Pyjama. Infact he actually looks like Bani's dad!😆 But he does look very dishy in the colour yellow (he wore a yellow t-shirt in Bani's nightmare scene!)

When the Shiv Pooja is happening, Pia and Jai are sitting adjacent to one another. Does that say something?😉

Similarly, when Bani is performing the Aarti, Ranveer holds the lamp along with her....now does that say something?🤢😉

All said and done, Ranveer is damn sexy to look at! And this fellow acts quite well too! His chemistry with Bani is also excellent! Loved their scene, where he blackmails her into doing what he wants her to do! Wonder what Khadoos Karela will make poor Bani do?😭

The scene where Jai tells Bani that she has made his house into a home was incredible, he had such softness and warmth in his eyes....this fellow really confuses me! Now I don't know whether he says that in a paternal manner or in a general way! But in all his interactions with Bani, he does have a very Fatherly way of talking to her....maybe thats just part of his character!

Jai, Bani and Ranveer put in a powerful performance today! All the three had good scenes and all the three did full justice to it! But my personal pick would be Ranveer.....he was amazing, just evil personified!

Hopefully, Pia and Pushkar will get married.....so that Bani is the only one left for Jai.....but after today's episode, I am highly suspectful that Ranveer and Bani might end up getting married.....there was a lot of focus in their scenes together!

On the brighter side, there was a hilarious scene, between Jigyasa and Aditya. This Aditya guy is really cute and is really funny to see Jigs lose her temper! Ashwini acts pretty well too and her dress sense is also good...though she overdoes it at times!

Tomorrow will see Ranveer and Bani having a conversation somewhere outside in the dark....he is as usual bullying her into doing something!

India Update 15 Feb by mistletoe

Is Ranveer an ''Uloo'? I mean who the hell does Pooja at midnight? The episode begins with Bani sitting in the lawns, its pretty dark, so I guess its midnight! Just then Ranveer is shown, doing Pooja. He tells her that she will not get one night's sleep from now onwards, thanks to him. Bani tells him that she cannot belive that behind all his religious exterior, Ranveer is such a devil. Ranveer is not affected and he says that she does not have to teach him about morals ect, just take care of yourself and your sisters. Ranveer tells her that its written in the Bhagvad Geeta that a man should only do his duty and not be bothered by what others think. He says that probably God has sent him on Earth only to be the nemesis of Bani and her sisters. Bani and Ranveer have a major staring thing going on, with both of them looking at one another in unadulterated hatred!


Next scene shows Bani in her Office, with her usual depressed look thinking to herself that she has let her Father down, by allowing Pia to get away with such an act. Just then Bani's junior comes to the Office and hands over a file to Bani for her signature. Bani tells him that she will read it and get back to him. Bani is shown going through the file and is shocked at what she reads. She phones the guy and tells him to come. As Bani is going through the file, her Cabin door opens and Bani says, without looking up that she cannot sign this order, its all wrong. Its Ranveer in her room, who tells her that her job is to just sign the document and not pass judgement on it. Bani is furious and asks him who has authorized this order. Ranveer says that before Jai Uncle had made her the GM, Ranveer used to sign these small orders. Bani tells him but now she is the GM and she will not allow Ranveer to get away with swindling Mr. Walia like this. Both of them are arguing when the door opens and its Jai, who looks suspiciously at Ranveer and Bani and asks them what is going on. Bani is embarrassed while Ranveer very cooly says that nothing, they were just discussing something Official. Jai doesn't look convinced, Ranveer tells Jai that the CD he wanted is with him, and he will get the same in an hour and with that he gives a nasty look to Bani who looks very disturbed. Jai and Ranveer leave the room.

Pia is getting ready to leave for College when Bani tries to talk to her, but she is unable to do so. Pia and Rano are outside Jai's house, when a driver comes by and tells them that a Car has been sent for them to be dropped till College. Pia is thrilled and asks him who has sent the Car, the Driver says that he doesn't know that. Rano is reluctant but Pia very enthusiastically gets into the Car with her. Just then Pia gets a SMS which says., ''Ek khubsoorat Rajkumari ke College ke pehle din par ek tohfa.'' Pia is ecstatic and thinks that this can only be Pushkar. As Pia reaches College, she is surrounded by a lot of boys who keep ogling at her. Just then Pia's cell rings and its Pushkar, Pia tries to ask him about the Car but drops it thinking that if he wants to play a game with her, then she will also continue doing so. Pushkar says that he has a surprise planned for her for the evening, Pia asks him what is it. Pushkar says that he wants to take her to meet his family. Pia is taken aback and asks him why, Pushkar says that he wants the most special girl in his life to meet his family. Pia tells him that she will get late at night and since they are staying at Mr. Walia's house, they cannot come and go as they please. Pushkar says that Walia House is just like his own house and that he will drop Pia back on time. Pia agrees and is very happy.

Bani goes to Ranveer's room with the file and sees that he is talking on the phone. Bani sees the copy of the CD lying on his desk, she picks it up and is about to go, when Ranveer turns his back and tells her that she can take the CD and watch it leisurely at night and see what all her sister has been upto. Ranveer says that he has numerous copies of the CD. Bani lectures him about being a wolf in a sheep's clothing, but Ranveer is just not affected. Bani hands over the file with a defeated look and Ranveer smiles very sardonically at her and tells her that she need to worry. As long as she keeps supporting him, he will also never let her down. Ranveer also tells her that she doesn't know Pushkar at all and that he eats a different girl for breakfast, lunch and dinner and that he will just use Pia and ditch her and she will be left alone to wipe Pia's tears for the rest of her life. Bani is stunned and unable to say anything.

Pushkar comes to meet Jai in his Office and tells him that he has a great news to share. Jai smiles and asks him has he found a girl for himself. Pushkar smiles and says its not about a girl, but the money the Company had invested in some shares has reaped in a huge profit. Jai is thrilled and congratulates Pushkar for the good work. Pushkar asks him permission to leave early today, Jai smiles and says that now how can he say no when he has done such a great job. Jai says that before he goes, he wants to talk to him. Jai says that he is very proud of Pushkar and even though they do not have a blood relationship, Pushkar is closer to his heart than anyone else. Pushkar gets very emotional and says that since his Father's death, his family is everything to him, his Brother, babhi and his Mother, but more than anyone else, Jai means the most to him and the place he has for Jai, no one can ever occupy it and that whatever and wherever Pushkar is today, its because of Jai. Jai tells him no, wherever you are, its because of your hardwork and brilliance and that he knows Pushkar will never let him fail. Pushkar says that as long as he is there, Jai can never fail, he will never let that happen.

Pia is getting ready to go out with Pushkar, when Bani comes from the Office in a very bad mood. She is furious when Pia tells her that she has to go out with Pushkar, Bani tries to stop her but Pia just ignores her cheerfully. Bani loses her temper and tells Pia that she won't go out anywhere and goes out to tell Pushkar that Pia won't come. Jigyasa is standing outside who taunts her that Pia will anyway go out with Pushkar, she cannot do anything about it. Jigyasa tries to malign Pia's character by saying that Pushkar is a womanizer and he will use Pia as a tissue paper and throw her when he gets bored of her. Bani is shocked and thinks that she will have to do anything to get Pia and Pushkar married immediately.


Jai in red pullover is a definite no-no! He should stick to formals and semi-formals! I liked his scene with Pushkar a lot….but he does used the word ''tumhari aankhon mein maine aag dekh thi'' too many times….kya who aankhon ka doctor hai?😆


All said and done, Ranveer and Bani share an amazing chemistry….their scenes in the garden and in the Office were noteworthy, this fellow Siddharth acts very well….his eyes are very expressive! Also, there is so much of symbolism in their interactions, especially when Ranveer tells Bani that as long as she takes care of him, he will also take care of her…..now whatever that means!


Pushkar and Jai's scene was also very nicely done! Pushky has lovely brown eyes, just like a Puppy's! When Pushkar tells Jai that as long as he is there, he will never let Jai fail….now what does that mean? Pushkar is in love with Pia, incase Jai falls in love with Pia and Pushkar comes to know of it, will he see that as Jai's failure and sacrifice his love for him? Hope not!


Pia's college scene was ridiculous…..who the hell dresses like this for the first day in College….and on top of that when she reaches there, a guy has already made some notes for her. Hello, you haven't even entered College and you have people making notes for you! Some realism please!


Ranveer with his good looks is still a bit kinky for me, as a character! Why the hell is he doing Pooja at Midnight.....kahin koi tantrik ya kala-jadoo karne wala toh nahin hai woh?😆


How can Jai call Pia ''Khoobsoorat Rajkumari?'' And what on earth does he mean by that? Jai will drive me nuts one day with his constant Ping-pong game with Bani and Pia!



India Update 16 Feb by mistletoe

    Bani goes and meets Pushkar and very rudely tells him to keep away from Pia and that he has broken the golden rule of friendship by misusing her trust. Pushkar is too shocked to react or ask her the reason for such an allegation. Pia gets her fourth slap in the last one month😆 Bani tells her that she has forgotten her ''maryada'' and that she and Pushkar had a thing in the Hotel Bedroom. Much to poor Pia's shock, Bani tells her rather irately that she has a copy of the CD in which Pia and Pushkar are together. Pia very calmly and emotionally explains to Bani that she doesn't know what is there in the CD, but nothing happened between Pia and Pushkar that day and that Pushkar had come to take her to his house to meet her family. Bani is shocked to hear that! The scene shifts to Pushkar's house, where Pushkar's mother's birthday party is going on. As she is cutting the cake, Pushkar sees Bani and Pia entering, at first he does not react, then breaks into his cute smile. Pushkar introduces both the sisters, especially Pia to his family. His family seems to be very warm and loving, but also too simple for Pia's liking. Bani goes and talks to Pushkar alone and apologizes for her behaviour. Pushkar as usual is very forgiving and says that he will never feel bad for anything that Bani tells him, because she is his best friend. Bani becomes very emotional and suddenly remembers how much she loves him. Pushkar's mother and her Bhabhi smother Pia with food, and Pia feels very uncomfortable, but generally behaves well. While leaving, Pushkar's mother gives her a gift and Pushkar drops them back. Pushkar's bhabhi asks his mother what she thinks of Pia, she replies that since she is Pushkar's choice, she obviously likes her. At home, Bani asks Pia where she has kept the gift, to which Pia carelessly replies near her bed. Bani sees that the gift is a pair of ''gold kangan''. Bani says that they are very beautiful to which Pia says that she finds them slightly old-fashione😡 Bani then explain to Pia that she should now think in lines of gettng accostmed to Pushkar's house and family and adapt to their culture, Pia says that she is not ready for marriage and liking a person doesn't mean getting married to him. Bani tells her that if she wants to have Pushkar's love, she would have to give love in return. Pia smiles and says that she feels sleepy and says that seh will sleep tomorrow. A board meeting has been called by Jai and Jigs arrives in the Office with ''Swamiji'' (Yep, that's Ranveer's new name coined by Pushky!). Jigs asks Ranveer what is the urgent meeting about, Ranveer says that he doesnt know about it, he came to know of it only in the morning. Just then Jai and Aditya also come out and Pushkar also joins them. Jai tells Ranveer to inform Bani to join the meeting, Jigs makes a face and says ''Bani?'' to which Jai very cooly replies, yes ofcourse, she is our GM, she has got to be there in the meeting, isn't it? When everyone goes inside, only Ranveer and Pushkar are left, Ranveer very sarcastically tells Pushkar that he should go and find Bani as he has anyway taken responsibility of the three sisters on his head. Pushkar in his usual unruffled manner tells him, ''Swamiji, yeh kaam toh Jai sir ne aapko diya hai, toh aap hi ise pura kijiye.''😆 Pushky can be incredibly funny at times. In the board meeting, Jai announces that they have got a huge project and he wants an honest, brilliant and hardworking person for this, Jigs gives her usual fake smile to Ranveer who also looks very pleased. Jai then announces that the project will be head by Pushkar and Bani will assist him in that! Ranveer and Jigyasa's face have a completely photographic expression. Everyone congratulates them, except ofcourse the ''Nagin and Sapola!''
  • Bani is in her Cabin, when Ranveer comes and tells her to hand over the Project file that Pushkar will be heading to him. Bani gives him a cold look and tells him to just get lost and that she is not going to betray Jai or Pushkar again, come what. Ranveer tells her to do what suits her fine, and tomorrow the CD of Pia and Pushkar will be out and her sister won't be able to face anyone in the World. Bani looks worried but also fearless!

Summary and Comments:

    I am getting more and more assured that Bani and Pushkar will always remain friends....and also that Pia and Pushkar won't be together....or atleast even if they do get married, they won't stay happily together, as is evident by Pia's attitude towards his family! Pushkar is a real sweetheart.....both the character and the actor! He is a refreshing change from other ''Goody-two-shoes'' male characters that are staple of Ekta Kapoor's soaps...Pushkar is witty, humourous, brilliant, romantic and an incredible friend....all in all, Pia doesn't deserve him! Pia is being really stuck-up. At times I find her to be fun and cool, but she is not a very likeable character! I mean Pushkar is so sweet and hsi family so loving and warm, and the lady doesn't even reciprocate their love! I just hope Pushkar and Rano get-together instead! Also, Pushkar's mom was shown as a married woman i.e. with Sindoor and Mangalsutra! Now wasn't Pushky's dad supposed to be dead??? Or is he missing in action??? Performance wise, I thought that today was Pushkar's day, with his Puppy eyes and endearing smile! Way to go Naman, he is a good find and I am sure will go quite ahead! Bani as usual is good with her mourning face......I want to see tomorrow's episode, where she smiles at last and that too with Jai in tow!😃 Tomorrow's episode is going to be a treat for all ''Jai-Bani'' fans, because the promos showed Bani telling Jai that he is a great human being and Jai in response blushing like a 16 year old on his first date and telling Bani that ''No, I am not all that good also!'' So, that should be interesting!😉😳
  • Will add some more comments tomorrow in the edited post, will sign off for now!



India Update 17 Feb by mistletoe

    Episode starts with Pushkar's mother and Bhabi are making Papad😆 in the terrace, Pushky comes in and very cutely asks his mom if she liked Pia. Both bhabi and mother pull Pushky's leg and tell him that they really liked her. Mother tells Pushky that there is a Satyanarayan ki katha in the evening and that she wants Pia to come for that wearing the Kangan she gave her.
  • Pushkar meets Pia in college and tells her to come to the Pooja wearing the Kangan. Pia looks very disturbed and mumbles a yes. Pia then calls Bani and tells her that she is in trouble because she gave the Kangan to a jeweller in the morning to melt them and make them into some other design😡 Bani is very upset with Pia but tells her to stay composed and just get them back immediately, she doesn't want Pushkar to know about this at all.


    Jai is in his Office and is looking for some papers in a very absent-minded manner (he looked so damn cute doing that😳) and at the same time he is talking very animatedly to someone on the phone. Bani knocks at the door, and Jai calls her in. Jai asks her in a very matter of fact way what is it. Bani looks awkward and with great efforts says that she has got the rent for the house to give to Jai. Jai is a little taken aback and tells Bani that there is no need for the rent, as he thinks of Bani as a part of his family😃 and not as a tenant. Jai says that they don't live in the outhouse anymore but in his House and that Bani and her sisters are as much a part of his family and house as the others are. Bani looks quite at ill-ease and says very politely that she still wants Jai to take the rent. Jai breaks into a smile and says that if she is insisting so much he will do so, and then he takes the envelop from her. (The soft version of the Title track plays in the background) Jai then tells Bani that he will take the rent from her every month but it will something like a Savings bank account for Bani and whenever in future she needs any help, she can always take this money from him as it is her own. Jai says that, ''Tumhari amaanat samajh kar mein in paison ka rakh leta hoon.'' Bani is overcome with emotion and tells Jai with affection that when she came to Mumbai, she thought that Jai would not help her but she was proved completely wrong. Bani then says that Jai is a great human being. Jai is very embarassed and blushes and then says that no I am not all that good. Bani breaks into a smile and says that no you are a very, very nice human being. Jai just grins in a boyish manner😳 Bani then says that however strict you look from outside, you have the heart of a child. Jai is totally embarssed now and says in a surprised manner, 'bachhe ke jaisa.'' Bani and Jai are now both kind of in a cute but awkward situation and then Jai tells her to go and do her work now (very cute dismissal, probably because she was embarssing him with compliments!). When Bani goes out she thinks about Ranveer's threat to her and then thinks to herself, that she can never betray a person who gave her shelter, job and support when she needed them the most, she can never betray a man who placed so much faith in her and who treats her like a part of his family. Bani promises herself that whatever happens, she will never break Jai's trust ever in her life😊
  • Pia goes to Pushakar's house for the Pooja and when he opesn the door, he keeps staring at Pia, who is dressed in full clothes for a change. As he welcomes her in, Pushkar's mother comes and asks her if she has worn the Kangan, Pia looks very embarassed and is unable to say anything. Just then Pushkar says that Pia wanted Pushkar to make her wear the Kangan in front of his mother and he takes out the Kangan, much to Pia's relief and astonishment. Afterwards, Bani comes from behind and tells Pia that she knew she won't go to the jeweller and hence she went herself and got the Kangan and gave them to Pushkar to make Pia wear them infront of his family. Pia is relieved and thanks her Di. Later Bhabhi calls both Bani and Pia for a family photo, Bani refuses but Pushkar insists on her coming!


    Bani's mobile keeps ringing and she sees that Ranveer is calling her continuously. Bani is furious and keeps ignoring the call, but realizes that she has no other option. Bani leaves for Walia house. As she enters her room, she meets Ranveer who tells her to hand over the Project file. Bani is really angry with him and tells him that come what she won't give the file to him and that she is not going to betray Jai or for that matter Pushkar on this project. Ranveer tries to bully her a lot but Bani refuses to relent. Ranveer then tells her that he will show the CD to Jai, and then to Pushkar's family and then he will put it into the Internet and that Pia won't be able to show her face anywhereSexy Ranveer tries to bully poor Bani again and again! he says, ''Jab Ranveer dushmani par aata hai, toh apne dushman ko apne anjaam par pahuchata hai!'' Poor Bani begs in front of Ranveer but he doesn't relent, infact he pushes her out of her way and walks out, while Bani takes a vase in her hand and threatens to strike him by saying that she will do anything to protect her sister, while Ranveer very cooly tells her that even he can do anything to get what he watns. Bani is left emotionally drained and in acute anger, strikes Ranveer on his head😲 Bani just cannot come to terms with what she has just done!

    Ranveer is lying in a pool of blood whereas Bani is standing besides him in shock. Just then Jigyasa comes and she is completely hysterical on seeing Ranveer in such a state. She shouts for Aditya and the others. Then as she calms down a bit, she sees Bani standing with the Vase in her hand, Jigyasa is completely mad with rage, she hits Bani on her face and tells her that for this act of hers, she will face Jigyasa's ire for the rest of her life and she will have to pay very heavily for doing harm to her son. Bani is just numb with shock to react.

    Everyone is in Ranveer's room and the Doctor says that he has not suffered any internal injury. Bani is standing quitely, Aditya, his mother and Jai are also there. Jai looks very disturbed but doesnt say anything. Jigyasa then says that she has called the police to come and arrest Bani, everyone is shocked but most of all is Jai who tells Jigyasa that a mistake has already been committed, and that before taking any step, they should atleast ask Bani what is the reason for the enemity between Ranveer and her. Jigyasa is very upset and tells Jai that he has always supported Bani and even today when she has done something so henious, he is giving Bani a chance again. Jai tells Jigyasa calmly that he wants to speak to Bani first and asks Bani what happened.

    Just then Ranveer opens his eyes and tells Jai that he got to know that Bani was doing some misappropriation in the Office and that he had got proof of that and then he tells Jigyasa to take out the file that he had made Bani sign forcibly. Bani is shocked and the realization hits her that the file which Ranveer had made her sign has been used to frame her now. Jai is stunned and asks Bani to explain. Bani tells him that she was forced to sign the file, Jai asks her who made her do this. At this juncture, Bani is unable to say anything as she realizes that if she speaks a word against Ranveer, the whole CD business will come out and it will ruin Pia's reputation. Bani just remains quiet. Jai is at first shocked at her silence and then his eyes fill with a cold rage and he tells the inspector in a calm, authoritative and emotionless voice to take Bani!

  • Jigyasa is talking on the phone and telling the Doctor that Ranveer is much better, just then Rano comes in. Jigyasa and Rano have an argument where Jigyasa taunts Rano and then tells her that Bani has been jailed. The episode ends with Rano's shocked face.

Summary and Comments:

    Pia will be a damn fool to let go of a guy like Pushkar.....Gosh, I think I am going to fall in love with him! What an incredible guy! Btw, Pia looks quite pretty today in Salwar Kameez! And Pushy flirts with her in such a naughy way (Lolz...tells her that if she keeps standing infront of him like this, he will rip her clothes apart😆😳) Jai and Bani have the cutest, most adorable scene today! It was completely awwww! Jai blushes like there is no tomorrow when Bani says that his heart is just like a child's.😳 And most importantly, Bani thinks to herself, that she will never break Jai's trust and faith in her!😃There is something incredible between them......dunno why, but even the most simple scenes they have are so nicely done! I am sure they are going to have some definite connection in the coming episodes! Atleast hoping so!😳 Bani hits Ranveer, and I was like Yeah! He is dead, but unfortuantely, his head seems to be made of Log-wood and hence he escaped death😡 But still, I think Bani shouldn't have done this! She is the mature, calm character, how could she hit Ranveer without thinking about the consequences??? So Bani is in jail and Jai is completely mad with her! But I am sure that if Pia has even an iota of love for her sister, she will let Jai know the truth and then I am sure he will save Bani, he seems to be really fond of her now! Even if he doesn't, I am sure Pushky will help her out! Awgh, I hate Jigs! For being such a meany! Poor Rano, the promo for Monday showed her locking herself up in the room while Aditya and his mother beg her to open the door. I hope Rano doesnt do anything to herself! I dunno why, but I think Sahil and Rano are going to have a scene in the future!!! Performance wise, it was everyone's day! But I personally loved Jai and Bani today and also Jigs! Jai because he expresses so much with his eyes, be it warmth and affection towards Bani or be it a sense of betayal and anger towards her....without saying anything in words, his eyes tell it all. Bani because, she had all the major scenes today, while she sparkled and charmed in the scene with Jai, she was amazing in the scene where she hits Ranveer! Kudos to Prachi for a doing such a great job! Jigs as usual is extremely good, be it her expressions, be it her dialouge delivery or her body language! Ranveer was ok to, but he seems to have the same set of expressions....a perpetual sneer! I wanna see him smile once!😛
  • Aage kya hoga raama re? I have a feeling that Pia will go and blurt out everything to Pushkar who will inturn tell Jai about it. When Jai comes to know of the truth he will surely help out Bani and probably their relationship might take a new turn😉
Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago
OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago


India Update 20 Feb by mistletoe

    Episode begins with Ms. Forever-Sulky Rano Dixit running all over Walia House, asking the Watchman if the Police indeed took her sister away, and she gets the information! She runs and shuts herself in the room, while Aditya and his mother try and coax her to open the room. Pia also comes and is shocked to learn that something happened to Rano and she has locked herself up. She requests Aditya and his mother to leave and persuades Rano to open the door. Pia is shocked out of her wits to learn that Bani has been arrested and that too authorized by Jai. She immediately rushes to Jai's study, (where Jai is looking ridiculous in a Pathani dress cum Night Suit) where Jai is engrossed in a book and looking very disturbed. Pia comes (and for a change does not overact in a scene which required some dramatics) and questions Jai's allegation on Bani and why he landed her in jail. Jai tries to explain to her, but Pia breaks down crying, Jai feels very awkward and tells Pia not to cry, Pia counter him by saying that he has put her sister behind bars and he is asking her not to cry? Pia says that Bani has sacrificed her time and personal life for Jai's Company and this is how he rewards her? Jai is speechless and impassive. Pia goes to meet Bani who tells her the reason for her arrest. Pia is overwhelmed with emotion and tells Bani that she has always landed in trouble for Pia and always borne the brunt for her mistakes, today Pia will do anthing to get Bani out of trouble. Pia and Pushkar meet, where Pushkar is briefed on the details, Pushkar is fuming with anger and tells Pia that he will not leave Ranveer for trying to harm Bani in this manner. Pia is hysterical with grief and pleads with Pushkar to do anything but get Bani released from Jail tonight itself. Pushkar says that it will be very tough, but he will try nevertheless. Jai is sitting in his study looking very depressed and disturbed, when Sonali comes in. Sonali asks him whether he is thinking about Bani, Jai does not answer. Sonali tells him that many a times we see things that are not meant to be seen that way and hence we end up misunderstanding the right people and trusting the wrong ones. Sonali says that whatever little interaction she has had with Bani, she knows that Bani is not the kind of person who will ever cheat anyone, let alone Jai for money. Jai looks very confused, when Aditya comes in and in a very sarcastic way comments upon Jai that he has for the first time made a mistake in recognizing a person and that he has wrongly accused Bani. Jai is rattled by what Sonali and Aditya have just told him. Pia and Pushkar go to a Magistrate, whom Pushkar knows but the guy is out of town. Pushkar tells Pia to go home and that he will do whatever he can. Pushkar tells Pia that he will speak to Jai, Pia is livid and tells him that there is no need to take any help from him as he is the one who has landed Bani in trouble. A Lawyer is shown giving Bani's bail to the Police Inspector. Bani comes out of the lock-up and is both happy and confused. She asks the lawyer who gave her bail, the lawyer walks her out of the Police Station and there she sees Jai (In a striped yellow and black Tee, looking like a Bumble Bee😆) in his Car with his usual impassive demeneour. Jai gives one cold look at Bani and tells her to come in. Bani is thrilled at seeing Jai and thanks him very gratefully by saying that she knew that even if no one believed in her, he would. Jai does not react and says that he is not believing in her, he is giving a chance to Kiran Singhania's daughter to clear her name. Bani tells Jai that sometimes in life, one has to keep quiet to protect a loved one even if that harm's one. Bani promises Jai that she will not break Jai's trust and she will very soon prove that she has not done any defraud. Jai does not say anthing. Bani reaches home and Pia and Rano are thrilled to bits after seeing her. Pia then comments that why did she take so long, she has been waiting for a long time. Bani is surprised and asks her who told her that she has been bailed out. Pia says that Pushkar had sent her a text message regarding the same. Bani says that it was Jai who bailed her out. Pia is confused for a second and then tells Bani that Pushkar had told her that he will speak to Jai regarding Bani's bail. Pia then says that she will get some Coffee for Bani and goes out with Rano. Just then Pia's mobile rings and Bani picks up. As usual its Pushkar who doesn't realize that its Bani at the other end and says that he has not been able to contact any lawyer, but he will surely do so by tomorrow. Bani is taken aback and tells Pushkar that its Bani, Pushkar is also surprised and asks her how did she get free. Bani says that wasn't it you who told Jai to help her out. Pushkar says that he hasn't spoken to Jai at all and he had no idea that Bani has been released. Bani is now shell shocked as she realizes that the text message Pia assumed that Pushkar has sent her was not from him. Bani then goes through Pia's text messages where all the previous messages flash one by one, and then she remembers all the gifts that Pia had got and how all of them including Pia had assumed that it was Pushkar who was sending them. Bani is very rattled and thinks to herself that if the person who has been sending gifts to Pia is not Pushkar, then it is someone who is interested in Pia and is sending her gifts in order to seduce her. She then realizes that if Jai had bailed out Bani and Pushkar had not come to know of it, then it can only mean that the person who has been sending gifts to Pia is none other than Jai.
  • Bani's expression turns from confusion to rage as she realizes that the mystery gifter is none other than Jai Walia!

Summary and Comments:

  • Jai is the one who gets Bani released finally, but only after a lot of prodding by Pia, Sonali and Aditya! But still, he does get her out!😊 For a change, its not Pushkar to the rescue!


  • Performance wise, today was Jai and Bani's day with a little bit of Pia also thrown in. Jai is really good with the intense, brooding sequences and Bani is excellent with the 'I am eternally grateful to you' sequences, while Pia who excels in none, actually toned down her acting and was quite good in the scenes with Jai and Pushkar!


  • The best scene perhaps was the one at the end, where Bani realizes that Jai must the one who has been sending secret gifts to Pia to woo her! So the mystery is going to be solved at last! Btw, Bani was amazing with her expression's in the scene, which expresse's confusion, amazement, fright and finally fury! This girl is good😃


  • Aditya must be a lousy father! I mean howmuch ever you might like dislike your own son and like someone else as your daughter, its almost impossible to support someone who has almost killed your son! I found his support of Bani to be somewhat artificial.......he should have probably not sided with anyone!


  • I still cannot understand what made Jai retract his position on Bani on releasing her! Was it the combined moral and emotional attack launched on him by Pia, Sonali and Aditya or was it his own concience that led him to free Bani? Any deeper meanings here???😳


  • Fast Forward ka aisa hai ki, kal ke episode mein, Bani is confronting Jai and putting an allegation of having ''Boori Nazar'' on her kid sister, while Jai looks completely shocked and very cooly and in a suppressed rage kind of way tells her to stop right now! Now that should be a load of fun..............Jai will either tell Bani to get out of his room right away, and the mystery will remain a mystery.......or we will get to know whether it was actually Jai who was sending the gifts..........or if it wasn't Jai, then who is it, who wants to woo pretty, pretty Pia??? Any guesse's?😉

India Update 21 Feb by sexybabeishere

The first scene begins  when Bani asks Pia as to whether she knows who sent her those gifts.Pia says its Pushkar.Bani refuses & enters Jai's reading room & shows him the cell & questions him abt the gifts.He confesses that he sent her the gifts & that unknowningly Pia has stolen his heart😉 & that he cant see Pia cry & break down in front of him & that love knows no age bar.Bani decides to resign & leave the house but Jai reminds her that she has nowhere to go & that she has signed a contract with the company.When Pia turns around to go she sees Pia who is blank & she holds Pia's hand & takes her.
      Next scene is shown that all the 3 sisters are shocked & Tony butler comes & informs Bani that Jai wants to see her  next morning in the office.
      In the office next morning when Bani enters a waiter is shown teasing her & just then Pushkar makes his entry & saves Bani.😆😆Bani askes Pushkar to talk to Pia abt their marriage & Pushki says that he was going to propose her today itself & that Pia will live like a princess.
      Next scene Bani is in Jai's office who wants her to go to Mt.Abu for an impt project .Bani is doubtful abt Jai's intentions  but Jai cools her tensions by telling her that he knows his limits.
      Pushkar meets Ranveer & records in his cell when he confesses that he was the one who framed Bani.When Ranveer threatens him abt the cd,he tells him that he will marry Pia.
       Pushky proposes Pia in a senseless style🤢🤢Pia agrees.
        Jai is shown recalling Bani's words abt his & Pia's age difference & all that rubbish.He calls up Tony Butler & orders for 52 roses & a message card.Just then Pushkar enters😡😡& hugs Jai.Jai & Pushky share a talk & Pushky confesses that he has found an ultimate solution for his dates & that he has decided to get married & it will be a very big surprise for Jai.Jai says that lets see who surprises whom!
   Preview:-Pushkar asks Bani for Pia's hand.

India Update 22 Feb by belle4u

it starts with pushkar n pia entering the room.bani n rano r sleeping.pia swtiches the light on n rano n bani wake up bani asks pushkar wht is he doing so late in here.he says that he has cum to ask for permission he wants to marry pia n holds pia's hand.bani is really happy n says pia can't get a better life partner than him.rano is also happy(actually she was smiling)😆pushkar leaves.bani leaves for mount abu with pushkar.

jai is all thinking abt pia their first meeting,jail scene n red jacket n pullover scene n he goes to their room.(rano is always missing).pia says that bani is not there jai tells her he came to talk to her as he can't hide his feelings anymore.he says that he does'nt knows how started to like pia n he can't understand wht it is abt her that attracts him towards her.he says that he is 40 years old(atleast we get to know his age)😆 n he has so much of money that if he stops working then also he could have a luxurious life for more than 40 years. he proposes marraige to her but pia says that he has always taken care of her happiness but she has no choice but to say no as bani is not there n she alone can't take such a big decision of her life.jai leaves  as he is disappionted n angry😡

as jai is going he recollects bami's lecture abt his age difference n it is wrong for a man of his age to have such feeling for such a young girl.he is drinking n breaks the glass.bani n pushkar to go their house where bani recollects all her memory n starts crying n remembers that pushkar has told her that he will gift this house to pia on marraige n pushkar cums close to cani n tells her that he understands the meaning of own house n the relationship with the house just then the watch man cums asks then whom they want to meet pushkar asks for mohan khandelwal n watchman tells them that in the morning itself kahndu sold the house to sumone n bani is really sad n shocked pushkar tries to enquire abt the person but the watchman has no idea.they leave😭

there's a big party in walia house n aditya is cracking sum jokes with sonali n jigs as usual has this irritated looks on her face just then jai cums n announces that he  has selected a girl for marraige n he wants everyone to meet her sonali is really happy n aditya teases her n jigs is also smiling n then jai points towards sonali as she is abt to go pia enters😡 n sonali,jigs,aditya,ranveer all r shocked n jai puts a big diamond ring in pia's hand(shameless creature has not even removed the ring that pushkar had given her)😡bani enters n wonders wht's the reason for party n she sees jai n pia together n is shocked😭 

Preveiw-jigs goes to jai n asks himthat he took such a big decision n did'nt even bothered to asks or inform anyone in the family.pia is really happy

India Update 23 Feb by mistletoe

Jai and Pia dance on Jagjit Singh's ''Koi Fariyaad tere dil mein dabi ho jaise'' from the Movie ''Tum Bin''.😆 Aisa lag raha tha, ki baap aur beti dance kar rahein hai! And it was Bani who looked gorgeous in the scene in a lovely black and blue salwar kameez! And Pia looked completely suicidal with grief, because Bani and Rano are totally put off and completely snub Jai (Which doesn't affect him at all!) much to Pia's agony! Kya hoga Jai and Pia Walia ka?

    Pushkar and Bani are shown driving back to Mumbai, where Pushkar tells Bani how much he loves Pia😭 Gosh, I have never felt more sorry for any Television Character before, as I feel for Pushkar! Its actually great that he will get rid of Pia and anyway I am getting totally irritated by Jai also, the arrogant, pompous ass that he is😡 Anyway, Pushkar drops Bani at the Walia Mansion, while the party is going on, Pushkar says that he will not come in as Jai will insist on him joining the party. Bani takes leave, and Pushkar tells her to give lots of love to Pia😔 Bani comes in and the first thing she sees is Jai putting the engagement ring on Pia's finger. Bani is at first shocked, then stunned, then her face is furious with rage. While poor Sonali cannot believe that something like this is happening to her. Jigs comes and asks Jai in a very livid manner that he should have atleast mentioned this to his family members before going ahead. Jai gives a cold look at Jigyasa and then watches Sonali who is standing in a corner and excuses himself. Jigs stares at Pia who is equally amused and then they both remember all the insults that Jigs had heaped on Pia and Pia smiles triumphantly at her. Jigs is infuriated and goes away. Jai goes to Sonali who tries her best to hide her tears, but is unable to. Jai tells her as politely as he could (The Pig😡) that he did not mention this to Sonali as he assumed that they were good friends enough and that Sonali would have guessed that he had special feelings for Pia. Sonali is unable to answer and then a reporter comes and asks Sonali when is she getting married. Sonali is very embarassed and just then Aditya comes and wisks away the reporter. Jai tries to stop Sonali but she goes out of the party while Aditya follows her....I think we see a romance brewing😳 Aditya tries to explain to Sonali, but she is too heartbroken and tells Aditya that she did not know that she would have to pay this price for loving Jai. Aditya looks very pained but is unable to say anthing to Sonali. Rano comes to the party and is surprised to hear people gossiping about Jai and Pia. She meets up with Bani and gets to know that Pia and Jai have got engaged. Rano is as furious as Bani. Just then Jai comes and requests Bani and Rano to join him for a photograph, both of them keep standing like a cold statue. Jai looks irritated while Pia gives them a pleading look, but they don't come for the photograph. Pia then tells Rano if she won't come a photo with her Jeejai, and Rano tells her that Jai is the one who has forged a relationship with them and not Bani and Rano. Bani then tells Pia that if she has decided to go along with the alliance, she should remember that she is alone with Jai now, and that Rano and she would never be with her. Jai and Pia dance on ''Koi Fariyaad'' (Man, I love this song!) while Pia looks ready to cry and Bani and Rano stand in a corner looking utterly devastated. Bani later asks Pia what will happen to Pushkar, Pia has no answer except that she wants to marry Jai because he will give her everything that she has ever wanted. Bani tells her very tersely that she will get everything Jai's money can buy, but never the love that a girl needs. Pia looks completely heart-broken and dejected. After the party is over, Jigyasa, Aditya's mother and Ranveer are sitting, where Jigs is in a furious mood and tells Ranveer that she doesnt know what the hell is wrong with Jai, that he is marrying a girl like Pia at his age. Aditya's mother jokes that if Dev Anand and Dharmendra could marry at such a late age, why can't Jai. Jigs retorts that Dharmendra and Dev Anand are not her brothers, Jai is.😆 Jigs then says that she knows for sure that Pia will destroy Jai's life.
  • Just then Jai comes in and joins. Later when Ranveer and Aditya's mother leave, Jigs tries to reason with Jai that Pia is only marrying him for money and that she is nothing but a gold-digger (Atleast Jigs is correct somewhere!). Jai listens to her very cooly and then tells her that when Jigs decided to marry Aditya, he never said a single thing, so when he wants to marry, even she has no say in it. Jigs is speechless. Jai says that Jigs has already formed an opinion about the Bani, Pia and Rano and even if they do something good, she only sees negative in them. Jai then tells a stunned Jigs, that come what may, he will only marry Pia and no one else.

Summary and Comments

    Jai had gone MAD.....Period! (PMS for Men at work again😆) But as Devi mentioned, he looked incredibly handsome today in the Black Tux......very suave and dashing!😳 However overweight Ram Kapoor has become, he is blessed with natural good looks which does make him shine! Pia is not a bad person, just horribly messed up and totally confused. Whatever you might call her, Gold-digger, Money minded, heartless......atleast she is an honest person. She wants money in life and makes it clear to the person she is marrying! But still, that doesn't make me like her any more🤢 Pushkar doesn't deserve a cow like Pia....he deserves a real woman like Bani.....who is honest, down-to-earth, kind, compassionate, loving, sacrificing, practical, at peace with herself, is grounded to reality and yet is independent minded and strong! Pushkar and Bani, although have zero chemistry factor, would make an extremely strong marriage......based on love and not on compromise! Pia has no idea what she is about to lose for Jai. Performance wise, it was Jai, Bani, Pushkar and Jigs day today. Although Pia had the maximum scope to act, all she can manage to do is give a relentless fake smile....which is really irritating! Btw, I loved Rano's snub to Pia and Jai.....Go Rano! Best scene was the one where Jai and Jigs have the talk at the end......I was very impressed by the way Jai makes Jigs quiet! All said and done, Jai's character does have ions of dignity and respect which somehow makes it tough to dislike him, however stupid decisions he might take😕 The marriage is doomed.....from the beginning to the end! Pia already looks so unhappy.....and when she gets tired of Jai's gifts and money, she won't have anything or anyone to go to.....since Bani and Rano have made it clear that they are going to have nothing to do with her in the future! Mr. Walia is soon going to realize that its easy falling in love but very difficult to remain in it for a lifetime😃
  • My Predictions : I still think the marriage won't happen! And frankly, even if it does, it doesn' t really bother me, cause after seeing Jai's behaviour with Sonali.....I think that two selfish people like Jai and Pia deserve one another....they can happily make their respective lifes a private hell😆 Bani and Pushkar have a strong chance of getting together......but they might not get married! I am 101% sure that Pushkar will fall in love with Bani and that Pushkar and Jai are going to have a major fall out. The CD in question remains....Ranveer will use it when the time comes! Now the question is whether Jai will see the CD after his marriage (during his honeymoon😆) or just befor his marriage???


Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago
OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago


India Update 27 Feb by belle4u

well today's was a very sad episode.uuuufffffffffffff ye pia i just want to kill her😡

it starts with aditya n jai cuming face to face.jai asks him that wht does he thinks of his marraige decision.aditya says that he is his best friend n known him for a long time n even has watched him change for good  the  but today he did'nt liked it n says does'nt he thinks that wht ever he did to sonali was wrong but jai gets irritated n tells him that sonali is her friend n he came to know abt love because of pia.aditya tells him it took him so long to realise it n jai says that love has nothing to do with age.aditya onlt tells him that he should only for once go n meet sonali n leaves.here bani n rano r waiting in the room n bani recollects all the engagement scenes pia madam enters with scared look n goes to bani but bani looks away she tells di but just tells her to shut up n tells her wht has she done.how can she marry a guy double her age but pia again abt to tell sumthing but bani interupts n says that jai walia is their father's age n he used to study in the same college where their mother used to study which means he is double the age.bani tells that she knows jai has done a lot for hem n will never forget it.bani tells pia that a man who can leave a girl who was with him for such a long time,he can even leave pia for sumbody else but pia tells that jai does'nt loves sonali n he will take good care of them but bani asks her wht abt pushkar pia is quiet.then she looks towards rano but rano tells her that she is with bani n tells pia that she can do anything for money it was better if she has sold herself n leaves n bani tells her that today she is devastated,wht will she tell to papa n mummy n papa had asked her to take care of her n take her to the right path but for a while she went away from her n she decided her own path which takes her to money.then bani tells her that how can she be so greedy n selfish.she tells pua that pushkar had gone to mt.abu to buy the house in which she has grown up to gift her.he loves her so much n give his life for her n bani is abt to say sumthing phone rings n its pushkar n tells pia to call her pushkar back.pia is standing quietly then bani tells pia she has to break this engagement for mummy,papa n for them n herself n more for pushkar.

jai goes to meet sonali but sonali is ignoring him to which again jai gets irritated n tells her how can she ignore him wht abt their friendship which they shared for so long but sonali tells jai the she was always alone.being with jai only taught her to be alone n she thought silence is his love now she knows that there is no silence in love n jai is looking at sonali she asks jai to leave as some one is waiting for him n her wait is over.jai is shocked.pia is burning her n pushky's photo n thinks that she will never let her past cum in the future(jhoka hawa kaa aaj bhi song in the background) n at the same time pushkar is looking at the same photographs n is really happyin the morning jai calls pia that he is leaving for office n wants to see her she goes to meet her jai is a little shy n asks tony butler to give the set n jai gifts pia with a diamond necklace pia is thinking she never thought sucha beautiful n expensive necklace is hersjai asks for permission to put it around her neck she is really happy n thrilled

sonali cums to meet pia n tells her that yesterday everything happened so suddenly that could'nt congratulate her.she congratulates her n gives her a gift n tells her thst jai is like a kid who is very stubborn n will do anything to get wht he wants n she leaves then pia turns around only to see bani standing there n listening everything then pia enters their room again bani warns pia that if a man like jai walia can leave sonali for her then he can leave pia for sumone else but pia is quiet.again she enquires abt pushkar pia tells her she has already told her that whtever was there between her n pushkar was just an infactuation n now its over n whtever she wants from life only jai can give it to her.again pushkar calls n pia n bani r quiet then rano tells bani its no use talking to her as stones r heartless n don't understand anything but bani tells that she will have to answer pushkar wht abt that.bani goes to pushkar's house to tell them everything but pushkar's mother n bhabhi r so excited for the weddinbg n asks how is their bahu n bani has this guilty look on her face n pushkar's mother informs bani that she has taken out two dates for marraige she can decide which is the best date for them n bani has this more guilty n sad look n she does'nt tells them anything.tony says that mr.mehra is wating for him in study jai leaves n pia is really happy n then sumone cums n puts his hand on pia n pia thinks its jai n tells that he is back sooooooooo soon n its pushkar he tells him yes i m back only for u darling n pia is shocked...........

precap-pia is explaining to bani n asking that rano wants to do MBA where will the money cum from...................


India Update 28 Feb by belle4u

another sad episode poor pushkar cried like a baby😭 n ye piaa😡

it starts from the same scene pia is shocked to find pushkar but pushkar is really happy n hugs her tells her that he missed her soooooooo much but pia is too shockred to speak anything just then jai cums from the study n is little confused to see pushkar n pia hugging but pia sum how handles the situation n tells that yes it happeneed all suddenly in the nite n jai is happy that now pushkar knows everything n says that i m really happy but pushkar thinks that he is happy for them just then jai tells him that he has found his love n takes out his hand n pia gives her hand😡 n pushkar is really shocked

pushkar is standing with tears recollecting all the moments spent with pia but as he is recollecting he is going out of the scenes😭 in his hand n then jai tells him that he is really lucky to have found such a good life partner n pushkar tells himthat yes he is really lucky to have pia then jai enquires abt the girl to whom pushkar has given his lifetime dates but pushkar is silent then jai tells that pushkar has make all the arrangements of jai n pia's marraige n pushkar receives another shock n pia madam is standing n smiling😡n then jai tells pushkar that he should now get married infact he tells that they both can get married on the same date in the same venue.pushkar now has tears in his eyes just a call cums n jai goes to receive it😭

pushakar asks pia wht is all this pia tells him that it is true that she n jai r getting married then pushkar asks abt their relationship pia tells him that that was laso true n this is also true but there was onle an attraction between them n nothing else n says that her life was full of insecurities n she does'nt wants any more insecuruties in her life pushkars gets angry n tells her wht secure future is she talking abt she wanted a lavish life style n money she should have said it once to him he would done anything for her😡😭 just then jai cums  n says that he is leaving for sum business work for 1 week n asks pushkar to take care of his bride 😡 .at pushkar house they cum to know everything n pushkar's bhabhi is really angry tells that for them breaking a relationship is very easy till yesterday her sisiter was to be the daughter-in-law of this house n today she is telling thatpia n jai r getting married but pushkar's mother supports bani n says that might be bani may have not known anything abt it but bani is all in tears n apologises for pia's conduct n leaves.she is crying outside pushkar's house n pushkar cums n asks bani why did'nt she told him but bani tells him thatshe did'nt knew anything abt it n apologises that she could'nt save his happiness.pushkar is crying like a baby n is on his knees n tells that "mera pehla pyaar adhura reh gaya bani"bani is crying really hard n leaves😭

rano asks bani wht happened at pushkar's house bani narrates her everything n tells her that till yesterday the whole house was happy n busy in wedding preparation but just cause of pia today they r all sad then pua enters n tells bani that she is only concerned abt pushkar's hurt felling n broken heart wht abt her .again bani gives her a lecture but pia tells her that wht wrong if she wants a big n lavish house n good brand cars n good clothes for them n recollects her mt.abu days but bani tells her that in that old broken home thay were all together n happy but pia says that rano wants to do MBA where will the money cum from her 18000 salary n bani is shocked then pia tells her that first she refused jai proposal but to secure their future she said yes n asked jai to do the engagement before bani cums.bani is shocked n tells pia that there is no use of talking to her n leaves😭  

i missed a scene between rano n sahil sorry😭.

next pia cums n tries to reason her decision but rano says to leave her alone but pia tells her that no one is trying to understand her butrano says that she only wants money n nothing else.ranveer hears all this n thinks that now the time has cum to seperate these girls from one another😡

PRECAP-jigs n ranveer r planning sumthing

India Update 1 Mar by belle4u

today's episode was really good n i m really excited to see wht happens ahead n jai 's reaction.bravo bani n rano atlast they have succeded in breaking the engagemant.sahil n rano i think they will be together.bechari jigs n ranveer😆😆

it starts with pia cuming in the room n trying to talk to bani but bani is not at all interested.pia tells her that why is no body trying to understand her.she recollects mt.abu days when their mother was really sick cause they lacked money their mother could'nt get the treatmant n she died n she tells bani that the mistake their father n mother did she won't repeat the same mistake now bani really angry n she tells pia why does she always mis understand their father.bani tells her wht does she remembers abt their mother she tells her that their mother was admitted in a good hospital n their father did everything to save their mother.bani even tells her that she can only remember their poor n bad days why can't she see their father's love for their mother👏 n she even tells her that though they were in a really bad financial condition but their father did'nt let any one to sleep hungry he gave wht ever he could👏.but pia tells her that life has onle given them tears n took everything from them but bani tells pia that wht they have got no baby has got ie their father has thought them to live with full dignity even in worse n bad days of their life👏.bani tells pia that she will never understand these things but she will not talk to her till she realises her mistakes👏 n tells pia not to trouble rano with her talks n goes to sleep n pia is still sitting n crying

in the morning as rano is getting ready to leave for the college pia cums n tells her she does'nt needs to take a rick or bus to go to the college she will go n bring a car as rano is abt to reply bani cums n tells her that they don't need anything which they don't have a habit off n they don't want any thing that is not their's pia is sad n bani n rano leave👏.pia is thinking how can she make bani happy so that her anger goes away n recollects mt.abu scene where bani enters for the room service n apologises for being late but its pia madam n she says next time it should not ahppen or else she will go to the manager bani recognises her voice n runs after her n tells her why she did this n why she wasted so much of money but pia replies she can do any thing for her n bani forgives her both r smiling now pia thinke yes she will go to the hotel.😊

bani n rano reach college bani gives all  instruction to rano to cum directly to home after college n study well  n rano tells bani not to worry she will cum home n bani leaves as rano is walking every body is saying hi to rano she is stunned but sahil cums n tells her that she is confused as to why everybody is saying hi to her sahil tells her that everybody has cum to know that she is going to become jai walia's small sister-in-law rano is angry n leaves.bani is lookingat her,pia n rano's pic when an old waiter cums to bani n tells her that he is so old now where will he find another job at this age n he is onle one to earn for his family n he shows he his retirement letter n tells her that now that she is jai walia's relative she can talk to him just then ranveer enters n says that wht do they think of jai he will not let all the beggers to cum in his house n he even tells him that bani is not the owner of the hotel only her sister is getting married to his uncle the waiter leaves n bani is furious but ranveer continues to insult bani n tells her that her sister has trapped jai to get all his money but pia enters n tells wht rubbish is he talking n tells him that he should talk to her n not to her di as she is getting married to his uncle n tells him it was his uncle who proposed her she did'nt went after his uncle n asks ranveer to talk to jai n confirm it n dials the number ranveer is really angry n leaves😡

pia tells jai she will talk to him later n tells bani that everything will be ok but bani tells pia that ranveer was not wrong whtever he said is rite now pia is crying n saying thet she sacrificed her bach pan for them can't she do anything for her happiness bani tells her that who is under sum one's favour can't get happiness for others pia is crying n leaves n bani is sad n thinks that she is doing this so that pia cums back to them👏.pia is recollecting bani's words n cums face to face with pushkar he asks her why is she cryoing n pia takes pushkar's name but he tells her not to asks him how is he n leaves in anger.pia is still standing.😡

pia reaches rano's college to take her n tells her that they will first go to ice-cream palour n then home but rano tells her that she knows the road to their house just then sahil's car cums  n asks them to leave the road n pia insist rano to cum but rano asks sahil is he going home he says yes she asks him to drop her to the house n leaves in his car👏.pia is sad.bani is lighting a diya in front of their father's photo pia cums bani is abt to leave pia tells her why r they punishing her she can't be happy without them n she will do anything for her bani asks her to break her engagement with jai.pia is shocked but she agrees tells her that if she is happy with this she will do it bani has soften a bit n tells her that she is doing all this for her happiness n tells her not to think that she is cuming in between her happiness.pia asks her thet mummy n papa would have done the same thing.won't they be happy with her decision as her happiness lied there.bani is quiet.pia tells her she will talk to jai as soon as he returns from malaysia👏

ranveer informs jigs abt a party that he will be throwng in pia's honour.jigs gets angry n tells him that wht the hell is he talking abt.ranveer tells her that he has talked to jai n jigs will arrange for the party as tommorrow all the sisters will be insulted so badly that no body would have thought off n will make sure that all three leave the house before jai returns from malaysia.but jigs asks him to be careful n think n lay the plan out.it ends on ranveer's face

precap-ranveer goes to invite bani n rano for the party n informs them its in pia's honour.bani is suspicious😊

India Update 2 Mar by belle4u

today's episode was very good.

it starts with ranveer enters bani's room to invite them for the party just then pia cums out from bathroom n asks him wht is it?ranveer talks very sweetly to that he knows their relationship started very roughly but now as pia is going to marry jai new relationship has developed not only between them but between their families n says that he wants everybody to know abt their new formed relationship so he is keeping a party in pia's honour n asks them to cum to the party n leaves.bani is quiet suspicious abt ranveer's intention she keeps on thinking wht going on in ranveer's mind wht will he do this timeis pia going to be in big trouble😭.in the morning jigyasa goes to sonali's place to invite her for the party jigyasa apologises for whtever happened but soanli tells her she does'nt wants to talk abt it.but sonali refuses to cum to the party n jigyasa tells sonali that she was not only jai's friend but also her friend n no matter wht jai takes decisions in life it should not affect their relationship.she even tells sonali that she has made a special place in walia mansion n if she does not cums ppl will talk.sonali agrees n jigyasa leaves.

bani is sitting in the office n thinking abt ranveer's words n pia's words that she will break the engagement.bani thinks that is she doing sumthing wrong by asking pia for breaking the engagement just then pushkar enters n is quiet frustrated he tells her abt the party n informs her that jai has specially called him to invite him for the party n told him to take care of his bride pushkar is angry n he tells bani that it is so difficult to see ur love with sumboby else n it is even worse when u see that person with whom ur love is ur "koi apna" whom u love so much.bani is stunned to hear this n recollects her n pushkar many scenes first encounter,pushakar holds her in his arm n brings home,pushkar n bani at the bus stop,outside the walia mansion when both stare at each other n finally the kissing scene between pushkar n pia😭but bani tells pushkar that he has to cum to the party cause they both know that ranveer is upto sumthing n pushkar considers jai as his father jai will feel bad if he does'nt cums to the party n bani tells him that she will not let ranveer to create any problems for him n pia.pushkar agrees

rano is leaving for the college sahil sees rano cuming n very sweetly n politely asks rano whether she is going to college n rano as usual in anger tells him that having so many books in hand she is going to a picnic but sahil asks her that he can drop her to college rano is looking at him n he tells her that whtever money she pays to the rick she can give that much money to him rano agrees n sits in the car.they reach the college n rano gives him 100 bucks sahil asks her why 100 bucks she tells him that house to college she pays 45 bucks so yesterday also he had dropped her so total cums to 90 bucks remaining 10 bucks he can give later n rano leaves saying she is getting late for lectures n sahi stares at 100 bucks😆😉😊

walia mansion is decorated n inside jigs is telling one of her friend that she is really impressed with her son ranveer as for the first time he has missed the pooja path n arranged the party its really good😆just then rano n bani enter bani assures rano they will leave the party early n jigs n ranveer r standing to welcome everyone.just then aditya n ba enter n they r quiet shocked to see both of them standing together  n ba comments that snake(jigs) n anaconda(ranveer) both r together which means sumthing wrong n bad is bound to happen😆😆pushkar is drinking in a corner n watching pia😭.there's a man who is expert in tarrot cards n predicts future by lookig at the card. jigs goes there one of her friend tells her he told every thing correct abt her.jigs goes n asks to tells sumthing abt her the man asks her to choose a card n the man gives jigs a number she writes down just then ba enters n asks her wht's going on.he tells her that jigs is very goos but ba tells him that yes but she turned bad after becoming her daughter-in-law.sumone calls jigs n she leaves ba asks the man abt the number he gave to jigs the man tells baa that its the number of the man who loves her n will again enter jigs life baa sees the number n is very tensed as it is aditya's cell number😆 n leaves to search for him but then she sees jigs earring stuck in aditya's coat n baa says thet she will not let his son repeat the same mistake n she goes n takes aditya away n tells him to stay away from jigs😆😆jigs is confused😆

an item number was there on the song "jhalak dikhlaja" ( akshat of kahin toh hoga n anju of k-strret pali hill)both performed.ranveer cums to the stage n tells everyone  that a new relation is formed between jai n pia n mentiona that pia is smaal girl of mt.abu n mow she will become his  "mami" so now its his duty to introduce her to everyone but then aditya thinks sumthing is fishy n snatches the mike n tells that pia is a very good girl n is happy for jai n pia n asks everyone to join in jai's happiness.tells ranveer that the words love does'nt feels nice from his mouth,ranveer says that even after so many years he has not changec n the man who could'nt save his owm marraige is speaking abt love n marraige now aditya is angry puts hand on mike n tells him that he never thought that he will make fun of his marraige in front of everyone n ranveer replies that u have already made it😡aditya says u have totally n completely inhereted ur mothers quality n then ranveer insults pushkar says that jai had picked him from a road n made him the company executive,his brother was caught in put behind bars for theft but it was jai who released him n says that we all know that jai n pushkar r really close n  tells him to speak sumthing abt his jai uncle to be bride.bani is in tears n ranveer is smiling it ends there😡😭

precap-pushkar's bhabhi tells him why us he soo concerned for the girl who did'nt realised the worth of his love for her

India Update 3 Mar by mistletoe

Episode kick-starts with Ranveer inviting Pushkar to the podium to say a few words for his would-be aunt, Pia. Pushkar walks down to the Podium with the dramatic music playing in the background (which I really like!) Pushkar comes and says that Pia is really lucky to have been chosen by Jai to be his life partner. Then comes the shocker, Pushkar says that Pia is certainly the most beautiful girl he has seen in his life, but even more beautiful than her is her elder sister Bani. As Pia and the others look on at Pushkar, he says gives a very well-worded comparison between Bani and Pia and ends up saying that if Pia's beauty is something which leads one to go astray, then Bani's beauty is something that shows people the correct way.

Pushkar starts by  saying Pia is very beautifull. everyone is looking at him. he says she is so much beautifull that she makes u forget everything. She was liked by Jai Walia. The one who was always surrounded by many beautifull girls but  who knows ways of the world. He chose Pia and its a compliment for Pia. Yes, Pia is most beautifull girl but there is one more girl who is more beautifull than Pia. It is her elder sister Bani.Jigs is amused by this statement. If Pia's beauty can make u loose ur way then Bani beauty will always be there to guide u. It was Pia's beauty bcoz of which she got Jai, but it was Bani's beauty which compelled a guy like Jai to make her a family member.(Thank God he realised)

Bani breaks down on hearing Pushkar's emotional speech and goes away followed by Rano who asks her if she is in love with Pushkar. Bani is speechless, and Rano tells her that she has never seen fright in Bani's eyes, except when she see's Pushkar in distress. This can only be in love. Bani is not able to reply to Rano.

Dance begins, and various couple get dancing. Aditya asks Pia for a dance but Ranveer comes between and dances with Pia. Aditya then dances with Jigyasa, while Aditya's mother looks frightened and breaks up their dance and begins dancing with Jigs. Ranveer then leaves Pia with some other guy and helps out his mother! A beautiful song is being played in the background. I think it was from the movie, Sirf Tum! While dancing Pia bumps into Pushkar and gives him a pleading look, Pushkar looks furious and walks away.

Pushkar is in the lawns and thinking about his past romance with Pia when he sees her standing in a corner. Pushkar drags her along and gives her a well-deserved tight slap on her face to which Pia sobbingly asks why did he slap her! Pushkar tells her that only because of her, Bani and he had to endure such nonsense from a person like Ranveer and he then says that Pia is the most heartless person he has ever met and that she deserves nothing but hatred. But then Pushkar breaks down and says that inspite of everything he still loves her and hates himself for that. Pushkar goes away while Pia has a complete emotional breakdown. Bani is standing nearby witnessing the whole incident and Pia goes to her and cries on her shoulder while Bani stands like a statue without even touching Pia or saying a single word.

Pia is in her room and while going through her wardrobe, comes across the two Kangan that Pushkar's mother had given her and looks at her with tears in her eyes. Bani comes in and tells Pia very sharply that the relationship she had forged has to be now broken by Bani. Pia looks at Bani for some support but Bani is unrelenting and tells Pia that she will never forgive for what she has done to Pushkar.

Pushkar is at his home and comes downstairs; he seems to have a hangover. Bhabhi asks him for a Nimbu Pani and tells him whether he remembers that the watchman had dropped him last night. Bhabhi says that she cannot bear to see Pushkar in such a state and that too over a girl who betrayed him for money. Pushkar says that the girl's name is Pia and that he doesn't want to hear anything against her. Bhabhi loses her cool and says that has he any idea how hurt his mother has been because of Pia's betrayal and how everyone has got so upset and hurt.

Pushkar just walks and strides over to his room and then in a moment of frenzy recollects his past with Pia and then calls up some guy and tells him to do something. He thinks to himself that enough is enough, now it is time for Pia to pay up for what she has done to him!



    Some kick-ass performance by Pushkar! He finally gives to Pia what she truly deserves from one and all...a good, resounding slap! I loved Pushkar's emotional speech on Bani and Pia, beautifully worded and very effectively conveyed by the talented actor!
    Ranveer is crazy! Why the hell was he giving gooey looks at Pia? And why did he keep calling her "mami"😆 Though I found that bit hilarious! And the whole dance sequence was such bunkum....everyone dancing with the wrong person! And only when Pushkar needed Bani, the lady vanishes again!
    Sahil is all ga-ga over Rano who just gives him the proverbial cold shoulder! But I think these two look very cute together! Sahil should just grin less, though! Wonder what Bade Bhaiyya and Mata Shree would have to say for this!
    What is Pushkar upto? What revenge is he planning? Whom did he place the call to? What will his so called revenge have its reaction upon Bani who is fully on Pushkar's side at the moment?
    What the hell is Pia's problem? I mean, she is such a heartless witch and has clearly stated that she is marrying Jai for money....then why is she shedding crocodile tears, infront of all and sundry? Does she want both money and love in life? I think the lady is gonna get none!
    What happened to the CD Business? Is Ranveer saving it as Jai Uncle's wedding day present?
    Do you guys really think that Pia will break off her engagement with Jai? Will Jai come to know the truth about Pushakar and Pia's relationship before his marriage or after his marriage? Will Bani be instrumental in Jai getting to know the truth?
    Will Jai be outraged when he comes to know that Pia backstabbed Pushkar for Jai? Will he indirectly put the blame on Pushkar and Bani or will he just have a clean break from Pia?
    Will these circumstances lead Bani and Pushkar to come closer to one another? Will Pushkar realize that its only Bani who is deserving of his love and not Pia? Will Pushkar ever fall out of love with Pia?
  • Does Pia know about Bani's feelings for Pushkar? Is that her real motivation for her forging a marriage with Jai or is it only money?

Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago
OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago


India Update 6 Mar by doyelpakhi

the episode starts with aditya and his x-wife jigs in the brkfast table where adi says dat he cant see nyone nearby. jigs asks him if he cant see her or not adi replies dat he is talking of human beings 😃 as jiggy gave him the usual glare adi corrects himself and said that he meant someone who will eat along with him and not someone who will eat him up.😕 

then adi starts his usual jokes and ask jigs to eat egg.according to him though nowadays everyone is  scared of   bird flu but logoko jigs ke pas rehekehi flu hota hai!!!😃   as he talked he on the chair beside jiggy and rite there dadi arrives who again amost had a heart attack seeing jigs and adi. to save her son(!) she goes to the dining table and mother son duo start their usual conversation in the filmy style much to the irritation of jigs 😡 dadi was successful in taking away her son 4rm the "annaconda" and jigs throws the spooon in disgust.

the scene plainly states dat both jigs and adi r still in "love'😃 after all y did jigs say dat if adi cant see her and the way adi always cums close to her proves ....😛 dunno how long dadi will b able to save her son!!

next scene was of pushkar who hurries from his home while his mother asks him to take brkfast but he leaves. ma is tensed ' kahi pushkar kuch galat na karle'😭  bani cums to pushy's home and returns their bangles bhabhi asks she mite hav retrned the bangle but cud she retrn pushy's smile???  bani get scared and thinks dat she has to b with him to prevent him doing nything wrong.

pushy meanwhile sees piya and dadi going and he follows them they were shopping for piya's wedding where pushy arrives. piya gets scared ask pushky dat y he is here??!! pushky says its better dat people will know aabt them piya gives "pyar ka basta"(!!!😡 i hav never seen nyone so shameless)  not to tell nyone when pushy asks rightly asks dat abt which love she is talking.

however he didnt tell nyone when adi asks why pushky is there

on the other hand bani rushes ofice to meet pushky and dadi's phone cums where she tells bani that all of them r in shopping mall

bani gets scared s she hoped pushy doesnt create any fiasco there👏

piya was very tensed👏 (she deserves this torture)   she went to trial rum for trying a dress where pushky puts his hand on her mouth   and drags her into it.

bani reaches the spot and tries to find them. she calls frm her mobile to piya's mobile and hears the ringtone nearby.(dunno wen bani got mobile! )     she   traced that piya is going to terace and she followed

in the terrace pushky drags piya as piya pleads to leave her. he holds he r firmly and asks whether she wud hav married jai if they had crosssed the limit in the hotel room  piaponders and said "shayad nehi"

(nehi yar ! money digger like pia wud hav done nythng until she gets money😡)

then pushky brings out a gun 😲  and asks if he compels her to break limitnow then.... piya gets frightened  and gets near the terrace wall. rite then bani cums and and screams pushky to stop

pushky shows his hand to stop bani and said that he wont kill piya and then he puts the gun on himself  as everyone's breath stopped pushky pulls the trigger bani screams "nehi!!!!!!!" but thankfuly pushky was not so oooooooo mad dat he will kill himself !

he said that he wont kill himself but he wanted to see if piya stops him or not💔he laments that since she didnt stop its clear that  she    doesnt want any obstacle in her path .  he said that he did nt spend those beautiful moments with bani bit still she has cum to help him , its an irony dat despite being close pia is so far but bani is close inspite of the duriyaaaaaaa    and saying  few other sentimental words he went away.

bani follows him and pia stands like a statue

India Update 7 Mar by doyelpakhi

TODAYS EPISODE starts with pia coming downward frm the terrace when she meets aditya. she was lost in her thoughts wen adi asks where is bani and pushky she tells that they hav gone office while dadi gets upset that why have they gone office. ultimately they decided to retrn home.

wen pia enters her room rano asks sarcastically when pia has got evrything then why she look depressed. pia, being hurt advices her to concentrate in her study wen rano angrily remarks she is learning 4rm pia as she wud never earn so much money by herself as pia had got now.

(well said rano👏0

the next scene shows bani and rano entering room wen they saw pia crying . bani , to comfort pia, took out the dresses that pia has bought and said wat anice skirt it is!, even rano to stop pia crying said yes it is  .

(beheno ka pyar ho to aisi👏)

pia is very happy and goes to rano and said she has bought the skirt for her as likes blue skirt , she reminds rano that once they hav to cut two of pia's skirt to make her one still they didnt hav enough cloth,and had to use red border. rano , not to hurt pia said that she is going to try it. then bani brings yellow dress and says it is beautiful, pia gets doubly happy and says she has bought for her , she then gives her bag and then pen, and with every gift she reminds her that these are the things that they cud not buy for their 'garibi'

(actually frnds i was so bored as pia tries to justify her "paisa ki lalach" that i didnt listen in detail wat  she said while giving the gifts🤢)

bani however not to be persuaded so easily, and asks if these are atall necesssary. pia said 'why not '(orsomething like dat) bani asks if pia has bought nything for her then she said that she is not like bani as she thinks abt herself also (more than nything😡) she runs to get the things dat dadi has bought for her.  bani is sad with pia's behaviour.

sahil and his frnds are tensed for xam, while they dixcussed  sahil sar rano and thought that since his seat is just after rano he will pass this time.()

rano is leaving for college wen bani says all the best for her xam, pia also says althe best and rano gives a faint smile and said thank you. rano and sahil mits on the door where they saw dadi standing wearing  a sari(!!!!!!!!) with a pallu on her head. on bkgrnd played the music 'pretty woman"😆 she jumps on atool and put tikka on rano and sahils forehead. when asked she said this is ashirwad of ma papa, rano says with her usual attitude she is going to college 4 xam, and not for ....(blahblah, i cant remember all dialogue)

in the xam hall sahil asks rano to show her copy while rano turns and said he should not copy all the time, rite there professor cums and snatching rano's copy scolds her for copying, rano said she was not copying frm the duffer sahil, but professor said he has seen her turning her around, sahil remarked that professor himself has senn who is copying (😡those of you are pairing rano and sahil can forget it for some moments,even sahil is following footsteps of bade bhai and mataji)

in the principlal's rum trano tries to convince  but no one paid any heeed to her , the principal gave her a warning for her good  past records for the first and last time, rano cums home and tells bani who consoles her and said after the results everyone will know the truth

pia cums to the drawing room  and asks jigs to sign a cheque. jigs almost had a heart attack wen she saw the cheque of twenty lakhs!!!!!!!! pia said it was for renovating mt.abu house and sarcastically remarked she has filled everything so thzat no one has ny trouble she taunted ranveer that he has sent her di to jail,she asked him abt his health and said his bruise has healed as attack was not so severe.ranveer saw the cheque and acidly said that pia's family doesnt have a do kadi value and she is forgetting her place and identity... (but alas! jai uncle heard him 👏)

boiling in rage, he cums  and snaps ranveer by telling him dat they hav so much money , still for some lakhs he is insulting pia,!!! jigs tries to rescue but jai willnt listen. he said dat pia more sense dan ranveer as she has asked jai abt it. pia sweetly interfers and said dat ghar ke logo se kya jhagra and moreover jigs and ranveer seemed to have realized their mistake . ranveeer angrily looks at her and without seeing any way, says sorry and tells jai such mistakes willnt b repeated , jai warns its  better for  all of them  and goes away .  then pia in an ordering tone said if she is getting the sign or not and tells mother and son that this the last sign they had to make. ranveer said "yes this will b the last sign, to which pia said it willb the last sign bcoz then ranveer will have  to cum to her for sign and then she will behave more nicely than wat he behaved.

pia goes away and ranveer and jigs stood there

India Update 8 Mar by doyelpakhi

The episode starts with  pia entering jai walia's room and jai walia gives a gooey look towards her. pia asks him abt his trip and he said dat she is lucky for him as he got the contract. Pia looks at his suitcase and said such "a small suitcase"(!) , jai comments it is enough 4 him and gives a mischievous smile. Just then tony enters with  two big suitcases surprising pia . jai said these contains all the things he bought 4 her . he opens and began to giv gifts to her and blushing like a teenage boy he said dat for the first time he is buying things 4 any girl and he wud hav bought more if time permitted. Pia began to think of bani's disapproval and  says to herself that how can she brk mr.walia's heart wen he is thinking so much abt her and her sisters' happiness.(after all he is giving more gifts than pushky 😡    ) mr.walia looks at her and thinkng dat pia is sad for bani's behaviour said dat he will talk to bani . as pia went away he is very concerned 4 pia dat if bani wont accept him  den noone will b happy.


Pia enters the room with the suitcase . rano asks sarcastically has mr. Walia retrnd and askd if she has spoken to him as she had promised bani. Pia very sentimentalyy states that this is the first time she is missing her father as he wud hav supported her decision,.. mr walia is very nice ..they are so indebted …etc.etc. rano asked if she is marrying for his kindness??? She tells the truth on her face  dat pia's priority is mr.walia's  money and not for her sisters, otherwise she wud hav thought abt their emotion . pia looks a little offended and said dat pushkar is more important to bani than her. rano ko laga jhatka! Pia complains bani is looking only at pushky's emotion , lomeliness and no one is thnkng abt her (y shud nyone  waste their time!  🤢  )  bani enters the room and answers dat wen a decision becomes a load then its not right to carry, she states pia dat she wont stop her in her decision but wont support either. Pia annoyingly goes out of the room , wen rano looked a little surprised bani said dat she cant support her in pia's wrong decision and hopes dat pia mite rethink for their sake(bhagwan jane asha puri hogi ki nahi 😕     )

Jigyasa, in her room was getting mad in fury that she is insulted for the "dokadi" girl .  ranveer asks if she is giving kitty party she just  snarled " then wat shall  I do? I cant change my lifestyle for her . I will show her in the party dat she doesn't belong to our  class or society." Ranveer opines  dat this is nt enough as pia very cunningly has won jaiuncle's heart so they hav to use the "brahmastra"  he tells jigs abt the cd and jigs was allin her bitchy smile. She asks why he is waiting , ranveer tells her dat pushky has some evidence against him and he doesn't want his name to cum foreward. Jigs advices beta to send in someone else's name and see the maja.!!

Jai mits bani in the office and asks her dat if she don't care for pia and tells he r not to cast aside pia . he cant undestand dat why bani is against it as

1)- in no book it is written dat  in his age no one cant fal in love

2)- he has not forced her to marry

bani states dat he didn't force her but he gives evrythng, evry happiness to a girl  who has nothing , jai understood the meaning and said that  it's true dat he can giv evry happiness to pia but wont believe dat pia is marrying him only 4 his money

( sarbanashe budhhinasha!    Jai has gone blind , deaf and out of mind    😆 )

In the kitty party jigs' frnd asks her abt her honewali sister-in –law and rite den pia enters the scene in a sexy blue skirt and top. Jigs smiling with lot of effort        starts introducing to her frnds- first she introduces to a madam whose husband has diamond business and passed the comment   tha tpia always wears imitation jewellery., next her frnd's husband has wine business  and said with lots of amusement that pia's papa had much knowledge of wine as he died of alcohol. And just then ma durga , oops , bani arrives  with bkgrnd music playing "om bhom… (I dnt know sanskrit, u see, but I liked the music) . bani says that her father has indeed died of alcoholism.  She gives a sweet smile to everyone and gives an account that how jigs aunty has given them shelter , has made a member of their family and since they r not very accustomed to their society everyone shud forgive if they make any mistake.jigs frnds were impressed and said they r with them Pia looks very emotionally to bani but glaring  at pia bani said to herself dat she wil b with pia but will never supprt her decision.  ( u rock bani👏)

 The last scene shows dat tony is carrying the courier of cd and ranveer and jigs r happy thinking dat jai wud throw three sisters out of his home

Tony gives the cd to someone but only the person's hand is shown.

India Update 9 Mar by doyelpakhi

As it has been predicted the cd falls in the hands of Aditya . He already had overheard Ranveer and Jigs' conversation so he understood immediately  kya gul khilne bala hai!

He talks with bani , he cautions Bani that three lives are going to b destroyed and they both shud try to make things better. Adi hopes dat if they tell Jai evrythng  den he will never cum in between Pia and Ppushkar. Bani , with tears in  eyes,  said dat Pushkar loves Pia but Pia wants Jai Walia and it was Pia's decision to get married as mr.Walia has not forced her to marry. She laments that pia has gone much far away and now she has failed to stop her. adi asks abt Pushkar and Bani tells that he is still nt out of this shock. Adi is ashamed that his son Ranveer and Jigs r upto such nasty things and decides to handle it himself


Asi enters with bani the room where Jigs was filing her nails and Ranveer moving around. Adi apologises for entering parawa room (right right  😃  without permission   and asks ranveer wats all this ?? Jigs retorts that if he has seen it he wud hav known it. Adi replies ranveer that his shaitani brain always think of doing wrong but he wont let it happen. Ranveer, with an ice cold voice answers back that  whatever in the cd is real and not madeup and telling the truth is not any wrong but a virtue. , after all in our religion….. but b4 he cud finish Adi snaps back that he shud tell abt dharmkarm, Adi states that ravan also had grt knowledge but he used his knowledge as weapon for evil means and since he was nt spared Ranveer is merely a human. Ranveeer snarls that noone shud talk in loud voice b4 him  (Bani ko laga jhatkaAdi ko bhi   )  Adi  asks if Ranveer has forgotten how to behave with father Ranveer  angrily replies that how cum Adi suddenly remember that he is a father Ranveer  demands  where has been Adi in all this years, if he were a father then he wud nt hav supported Bani instead of him. Ranveer is angry (angry is nt the rite word, basically abhiman hai     )  dat everything was done by Jai and if adi wud hav done nything then wud hav a place of their own and wud hav a separate identity.( for the first time ranveer seems to hav said something right )   Adi admits that he is rite but he is now going to  fulfill the duty of a father and wont let him do nything wrong and orders him to destroy the cd . Ranveer acidly asks barna kya hoga,  Adi turns around and   gives him  c-h-a-t-a-s ( a tight resounding slap)  Jig fires up and roars "how dare he"( even bani is surprised and felt little bad , atleast her xpression  shows dat 😉 )   Adi  regrets dat if he has done in childhood  then 2day they didn't have to see this day (at last he realized   👏     Adi shouts at Jigs for bringing up her child like this and  and gives warning to beta that he has seen his ma and now he will seen his pa (!    and Adi wil make such a condition of ranveer that they will only hav to watch.   Adi goes out with Bani , Rranveer in fury was going   out wen jigs stops him and said that he shud wait 4 right moment. Ranveer stood still with rubbing his hands on his cheek

Rano is saying irritably to someone in phone dat its wrong no. and slamming the receiver says to herself y phulwala, mehendiwala r calling them. Bani enters and Rano cries that y  all this r happening. She has so many dreams of pia's marriage but now there is only sadness everywhere . Rano asks if  nything cud b changed but bani looks helpess. Rano points out that jai mite nt make pia happy as he didn't care for Sonali and Rano wonder wat sonali is feeling now.(for this reason jai and pia r alike, but jai had been at least honest to pia as she knows his past but pia  to do kadam age hai😉)

Bani went to meet sonali . Sonali behaves in frndly manner.she asks abt pia's marriage . Wen bani tries to say nything  she said dat bani shud nit giv console to her as evrythng  has becum a past. She admits that sometime she feels angry at jai 4 not telling her bit she den she feels more angry at herself 4 not asking him …... Wen bani asks her to talk with pia sonali refuses saying that by asking u cant get love and since Jai is a matured person he has the right to do whatever he wants.(dunno y men go for beauty instead of heart of gold, 😡both pushky and jai r so immatured!! Sonali's dialogue was really beautiful as she speaks of different aspects of love but  alas I dnt remember all the 2-3 lines😡)

Pia is feeling lonely and sad as  her sisters r not with her and thinks dat who will do the rites etcetc. As she enters the room she is delighted seeing the shagun . bani enters the room and pia  happily goes to her. bani says tha twen close ones r taking a decision then its better to supprt it than fighting . bani states that she has separated her emotions and her duty and she will do all her duty of the bride's sister. ultimately bani declares that she is accepting the relationship even though she is not happy. Pia looks gratefully to bani and then rano also joins them. The three sisters hug each other and bkgrnd music plays for few minutes and episode ends.

India Update 10 Mar by doyelpakhi

In the beginning of the the episode Jai is seen to b looking  at Pia's photo adoringly when adi enters the room. As adi tells dat he has important thing to tell jai , jai says dat he is feeling guilty abt sonali( dnt shed crocodile's tears🤢 )   jai tries to explain that sonali has always understood him even wen he has said nothing and so he thought  dat she wud understand him this time also, jai regrets that he has taken a long time to differentiate between frndship and love.; its pia who has made him realize wat love is , he doesn't know wat he wud hav done if pia has refused him, etc.etc.   Adi feels dat  he cant tell jai abt pia and pushkar as jai mite not able to accept it .


There has been arrangement for evening parties. Tau and his companions enter the walia house.First he meets sahil who was having walkman in his ear. As sahil greets tauji , tauji is bewildered and asked why sahil is wearing bulls' horn (!!!😃) on his head. Sahil very affectionately presses tau's cheeks and said this is a walkman for listening music. Jigs touches his feet , ranveer makes pranam and jai hugs the old man. Jai introduces bani, pia and rano and then dadi yells " oye bobby!"😆 she happily greets tauji calling him sorab modi( if I hav  heard correctly, must b ny filmstar 😕)  , tau gets confused but dadi teases him for not seeing enough films and takes him away!😃

As jai gets ready for the party he gets a phone call. On the other side it was Ranveer😡     who said if jai walia knew wat he is going to do. Wen jai asked who it was ranveeer didn't say and jai slams the phone. Again the phone cums ranveer says does jai know wat is happening in his personal life. Jai said he doesn't talk abt his personal life with unknown people and disconnects it. Again the phone rings and this time ranveer says if jai knew abt his wud b wife pia 's love life. Jai gets angry and slamming the phone he goes out of the room.

Again ranveer calls and ranveer said dat b4 mr.walia disconnects the phone he shud know that pia has an affair with his trusted person pushkar and he keeps the phone.(But alas  😉  ) 

Aditya has listened everything .(!! !!!! ) . adi tells bani dat whoever has talked has talked with jai b4 and god knows wat he has told jai. Bani gets very tensed and thinks wat she will do.( so weird dat both jai and adi cudnt recognize ranveer's voice   😕  though ranveer was putting hanky on the mouthpiece but it doesn't conceal the voice dear, hav 1st hand  xperience  with my brother)

In the party jai remembers the "unidentified" caller's version abt pia and went to ask bani abt it but was interfered by someone.on the other hand dadi advices tauji to "grow" and follow  "it the time to disco"!!

Then comes Pushky!!!  😃     Drinking like  kaliyug ka devdas ! 😭   😭  bani snatches the bottle and pleads him to stop it as there is no in destroying life like this but pushky(ya devdas  😕   )     takes the bottle and gulping more wine said that either I  will destroy myself or pia. Pia was watching the whole scene and she turned around her face with both pain and  fright in her eyes.  😡   🤢      Pushky totters in a drunken state and after going a few a steps he falls down. All turns round. Ranveer looks amused  😡  , jai surprised (kash apko pata hota),    sahil waas bewildered, even tony butler was taken aback. Jai asks sahil and tony to take to room. In the room pushky talks in a senseless  state to pia that he really loves her and can do anything for her love…..bani enters the room , pushky opens his eyes but he sees pia in his drunken state instead of bani.  He xpresses his love for pia and holds bani's hand . tears were rolling frm her eyes and the bkgrnd music starts., meanwhile bani wipes his tears.

As bani cums out of the room she sees jai walia standing, shiver runs through her spine as she feels jai mite have heard pushky's talk and cant undersatand wat she should do now.🤢

In the precap , jai wants to talk with bani abt pushkar. Pia also standng there.

Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago
Yuvika_15 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 18 years ago


The episode begins with bani cuming out of the room and faces jai walia. Jai walia , standing with pia tells bani dat he knows everything !! bani and pia were tensed...jai says that he knew that pushkar is very hapy for his marriage and he has started celebrating frm now. some dancers dancing in the party in the "deedar deedar de of dus. Later on pia in her bedroom remorsefully remembering pushkar . she goes to puhky's room and wakes him up. Pushky annoyingly asks her why pia is in his room at night??

Pia with tears in her eyes declares that she has come back to pushkar bcoz SHE LOVES HIM and asks pushky to take her away anywhere far away. Pushky was stunned .   pia says that she taken the decision of marriage in haste and has realized that she loves him and not mr.walia. pushky angrily holds her and says that pia has already destroyed his life an now he wont let her to destroy jai sir's life as he is like a father to him by being his support of his life. Pushky says dat pia should tell him everything, jao wud understand them and if necessary pushky wud go with pia to jai. But pia opines that its too late to make mr.walia understand anything and aasks pushky to take a decision about her proposal. She reminds him that she has cum to him and giving him time to think was going away .puashky calls her back and said with her he is going Nowhere!!!

Meanwhile ranveer is disturbed that how cum jai didn't react even after his phone call and knowing abt pia pushkar?? Jigs tells him that when an old man fals in love with a young woman he gets out of his mind, now jigs can talk with only one person who can make jai see reason. Ranveer says that they must do something b4 the rasam starts and they will do any means t stop this marriage. Rano hears them talking and being frightened runs towards her room. In the way she bumps with bani who asks her the matter . rano, in a white face tells bani that she has heard ranveer and jigyasa talking abt them. Bani comforts her and and thinks that time has come for her to talk with tauji abt the marriage.

Jai cums to pushky's room and advices that he should not celebrate so much as to lose his sense. Jai asks if he hav to go to pushky's house to invite them , push says they will come. Jai smilingly says that pushky shud b fit n fine as he has to do most of the work.

Jigs try to convince tau that pia is not the right girl for jai as she is half of his age , her family cant b compared with them etc etc. just then bani cums and said very politely that since their parents has passed away she has cum here with the marriage proposal , with her hands folded she said that the ceremony should start from next day and should happen in the Punjabi style. They should first go to the gurudwara as first invitation is made to the god. Tau ji was so impressed by bani that he readily agrees to the proposal and says that they hav fought for the nation's freedom but nation should b proud of such daughters.

Jigs was dumbstruck.

As she demands y did tau agree despite knowing everything , tau ji calmly says that jai is not a child and this girl will make him happy, tauji also reminds jigs that she had taken her decision to marry adi inspite of the fact htat he is two years younger than her1 and she didn't listen to yone wen tau tried to stop her,. jigs says that she has sufferd by not listening to him but tau said that he w as wrng as adi was a nice man as he had taken care of her wven after divorce and whatever has happened for the good.(haila , our frnd mistletoe proved that jigs had ranveer baby wen she was sixteen as their ages are shown. Now adi is younger !!! he becum father at 14!!!!!)

In the last scene bani and rano cums to their to find it fully rummaged , things upturned, curtains pulled down, bani's benarasi sari thrown on the floor.As they cudnt understand nything pia cums who was shocked to see it. She asks who did it , bani said she doesn't know. Pia wonders who hav the guts in the walia house daring to do so . the episode ends

In the precap , bani is telling pia to tell Mr. Walia the truth.

Update by....


Episode begins with pia coming to jai's rom Pia hesitantly tells jai abt rummaging of their room, jai assures pia that he wil find it out  and asks her not to worry.


Everyone is going to gurudwara. Last in the line was pia pushky. Pia points that mr.walia doesn't even notice that she is not with him but with pushky. Pia gives a sentimental look to pushky. Bani turns round and says that pia shud walk in the same path dat she has chosen. Pia goes away. In the gurudwara jai and pia prays ,then pushky prays.

Bani prays  for pia's happiness and asks god to b with pia .she gives mr.walia suitpiece and jewellery as part of the shagun and says that since their parents are not present she has tried every means to fulfill her duty. Mr.walia is very impressed. Bani gives jigs a gift and she takes it in a rough manner. dadi is very happy getting the gifts. In the walia house party is going . The companions of tauji are in full praise of bani for her understanding of everyone's choice.  Jigs and ranveer were not, obviously,  pleased hearing it .Jigs calls bani and said very sweetly (with a tinge of bitchiness) that she is very impressed with bani's understanding of everyone but bani hasnt understood her choice. she picks up the pink sari frm the packet and in a teasing voice said that she wears only designer dresses . she calls tony and asks him to giv it to someone (dunnot rembr  name , must b any maid servant 😡      ) As she was asking tony to giv jai's suit to ny  one  jai orders tony to giv it to dry cleaners as he will wear it on his marriage 👏          jai says very clearly to jigs that by insulting bani and criticizing shagun ka tofa she is insulting him , being  sister she is not sparing her own brother. Jai then went away and jigs stood there glowering at bani ( jigs ka bas chale to kahale baniko!!)

Pia looked painful at the whole incident . as she sees pushkar she says tearfully that he can see the situation she is into(serves her right  😉      )    but pushkar goes away.

Bani is serving food to tau and adi. One of the companions of tau said to bani that she has seen pia somewhere but cant remember where. Jigs interferes irritably that pia is not a socialite, nor miss India nor aishwarya rai , so why r they repeating this rubbish??     The lady then suddenly rembrs something and giving her plates to jigs and ordering her not to eat nything frm the plate   😆      she went to brng her thing. Frm her suitcase she brought one torn magazine page where there was a picture of pia wearing a nightwear in  an ad.

The lady showed it to bani , bani was shocked , she remebrs that while rano was in hospital pia did the ad for earning money. Jigs cums and sees the copy( and heloa!! She has another weapon!!)  she goes to jai and shows the copy. Jai is surprised.  jigs says with her sweet and sour way that pia "bhabhi' being a small town girl has provd to b very modern , so what the ad is cheap and of cheap nightwear pia "bhabhi is looking beautiful. Jigs tells pia that if she wants she wud tell her designer frnds and others so that pia cud work in prestigious ads.  Pia , bani and rano stood speechless. Jai went to his study.

Pia talks with bani in a room, she is scared that wat jai is thinking abt her in his study. Bani says that our wrong doings never spares us. She advices pia to tell mr.walia in wat condition she has done the ad. Pia agrees.

Jai is strolling in his room . the information of the phone caller who said abt pia's premkahini was hitting jai's mind. Adi cums and asked if jai is angry at pia . jai said that he has no problem in pia's modeling as he has accepted her as she is. Jai tells that he went out of this party for jigs' misbehaviour. Jai is hurt that jigs leaves no scope for hurting nyone and it seems that she gets most pleasure out of it  (right right    😃       

Just then pia ariives . adi goes out. Pia tries to say something , but jai first apologises for jigs' behaviour. Jai tells pia since they r going to get they shud know everything abt each other as he is nt willing to listen frm others. Pia asks if he wants to know abt her past relationships. Jia says everyting abt her. pia says there has been no man like him before in her life.   (😡    😕     😡  )   Whatever there was has been a past & has no connection with present.      She goes away

Pia is crying in the garden. Pushky cums and asks if she has talked with jai. Pia hags pushky and says that her decision has been a big mistake as she is suffocating in the situation. Pushky leaves her . pia complains that what kind of love he has for her where he cud see pia is becoming someone else's. pia again implores him to run away somewhere pushky liiks round with a stunned face. Episode ends



Today the episode started showing pushkar getting angry at pia on her plan to elope. He demanded angrily that wat does pia hav in her mind?? Pia  trying to convince him said that its too late to make other's understand, in this marriage no one will get nything, evryone's life will b destroyed.(  pehle yaad nehi tha!!?? 😡    )  pushky was awestruck. Pia went on saying that she has made all the plans, he just needs to cooperate. They will go to delhi separately so that no one will suspect them together  , she will do all the plane ticket , hotel bookings etc. But pushkar straightforwardly refused run away.    Pia implored, but pushky affirms her that he know wat to do and went away.


In the office pushky is thinking that wat will pia do and how cud he tell bani abt it? He doesn't want to disturb bani abt it. bani cums to meet pushky asking him to look after her work in the office as she wont cum. Just then pushky's mother calls him and pushky tells her that he willb late for home. Bani sees his mobile and notices that it's a new one. On bani's query pushky told her that he has lost his last mobile.( careless fellow!!  😔    but wat the poor guy can do wen his life is made hell   😭    )Bani  got tensed as in the last phone the confesion of ranveer abt trapping bani was recorded. Just then a worker cums to giv coffee to pushky and that man seems to b keenly interested in pushky's dialogue. Pushkar notices it and asks him to leave. Bani hopes that ranveer doesn't know that their evidence is lost.  Pushky assures her not to worry as he will manage ranveer.

As bani cums out of pushy's cabin she saw the worker coming out of ranveer's room with lot of money in his hand. Bani got tensed thinking dat man has tld ranveer evrythng . just then ranveer cums out of the room and goes to jai's room. Bani overheard that ranveer is askng jai to cum to the banquet hall as he has to show something  to everyone and it has to b done b4 jai's marriage. Bani's heart missed a beat . she decides to stop ranveeer at any cost. She rushes to pushky's room then to aditya's room. But noone was there. Meanwhile adi and pushky meets ranveer on the way . ranveer says that he was looking for them . Adi taunted that some are looking for others without looking at themselves. Pushky roughly asks wat does ranveer has in mind. Ranveer calmly advices pusky that pushy's restlessness will lead him to trouble, so b patient. ranvir asks both  to b at the banquet hall as the surprise wud b incomplete without them.

Meanwhile bani is running to and fro without knowing wat to do. She saw jai going to the hall, bani yells "jai sir". Jai stops . bani goes 2 him in a tensed  face. Jai asks wats the matter , but bani was speechless. Ranvir cums and asks jai to go wyh him. As he sees bani ranveer asks if she has anything to tel jai. Bani is irritated., but still speechless. Ranveer says sweetly dat she can tell nything as there is noone except them. Jai looks suspicious . as bani stood speechless ranveer takes jai to hall.

As they enter , the hall was dark. As jai cant understand nything all the lights are on with everyone clapping, and there comes Mohan Khandelwal!!!(dunno y dis man has returned 😕   )     jai is very happy. Mohan said dat jai mite 4get to invite him but he cant 4get to cum. Adi informs dat mahan has organized this surprise. It was a bachelor's party 4 all the bachelors!!

Ranveer turns to bani who looked relief at last  he asked curtly dat hasn't she heard data it's a bachelor's party? With his usual twinkle in his eyes he told dat after the party he will show somethng to jai . bani was once again tensed pushky asks her to relax s he will manage ranveer.(god! ranvir and bani  looked so good together!!)

In the party mohan said that it's a time to hav fun as after marriage one has to b   jaru ka gulam . jai says happily dat he doesn't take decisions so hastily as mohan  😆         he has got xactky wat he wanted and he is pretty confident dat his marriage will last   👎🏼         hearing  dat ranvir is amused( even the viewers!) pushky is as usual drnkng with painful eyes. Ranvir cums to pushky dat heshud also njoy  the party and takng a bottle of wine takes pushy to jai. Seeing pushy jai hugs him and said dat after him it's the turn of pushky    😕        . pushky remembers all dat pia said in the garden and the episode ends.

(Now y is everyone calling ranveer dhongibaba wen pia is doubleplaying and bani is tryng to conceal he sister's galat kam? I     e xpected at least bani to advice pia to tell mr walia  evry truth .)



In the beginning , bani is seen comin down the stairs of walia house wearing a pink and light yellow ghagracholi (looking beautiful) with puja ki thali in her hand. It was pia's sangeet day. She misses her papa as he wud b happy seeing pia getting married. She gives prasad to evry servant of the house . as she approaches mr.walia's roomshe overhears the conversation b/w jigs and jai. Jai is asking jigs to giv her all khandani jewelleries to pia . jigs was  stunned as if jai has askd to giv her life !!!! she, said that if it is right to giv pia all this expensive jewelleries two day b4 marriage. Jai said dat pia has evry right over his property and his life , it is their custom that pia shud get married wearing this jewelleries. Jigs cudnt find words to say wen she saw bani standing on the door. Bani try to avoid them but jai asks to giv hi the prasad. Mr.walia tells jher to giv the jewelleries to pia , bani protests but jai wont listen to her. bani puts the puja ka thali over the plate containing jewlleries and went away . on the way she meets ranveer .without spesking she stops with the puja ki thali. Ranveer seeing the jewelries began to taunt that the khandani jewelleries are so valuable that bani's seven generation wont b able to acquire it, by these things they cud meet theor needs for their life which bani and her sisters hav aimed to get  by entering the walia family, etc .etc  😡      but still it's alright for if they wud get out of the house with their manhoos sakal along with the jewellery , otherwise they wont hav a happy time in walia house. Bani grittily tells  that ranveer dare not interfere in her sistr's  happiness as he has seen she cud go to any level for their happiness . giving this warning she goes away wwith ranveer being at loss of words. Pia saw the whole thing in a painful look. ( y ranveer is wasting his time as it seems that bani wud get her share of hell frm her own sister!!  😉   )


Jigs , who has seen the bani ranveer dialogue, annoyingly demands that how long ranveer will tolerate the insults frm do kari ladkia. She scolds ranveer for giving big speeches but doing nothing….(kya ma hai  😡 ) as ranveer tries to calm her down that he will manage jigs orders that he wont do nything frm now . ranveer is surprised. And then giving her bitchiest of smile she declares that everything willb done by the defeated lover pushkar, everyone will show the tamasha later but b4 that they hav to bear another natangi and that is of sangeet

Pia enters her room.she got lost in the thoughts of  Bani's fight for her happiness, pushkar's love , her betrayal . just then mr.werewolf walia hugs her frm behind. He smilingly asks pia to take his mother's jewellery . pia rembrs the how she once had taken jewellely frm pushky's mother. And she refuses  to take it!!  😕    She tells jai that she wont b able to ahndle such expensive thing, ( 4 1st time she did right thing)

Everyone is enjoying in sangeet. Pia in her room sitting with a fallen face. Rano asks wat ahs happened to her as pia doesn't seeem to b her usual self. Rano pisks up bangles and pu tit in pia;'s hand. Rano tells her that she will miss pia as there willb no one to quarrel or to tease pia's eyes fills with tear in emotion.the two sisters hug each other.

Seeing rano in the hall sahil wants to hav some fun . he asks rano to brng some drinks 4 his frnds , after al they r ladkewale. Rano replies that the sangeet was thrown by the groom's party, so he shud better do these works and if he has ny shame going to kitchen then he shud go outside where the children r making noise . he better amuse them by showing some bandar ka tamasha( game of monkeys   😆  sahil stood speechless

Puskar's family cums. Pushky's bhabhi said they wont stay lomger but his mother decides that they wud participate in all the ritual and its better to forget evrythng. Bhabhi asks if she has forgotten nythng. Just then ranveer cums and welcums saying that the marriage of his mama mami wud b incomplete without them . as the whole family goes , ranveer stops pushky. He begins usual dose of taunting as he says that pushkar' heart must b burning as he had to watch his lover's marriage, … he provokes pushky dat he still has time  to take his ladylove away. Looking with his twinkle in his eyes he pities pushky for such a loser and asks him to dance in sangeet to make jai uncle happy. Pushky with fire in his eyes  said  that ranveer doesn't hav to worry abt him as he knows how to dance and how to make other's dance.

In the sangeet , dadi asks girls to write jai's name on pia's hand but pia said there is no pt in writing name in one's hand. Pushky's ma wishes pia all happiness in her life.

As pushky was strolling , pia cums to him. Pushky is embarrassed as wat people will think. But pia declares that she doesn't care as this marriage will destroy everyone's life, noone willb happy and as pushky has no care for her happiness he  doesn't hav to do nythng as she will KILL HERSELF !!!!! pushky was stunned . just then jai cums and asks wat they r doing wen they hav to b in sangeet.




🤢Sangeet starts. A lady satarts singing a traditional song, but dadi immediately disapproves it saying it old fashioned and wanted to play youthful music.  In the sangeet everyone is enjoying , even jigs is having smile on her face(with lots of effort    😳      )     only Pia's eyes are filled with tears as she rembrs her romance wth pushky. She goes out of the sangeet.

In the garden as she is crying pushky cums. Pia asks dat y he has come? Is it to see if she has done nythng or not? Pushky remains silent. Pia  says dat he cannot deny dat he doesn't love her as his eyes r xpressing his love for her. pia again tries persuade dat he shud take her out of this tangle.   Pushky breaks down. He admits dat he loves her and cannot see her in pain. He gets ready to do what she wants- he is ready to ELOPE.  😕      😡

Tthey make plan abt which the viewers r kept in suspense.  Pia hugs him and just then she rembrs all the scenes of her engagement with m.rwalia. she again gets disturbed. Pushky asks wat happened. Pia said dat she doesn't know wat to do; at one point she feels dat she has already made a mistake , the next moment she feels dat she is commiting a bigger mistake; at one point it seems evrythng unworthy , then she thinks that love is evrythng. Pushky complains dat if pia is so indecisive abt herself then she doesn't love him(right !! ) Pia puts her hand  on his cheeks and declares "I love you". 🤢    She went away but then  bani hears everything!!??         😉


As pushkar is retrning he faces bani. Bani is shocked to see pushkar in this way supporting pia instead of making her understand. She accuses pushky of being ungratefull as he is deceiving mr.walia who has done evrythng for him.  Pushkar tries to reason dat he is saving mr.walia frm a disastrous relationship frm which nobody will get nythng ., wen bani asks dat  how cud he do such a wrong thing  pushky replies dat in love there is no right or wrong and the truth is pia loves him, not jai,… etcetc.  (Today evry bani pushy fan will agree dat pushky and bani just CANT b a pair!!  👎🏼   )

In the sangeet ceremony mr. Walia asks pia wher she has been? As pia's were tearful she can't reply. Jai assures her dat if pia is worryng to leave her sisters then she need not do so as they wud b living together like b4 he wont build their relation by breaking pia frm her sisters. He sweetly asks pia to giv smile and took pia tosangeet holding her hand. Bani watches them with despair in her eyes.(poor bani!!   😭   tension khatam nehi hota!)

At night wen everyone is sleeping  pia wakres up and calls pushky frm her mobile dat she is ready to leave. In the car pushky comforts pia dat there is no fault of nyone., its situation under which they r trapped. As he puts  his car's headlight , haila , bani is standing!!!!      Pia and pushkar ka to hosh ud gaya! As they come out of the car bani bitterly says dat its better dat she overheard their conversation otherwise they were sparing noone.. Bani   is shocked to see pushky doing such a grt blunder without even thinkng abt his jai's kindness and forgetting that no one relationship can b build on the ruins of another. As bani angrily scolds pia for being so unconcerned abt their honour pia changes her colour!!  She said she has made a mistake as she got carried away    😡        pushky was stunned ! (so was viewers!!)     bani drags pia to her room and pia went ehile liking at pushkar . pushky only stood their with tearful eyes.   

Bani in her roomgivs pia wat she best deserves – a tight resounding slap!!      Bani cant believe dat pia cud b so  self obsessed dat she forgot abt nythng- their values, family honour, their love.  Admonishing pia bani affirms dat she wont let nyone to point at them or their parents for pia . bani gives a good lecture to pia and rano joined her too. Rano rightly said that by juggling pusky and jai she has proved dat she only thinks of herself., banididi took loan for her marriage but she never thought how she wil face the world for pia, pia said dat she does everything for her sisters but she sees only her own happiness! (egxactlly!! 😃  )       pia says sorry and admits she was making big mistake. Bani says dat she wont see ny tears in her sister's eyes and so they better b in the right path ( or something like dat . I dnt rembr the xact specch 🤢 )



Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago
OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago


The episode begins with the haldi ka rasam. Pia is sitting along with Bani, Rano and other women. Pia is crying silently. Dadi says the haldi is coming for pia .As she counts 123, in the middle of thE bkgrnd music  pushky enters  with the haldi ka thali in his hand !!His eyes were red and face sullen.(must hav cried for whole night 😭    )    Pia sees him with pathetic eyes , he hands over the khaldi ki thali to pia.    He also gives the gift dat jai has sent for pia. An woman there said dat jai is  so caring dat he send even gifts for pia,. Pushky went away. From upstairs jigs commented why pia is crying even  b4 the 'bidai', is it for their jai bhaiya? Dadi replied dat everyone is not like her who married smilingly and then also gave divorce with a smile. 😉    She  said dat pia is keeping fast for jai. Jigs replied dat  jai cant keep fast for her bcoz of health problem; in childhood ,i.e. wen he was of pia's age( )

he fainted becoz of fasting and then the doctor tld him dat he shud nt keep fast. On hearing dis health problem pia got little irritated, bani said dat everyone can hav health problem. Dadi said b4 jigs begin problem  they should start haldi. Thus begin the rasam. Then pushky is shown to b walking down the street alone and the music starts "tanhai" the song continued for quiet a few minutes showing pia and pushky both crying in their own places.

After the haldi, there is ritual of wearing churiya. As pia comes down the stairs with bani and rano, sahil is seen to b photographing the whole event . but he was seen to b focusing on rano only!!!(  😃   he must hav  forgotten that  dulhan is pia, not rano😉     )   as they sit for the ritual., jigs commented dat this ritual is done by the bride's mama (mother's brother), but since they hav noone who will do the ritual??? aditya comes for their saving.  He said dat he will do the ritual , after all "ek rishta to nibhana chahiye". ranveer seemed annoyed, adi's behaviour just pissed off jigs. Adi tld bani dat he only had aquintance bani's mother but that aquintance will turn now into relation. All the  sisters are happy and the bkgrnd music starts "muskurate jiven"( kitna din muskurana, bhagwan jane??😕😈

Now in this scene ranveer looked different, I wondered why?? 😕Now I got ! he doesn't straighten his hair too much! ranveer does not look like his true self😒   )

Jai is seen to b getting ready. Mohan khandelwal claps frm behind and congrats jai for his marriage. As mohan was putting jai's turban on his head jai asked where is pushkar. Mohan said dat only a frnd can put turban on groom's head and he is not going to giv dis right to nyone else. Jai said he didn't mean dat and was askng abt pushky just like dat. Mohan said pushky is always late in everything and this is nt an exception. Jai affectionately said dat pushky will never change. Mohan smilingly put turban on his head.

The barati are going for marriage. Everyone loked happy, even sahil was dancing. The exceptions were jigs and ranveer   in the room bani and rano asks pia to get ready quickly. adi said bani to get ready as the barati r coming. As the party reached adi welcomes them as  a ladkiwale. Jai is surprised and on his query adi said dat he has build a new relation to all these girls, dat of mama. Jigs is pissed off. Bani does the ritual of doing arti to the groom. As jai asked wats the necessary of doing so much bani said dat she wanted pia to go to  walia house as a bride, so she has rented the house. If their papa wud hav lived then he wud hav done the ceremony in their mt.abu house . ranveer and jigs looked irritated . jigs later commented to ranveer dat bani is so tacky, she knows how to impress.

The ritual of marriage started. Pndit asks to brng the bride. Bani went to brng pia. in the room it is seen dat someone is sitting b4 the mirror with the duppata over the head. Banisaid dat she has cum to take pia . she asked for forgivness for whatever she said last night in anger , but pia didn't respond. As bani touched pia she fell, bani screamed "pia!!" but it was only some some pillows dressed up as bride. Bani frantically looks around the room but cud nt see pia. 😲🤢


TUESDAY 21st MARCH 2006- INDIAN UPDATE BY doyelpakhi

Today's episode is full of excitements. As it ended 2morrow , bani is frantically looking for pia. on searching the room she found the gift dat pushky gave to pia in the name of jai sir. Actually  it was frm pushky who had written a letter to pia asking her to elope with him bcoz he opines that they r not deceiving others but the marriage will b a big dhoka to everyone. He had written dat the whole world can live without her but not pushky. 🤢   There was pia's letter where she wrote dat she loves her sisters very much but she loves pushky also and he wont b able to live without her. she has realized dat she wont b happy with jai, she is not like bani who can kill her happiness and live whole life in compromise.she ultimately says dat wherever she will b, her love for her sisters wont die. 😕😡kya pyar hai

Just then bani's mobile rings. In the next scene pushky is seen to b disconnecting the phone line of pia. they were in a public booth near the airport. Pia asks y did he cut off the line , pushky said dat it is the test of their love and there is no point in looking backward. Pia tearfully said dat this is the first time she is doing nythng without bani's knowledge(not 1st , 2nd time- she decided to get married to jai without bani's knowledge😉  )   and she didn't hav the courage to tell bani nythng. Pushky asks her to leave as there is not much time for the flight to take off. On the other hand bani thought this phone must b frm pia so she rings back seeing the no. in the mobile.the phone in the both rang.  Pia was going back. Pushky tried to stop her , but pia didn't listen. As she hold the receiver in her ears, bani pleaded her nt to keep the phone, she tries to convince her dat pia cant do it bcoz den bani and rano wont b able to show their face to nyone , she cant put her parent's honour at stake…pia said dat there is not time , but bani assures her dat she wont let nyone to know abt it and orders her to cum back . pia said dat pushky wont live without her. bani annoyingly replies dat he has gone mad(certainly 😡   )  and mr. Walia also loves her a lot and will keep her happy. Bani tries to persuad pia by saying dat she cant back off  now as it was her own decision and ultimately gives her kasam of herself and of rano to cum back. All time confused pia replies dat she will b back  within half n hr.

Pia goes to pushky and said to cancel the tickets of her flights. Pusky was exasperated. He demands to know the reason , pia said dat she cant leave bani in dis state . pushky abngrily replies dat it's not only pia but he is also leaving evrythng for her. pia tries to reason dat bani has always thought abt them b4 herself, has taken care like a mother, wat she will do if pia ran way with her? pushky replies dat bani is his frnd also ( where is ur frndship? 😡  Bani has  a big heart and as far he knows jai he will also forgive them, but if pia returns then evrythng will b finished. She will loose pushky 4evr. He pressed the ticket on her hand and said pia can her take her decision but she will loose him 4ever. He went away, pia stood satndng.

Bani is very tensed. as she watched frm upstairs the proceedings dadi cums and asks bani abt  pia. bani said dat pia is cumng. Jigs had her suspicion as she found bani to b tensed, pushky nowhere and pia to b taking too long to get ready. She asks bani sweetly abt pia , bani says dat pia is cumng. Jigs understood dat bani is lying. She implored wat has happened and y pia is takng too much time. Bani was on the verge of brkdown and asks jigs to cum with her.

Pushky is waitng . as time passed he, almost lost his hope and was going to when a hand hold his hand. It was pia  (omg   🤢   ) she asks if he cud go without her , pushky shok head . they hug each other and pushky promises her dat he will b always with her taking her care.  Pushky helding, pias hand was going wen pia stopped. Pia ,tensely asks if bani wud b able to manage pushky assures her dat bani will and they both went to board the flight.

Jigs was askng politely wat has happened. Bani doesn't know what to do. Jigs said dat people mite criticize her for being  sharp-tongued but she is a sister who loves her brother .bani ultimately brks down and said pia has ran away,  jigs was stunned. She looked frightened and said dat she hasnt seen pushky also , bani replies dat pia will cum down within a half n hr,. but jigs replied dat if nyone has even hint of it, then wat will happen. They hav seen jai's love not his anger , he wont let nyone to dishonour their family name. Bani is speechless. Jigs said dat she has an idea though it mite b wrng. Bani desperately asked wat and jigs gave her idea- bani shud sit in the mandap until pia cums. Bani cant believe it. She plainly refuses it. But jigs , folding her hands said dat pia will get married to jai as he has loved her, she is askng bani to sit so dat noone suspects nythng, wen pia will cum she wwill take bani back. Till baniwasnt ready but jigs ultimately with tears in her eyes asks bani to believe her. bani starts pondering. Jigs wipes away her crocodile tears and gives her bichiest smile. 🤔😡



They show yesterday last scene once again where Jigyasa convinces Bani to sit for the marriage and then they show her evil face. Bani comes down with the ghunghat covering her whole face. Just then Rano comes and tell Pia (Bani) that she was quite late and enquires about Bani. Jig manages by saying that Bani is busy looking after guests of Jai. Bani comes and sits next to Jai. Marriage rituals start. They start by exchanging garlands. Then Jai places the mangasutra around her. In the middle they keep on showing Bani's tense face within the ghunghat. Then pandit asks them to stand for the pheres. Bani refuses to Jig softly. But Jig tells her that Pia is back and changing and she needs to go through this as both their families honour is at stake. So reluctantly Bani and Jai complete the pheres as well. Jigs is looking at all this happily. Here Rano is kind of left worried (maybe she realizes that Bani is not around) Then its time for sindoor pradan. Jai slowly lifts the ghunghat to apply sindoor and is absolutely shocked/dismayed to see Bani's teary, sad face. Jai is damn angry and leaves the mandap in a huff. Jig runs behind him and tells everyone that Jai is not feeling well as his blood pressure is high and runs behind him. Everyone in the mandap is shocked and staring at him.

As soon as Jigs enters the room Jai shouts that what is all this and why Bani is sitting in the mandap. Jigs tells that Pia has run away and Bani had to take this step to save her sister's honour. Jai gives one tight slap to Jigs and threatens her as to how dare she say such things about Pia. BUt Jigs is also angry and repeats the whole stuff. Jai tries to leave the place. But Jigs stops him saying that no one will blame Pia. They will only blame Jai and think that he is not fit enouugh. Already he is marrying late and now they cannot afford another scandal. Jai just sits down and Jigs continues that she understands that his day of happiness has been reduced to dust but he needs to go through this. Jai kind of agrees to it. Both of them come down.

Jigs says that now Jai is OK. Aditya also enquires and Jai sits down. He applies sindoor to Bani (no one knows that change of bride still as she is covered in ghoonghat) in a huff, stares at Bani angrily and Bani is unbale to face him. Jai then looks at the sacred fire. He remembers Pia's face and their scenes together and his face burns with rage. The marriage is over.

Jai and Bani are outside waiting and Jai's shoes are missing. Aditya tells that it is the traditional stuff and saali Rano has hidden the shoes. Jai asks her how much money she wants. Everyone nudges Rano that she can ask whatever she wants. Rano is hesitant and finally Jai takes a wad of notes and gives it to Rano and asks her to buy something for herself and Pia. Rano is kind of dazed. Jai then holds Bani's hands and walks away in a hurry. Everyone tells that bidaai is not yet done (Adi's mother especially) But Jigs says that Jai is still not well.



Jai drags bani to the car and he himself drives her home.,( not in love, but in fury ) at home everyone is waitng . as jai enters house evryone throwsflower at them dadi  was going to do arti. Jai irritatingly asks y all dis r done? Dadi sid dat this r necessary and did her arti. As she opened the ghoonghat, everyone was stunned !!! bani is stndng! Dadi asks "where is pia?"  jigs answers dat by makng others busy in marriage she has eloped .everyone shocked. Jai throws the tarti ka thali and goes away. Jigs tells everyone dat to save her own face and family honour, she sat in the mandap.(so evil! She didn't mention dat she asked bani to sit😡) bani is tunned. Everyone in astate of shock went away except ranveer, bani , jigs and rano.

Jigs goes to bani and sarcastically claims dat bani must b angry at her, but jigs declares dat she is very happy. She taunts bani by saying dat just by associating their name with walia doesn't make them nythng and she is very happy dat  they r seeing this day…etcetc. Ranveer commented dat 'chiti ke bhi pad nikal aye", jigs continued they were on this house just for jai's kindness and sheis waitng for the day wen  jai wud throw them out of the house. Rano tried to protest , but bani holds her ahnd and jigs cont her bashing( I dnt remmbr all d dialogues wat she said , SORRY😳) ranveer asked bani dat she had always spoke highly abt her sisters, den y "mamiji" is not saying nythng now. Rano angrily goes away . ranveer said dat 'mamiji ka behen to gussa kar gayi" but mamiji..
Jigs stops him midway saying dat he shud nt disturb his mami as this is her "suhag raat"  and takes bani with her. ranveer is amused. Poor bani tolearates evrythng (wat else can she do??😭    

In his room jai is furiously ordering someone in the phone to find pia at any cost . as he hangs up the phone he saw banii standng with jigs. Infuriated jai demands how dare bani enter his room ?   Jigs coldly says dat she is getting his medicines and as she turns away, jai asks her to take bani away frm him . jigs asks y jai is getting so tempermental, jai irritatingly said    dat these sisterws havnt seen his temperment  and he doesnt want bani there,  bani doesn't hav ny business in his room aur dhakka dekar nikal diya.(  😭     ).  Bani was standng in hall cryng wen jigs cums to her and smiling bitchily remarks wat she will fo now? The door of her husband's room is closed forever and now she has none to look upto except jigs. There is only one place where she cud still go and dats the guest room! She commands bani to go to the guest room where her sister wud b happy seeing her. bani obeys.(wat else can she do!!  😭   )   jigs calls some mrs.xyz(dnt remmbr the name) and says dat she will now compensate mrs. xyz complain dat jigs doesn't giv ny info abt walia house bcoz she is going to giv a dhamakedar news abt jai walia's marriage.( behan ya jaani dushman!!??  😡    )   

Bani cums to her room where rano is seen cryng. The bkgrnd track ( sad version) plays. Bani slowly goes b4 her father's picture. She stood like a statue and All the events of her marriage cums b4 her eyes. The Sanskrit music "swastina kendo…(or something like dat) played in the bkgrnd. Rano cums b4 bani and asks y did she made the sacrifice, y did she ruined her life.( right! Y did she listen to jigs!    😕   ) . bani slowly sits on the bed. Rano sits near her feet and tearfully  says dat one shud sacrifice for those who understands the value of sacrifice and pia never gave ny importance to bani's  love and  only thought abt herself .  and rano  she hates pia for it (so most of the viewers )

In the morning jigs and jai r sitting in the garden having morning tea. Jai is standng with his face turned off frm jigs and jigs behind his back smilingly takes the paper and sees the report of bani jai marriage. Jigs , with smile on her face comments dat this media always makes business by the scandals at big families . jai angrily replies to stop her rubbish. He blames jigs dat evrythng has happened for jigs as he made d mistake of listening to her to b married to bani. He wanted to avoid the scandal but wats the point?? He was going away, but jigs tries to convince him dat he shud make press conference clarifying dat he has left pia for bani .

Her lecture made jai convinced and he calls for the press  conference. Episode ends


FRIDAY 24th MARCH 2006- INDIAN UPDATE BY doyelpakhi

The episode begins with d press conference where jai declares dat whatever has been published in the media are wrong interpretation and he had married bani willingly as they knew each other for long time. .bani was sitting beside him and she looked pathetically at jai. Jigs was sitting on the other side. She smiled bitchily . wen a reporter askd him if mariiage of him with pia was right , jai replies dat pia has gone abroad for her studies and he has married bani because bani is beautiful, a nice person and they hav mental compatibility . he was finding a girl like bani and then placing his hand on bani's shoulder said that  he is happy marrying bani. A reporter asked bani if she is happy with her marriage , bani faintly replies "yes" . jai however , put a hold on the reporter's  torrent of question by askng him dat whether he wud  b happy if someone asks his wife this questions. Jai and bani pose for the photographers and then jai took bani away frm there by holding her hands. In the stairs , with "aag" in his eyes  😕     tells bani  dat for the first time he has to giv xplanations of life and dat for her sister. Threatening bani dat pia will hav to pay the price for her deeds jai went away. Rano cums and informs bani dat pushky's family doesn't know abt them. Bani says to herself "where r u pia? where I will find u?"   ( so has bani forgiven pia?? 😕   it seems so. It also seems dat bani and jai mite cum closer for time being but may b wont last 😉        )

Pia and pushky r in lucknow where they went to board in a hotel. Pia, entering the hotel says dat she is feeling very nervous as jaiwalia  must hav known wat she has done , pia fears how bani and rano has faced the situation and wat will happen if mr.walia finds them there. ( there is no point in crying over split milk, dear 😡  )pushky comforts her saying not to worry and he went to book room in the name of mr. And mrs. Pushkar.

Ranveer cums hurriedly in a room where jigs is reading magazine. He asks impatiently asks her mother y she is so relaxed wen the time has cum to make the life of the sisters a hell? 😒    Jigs just gives an unimpressed look to her son and tells him to calm down as evrythng has to b done slowly and they will watch d fun. Ranveer acidly tells dat if pia pushkar cd will cum out den it will add more fire . but jigs refuses the proposal saying  dat she wants to see the sisters suffering in the fire created by themselves. Ranveer , cud nt get her meaning and asked her the meaning? Jigs replied dat after many days situation has cum when evrythng is going according to their wishes and now like a good player they hav to play slow. Jai will himself will treat the sistrs a lesson  and as far as the cd  is concerned its their trump card which they will use later. 😡

in the hotel pia and pushky learns frm tv dat bani is married to jai. pia and pushky r stunned . pia starts crying and blames herself for evryhtng.

In the hall everyone including the servants of walia house has gathered , except bani and rano. Jai orders everyone to keep watch on bani as she will definitely try to contct pia . jaii wants to find out pia at ny cost as she ahs to pay the price of her deeds. Dadi and adi aur tau r shocked , sahil , anu bewildered, jigs and ranver amused. Jigs said sweetly dat jai's wishes will b fulfilled . everyone went away and adi then cums to jai askng him y he is doing this things wenshe loved pia so much Jai took drnk ( actually it was supposed to b wine as the bottle is shown but frm the look it seemed coca cola!! 😕   )  and turning to adi asked if he has ever seen a dead person ? if adi hasn't seen then one is standing b4 him- jai walia who is a chalta firta lash. Jai doesn't want to know why pia left him , but definitely wants to know where is pia as she has suffer for wat she did to him. Jai sarcastically comments dat it is always said dat people fall in love bcoz  people only fall when in love instead of rising ;  (agree😉) 2day jai walia , who has never allowed nyone to point finger at him , has to face the humiliation bcoz a girl has left him with whom he fall in love. Jai declares this was the first and last time he has fallen in love      and will make pia and everyone associated with her suffer . he tells adi dat he ahs seen the aag in banipushy's eyes which he once had but dat aag has turnd into badle ki aag by pia.adi , impatiently asks y jai is making bani to suffer as she has done nothng. A flash occurs ovr jai's face and he, giving  a malicious smile thanks adi for giving him a clue to make pia suffer. Jai went away and adi looked bewildered.😔

In the room jai enters where bani was sitting. Bani shows him some papers and declares dat this r divorce papers and and she has signed it. the music"swasti na kendo ….." plays for a minute as bani showed the paper and jai went near her. jai took the papers and tears it.   With "aag"  in his eyes  he says dat the marriage didn't  happen in paper but it happened on the ruins of his love, happiness and turning him in to a ridicule. now he  will make bani to suffer as pia will now feel the pain as the sisters so much love each other; pia will realize dat how it feels to b a fun in front of everyone. He will make them realize dat love is nothng but a "mazak" . just then ranveer cums and informs that tau has returned , being very upset and has given ashirwad to jai of being happy. Jai asks abt the mu-dikhai party. Ranveer says dat he has arranged evrythng but if jai wants he can cancel it. But jai asks him to make the party 100 times glamourous , even better dan the marriage ceremony, after all he will introduce his "wife"(emphasized the word wife, sarcastically) . ranveer is amused and obeys jai. Ranveer went away. Bani in tearful years tolerated the whips of jai's comments and slowly went away.jai stands still. Episode ends.

Edited by priya.nair - 18 years ago