CT's you disappointed me BIG Time - Page 6


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milee1014 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Raj_Luv_NiViren

Thanks again Milee for this your superb analysis.

Raj, thank you for your comments dear. I really appreciate it. I loved what you wrote, Shanti, Laila,Vidya and all the other girls wrote.
See we do understand our NivRen so much.
doot thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
superb analysis again millee๐Ÿ˜ณ
neha_fan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
The way Viren's character was projected was of a psychotic lover. But the way the revelation came out was that he married her and stalked her due to childhood incidents and all the self pity scenario. The way I understood it was, he did all that so Nivi could be only his and he could completly wipe out Sid from her mind. If you go back to the scene where Viren finds out about Sid-Nivi past, he was really disturbed even though he knoew that Nivi was in love with some guy and knowing that guy was Sid, he was hurt. I think the true reason has not been shown yet or they lied to us. All the articles, Kinshuk turns Psychotic, were they all lies? or what they told us was a lie. What about the passionate and possessive lover? I am not at all satisfied with whatever explanation has been given for Viren's behaviour. A psyco would hurt his loved one but to bring him closer and only for himself. I need to know whre is the psychotic lover. Is it over or is it still to come? I cannot belive Viren does not love her as he does from the beginning and we all know.
aysha1989 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: neha_fan

The way Viren's character was projected was of a psychotic lover. But the way the revelation came out was that he married her and stalked her due to childhood incidents and all the self pity scenario. The way I understood it was, he did all that so Nivi could be only his and he could completly wipe out Sid from her mind. If you go back to the scene where Viren finds out about Sid-Nivi past, he was really disturbed even though he knoew that Nivi was in love with some guy and knowing that guy was Sid, he was hurt. I think the true reason has not been shown yet or they lied to us. All the articles, Kinshuk turns Psychotic, were they all lies? or what they told us was a lie. What about the passionate and possessive lover? I am not at all satisfied with whatever explanation has been given for Viren's behaviour. A psyco would hurt his loved one but to bring him closer and only for himself. I need to know whre is the psychotic lover. Is it over or is it still to come? I cannot belive Viren does not love her as he does from the beginning and we all know.

I agree neha_fan (I'm sorry I dont know your name)

really hope that passionate and possessive lover track is yet to come other wise there will be no foundation for Nivren track!
FrozenRain thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Thanx milee di for this post......i loved each and every bit of this post......
Firstly the CT's gave us the cute love story of nivi and viren...It has a special fragrance and innocence that make people addicted to this pair more than anything.....Then suddenly they started to add more torture to nivi....And one day they showed that viren is the stalker and he done all this because he has a traumatized past.....We twisted our brain so much to analyse each stalker incident....Bt the CT's just leave it without giving a proper explanation..Then they rush the story to end this disturbing track...Bt they failed to concentrate on their editing and resulted to provide some episodes which has no link with each other....All can acceptable..Bt yesterday they showed that viren apoligizes to everyone including divya..Bt he did'nt utter a single word to nivi...she is the only reason for him to get back his family.....Why he apoligises to DD....he never hurt her...The person who suffered most by his behaviour is only nivi....He hurt her so much..whatever be the reason a husband torturing his wife for his personal benefits is completely wrong...Now he understood abt his mistakes and want to live a happy life...Then why they don't show a scene where he speaks to nivi...Nivi is totally sidelined yesterday...only dadaji cared abt her...no one else noticed her absence...same goes in the holi sequence...dadaji is the first one who enquired abt nivi.....And the mangalsutra is using only for creating an emotional and dramatic scene.....I just hope the CT's don't ruin the upcoming track like they did earlier and give justice to each character..also hope that they will more concentrate on the episodes and don't give any bloopers like they used to give in the earlier episodes...!!!!
-sweetheart- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: milee1014

Dear CT's I am an ardent follower of CCBM. Yes, maybe I am a little bit more towards NivRen and my Sood Brothers but I love the whole story all together. I hate some characters, I love some characters but mostly I love how you wrote the whole story of it. I am one of the viewers who is very positive, I always take positive approach to the story even if you show something stupid there, thinking that maybe some positive will come around from it BUT today you really disappointed me a BIG Time.

I didn't know should I be happy and jump around because we got our Viren back and I got to see my Sood Brothers bonding (which I was waiting from past 6 months) or should I be sad that you completely messed up the scenes which were very much needed there in the story.
We NivReniancs are people who did PhD on Viren & Nivi's characters, Yes, literally we know what they think, how they react, we also know what they are saying when they talk with their eyes. But today I could not understand Nivi and Viren at all, its just because of you guys. Sorry if I hurt your feelings but I had to vent it out.
Viren today apologized to everyone in the family. Yes, that was very much needed because he hurt his dadaji, dadi, Sid, Tayiji & CC and he did say sorry to Divya too where she never got hurt by Viren's attitude directly BUT he never ever went to Nivi (mind you she was the one who got hurt the most physically,mentally,emotionally) and said sorry. OK even then I thought its private between husabnd and wife so I waited we might get a scene between them in their room But alas NO. We got a scene between Sid-Divya (which was maybe needed but not necessary) I know you wanted to show the seperation that is the reason no talking between the couple BUT atleast you should have shown that Viren came to the room to talk to Nivi but she was sleeping or acting as if she slept already. Come on the Viren we know will never ever let go like that, you did not give any scene between them in the night, so what should we think that Viren slept outside today or Nivi slept outside or they did not even have time to be together. I am completely at loss of words, I did not expect this from you who gave us such a brilliant couple who understand eachother so well. I know you want to go with the seperation track which is good but you should think about us viewers too we are not Dumb, and just jump with joy if we get to see NivRen romance on the screeen you are testing our intelligence and patience BIG Time.
Nivi, she is such a character who does know what everyone needs and she does everything from her heart and she always trys to keep her promises. And today didn't she read Viren's eyes what he wants. She is leaving him because of that Divorce thing how can that be, come on when he asked for divorce he was full of hatred, he did not wanted her in his life because she is spoiling his plans and coming between him and his family but didn't she see how much he changed, she believed him to be good right? Didn't she see he was the one who took her to the temple, just because of her he came and performed the pooja. So why she is leaving him, ok lets say because she feels rejected or not accepted by him and she fulfilled her promise given to dadaji BUT what about her promise to her dad that she will make sure that her marriage will be successful. Did she forget about that. I could not understand this reason at all. You should have given a good strong reason for their seperation because we too believe a small seperation is needed between them so that they know importance of each other in their lives, they should know that Tehy are Part of each other for eternity. But alas you guys are again testing our intelligence.
And what's with the Mangalsutra. She never had one, we never saw her wear that, not even her whole Sood family suhagan's never wear that oh I forgot even Hema never wears one so why now? you are doing the same mistake you did before marriage where Nivi wore that RadhaKrishna locket which she herself removed after Big confrontation. Do you think we are so stupid. If you want to symbolize something atleast show a flashback scene where to show how she came up with that Mangalsutra.
And what's with the whole family, specially dadi,Vandana tayiji, Sid. they never thanked Nivi at all. I would have loved to see all these people thank Nivi infront of Viren for bringing back their lost son back. I loved you showed that dadaji spoke with her privately because he was the eldest and he is thanking her folding his hands which should not be done infront of the family. Atleast I thank you for giving that scene.
You really disappointed me big time today, I cannot even enjoy that Viren is back and I got to see my Sood Brothers hug.
And another request Please bring out Nivi-Sid past its long due, Nivi cannot live happily and peacefully in that Sood house even Viren confesses his love to her, because Hema and Divya will never let her live happily. Specially they need to know why Nivi is in that house in first place. They need to know her sacrifice, Divya need to apologize big time to Nivi and Sid for questioning their characters (I fume with anger whenever I remember that night)
Please I request you on behalf of all my friends on this forum atleast handle this seperation with utmost care because we really understand NivRen so much that we cannot take another blow on their characters.
And lastly thankyou for giving us such a beautiful story, with such a good ensemble of characters who do such brilliant job. WE love them, hate them, be mad at them, laugh wiht them, cry with them. They became part and parcel of our day to day lives.

nice post dear!!!!!
agree with u...........
Posted: 13 years ago
ohhh Milee jaan ..FAB Analysis...Awsome jau..ye sab bhala ki jar CT's hi hai....chalo dhekta hai age Kia Hoga...onse again ..Superb Post dear...๐Ÿ˜ณ
milee1014 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Thankyou girls for your wonderful comments. And also liking my post. I had to just vent it out.
And in a bit I am going to vent out some more, because I have so many unanswered questions and CT's are hell bent on not answering.
milee1014 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Dear CT's before I go venting out my frustration let me Thankyou firstly for giving us a beautiful scene between Pratap & Divya. The best dialogue in tonight's episode. Mein Dil se aapka sukhriya adakarna chahthi hoon. I loved it when Pratap gave that advice to his daughter which was very much needed for Divya. She was getting stupidest advices from her mother which could ruin her life for sure and I do hope from now onwards Divya take her advice from her father and follow that path "Rishtay Dil say banaya jaatay hai, Dimaag say nahi" ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Yes, if Divya takes this advice and follows it strictly she will definitely is on her way towards the right direction. Thank YOu Very much for this in tonight's episode.

And coming back to my venting out. Please do answer my questions in regarding with this seperation track. I know you already have so many open issues and you are not ready to start working on those but you wanted this seperation track, oh don't think I am not for it but I am not understanding any logic behind it. I am completely lost here.
1. If you wanted to use Viren words of Divorce for NivRen seperation why did you give that dialogue to Nivi that day where she says "I will make this marriage work" and why oh why I don't understand you made Naintara dadi praise her granddaughter saying "see this is my daughter who remembers all the vows she took while taking pheres" because now if I think after watching yesterday's episode I don't think Nivi remembered all those 7 vows but she only remembered the Promise she made to dadaji that she will bring back their lost son.
2. If you really wanted this seperation track why did you give us those scenes of Mahashivaratri. Why did you gave that dialogue to Nivi asking God "I know why you broke my fast because Viren cannot be mine" and why was she happy that Viren was doing pooja with her, if she wanted to leave him after he pours his heart out to his family and accepts his mistakes why was she happy that her husband was celebrating pooja with her.
Please don't think I am forgetting what Viren did to her, I want him to get punished and then restart their lives with a fresh beginning but I am not understanding this logic at all.
Rajanji please tell us did you hire new Creative team or the old team is forgetting what scenes they wrote just last week. I am not able to understand this at all. Nivi & Viren had such a good communication between them even as strangers and now at the crucial stage of their lives they lack that communication, why is that?
Please don't think we viewers only want NivRen romantic scenes, we want scenes which are meaningful, which can build a relation. I am a wife myself and I am not able to digest that their is no communication between these two at all which they need the most right at this moment.
Yesterday, my 12 year old niece was saying "how come Viren did not communicate with Nivi, he spoke with everyone in the family then why didn't he say thanks to her. Isn't it a common courtesy that he should say thanks to her because of her he is back with his family" See a kid could notice that blunder in your story why didn't you see that?
And today the biggest blunder of all, Nivi as we know would have left the Sood house just with the clothes she was wearing, she would never take anything with her which her In laws provided her for past 6 months. What were you thinking giving her a suitcase?
I know these all are small things but it makes big impact on the character. AS I told you yesterday that we know these characters in and out that is the reason we kind of look with a microscope. Please I request you, a sincere request don't you spoil these characters for the sake of TRP's or what ever the story is driven by. We want our characters back with whom we fell in love with, whom we feel not as fictional characters but something close to our hearts.
Thankyou for understanding, I don't know if you ever come here on the forum and read this but I wanted to vent it out, becasue I am not able to enjoy CCBM for past two days. 
I am really sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings with this post.
diyaloveskinny thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Hey Millie, I completely agree with ur post, Each and every thing u have written is true, Please CT consider this and make a continuation in the story,