~Beautiful Sin~SidShi FF: Chapter 30//Pg 108 - Page 44


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lovekwshilpa thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
loved it soooooooooooooo muchhhhhh
u r a gr8888888888 writer
n hws u now
update soonnnnnn
-Harshu- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

I hope u get better soon 😳

Coming to d update

It was a wonderful update 😊

Sid still battling wid his feelings & reasoning himself for his each & every move

I loved d fountain scene <333
It was so simple yet beautiful 😳😳
Really nice to to SidShi back to their old selves
They deserves allllllllllll d happiness 😊

Riddhima - she is jealous of Shilpa
She believes or want to believe dat Sid can't love anyone d way he used to love her. She can't see anyone else taking her place in Sid's life. But she herself is to b blame for dis

My 2nd fav part after d fountain scene is d last part where Haraam 🀒 sees Ridz staring at SidShi & realise dat she don't loves him anymore
I can't tell u how happy I felt after reading those words. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†
U can call me insensitive but I didn't felt bad for him
I love to HATE him & I HATE him wid PASSION

I love love love dis FF <333
The way ur progressing ur story is just BRILLIANT πŸ˜ƒ

Plzz continue soon....

PS - Jenny

Awesome VM 😳
Loved it <333

Edited by sidma_love - 13 years ago
-veena.shona- thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

tht was superb yaar πŸ‘

luvd s transformation of sidshi 😳

u showed it really nicely ⭐️

i cld actually visualise d scene πŸ˜ƒ

luvd sidshi 😳😳

n hated d phorever luvrs 😑😑😑😑

pls torture dem yaar 😑😑😑😑

indian_beauty thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Sidra πŸ€—

Beautiful update, I don't know y u think it's not tht good...I loved it😳

I loved the SidShi fountain scene, it was so simple yet so beautiful😳
and I'm so glad to see SidShi bck in their old self
though Sid is still fighting his feelings and trying to understand y he's feeling lyk this

and Riddhima *SIGH* God this woman has serious issues she needs mental help ASAPπŸ˜›
So she's jealous of Shilpa 
when will this woman understand tht the world doesn't revolve around her

the best part was HORMAAN watching Riddhima and realizing that she doesn't love him anymore....God I loved it 
I HATE tht man so much😑😑😑
I so wanna see him suffer 😑

anyways plz continue soon
and plzzzzzzzzzzzz take care for urself n get well soon😊
Lennie thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Firstly great reading your thoughts Sidra, Jenny, Niki and Cess 😊  i have nothing to add coz like Niki says AR really dont mount to nothing so they should not even be bothered with lol, and yeah hate is a strong word but i dont like them and i dont feel anything for them to give them any feelings or emotions to. 
Cess - you made think of all you said with what Armaan did and how disgusting he really is 🀒 and how he and Ridz totally broke Sid as a person and his whole faith and Ridz, pushing her saviour in the darkness knowinfg full well she has experienced it before and losing someone, but Sid is one strong person, his strength lies in what sort of a person he is, and like Niki said - he can overcome this in a way
Sidra i am loving your writing and everything, you make me love SidShi each time
I am glad both SidShi are back to themselves and let that tension go and both esp Sid trying to figure out what is happened and its good to see using past scenes when he felt like that
As for Ridz, she is getting freaking lol  - she is off her head completely, its getting to the point where she cant handle seeing Shilpa around Sid at all, and its selfish and its her doing her jaap of me me me lol, and i liked that she knew that one question that most ppl would ask why would you leave a man like Sid? and i am not surprised that Shanks eyes and everything says this 
As for Armaan, he deserves it - Shilpa told him to his face when he left what needed to be said and this is the results he is getting now, all i can say is live with it and your phoever love/lust or whatever it is
AR still go around thinking they have done nothing wrong at all, they are not at fault for anything - selfish!!!!!!!
Cess- thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Hey Sidra! Who says this chapter isn't good! It's amazing! I loved it... 

Riddhima. πŸ˜† It's like, as much as I dislike her, I can keep talking about her forever - this word is made for this character! 🀣 I think she doesn't know herself! Maybe she wouldn't be as jealous as she was - had it not been Shilpa - her sister. But she would definitely have some green in her eyes. That's the kind of character I see her to be. More than anything, she can't see anyone get over her - stop loving her. That's her main problem. How could someone who's life was dependent on her smile be so lost in someone else's happiness?

It's funny how much she hated her sister - even in the show. If she were really a good person, she'd have been nice to shilpa. But if she was a good sister, she'd have an unknown connection with Shilpa. She wasn't a good sister or a good person for that matter. I am so amazed she could think so ill of her real sibling. It's like - I can see anyone in this world happy - but not my own sister! She's just nuts! πŸ˜†

I love Sid and Shilpa. I really love them for who they are. And I also love them for who they are to one another. It's crazy how much they understand each other without words. It makes me think they always had feelings, it's just creeping out now. I love the way Sid assured her he is never going to regret his decision. He saved who he wanted to save, and I'm sure that must be just the best thing shilpa has ever heard! I feel so happy for her! πŸ˜† The Malhotra bit was just adorable! It's like Siddhant Modi - the crazy brat - had finally been reincarnated. And what's even more amazing is that he pushed himself to do it, without anyone's force. He just wanted to be happy again - he just wanted to smile with Shilpa! I doubt Sid and Riddhima were ever made for one another. πŸ˜† As much as it sounds so pathetic, for a few moments, I felt like - I just love the DMG ending!! 

Back to being normal! 🀣 I dont love it. But the more I read this FF, I am starting to believe I also dont hate it. It was disgusting, but still... I am coming to terms with it through this FF!! 

The last part though, had to be equally as good as SidShi. Riddhima - the reason you do not share the same relationship with Armaan is because you are not the same person Shilpa is! I don't think she would be able to share a moment like that with Sid too. It's like she is rebelling her life in a sense. She thinks about who she is not with, and in the process, lose the person she is with. Sid only loved her. Now, he only loves Shilpa. He has that concern, and somewhere in his heart there is that love. But it is not outright love - something he proved when he saved Shilpa.

Armaan - I feel bad for him! πŸ˜† But then again, he kinda thought of Shilpa in the same way too didnt he? πŸ€” The problem with these two is - they do not share any love. Simple! πŸ˜† And for armaan's kind info, Riddhima never stopped loving him - she never actually loved him in the first place...

Amazing work Sidra. I truly love this... it's quite obvious... This FF is like a serial on it's own. I wait for it, and I love reading it - Pretty much like how I wait for KMH every day! πŸ˜† You write really well- but you know that already! I'm hoping ur updating soon? Because I wanna watch the next Epi!! πŸ˜†

Jens - I think there is one epi with Sid playing with water? Along with Riddhima when JPJ had that fake water rain on? He was smiling and happy there! πŸ˜† 
JennyPenny thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago
^ Wow, that was a great description?

U know as much as I would want the angle to go that way, is it possible for Armaan to rediscover his feelings for Shilpa, that way shape up Sid's feelings for her even stronger?

A quote dedicated to SidShi<3
Something in my heart tells me that I would have never know love if I hadn't met you
nm21 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Aww! No "thank you"' 's please! Full credit for this addition to the other masterpieces goes to no one but you!! (Your just too nice 😊)
I wish you a speedy recovery mon cherie and don't overdo it! I lovee reading your chapters, but health comes first!

I had already told you that no matter what you wrote, no one would be able to flaw it and I stand by my words, had full faith and you definitely delivered without a doubt, surpassing my expectations...as always.

With regards to the title, I love how "normalcy" epitomises SidShi by the end of the chapter, they'd been going through a little awkward, "don't know where we stand with one another despite being such close friends" phase, the word essentially shows that regardless of the little distances which seemed to be developing between the two post Shilpa seeing Sid and Riddhima together (maybe) but most definitely enhanced by the act of when he saved her instead of Riddhima...they were able to find each other again :) Very very cute-loved it.

Again, regarding the whole post, lovely descriptions, a picture painted before my eyes :)

Riddhima isn't a bad person, she is human. With that said, you would only act possessively over such things you believe belonged to you, were close to you; so much so that you can't stand the possibility of sharing it with another.
This is Riddhima-the "things" close to her are her Dad, Armaan and Sid. We had already witnessed her apprehensions and developing worry when she was of the impression that Armaan had moved on from her...with Shilpa.
I could understand that she would feel the same way about Sid as at some point in her life she felt strongly for him, (most likely) had Armaan not come back, they would have had their own "happily ever after" thus it's pretty intense what she feels.

"How...how does she manage to lure every single person who is important to me?
First Armaan.....now Sid.
But you dont love Sid....you love Armaan. So why does Sids's closeness to Shilpa bother you so much?"

Riddhima is like a little child in a playground, not wanting to share her toys with the other children. The child grows up to learn that "its a two way street" you can't always have everything you want. Riddhima's motive is not to be malicious, she actually does want Sid to be happy, yet her own selfishness comes in the way, simply because of the inimical relationship she has always shared with Shilpa. According to her, Sid can be happy, Sid can gain successes in his professional life and if Sid moved on to be with someone, that would be great too...yes, to see him with another girl would hurt, but it is despicable because that girl is Shilpa=Major problem!

Its horrible to see yourself replaced in another's life, depending on your relationship, the emotions surging within vary, but even if you were ecstatic, somewhere deep down there would also be a pain (even if miniscule it would still exist)

"There had been a time when that intensity had sparked only for Riddhima..........when he only had eyes for her.
No matter where they had been or who had been around them , she had always found him watching her.
Her eyelids shot open and a vicious anger rose within her.
No it just was not possible, Riddhima told herself. He couldnt love anyone else as he had loved her."

Loved the smooth progression of the intensity of Riddhima's emotions in correlation to her thought process regarding SidShi. Wondferfully described...

"Suddenly she spotted her father talking to Shilpa.
He was smiling so happily at her as he shook her hand.
All these years, Riddhima had desperately waited for him to smile at her like that....to see that unconditional love for her shining in his eyes.
And finally she did see it today......but not for her...for Shilpa."

A slap on the face basically. Shanky is a good guy, someone who everyone gives upmost respect to, you'd want Shanky to be happy with you, you'd never want to get on his bad side....Riddhima's relationship with Armaan has always strained her relationship with her father, yet she has always stuck by what she wanted. Shanky tried to help Riddhima forget Armaan and she misconstrued his action as a ploy against her since she was his "stepdaughter". A pretty bizzare allegation, I felt sorry for Shanky at the time. As a daughter, again, she notices someone who could potentially take that place as a daughter whom Shanky is missing in his life.... someone who adhered to what he said, someone he was happy with and happy to talk to.

"Riddhima narrowed her eyes at her "sister".
Loved the use of italics on the word, wow it all sounds so sinister!! Brilliant!

This next part was a an absolute pleasure to read, as a concept I loved the location of where they were, it's all very pretty!, I loved again how Sid is putting aside the supposed meaningless compliments in order to focus on a something which has affected him deeply, despite his denial- Shilpa and their dance.
There has not been a confession from either side therefore he feels ridiculous, "making a mountain of a molehill", the fact that he cannot justify whatever he feels annoys him, he wants answers but he isn't ready to hear them ...not yet anyway.

Loved the flashback, loved is such an understatement! The way you wrote out the whole scenario from Sid's perspective, it was soooo easy for me to comprehend the  direct application of those emotiions from Riddhima to when he had seen Shilpa, seeing someone and immediately being "awestruck" by their presence so much so that you WANT to help them even if you don't acknowledge your relationship with them,  seriously big hug and round of applause Sidra! Beautifully put across  πŸ‘

"............he felt as if he had finally found his destination.

Again denial strikes, he realises that he's placing Riddhima and Shilpa on the same scales, but isn't prepared to read so much into it yet...poor baby. Shilpa being his friend makes it that much harder, once he understands that their relationship is so so much more...he won't be able to get it out his head, "it's better to let these feelings lie before it ruins them (their relationship)" and as expected he goes on to try and justify his actions.
This flowed so well.....you are a fantastic author!

"She sat on a fountain ledge, a wrap around her shoulders, her dress accentuated by the fountain lights, her fingers skimming over the surface of the water....her gaze moving over the tiny ripples her fingers were creating."
Its sounds so fairytale-like, undoubtedly favourite part!!  She sounds gorgeous, the gesture, so feminine, so beautiful- totally did it for me, I love you for this-it stengthens the belief I have in your writing, such an extraordinary vision and presented with such comfortable ease and grace....I totally respect you for it!

Dont you think it's great how Sid desires to sit in a deserted area and is inadvertently led straight to Shilpa, Shilpa has realised her feelings for him thus recognises his presence immediately without even needing to look at him. These guys are meant to be together! Lovely lovely lovely!

"You should have won", he said, his voice low.
(Essentially, hwe thinks there is none more beautiful than her:) -it's great how normal the scenarios are that you place the characters in, Sid's at a slight unease at the minute, he doesn't feel "normal" enough to greet Shilpa with a big hug and a hello, instead he is his genuine self and  uses an unequivocal mean of complimenting her which illustrates everything, simply concluding what he thinks of her at that moment in time, all these thoughts that he has of her ever since he saw her walking down the stairs,  and it makes complete sense...
Both down to earth, she corrects him and he does nothing but agrees 😳 awww....

"It amazed him how words were never needed between them to understand each other..........and it had always been like that even they hadnt been such close friends."

They share such a beautiful bond SidShi, their understanding is their biggest asset, it enables them to trust one another. Again proven by their selfless friendship. The understanding is lost slightly on behalf of Shilpa as she is humble enough to place herself below Riddhima in Sid's life, she doesn't expect anything else which is why it perturbes her and places doubts in her mind when she was made aware that Sid in actual fact chose to save her instead. She knows she loves Sid, but she doesn't want to burden him or impose that on him. No. Instead, even if it hurts her deeply she says, or rather attempts to say,
"Maybe you should have saved her instead of me.................."
if it means that her and Sid will become "normal" again.

"You're right....maybe I should I have", her heart sank as she heard the words she had been dreading," But I could not............I saved the person I wanted to save and I dont have any regrets over it."πŸ˜ƒ

He wondered why.........didnt she know how important she was to him?
Maybe she didnt.........but he knew that he would never be able to express that to her.
Her lips curved into a soft smile and she squeezed his hands, letting him know just how much his words meant to her.

I have to round it up, sorry I'm boring you with this longggg post!! Dear me....
I love your SidShi, everything cleared between the two and they're enjoying each others company again. To see them happy is the bestest feeling because they deserve it. Very nice conclusion to their conversation, the use of the water showing how fun they both are, carefree individuals....great!

And then the two lone soldiers....
She finally asked herself that one question that she had always avoided........that one question which was always present in her father's eyes?
Why had ever let Sid go from her life?

You don't know what you've got, till it's gone=Riddhima.

I actually love and hate Riddhima here, this is what I've always wanted from her, to appreciate Sid for who he is and not what he did for her. Finally, the show didn't portray it, you did, Thank You!

Again apologies for boring you! If you did manage to get to the end then thank you for reading this! Haha, amazing Sidra, I have been waiting silently for the PM for the last few days and was so overjoyed to receive it! Terrific, the FF is second to none! Keep going! Take care
lots of love, N

desi chic thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Sid... I crave the day I will get a chance to just sit back and relish your river of thoughts. Just a few more weeks!... I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope you get well soon *jappies*... and you can never forget how to write, its natural to you...

anmol_sunshine thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
hiiii sidra
plzz take care of ur health..we can wait for update..
about update it was fab job as always
i loved it
sidshi scene was soooooooo simple bt awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
n full with emotions,,,,,,,,
n riddhima😑 its toooooo late riddhima mayiaπŸ˜†
now just live with ur eternal aashiq.......n armaan ye toh hona he thaa us patni chor ke saath..
u r brilliant author..πŸ‘πŸ‘
plzz keep it up
take care