Kaya OS: Bas Haq Hai Ik Mera Last Part/Page-20 - Page 5


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..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: BeautyWidBrain

Wow! Amazing update :)

Please continue soon. :)

Originally posted by: cutemishti

Great start.
Kabir's possessiveness is very cute.
Trying to disguise it with anger.
Continue pls.

Originally posted by: Sagi.

Superb...please continue.

thank you so much girls...
Glad that you liked it :)
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Gouri_Joshi

Hey awesome OS 

Continue soon

Originally posted by: shobha21

Superb OS Ana πŸ‘ loved it.

Please continue.

Originally posted by: onieloveian

So lovely...definitely would love to see it
Jealous Kabir will be a treat to watch

thank you so much dearies...
i hope u will like it further more too :)
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: -zainab

Its awesome. :D
Do continue please. :)
Pm me if you can. xP

Originally posted by: pd786

Loved it

The stories make me love kaya more
Do pm me if you update
And do accept my buddy request
Do continue this 
Waiting for your pm

Originally posted by: akyabiggestfan

Hey...I'm new to this forum..even though I've watched reporters from the very start...

I love your os 
It's really great to see a possessive kabir Sharma...
Please continue soonπŸ˜ƒ

hey dearies...
thank you so much for liking this os...
I am too loving the stories here...reading about kaya really excites me :)
hope u will like it further more too😳
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Fantasia_junkie

Ooohh! Possessive wala love.. 

Jokes apart.. I'd really love to watch something similar happening on the show.. In Ananya's case, seems like we may really get to watch similar stuff.. 
But Mr. Sharma is one tough nut to crack.. 

Would love to read more on how he finally gives in to the temptation.. πŸ˜‰

Please PM me when you post next.. And needless to say, you gotta continue for sure! 

Good luck! 

yup dear
thank you...glad u liked the start...
yup...Mr Sharma is hard but not a stone...
I am not planning to make it too long of a story...lets see till where it goes...
will surly try to pm...😊
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Kabir's POV

"Come into my office right now Ms Kashyap..." I ordered sternly. She just nodded meekly in reply and gathered her things.

"Ronnie...I need those tapes, I asked you to edit before...and Richa, get me the police report about the suicide case" Everyone was back to their work in mere seconds.

Authority. That what I held.

Taking the unusual slow steps rather then her confident quick ones, she approached me and followed in as I turned around and closed my eyes momentarily.

"Control Kabir...You are going to scare her more" Telling myself, I took a deep breath before asking her to take a seat.

Ronnie was quick as he get in after a knock and handed over the CDs to me but his lingering eyes on Ananya, were hard for me to not notice.

And that enraged the already burning blood inside me.

Seeing my glare, Ronnie quickly passed a forced smile and practically ran away.

My eyes then shifted to Ananya, who was just looking down. Her curly hairs were falling on one side of her shoulder, giving me a good glimpse of her other strong one, covered with a strap.

As if the earlier torture of seeing her in the arms of another man wasn't enough.

Till now, I never knew the element of possessiveness was a part of my being.

"Sir?" My eyes moved above to her face now to find her looking back at me, intently.

"Hmm..." Clearing my mind and throat, I pushed the CD in the DVD ROM and turned the screen towards her before getting up and moving into the seat next to her.

"Just note down the things you find unusual in this footage...You are following up this case of Mr Purohit's suicide...Aren't you?" She nodded in approval and get hold of a pen from the pen holder and a notepad from the side.

Pressing the play button, I leaned back into my chair and saw her observing the scenario with deep concentration but somewhere the flow broke and she looked at her watch before resuming.

My eyes instantly raised up to the clock in-front. It was 10PM.

Definitely it was late. I could understand and realize but I so wanted to be get done with this story tonight. An unsolved story would never make me sleep comfortably.

Turning back my focus on screen, I was fully involved before I saw her looking back at her watch and then tapping the pen onto her fingers.

Is it hard for her to spend some time in my presence?. Another reasonable question grew up in my head that somewhere hurt me.

"Anything wrong Ms Kashyap?" Hardness was dripping from my tone.

"Ahh Sir...actually...Maa must have been waiting for me back home...Can I just go out and call her so that she doesn't wait up for me at dinner" She requested with a pleading look.

But then, How will I be Kabir Sharma if I get too emotional?

Smirking inside, I put up a hard facade and replied in a hard tone.

"Ms Kashyap...You just have 10 minutes...If you have to call, go to washroom, eat or whatever...Do it...But once you are back in this room...I want you to put your 100% concentration in this case...Am I clear?"

Getting the seriousness of my tone, she nodded and left holding her mobile.

A smile was hard for me to control seeing her in such fearful state but I can't help it. She looks too adorable.

Leaning back on the chair, I took a deep breath and covered my face with my palms.

"Kabir...You seriously need to control your emotions"


Ananya's POV.

"I don't know what I gonna do now...Its such a big opportunity...to work with him, to learn the tactics on how to solve a case and here am I, feeling all mush and trembling. I...Grrhhh...I so dont know how to sit that close to him and fake ignorance" I chided myself for acting like a jelly.

Though my eyes were trying their best to be focused on screen, my whole body was sweating badly. That was the power of his eyes on me.

Making a genuine excuse, I get out from the room but now while I am out, the unknown emptiness was surrounding my mind.

"Ananya, Are you done? Let's go home?" Ronnie asked me, making me get out from my thoughts.

"Ahh...actually Ronnie...Am not done yet...We...I...I mean, I am working on this serious case with Kabir sir...He needs me...I just came out to call Maa..." I explained my best friend, hoping that he would understand but before I could notice anything or say anything more, Richa and Trisha encircled me.

"Ahaan...Ananya Kashyap gets the opportunity to work with her crush haan..." Trisha punched my shoulder in humor, but her words did make my cheeks turn hot.

"Of-course, who could be better than her to work with Mr Sharma...she is the most hardworking reporter we have...and already just has cracked 3 cases" Richa winked, praising me in a mean manner.

"Stop it yaar...I need to go and call Maa...otherwise, she will get worried" Making quick way out, I moved towards the corner but couldn't help hear Trisha shouting at my back.

"Don't forget to tell aunty that you will be dropped by ever so handsome Kabir Sharma...Atleast, she won't be worried about your safety"

Gosh! Can't she ever keep quite?

Blushing, I dialled Maa's number.


Kabir's POV.

Ananya was still not back...And I felt like, I could use the restroom.

Getting up, I moved out.

Most of the staff had already left the office...And I found that just some broadcasting staff that will be here on night shift were working.

Taking note of it all, I moved towards the restroom when a voice reached my ears.

"Maa...You do know how in this profession we work, right?" Ananya was calming her mom down.

A small pause before she spoke again.

"Ok Maa...stop being worried...You and Armaan go ahead and eat...I will be back home in another hour or two...I have the keys with me so don't stay up" **Pause**

"Offo Maa...You know who stopped me here...Mr Kabir Sharma...He needed me in this case so obviously, he will drop me off back home...If not, I will take a cab...ok...don't worry...Good night" Cutting the call, she took a deep breath while My heart made a small jump.

To hear that she was excited and counting on me to drop her off was making me feel elated. It proves that she trusts me a bit more than I thought.

But the next I saw Richa and Ronnie standing near the exit door, busy in a conversation which was loud enough for me to hear.

"Ronnie...Why don't you tell her that you are in love?" Richa asked him and that instantly alerted me.

Her. As in HER...Ananya.

"Richa...If you can see it than I think even she can see it just by looking at my face...but then, if she chooses to ignore it...I will take it just like that...Her friendship is too important for me to loose over a silly feeling" Ronnie explained as his eyes moved towards a direction.

Turning around, I saw Ananya just clipping her hair above in a catcher and after taking a sip from a mineral water bottle, she moved towards my cabin.

Stopping just before the door, she took a deep breath before getting in.

Just in last 5 minutes, I have observed so many emotions.

Her excitement, her trust, her friendships, her care and above all, her self assessment and bracng herself before making a way into my cabin.

Does this all confirms that she feels the say way or even more of what I have started to feel for her?

She was an ardent reader of my columns, my news. That what I was being aware of.

I was her inspiration in this field. A hero.

But was that infatuation stepping up to another level?

And keeping in view of my past experience in relationships, Can I allow her in?

Edited by ..oneOone.. - 9 years ago
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
PMs list...
Will try to pm if time allows...otherwise, just keep up with the story please :)


Edited by ..oneOone.. - 9 years ago
ttrocks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing start Ana! Plz continue soon
Luv-IKNMP thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ..oneOone..

My all rational clauses and debates about friendship went out the window when I next saw her turning around and hug Ronnie with a warm smile.

The heart inside body just busted with anger while my mind made me go mad with fury.

Seeing Ronnie hands moving behind her on the petite waist, I literally could feel my body own fire.

Leaning close, she whispered something in Ronnie's ear, resulting in a smile to both their faces.

And that was it for me.

Getting up the next second, I marched towards the glass door of my cabin before peeking out and speak in a really dangerous tone.

"Miss Ananya Kashyap..." Hearing my voice, she quickly sprang apart from Ronnie and looked at me with those doe eyes

Those were enough to melt me right away but the next look at Ronnie, made me surprisingly angry once again before I looked back at her.

My eyes then shifted to Ananya, who was just looking down. Her curly hairs were falling on one side of her shoulder, giving me a good glimpse of her other strong one, covered with a strap.

As if the earlier torture of seeing her in the arms of another man wasn't enough.

To hear that she was excited and counting on him to drop her off was making him feel elated. It proves that she trusts him a bit more than he thought.

This was my favorite part!!.. I was just like β˜ΊοΈβ˜ΊοΈβ˜ΊοΈ

Loved your OS Ana!!... πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Pls keep up the fantastic work πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Love ya! 

ttrocks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Off to read part-2! Thanks for the pm Ana πŸ€—
Gouri_Joshi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Brilliant part ana
U should let her in kabir
Update soon
And thanks for the pm
Edited by Gouri_Joshi - 9 years ago